IRS coming after people for old tax debts of grandparents or parents

This is going to be bad. If your deceased grandparents or parents owed the IRS, they are coming after your refund. Hundreds of thousands of people will not get the refund they were expecting and could get a bill from the IRS. The statute of limitations was removed.

IRS Seizing Tax Refunds of Children, Grandchildren Over Parents' Decades-Old De | Fox News Insider

The statute was lifted and made possible by one sentence inserted into a 2010 Farm Bill. Clearly, this was not done by a tea party Republican. Most likely, this was an act of a Liberal. If it was a Republican that did it, it was Liberal. I hope you Big Government worshippers are happy.... Americans can be held accountable for mistakes made by bureaucrats ages ago without limitation. Try as you might but this is not something you can blame on conservatives.
This is going to be bad. If your deceased grandparents or parents owed the IRS, they are coming after your refund. Hundreds of thousands of people will not get the refund they were expecting and could get a bill from the IRS. The statute of limitations was removed.

IRS Seizing Tax Refunds of Children, Grandchildren Over Parents' Decades-Old De | Fox News Insider

The statute was lifted and made possible by one sentence inserted into a 2010 Farm Bill. Clearly, this was not done by a tea party Republican. Most likely, this was an act of a Liberal. If it was a Republican that did it, it was Liberal. I hope you Big Government worshippers are happy.... Americans can be held accountable for mistakes made by bureaucrats ages ago without limitation. Try as you might but this is not something you can blame on conservatives.

I thought that Republicans and Liberals were polar opposites.

How can a Republican be a Liberal?

( typed it, not me......................)
Abetter source: Social Security, Treasury target taxpayers for their parents? decades-old debts - The Washington Post

Since the drive to collect on very old debts began in 2011, the Treasury Department has collected $424 million in debts that were more than 10 years old. Those debts were owed to many federal agencies, but the one that has many Americans howling this tax season is the Social Security Administration, which has found 400,000 taxpayers who collectively owe $714 million on debts more than 10 years old. The agency expects to have begun proceedings against all of those people by this summer.
This is fucked up.

Who ever put that into the bill should suffer.

Going after 20 and 30 year old overpayments - that were paid to parents, and the IRS can't even provide the documentation in some cases??

The Federal Trade Commission, on its Web site, advises Americans that “family members typically are not obligated to pay the debts of a deceased relative from their own assets.” But Social Security officials say that if children indirectly received assistance from public dollars paid to a parent, the children’s money can be taken, no matter how long ago any overpayment occurred.

Thirty-six years later, with no notice, “they snatched my Maryland tax refund,” said Verbich, a federal worker who has lived at the same address in Glendale, Md,. for 30 years and regularly receives Social Security statements there. The feds insisted that he owed $172 but could provide no documents to back up the claim.

This should make everyone angry, no matter what side of the aisle you're on.
It's not clear who put it in the bill, but it should be dealt with immediately. Everyone should be in touch with their representatives. This is not fair to anyone.
This is going to be bad. If your deceased grandparents or parents owed the IRS, they are coming after your refund. Hundreds of thousands of people will not get the refund they were expecting and could get a bill from the IRS. The statute of limitations was removed.

IRS Seizing Tax Refunds of Children, Grandchildren Over Parents' Decades-Old De | Fox News Insider

It's a form of theft. I submitted my return in late January and still haven't seen anything while some of my coworkers sent theirs in much later than I but have already gotten their refund. I can life without mine but there are a lot of very poor people who truly need their money.

I started a thread on the same subject last night:
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Good. If the money is owed it should be paid.

See how good you think it is when you are held liable for a mistake a clerk made when you were a child and now you have to pay. See how good you think it is when that refund you were planning is confiscated and you have to hire a lawyer to at least verify and validate before you can even think about getting your money back.
This is going to be bad. If your deceased grandparents or parents owed the IRS, they are coming after your refund. Hundreds of thousands of people will not get the refund they were expecting and could get a bill from the IRS. The statute of limitations was removed.

IRS Seizing Tax Refunds of Children, Grandchildren Over Parents' Decades-Old De | Fox News Insider

The statute was lifted and made possible by one sentence inserted into a 2010 Farm Bill. Clearly, this was not done by a tea party Republican. Most likely, this was an act of a Liberal. If it was a Republican that did it, it was Liberal. I hope you Big Government worshippers are happy.... Americans can be held accountable for mistakes made by bureaucrats ages ago without limitation. Try as you might but this is not something you can blame on conservatives.

I thought that Republicans and Liberals were polar opposites.

How can a Republican be a Liberal?

( typed it, not me......................)

If a Republican did it, it was a Liberal. MEANING = RINOs. I am sure it was not a member of the Tea Party.
Where's obama's pen? Reinstate the law. A little EO could fix that. Except it was probably him that repealed the law in the first place.
Just remember folks, Big Brother always knows what's best for ya. And if you say different, you're a 'Crazy America-Hating, Children-Hating, Puppy-Hating Terrorist.' Have a nice day. ;)
This is the action of a government completely out of control and desperate for money. This is the act of a thugocracy.
Good. If the money is owed it should be paid.

By the originator of said debt, once again this boils down to personal responsibilities. Would you pay any other bills than your own for anything you currently own but someone else failed at some point and time to pay for??

You purchase a house from your father bur find out 20 yrs later that he forgot to make a few payments, the bank did not catch it at closing so do they have the right to come back later to you for the money??

What this boils down to is a way for the politicians to get more money without raising taxes.
Now as some of the other posters have tried to point out, while you needy and greedy are taking from those that have it is all fine and dandy, but when they come for what little you have, you will be the first to scream about unfair ...
Yanno............the basic standard for people getting away with crimes is 7 years.

That is the standard of limitations for almost every crime other than murder or rape.

Wesley Snipes evaded the tax man for almost 7 years.

I wonder how many years Mittens RobMe has gone?
This is going to be bad. If your deceased grandparents or parents owed the IRS, they are coming after your refund. Hundreds of thousands of people will not get the refund they were expecting and could get a bill from the IRS. The statute of limitations was removed.

IRS Seizing Tax Refunds of Children, Grandchildren Over Parents' Decades-Old De | Fox News Insider

It is illegal to force people to pay other people's debts that they had no control over the making of. Unless there is a contract with the children or grandchildren as co-signers, they cannot be legally held responsible for another's debt. This is indecipherable from armed robbery and will be the final blight on the name "Obama"... I used to be somewhat suspicious of tin-foil alarmists that Obama's administration was a fascist state. Not anymore. That scale has done been tipped with this issue in particular.

Meanwhile, filthy rich retirees are living high on the hog using their surplus Social Security incomes [they do not deserve because they do not need] to gamble at casinos and fritter away. Will their kids be required to repay those funds that were overpaid also? The word "social security" means that you get compensated if there is a lack of security. It isn't a government managed retirement fund. If it was, it would be called "Social Guarantee". So they're punishing the disabled and their predictably impoverished offspring? By robbery?

This will be the final straw on the Bundy-style revolutionary zephyrs that are starting to wind up into a supercell tornado storm... You can only saddle the poor and struggling families with so much of the responsibility while the rich classes get richer before the French Revolution goes into autopilot. Hint: we are so close to that point that if you actually knew how close we are as a nation, you'd run for the hills. Time for some humility from the rich and some sacrafices. Game over.
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