IRS Approved Tax-Exempt Status for Twice as Many Conservative Groups as Liberal Group

So? There were more teabagger groups applying for free money than Liberal groups.

Law of averages.

Which liberal groups had to wait +/- 18 months for a decision?
I don't know - how many?

Are you claiming that no non-teabagger group had to wait?

I'm claiming that TEA party-types had to wait an inordinate amount of time and were put through undo scrutiny.
That is a fact that has been admitted to by everybody in this administration.

I would like to hear from you a list of liberal and/or progressive groups that had to jump through the same hoops.
problem is they aren't telling you how many liberal/progressive groups vs conservative groups applied, nor given you the time frame as to how long the average was for each group to wait.
here we have lerner admitting they WRONGFULLY targeted conservative groups and synthy somehow still denying they did so.

and you have the dishonest hack claiming that the report said unapproved, when in fact, it said inappropriate.

the guy is a loser and a liar.

Um...maybe someone should introduce him to JoeB?

Two peas and all that stuff...
They could not find any liberal groups to go before the house hearings to complain about being targeted.
It was brought up in the hearings.

Why should anybody have to pay taxes for their freedom of speech? That's double taxation.
The truth: Michael Sullivan works for Tax Analysts Review. Here is their proof that mostly conservative groups received tax exemption.*

"Because the IRS is prohibited by law from releasing information on applications either denied or not yet approved, we will probably never know the political persuasions of all of the 298 advocacy cases selected for extra scrutiny and of the additional 170 or so applications selected since then. We can, however, try to assess the political persuasion of the 176 approved organizations that the IRS identified on May 15.

Tax Analysts Review

"As noted, 46 organizations on the May 15 IRS list had "Tea Party," "patriots," or "9/12" in their name.*

Tax Analysts conducted Web searches of the other 130 organizations on the list to determine if the groups were conservative organizations. In 124 cases, we found what we believe is sufficient information to make a good-faith determination whether a group was conservative."

Good faith determination? Lol*

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