IRS coming after people for old tax debts of grandparents or parents

A really weak article, that showed no proof of their assertions.

Megyn Kelly cited a case reported by the Washington Post of a woman named Mary Grice whose father died when she was 4 years old in 1977, leaving her mother with five children. Thirty-seven years later, the Social Security administration is claiming that it overpaid someone in her family, but it isn't sure whom, and is going after Ms. Grice for the alleged debt. Grice is suing.

The Social Security administration is not the IRS, nor is this case example of what the writer is claiming....Bogus indeed....
The changes were made to Section 14219 of the 2008 Farm Bill, not the 2012 Farm Bill (which was basically just an extension of the 2008 Farm Bill). Which means the President at the time was George W. Bush, not Obama. Also, George W. Bush owns no responsibility for this because he never signed the 2008 Farm Bill. It was passed and vetoed by Bush, but his veto was over ridden and it became law.

However, these tactics of seizing tax refunds of children over their parents debts didn’t start until 3 years ago, when the head of the Executive Branch was President Obama. So despite the language passing in 2008, the policy of seizing tax refunds of children for their parents debts didn’t begin until Obama was President, and as such, it is still he who is responsible for this policy change.

Government Confiscating Tax Refunds Of Children Over Parents' Debts - UPDATED | MyFDL

so obama was enforcing laws passed while bush was president....again tell me the differences in the parties?
In order to get the collection statute of limitations clock to begin to run, there first must be an assessment and an assessment date. So if you don’t file a return, or ever get a bill from the IRS, the 10-year period has not even started yet. There must be a tax bill against you. (NOTE: If you never file a return, the IRS has forever to assess as tax against you)
What is the IRS tax debt statute of limitations?
It's pretty much business as usual in DC...
Oh little Sheeple, it's all for your own good... And for the children of course. So shut the hell up and do what you're told! ;)
I don't see how this action passes a Constitutional test. If somebody sues over this I can't see the courts allowing this to continue
Good. If the money is owed it should be paid.

Bullshit ~ Why should anyone owe someone else's taxes that were never paid. The IRS is looking at long gone parents & grandparents income taxes. Then taking any past due taxes out of others refund checks. Big Government is completely out of Control ~~
The changes were made to Section 14219 of the 2008 Farm Bill, not the 2012 Farm Bill (which was basically just an extension of the 2008 Farm Bill). Which means the President at the time was George W. Bush, not Obama. Also, George W. Bush owns no responsibility for this because he never signed the 2008 Farm Bill. It was passed and vetoed by Bush, but his veto was over ridden and it became law.

However, these tactics of seizing tax refunds of children over their parents debts didn’t start until 3 years ago, when the head of the Executive Branch was President Obama. So despite the language passing in 2008, the policy of seizing tax refunds of children for their parents debts didn’t begin until Obama was President, and as such, it is still he who is responsible for this policy change.

Government Confiscating Tax Refunds Of Children Over Parents' Debts - UPDATED | MyFDL

so obama was enforcing laws passed while bush was president....again tell me the differences in the parties?

Bush vetoed the bill which was passed over his veto by a democrat controlled congress and senate.
IRS coming after people for old tax debts of grandparents or parents

If income has been earned on property, financial instruments, businesses, etc., that have passed on, the which have not satisfied earlier government debts, then, yes, the new owners' must pay the debt.
This is not a conservative vs liberal issue. I read about a woman who's tax refund was seized because her parents had been overpaid by SS benefits when she was 3 years old. This is completely ridicules from ANY viewpoint. Do those guys have any common sense at all? Sure, if you inherited a business from your folks who owed taxes on it, then it is fair for them to collect it from the current owner if he is the debtor's child, but 35 year ago SS overpayments?

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