IRS email snafu "mind-boggling", says IT expert

I never thought I'd be living in a nation where the governments most powerful agencies are used as political weapons against it's own people and half the country are okay with it.

I doubt many people would be okay with the IRS targeting anyone for political purposes.

The half of the country you think is "okay with it", have figured out it has nothing to do with Obama, and it is time for the rest of you to catch up.

I think it is sad that some people haven't figured out yet that Obama had nothing to do with whatever they think the IRS did or didn't do. No matter how hard you wish it was so, it isn't so.

If there was wrongdoing, let's get to the bottom of it and discipline the people who fucked up. But when you act like idiots trying to make it about Obama and impeachment, you just alienate half the country with your mindboggling stupidity.

Does Obama have anything to do with anything or does he always pass the buck ?
Why does this remind me of Baghdad Bob?
[ame=]Mohammed Saïd al-Sahaf - YouTube[/ame]
The bottom one is really funny.
[ame=]Mohammed Saïd al-Sahaf - YouTube[/ame]
Soooo, if all emails are only kept for 6 months, as the story now goes, then how did they retrieve the 24,000 which were much older than 6 months recovered?
And they just happen to not be able to recover the other 6 peoples emails the investigators are interested in also just happened to have hard drive crashes?

Anyone that believes all this, particularly since law requires the archiving of all, are sadly, sadly buried so deep in the sand, I don't think there is ever a chance of recovery, even when their heads are pulled out.

By the way, anyone ever dealt with the irs over issues for audits? Did they only have the last 6 months of your records? Of course not. And pretty damning in light of their apparent attempt to state they override everything every 6 months.
This is the kind of Government the Cold War and all the little Hot Wars that went along with it was fought to stop from taking over the World. Looks like we lost!
Man does this administration sound more and more like Nixon. From people saying that the president can do anything he wants to now critical information being destroyed. Wow, if a corporation under investigation tried the same thing they would face sever penalty. But nothing will happen don't worry liberals.

Ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s crashed hard drive has been recycled, making it likely the lost emails of the lightening rod in the tea party targeting controversy will never be found, according to multiple sources.

“We’ve been informed that the hard drive has been thrown away,” Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the top Republican on the Finance Committee, said in a brief hallway interview.

Read more: Sources: Lois Lerner?s emails likely gone forever - Rachael Bade -

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