IRS Plans to Hire Gun-Carrying Special Agents and Authorized Arrests in All 50 States

Well, if they shoot my trained German Shepherd inside guarding against unexpected (hell, sometimes expected) entry, it's on, and that hallway is a natural deathtrap, narrow (too narrow for effective covering fire), straight at the living room end and 90 degree inset at master bedroom end. It would be far less dangerous to just write me a letter, calling me in with my tax records.
Sorry bout that,

1.They will mow you the down cast like anyone.
2. Your just weeds to their mowers.
3. I don't think you are aware you're now targeted.
4. But anyway, when they do we will be *OUTRAGED!*
5. Its sad your dog will be killed.

Last edited:
You show a lot of nerve talking about other people's brains and integrity, while choosing to live in Washington state, one of the left wing capital states of autonomous zones put up with state government approval, very low support of business or taxpayers, while bending over backwards for protesters, while the homeless drug addicts are given reign over the parks in your once beautiful cities, but no more, now filled with the homeless, the litter, the drug needles (supplied by the state?), all supported willingly by the sheep, by your tax dollars, rather than taking a stand.

For a start, I was born and raised in this State and it has been my home for over 70 years. I'm not happy or content on how it has degenerated into 'Woke'~Leftist~Socialism-communism domination of our governments and directions of their agendas.

Situations like this usually leave one four choices;
1) Go along with the flow and accept the direction of "change" and Agendas.
2) Go indifferent and 'could care less', be as you put it 'sheep'.
3) Run away to another state that is more Conservative. As the saying goes, "You can run and/or hide, but eventually They will find you". Such is what we saw with Colorado which once was a strong Conservative State per how it voted, but a concerted effort by the Left has turned it into another stronghold of the 'Woke' Insurrection(Tyranny).
I'd suggest you read and study this book;

The Blueprint: How the Democrats Won Colorado ...

It is happening in many other States, including my Home, Washington.
4) Resist and do everything you can, for now legally and within the Law*, to redress and change course.
*(Blood may flow in the streets later if things become extreme enough to warrant.)**

A case in point from history: During our War For Independence (from English colonial rule);
About one third of the colonists supported 'The Crown'/England = Tories.
About another third supported the Revolution for Independence via fighting or other means.
And the final third was "independent", flexing toward whom ever seemed to be winning or did the best 'propaganda' to win such to their side.

That demographic breakout has been rather constant in our Nation's history and remains so today.

For example, in my county(Whatcom) we presented three strong conservative candidates in the last election for representation in the State Legislature in Olympia (state capital). Two House and one Senate, the Senate seatbeing an incumbent. As it developed, the Democrats won all three, but only by a couple hundred votes, if the ballots and election were legitimate.

I've been active with the local Republican Party, and other Conservative organizations for several years now. I "walk the walk", not just "talk the talk". Our data from past elections show that we had a few thousand voters in our county whom in the past have voted Conservative/Republican, but this time chose not to vote! This in a state where ballots are mailed to voters and can be returned by mail ~ how much easier could voting get? Had just a few hundred of them voted, we conservatives might have won the local elections as well as our state reps one.

"Democracy"/Representative Republics only work when citizens are involved and vote. Too lately we have seen those whom would likely vote conservative, give up, claim their vote doesn't count, or some other excuse not to participate. This is what has happened in Washington State as in the past we have been hosted to conservative governments in most times. Things have changed and shifted, and those of us here whom have sweat and soil equity invested need to continue the fight and resistance. "Running away" is not a viable option, especially when we have children and grandchildren living here and what to provide a better future of liberty and prosperity for them than what the degenerate Left is trying to impose.

Bottom line is I've been dealing with other people's minds/brains and integrity, along with participation for years now. Contrary to the frequent cop-out attitude, the two major parties are not the same, both have widely divergent agendas and platforms, and those whom think there is no difference or reason to support and vote for one or the other are the major part of the problem (along with ignorant, stupid, dumb, or all the above). As the saying goes, "In order for Evil to succeed, good men must do nothing to oppose."

So what's your excuse for getting your knickers in a knot?

** The Left (AntiFa, BLM, etc.) have pushed it close to the edge where bullets rather than ballots may be needed.
For a start, I was born and raised in this State and it has been my home for over 70 years. I'm not happy or content on how it has degenerated into 'Woke'~Leftist~Socialism-communism domination of our governments and directions of their agendas.

Situations like this usually leave one four choices;
1) Go along with the flow and accept the direction of "change" and Agendas.
2) Go indifferent and 'could care less', be as you put it 'sheep'.
3) Run away to another state that is more Conservative. As the saying goes, "You can run and/or hide, but eventually They will find you". Such is what we saw with Colorado which once was a strong Conservative State per how it voted, but a concerted effort by the Left has turned it into another stronghold of the 'Woke' Insurrection(Tyranny).
I'd suggest you read and study this book;

The Blueprint: How the Democrats Won Colorado ...

It is happening in many other States, including my Home, Washington.
4) Resist and do everything you can, for now legally and within the Law*, to redress and change course.
*(Blood may flow in the streets later if things become extreme enough to warrant.)**

A case in point from history: During our War For Independence (from English colonial rule);
About one third of the colonists supported 'The Crown'/England = Tories.
About another third supported the Revolution for Independence via fighting or other means.
And the final third was "independent", flexing toward whom ever seemed to be winning or did the best 'propaganda' to win such to their side.

That demographic breakout has been rather constant in our Nation's history and remains so today.

For example, in my county(Whatcom) we presented three strong conservative candidates in the last election for representation in the State Legislature in Olympia (state capital). Two House and one Senate, the Senate seatbeing an incumbent. As it developed, the Democrats won all three, but only by a couple hundred votes, if the ballots and election were legitimate.

I've been active with the local Republican Party, and other Conservative organizations for several years now. I "walk the walk", not just "talk the talk". Our data from past elections show that we had a few thousand voters in our county whom in the past have voted Conservative/Republican, but this time chose not to vote! This in a state where ballots are mailed to voters and can be returned by mail ~ how much easier could voting get? Had just a few hundred of them voted, we conservatives might have won the local elections as well as our state reps one.

"Democracy"/Representative Republics only work when citizens are involved and vote. Too lately we have seen those whom would likely vote conservative, give up, claim their vote doesn't count, or some other excuse not to participate. This is what has happened in Washington State as in the past we have been hosted to conservative governments in most times. Things have changed and shifted, and those of us here whom have sweat and soil equity invested need to continue the fight and resistance. "Running away" is not a viable option, especially when we have children and grandchildren living here and what to provide a better future of liberty and prosperity for them than what the degenerate Left is trying to impose.

Bottom line is I've been dealing with other people's minds/brains and integrity, along with participation for years now. Contrary to the frequent cop-out attitude, the two major parties are not the same, both have widely divergent agendas and platforms, and those whom think there is no difference or reason to support and vote for one or the other are the major part of the problem (along with ignorant, stupid, dumb, or all the above). As the saying goes, "In order for Evil to succeed, good men must do nothing to oppose."

So what's your excuse for getting your knickers in a knot?

** The Left (AntiFa, BLM, etc.) have pushed it close to the edge where bullets rather than ballots may be needed.
I don't wear knickers (whatever they are, not sure I have seen them) and have no knots. I just consider sources, like you, without standing to talk about others, as you are certainly not in a position of superior judgement, as you have shown what you are willing to put up with. Personal complacency at home while condemning others, for what you with, while the person you conceitedly deride does not, is unbecoming at of you, at best. I am sorry you live in a left coast, left wing state, for whatever reason or length of time, though still your choice ,but I reject your opinion as he who lives in a glass house should not cast stones, with no knowledge of where they strike.
Is it new? I really don't expect them to be breaking down my door, so they don't worry me.
Since you whined about my earlier post using this one as a generic segue to relate variants of topic, maybe this will make the point clearer to you;
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
I don't wear knickers (whatever they are, not sure I have seen them) and have no knots. I just consider sources, like you, without standing to talk about others, as you are certainly not in a position of superior judgement, as you have shown what you are willing to put up with. Personal complacency at home while condemning others, for what you with, while the person you conceitedly deride does not, is unbecoming at of you, at best. I am sorry you live in a left coast, left wing state, for whatever reason or length of time, though still your choice ,but I reject your opinion as he who lives in a glass house should not cast stones, with no knowledge of where they strike.
"knickers" is a term more common to the Brits/UK for underwear: panties, briefs, skivvies, boxers, etc. are similar terms. Getting such in knots is another phrase about undo and useless alarm over something.

Cutting to the chase, the other Washington (D.C.) is as bad or worse than my state, but I don't plan on leaving this nation to find someplace better (which likely doesn't exist anyway). I stay here "in country" and work on both local/state and nation agenda since the methods and solutions are the same. Your post provide a segue means to address a broader and related topic that you touched on. I was using your post as a generic reference point, but guess I forgot how touchy you can be, especially when you fail to grasp content and context.
"knickers" is a term more common to the Brits/UK for underwear: panties, briefs, skivvies, boxers, etc. are similar terms. Getting such in knots is another phrase about undo and useless alarm over something.

Cutting to the chase, the other Washington (D.C.) is as bad or worse than my state, but I don't plan on leaving this nation to find someplace better (which likely doesn't exist anyway). I stay here "in country" and work on both local/state and nation agenda since the methods and solutions are the same. Your post provide a segue means to address a broader and related topic that you touched on. I was using your post as a generic reference point, but guess I forgot how touchy you can be, especially when you fail to grasp content and context.
Got to admit, DC is actually a worse sewer, politically. Also got to point out, the local methods and solutions, should not be the same, as local politics and local management is better when selection of leadership not adhering to national political leadership agenda, similarly to business management.
Got to admit, DC is actually a worse sewer, politically. Also got to point out, the local methods and solutions, should not be the same, as local politics and local management is better when selection of leadership not adhering to national political leadership agenda, similarly to business management.
By "solutions are the same" I mean it depends largely on the persons in charge, making decisions and setting policy. Common sense policy at local leave is little different from common sense policy at national level other than scale.
Vote Democrat to hold local office and national office and double the damage.
Look at the job description they must be required and qualified to do.

Arming the IRS makes sense to me. Since so many states have enacted gun laws allowing everybody to carry a gun.
By "solutions are the same" I mean it depends largely on the persons in charge, making decisions and setting policy. Common sense policy at local leave is little different from common sense policy at national level other than scale.
Vote Democrat to hold local office and national office and double the damage.
Somehow, common sense no longer seems to scale up national politics or political parties, just like national politics and national party agenda, do not scale down to affectively manage at the local level, with real people, real needs, limited budgets, where people in the community are actually affected in their day-to-day life. It actually takes people of character, knowledge and intelligence in office at the community level, not some high political schmuck, inline with the national party. Political party-line people caught up in supporting the party flag forget this.
Look at the job description they must be required and qualified to do.

They are already going after waiters and waitresses and Ebay sellers, those damned one percenters! These people all must be making over 400K because Biden wouldn't lie to us.
yeah but what if the nation goes broke and you lose your welfare check and have to get a job
Have never been on welfare. Guess we'll just stick with our retirements and investments, as we have been.
Look at the job description they must be required and qualified to do.

Duh. The IRS raids drug rings all the time. You want them to arrest drug kingpins with water pistols?

And of course it is all 50 states. They are a FEDERAL agency.

From your link:

The agency is hiring at least 360 armed agents in 249 locations around the country, according to the job posting.

360 armed agents. Not the 80,000 your propagandists lied to you about. Again.

The charges are being announced today following a week-long effort by federal agents, in conjunction with state and local law enforcement partners in Indiana, California, Kentucky, and Florida, to arrest the charged defendants and seize drugs and drug proceeds. Over the past seven days, authorities have arrested ten of the defendants, executed search warrants at twenty-three different locations in three states, and executed seizure warrants on over a dozen bank accounts and a trove of high-end jewelry. Five defendants remain at large.
To date in this investigation, authorities have seized or restrained nearly $40 million in drugs, alleged drug proceeds, and assets purchased with drug proceeds. Authorities have seized over three tons of marijuana and THC-containing products, valued at over $10 million, along with over a dozen firearms.


Zachary A. Myers, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana, Justin Campbell, Special Agent in Charge of IRS-Criminal Investigation Chicago Field Office, and Michael Gannon, Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the DEA's Indianapolis Field Office made the announcement.

It's amazing there are dumb c*nts in this topic who think the IRS should not be armed. They really need to stop being stupid cucks mindlessly parroting what their propagandists tell them to.
Wow, my mediafactcheck tool just beat the Voager space crafts to the alpha centari. And it just keeps on going. Danged, I haven't seen anything this RWing and Conspiracy ever. This is listed as a fake news site.

The Gateway Pundit



  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.

Detailed Report​

Questionable Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News, Numerous Failed Fact Checks
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


The Gateway Pundit publishes extremely right-biased news and commentary that promotes conspiracy theories and the routine publication of falsehoods (see analysis). The website was founded by Jim Hoft in 2004 to “speak the truth” and to “expose the wickedness of the left.”

According to their about page, “The Gateway Pundit is one of the top political websites. It is consistently ranked as one of the top political blogs in the nation. TGP has been cited by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, Mark Levin, FOX Nation, and several international news organizations.”

On 6/6/2021, The Gateway Pundit was moved to Very-Low factual reporting based on failed facts on a near-daily basis.

On 6/20/2021, The Gateway Pundit wrote a negative article about Media Bias Fact Check – Bogus Fact-Check Site Used by Google Lists All Conservative Outlets as “Low Credibility” – But Lists All Far Left and Liberal Mainstream Outlets as High Credibility. A usual this is full of misinformation. First, we have numerous left-biased sources listed as questionable and low credibility. Further, as far as we know we are not used by Google.

On 12/2/2021, it was announced that two election workers in Georgia are suing The Gateway Pundit for conducting “a campaign of lies” that “instigated a deluge of intimidation, harassment, and threats that has forced them to change their phone numbers, delete their online accounts, and fear for their physical safety.”
All you have to do is check the link lefty retard,

Key Requirements​

  • Be a U.S. citizen
  • Be 21 years of age by the time that you complete the training academy and no older than 37 years of age at time of appointment.
  • Qualify based on education, specialized experience, or a combination of the two.
  • Possess a valid driver’s license.
  • Pass a background and criminal history record check.
  • Pass a pre-employment medical exam.
  • Pass a pre-employment drug test.
  • Pass a pre-employment tax examination.
  • Be legally allowed to carry a firearm.

Major Duties​

  • Adhere to the highest standards of conduct, especially in maintaining honesty and integrity.
  • Work a minimum of 50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends.
  • Maintain a level of fitness necessary to effectively respond to life-threatening situations on the job.
  • Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.
  • Carry a firearm; must be prepared to protect him/herself or others from physical attacks at any time and without warning and use firearms in life-threatening situations; must be willing to use force up to and including the use of deadly force.
Twenty arrested, charged in "Operation Shut Down Corner"

The operation – which involved more than 150 agents and officers from the North Texas OCEDTF Strike Force – focused on Hamilton Park, a north Dallas neighborhood that has long been plagued by crime driven by a violent gang known as the Hamilton Park Posse.

During the investigation, DEA agents and their law enforcement partners seized 37 guns, 220 lbs. of drugs (including cocaine, fentanyl-laced counterfeit pills, methamphetamine, and marijuana), $420,000 in assets (including U.S. currency, vehicles, and jewelry).


Many of the defendants arrested in Operation Shut Down Corner have extensive criminal histories and have faced charges including aggravated assault, battery, robbery, theft, forgery, drug possession, weapon possession, and terroristic threats.
All you have to do is check the link lefty retard,

Key Requirements​

  • Be a U.S. citizen
  • Be 21 years of age by the time that you complete the training academy and no older than 37 years of age at time of appointment.
  • Qualify based on education, specialized experience, or a combination of the two.
  • Possess a valid driver’s license.
  • Pass a background and criminal history record check.
  • Pass a pre-employment medical exam.
  • Pass a pre-employment drug test.
  • Pass a pre-employment tax examination.
  • Be legally allowed to carry a firearm.

Major Duties​

  • Adhere to the highest standards of conduct, especially in maintaining honesty and integrity.
  • Work a minimum of 50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends.
  • Maintain a level of fitness necessary to effectively respond to life-threatening situations on the job.
  • Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.
  • Carry a firearm; must be prepared to protect him/herself or others from physical attacks at any time and without warning and use firearms in life-threatening situations; must be willing to use force up to and including the use of deadly force.
Do you want them to go up against violent drug gangs with jelly beans?
Since you whined about my earlier post using this one as a generic segue to relate variants of topic, maybe this will make the point clearer to you;
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
First they came for the violent drug dealers
And I did not speak out...
I don't wear knickers (whatever they are, not sure I have seen them) and have no knots. I just consider sources, like you, without standing to talk about others, as you are certainly not in a position of superior judgement, as you have shown what you are willing to put up with. Personal complacency at home while condemning others, for what you with, while the person you conceitedly deride does not, is unbecoming at of you, at best. I am sorry you live in a left coast, left wing state, for whatever reason or length of time, though still your choice ,but I reject your opinion as he who lives in a glass house should not cast stones, with no knowledge of where they strike.

So says someone that voted for biden and all the shit you were spouting about. :rolleyes:

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