IRS: How Many Investigations??

Are they going to let the IRS investigate itself? In addition to harassing conservative organizations, testimony indicates that the IRS released personal information about conservative candidates and handed it over to organizations who were in political opposition. The IRS released the names and addresses of farmers and land owners and turned the information over to radical environmental groups. These are felonies and since we can't trust the A.G. it seems that an independent prosecutor is the only way to go.
When he said the IRS won't go over 590 million dollar lotter winner's until they find out if she is a registered Democrat or Republican.

Sure. So did the brain dead leftists on here that are crowing how it shows Issa is playing politics. IT shows it by selectively presenting alleged testimony from a self described conservative republican who never made a campaign contribution that he has no basis for believing the White House was involved. Of course he has no basis for disbelieving it either, which is what makes it a masterpice of agitprop.

Yes, lets see the full testimony of everyone the committee questioned.
Helllooo... the Administration has no real say in who the IRS Director is. That guy was appointed by Boooosh.

I just can't get upset that a bunch of Teabaggers didn't get a tax deduction. Neither are most people.

I'm dead certain you also wouldn't get upset if they were all herded into concentration camps.
Has new evidence emerged since the last time PC spammed the board with this thread?

No. The evidence against the President remains at zero.

Kind of like the evidence he was born in Kenya.

Your post has the aroma of ......fear.

Actually, there are two reasons that I love about your posts:

1. They're invariably incorrect


2. They're about me.

Don't ever change.
Now the IRS is gettin' into the spy business...
IRS Buying Spying Equipment: Covert Cameras in Coffee Trays, Plants
June 10, 2013 – The IRS, currently in the midst of scandals involving the targeting of conservative groups and lavish taxpayer-funded conferences, is ordering surveillance equipment that includes hidden cameras in coffee trays, plants and clock radios.

The clock radio spy cameras are the best. Somebody kept watering the spy plants, and spilling coffee on the spy trays, and ruining them.

But at least the IRS got to write them off as a business expense...
The Daily Caller presents a list of some of our favorite investigations into potential IRS wrongdoing.

Uh oh! The Daily Caller is on the case. Buncha crack investigators, they are. Watch out!

If there is evidence Obama ordered spy coffee trays, they will be the ones to manufact-... er... find it.
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Does every little thing have to be explained to you????

The program was from 2010.

It was designed to blunt the kind of beating the Tea Party was able to provide in the midterm elections....

"President Obama didn’t mince words after Democrats went down to a historic defeat in the midterm elections. In a Nov. 3 press conference, he said, “I’m not recommending for every future President that they take a shellacking like they – like I did last night. I’m sure there are easier ways to learn these lessons.”
The Top 10 political quotes of 2010 - President Obama: ?a shellacking? -

No longer needing the illegal program, the Democrats issued the "My bad" link you provided.

The letter was just to provide cover, and fool the gullible like you.

Get it now?
Has new evidence emerged since the last time PC spammed the board with this thread?

No. The evidence against the President remains at zero.

Kind of like the evidence he was born in Kenya.

that's really all most of you care about, isn't it..

forget the fact this agency is abusing IT'S POWER over the people

no wonder this government feels it can do whatever the hell wants...

Since I said a month ago they should fire the people who were responsible, you're about 100% wrong.

"...they should fire the people who were responsible,..."

Did you realize that the 'people' were in the Oval Office?
Ever notice how the more wrong the inmates are on an issue, the more threads they start about it?

Is that in case nobody has noticed how wrong you are? Or what?

"Ever notice how the more wrong the inmates are on an issue, the more threads they start about it?"

This is one of the more subtle attempts to silence opposition.

...but still the Liberal mode....
that's really all most of you care about, isn't it..

forget the fact this agency is abusing IT'S POWER over the people

no wonder this government feels it can do whatever the hell wants...

Since I said a month ago they should fire the people who were responsible, you're about 100% wrong.

"...they should fire the people who were responsible,..."

Did you realize that the 'people' were in the Oval Office?

PoliticalChic should know. She was there. She heard Obama order it. Just take her word for it.

Evidence schmevidence...
Since I said a month ago they should fire the people who were responsible, you're about 100% wrong.

"...they should fire the people who were responsible,..."

Did you realize that the 'people' were in the Oval Office?

PoliticalChic should know. She was there. She heard Obama order it. Just take her word for it.

Evidence schmevidence...

"In US Criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a popular cultural summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding.

Respectively, they refer to: the ability of the defendant to commit the crime (means), the reason the defendant felt the need to commit the crime (motive), and whether or not the defendant had the chance to commit the crime (opportunity). Opportunity is most often disproved by use of an alibi, which can prove the accused was not able to commit the crime as he or she did not have the correct set of circumstances to commit the crime as it occurred. Motive is not an element of many crimes, but proving motive can often make it easier to convince a jury of the elements that must be proved for a conviction."
Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Play dumb. are dumb.
"...they should fire the people who were responsible,..."

Did you realize that the 'people' were in the Oval Office?

PoliticalChic should know. She was there. She heard Obama order it. Just take her word for it.

Evidence schmevidence...

"In US Criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a popular cultural summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding.

Respectively, they refer to: the ability of the defendant to commit the crime (means), the reason the defendant felt the need to commit the crime (motive), and whether or not the defendant had the chance to commit the crime (opportunity). Opportunity is most often disproved by use of an alibi, which can prove the accused was not able to commit the crime as he or she did not have the correct set of circumstances to commit the crime as it occurred. Motive is not an element of many crimes, but proving motive can often make it easier to convince a jury of the elements that must be proved for a conviction."
Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Play dumb. are dumb.

You are truly retarded. Seriously.

You need a lot more than means, motive, and opportunity to prove guilt, moron. You need EVIDENCE. Dumbass.

From your own link:

Establishing the presence of these three elements is not, in and of itself, sufficient to convict beyond a reasonable doubt; the evidence must prove that an opportunity presented was indeed taken by the accused and for the crime with which he or she is charged.

Stupid fuck.

Thanks for proving the very point I made the other day that rubes like yourself don't ask for evidence when it is about something they want to believe. You make shit up without any evidence. Yet, when it was reported the person who initiated the IRS extra scrutiny of right wing organizations was a Republican, there were all kinds of demands for evidence.

Hypocrites in the extreme.

You made a fantastic leap without a shred of evidence, in plain sight of everyon here.

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Since I said a month ago they should fire the people who were responsible, you're about 100% wrong.

"...they should fire the people who were responsible,..."

Did you realize that the 'people' were in the Oval Office?

PoliticalChic should know. She was there. She heard Obama order it. Just take her word for it.

Evidence schmevidence...

yeah we already know the Buck NEVER stops with Obama..He gave his response, he's outraged and not another thing from him about the abuse of power on the people of this agency and a few others under his RULE..I guess when you're King you don't worry yourself over LITTLE THINGS
"...they should fire the people who were responsible,..."

Did you realize that the 'people' were in the Oval Office?

PoliticalChic should know. She was there. She heard Obama order it. Just take her word for it.

Evidence schmevidence...

yeah we already know the Buck NEVER stops with Obama..He gave his response, he's outraged and not another thing from him about the abuse of power on the people of this agency and a few others under his RULE..I guess when you're King you don't worry yourself over LITTLE THINGS

You need to learn the difference between RESPONSIBILITY and BREAKING THE LAW. "The Buck Stops Here" does not mean "I ordered the law to be broken".

Jesus H. Christ.

If you are the boss, you are responsible for what goes on in your organization.

If one of your underlings breaks the law, it does not necessarily follow you ordered it. But you are responsible for taking the appropriate corrective action, initiate a lessons learned investigation, and perhaps even need to take responsibility for hiring someone who turned out to be a crook.

Haven't any of you people ever been in charge of anything? The ease with which you manufacture bogus guilt is astonishing. It because of disphits like you and PoliticalChickenshit we have the fourth and fifth amendments.
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It's my understanding that the "Teabagger" and "Patriot" focus may have been part of a Republican "civil war;" that, in fact, the IRS focus occured at the behest of mainstream Republicans that wanted to undermine the right wing radicals of the Tea Party bands.
Hell, if I were Obama and the Democrats I would encourage the tea party to have more power. It causes Republican infighting and cost the Republican party the Senate.
It's my understanding that the "Teabagger" and "Patriot" focus may have been part of a Republican "civil war;" that, in fact, the IRS focus occured at the behest of mainstream Republicans that wanted to undermine the right wing radicals of the Tea Party bands.

gawd, the right wing radicals of the Tea Party..I mean really when you are as old as some of the people we have seen at their rallies and they have their own thoughts on Politics, that MAKE THEM RADICAL
you have a LABEL for anyone you people don't AGREE with in Politics..that's that tolerance you crow about
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A lie is halfway around the world before the Truth can get its pants on.

Investigations take time. However, a rube's fragile mind asphyxiates in an information vaccum. And so those lesser people who are intellectually challenged will invent "facts", make fantastic leaps to conclusions, and begin taking a raft of lies onboard which have been fed to them by their partisan masters. Rubes believe the more you repeat something, the more true it becomes, which is why we see the same subject generate hundreds of threads here.

By the time any investigation is concluded, the retards will have already created their own faux "truth", and anything which disagrees with their belief system is rejected offhand.

We saw this in full technicolor bloom with Benghazi, and now with the IRS scandal. Pretty much every "scandal" you can name in the past 15 years.

Rubes are not interested in the truth or they would wait for facts. This is how they give themselves away. They claim to want to know the truth, but their actions and statements demonstrate their true character.
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