IRS Official Did Nothing Wrong White House Says


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Jul 21, 2009

This latest response puts the lie to everything Obama has said last week, his firing of the "ACTING" IRS commissioner, everything.

Now they claim this is all just a GOP witch-hunt. just can't get any more dishonest than these people are.


The White House is standing behind the woman who led the Internal Revenue Service’s tax-exempt division while it targeted conservative groups — the same official who now runs the part of the agency charged with implementing “Obamacare.”

“No one has suggested that she did anything wrong yet,” said White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer, speaking on “Fox News Sunday.”Mr. Pfeiffer added that no one should jump to conclusions about whether Sarah Hall Ingram, given a promotion at the IRS as the agency’s singling out of tea party and conservative groups began to come to light, was directly involved in any wrongdoing.

Actually everyone has already admitted she did something wrong. They just were able to get her out of there before the heat came down.

“Before everyone in this town convicts this person in the court of public opinion with no evidence, let’s actually get the facts and make decisions after that,” Mr. Pfeiffer said. “There’s nothing that suggests she did anything wrong.”

There will be a top-down investigation of the IRS, he added, and Ms. Ingram’s role will be examined as part of that probe. Ms. Ingram served as the head of the agency’s tax-exempt division from 2009 to 2012. Her successor, Joseph Grant, already has announced his retirement, despite taking the job only a few weeks ago.

By keeping Ms. Ingram in place, the administration is fueling criticism from those who say this IRS, which admittedly targets Americans based on their political beliefs, should never be put in charge of health care reform.

“This is just rotten to the core,” said Rep. Paul Ryan, Wisconsin Republican and the party’s 2012 vice presidential candidate. “This is arrogance. This is big-government cronyism. This is not what hardworking taxpayers deserve. People deserve a government they can trust.”

This Pfeiffer asshole is the same guy I saw this morning making a ton of false accusations against the GOP. He's a better liar than most of the rest of the Administration's spokepeople, but he's a liar plain and simple.

Read more: White House aide: 'Nothing that suggests' IRS official at center of scandal 'did anything wrong' - Washington Times
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Obama said he was mad as hell.

Now he says nobody can prove anything.

This latest response puts the lie to everything Obama has said last week, his firing or the "ACTING" IRS commissioner, everything.

Now they claim this is all just a GOP witch-hunt. just can't get any more dishonest than these people are.


The White House is standing behind the woman who led the Internal Revenue Service’s tax-exempt division while it targeted conservative groups — the same official who now runs the part of the agency charged with implementing “Obamacare.”

“No one has suggested that she did anything wrong yet,” said White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer, speaking on “Fox News Sunday.”Mr. Pfeiffer added that no one should jump to conclusions about whether Sarah Hall Ingram, given a promotion at the IRS as the agency’s singling out of tea party and conservative groups began to come to light, was directly involved in any wrongdoing.

Actually everyone has already admitted she did something wrong. They just were able to get her out of there before the heat came down.

“Before everyone in this town convicts this person in the court of public opinion with no evidence, let’s actually get the facts and make decisions after that,” Mr. Pfeiffer said. “There’s nothing that suggests she did anything wrong.”

There will be a top-down investigation of the IRS, he added, and Ms. Ingram’s role will be examined as part of that probe. Ms. Ingram served as the head of the agency’s tax-exempt division from 2009 to 2012. Her successor, Joseph Grant, already has announced his retirement, despite taking the job only a few weeks ago.

By keeping Ms. Ingram in place, the administration is fueling criticism from those who say this IRS, which admittedly targets Americans based on their political beliefs, should never be put in charge of health care reform.

“This is just rotten to the core,” said Rep. Paul Ryan, Wisconsin Republican and the party’s 2012 vice presidential candidate. “This is arrogance. This is big-government cronyism. This is not what hardworking taxpayers deserve. People deserve a government they can trust.”

This Pfeiffer asshole is the same guy I saw this morning making a ton of false accusations against the GOP. He's a better liar than most of the rest of the Administration's spokepeople, but he's a liar plain and simple.

Read more: White House aide: 'Nothing that suggests' IRS official at center of scandal 'did anything wrong' - Washington Times
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An attempt to tie everything together and persuade the media to bury the story.
Not going to work.
This is NOT going away.

This latest response puts the lie to everything Obama has said last week, his firing or the "ACTING" IRS commissioner, everything.

Now they claim this is all just a GOP witch-hunt. just can't get any more dishonest than these people are.


The White House is standing behind the woman who led the Internal Revenue Service’s tax-exempt division while it targeted conservative groups — the same official who now runs the part of the agency charged with implementing “Obamacare.”

“No one has suggested that she did anything wrong yet,” said White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer, speaking on “Fox News Sunday.”Mr. Pfeiffer added that no one should jump to conclusions about whether Sarah Hall Ingram, given a promotion at the IRS as the agency’s singling out of tea party and conservative groups began to come to light, was directly involved in any wrongdoing.

Actually everyone has already admitted she did something wrong. They just were able to get her out of there before the heat came down.

“Before everyone in this town convicts this person in the court of public opinion with no evidence, let’s actually get the facts and make decisions after that,” Mr. Pfeiffer said. “There’s nothing that suggests she did anything wrong.”

There will be a top-down investigation of the IRS, he added, and Ms. Ingram’s role will be examined as part of that probe. Ms. Ingram served as the head of the agency’s tax-exempt division from 2009 to 2012. Her successor, Joseph Grant, already has announced his retirement, despite taking the job only a few weeks ago.

By keeping Ms. Ingram in place, the administration is fueling criticism from those who say this IRS, which admittedly targets Americans based on their political beliefs, should never be put in charge of health care reform.

“This is just rotten to the core,” said Rep. Paul Ryan, Wisconsin Republican and the party’s 2012 vice presidential candidate. “This is arrogance. This is big-government cronyism. This is not what hardworking taxpayers deserve. People deserve a government they can trust.”

This Pfeiffer asshole is the same guy I saw this morning making a ton of false accusations against the GOP. He's a better liar than most of the rest of the Administration's spokepeople, but he's a liar plain and simple.

Read more: White House aide: 'Nothing that suggests' IRS official at center of scandal 'did anything wrong' - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

An attempt to tie everything together and persuade the media to bury the story.
Not going to work.
This is NOT going away.

David Gregory on "Meet The Depressed" was hammering anyone who wasn't on the side if the White House in this. Dan Pfeiffer, he let him make all kinds of false accusations about Republicans in Congress.

I was listening to it and rolling my eyes. Fucken pathetic.
But Obama said I was suppposed to be mad too. Did I miss the latest talking points re-write ?
You's times like this when we really need Waterboarding.:cool:
The public is against them on this. It doesn't matter what the media does now. The more they lie the worse it looks for them.

I believe this is a start of a siege mentality in the White House. Not even 6 months into his second term no less. This is gonna be a long Summer.
You's times like this when we really need Waterboarding.:cool:

Don't you know? Waterboarding is much worse than killing people with drones.

Too bad Obama isn't dictator supreme leader for life so he can just take out the naysayers with drones. It's so hard not to be king.
An anonymous source working in the Cincy office said the following:

As could be expected, the folks in the determinations unit on Main Street have had trouble concentrating this week. Number crunchers, whose work is nonpolitical, don’t necessarily enjoy the spotlight, especially when the media and the public assume they’re engaged in partisan villainy.

“We’re not political,’’ said one determinations staffer in khakis as he left work late Tuesday afternoon. “We people on the local level are doing what we are supposed to do. . . . That’s why there are so many people here who are flustered. Everything comes from the top. We don’t have any authority to make those decisions without someone signing off on them. There has to be a directive.”


Anonymous Cincinnati IRS official: ?Everything comes from the top.? |

This latest response puts the lie to everything Obama has said last week, his firing or the "ACTING" IRS commissioner, everything.

Now they claim this is all just a GOP witch-hunt. just can't get any more dishonest than these people are.

Actually everyone has already admitted she did something wrong. They just were able to get her out of there before the heat came down.

This Pfeiffer asshole is the same guy I saw this morning making a ton of false accusations against the GOP. He's a better liar than most of the rest of the Administration's spokepeople, but he's a liar plain and simple.

Read more: White House aide: 'Nothing that suggests' IRS official at center of scandal 'did anything wrong' - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

An attempt to tie everything together and persuade the media to bury the story.
Not going to work.
This is NOT going away.

David Gregory on "Meet The Depressed" was hammering anyone who wasn't on the side if the White House in this. Dan Pfeiffer, he let him make all kinds of false accusations about Republicans in Congress.

I was listening to it and rolling my eyes. Fucken pathetic.

Thats fine..........

Heres the poop.........anybody with even the political IQ of a small soap dish knows that all of this shit blowing up at the same time is no accident. And isnt if funny that it all happens suddenly when the noose was tightening with Benghazi. Not to me........:eusa_dance:

When you see a bunch of prominent lefties come out this past week and publically hammer Obama, something is in the wind. The big boys are pissed at Obama because he's not playing ball........

This is a brilliant analysis.......

Stunner: who is suddenly telling liberal jackals to attack Obama? | Jon Rappoport's Blog

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