IRS says there is no rule against releases tax returns during an audit

New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.

There's no requirement to release them. But I see our favorite la raza poster is still having problems in his ESL class, maybe you should get your instructor to help you write your titles.
You guys are hypocrites, leveling one standard for your candidate and another for the opposition. Double standard. HYPOCRITE.
You're just pissed because you can't climb up his ass and sniff around. He's too smart to let you. Hillary's salary is a public record but we don't even know what she said to bankers for $250k for 20 minutes speeches, for example. We know she made the money but anyone with half a brain knows there is more to the story.

Where's the outcry from the left? Sure looks like cronyism to me. The hypocrisy is all yours.
I'm not the FBI and they found problems. The fact they didn't indict her indicates that they are in fact the FBI, not the justice department, who would be the ones tasked with indicting or not. The chances of Democrats indicting their candidate for president is right up there with John Lennon making a come back.

You know the Justice Department had already publicly agreed to take what ever recommendation the FBI made. We all knew it was the FBI's call. Of course you will continue to ignore that fact.

All Executive Branch agencies have been compromised.

Got it. Another big conspiracy.

Consider their behavior.

Right. Do they award new tin foil hats when you come up with these silly theories?

2 + 2 = 4
When the current head of the IRS, who is GUILTY of PERJURY, Targeting Americans, Obstruction of Justice, & Impeding an Investigation - for starters - steps down and / or goes to jail Trump should think about releasing his Tax Returns.

Then again, F* it - let the Libs :crybaby:.

I love how the fringe Left keeps harping on this. I hope Trump never releases it and by not doing so dispels yet another popular myth of politics.
Keeps 'harping' on the fact he has not released his tax returns as ALL other presidential candidates have in current times? What's it show about him? He's hiding something. You people are fools to fall for this conman's routine.
it's not a requirement like a birth certificate.
Why do you defend this conman? If a Democratic candidate refused to release his/her tax returns, you'd be vilifying that person. Hypocrite or what?
well until you can find where I ever made a comment like that you might have a point. but now your just projecting your thoughts about what if. So the question is, is it a requirement to show tax returns? Where did that start do you supposed?
You too poor to have been audited?
What the hell does me being audited to do with anything? Deflection. You have to deflect because you cannot support your stance.
So,,you've never been audited and have no fucking idea what you are talking it....
There is no law against him releasing his tax returns. Period. We all know that. It has nothing to do with me.
there is no law requiring him to release them. Post that one up.

:rolleyes-41: Every presidential candidate does it, just like they all release full medical reports. He has done neither. He's hiding stuff...don't you care?
doesn't make it mandatory does it? BTW, which candidate is falling and being hidden? hmmmmmmm I thought so.
I love how the fringe Left keeps harping on this. I hope Trump never releases it and by not doing so dispels yet another popular myth of politics.
Keeps 'harping' on the fact he has not released his tax returns as ALL other presidential candidates have in current times? What's it show about him? He's hiding something. You people are fools to fall for this conman's routine.
it's not a requirement like a birth certificate.
Why do you defend this conman? If a Democratic candidate refused to release his/her tax returns, you'd be vilifying that person. Hypocrite or what?
well until you can find where I ever made a comment like that you might have a point. but now your just projecting your thoughts about what if. So the question is, is it a requirement to show tax returns? Where did that start do you supposed?
It is not a requirement, but everyone does it. And, if he doesn't, it means he is hiding something.
New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.
He hasn't released his tax report nor a full medical report. Why don't people understand that he is deceptive and scummy?

If you had a true NON-PARTISAN debate commission -- this and many other issues could be handled very simply.

Just demand that a Pre-Req for taking a podium is a complete release of birth certificates, tax returns, and maybe medical disclosures.

Nothing that sane and reasonable would EVER happen given the 2 parties fighting for power and not just issue-based public service. YOU don't matter.
I'm not the FBI and they found problems. The fact they didn't indict her indicates that they are in fact the FBI, not the justice department, who would be the ones tasked with indicting or not. The chances of Democrats indicting their candidate for president is right up there with John Lennon making a come back.

You know the Justice Department had already publicly agreed to take what ever recommendation the FBI made. We all knew it was the FBI's call. Of course you will continue to ignore that fact.

All Executive Branch agencies have been compromised.

Got it. Another big conspiracy.

Consider their behavior.

Right. Do they award new tin foil hats when you come up with these silly theories?

I guess Comey laying out a prima fascia case for gross negligence is irrelevant, even though that's all that is required under the law for prosecution.
I love how the fringe Left keeps harping on this. I hope Trump never releases it and by not doing so dispels yet another popular myth of politics.
Keeps 'harping' on the fact he has not released his tax returns as ALL other presidential candidates have in current times? What's it show about him? He's hiding something. You people are fools to fall for this conman's routine.
it's not a requirement like a birth certificate.
Why do you defend this conman? If a Democratic candidate refused to release his/her tax returns, you'd be vilifying that person. Hypocrite or what?
well until you can find where I ever made a comment like that you might have a point. but now your just projecting your thoughts about what if. So the question is, is it a requirement to show tax returns? Where did that start do you supposed?
It is not a requirement, but everyone does it. And, if he doesn't, it means he is hiding something.

Trump is running a non traditional campaign, get over it.
Keeps 'harping' on the fact he has not released his tax returns as ALL other presidential candidates have in current times? What's it show about him? He's hiding something. You people are fools to fall for this conman's routine.
it's not a requirement like a birth certificate.
Why do you defend this conman? If a Democratic candidate refused to release his/her tax returns, you'd be vilifying that person. Hypocrite or what?
well until you can find where I ever made a comment like that you might have a point. but now your just projecting your thoughts about what if. So the question is, is it a requirement to show tax returns? Where did that start do you supposed?
It is not a requirement, but everyone does it. And, if he doesn't, it means he is hiding something.

Trump is running a non traditional campaign, get over it.

I'll agree that "batshit crazy" is not exactly the traditional campaign.
it's not a requirement like a birth certificate.
Why do you defend this conman? If a Democratic candidate refused to release his/her tax returns, you'd be vilifying that person. Hypocrite or what?
well until you can find where I ever made a comment like that you might have a point. but now your just projecting your thoughts about what if. So the question is, is it a requirement to show tax returns? Where did that start do you supposed?
It is not a requirement, but everyone does it. And, if he doesn't, it means he is hiding something.

Trump is running a non traditional campaign, get over it.

I'll agree that "batshit crazy" is not exactly the traditional campaign.
so hitlery should get better medical advice then.
it's not a requirement like a birth certificate.
Why do you defend this conman? If a Democratic candidate refused to release his/her tax returns, you'd be vilifying that person. Hypocrite or what?
well until you can find where I ever made a comment like that you might have a point. but now your just projecting your thoughts about what if. So the question is, is it a requirement to show tax returns? Where did that start do you supposed?
It is not a requirement, but everyone does it. And, if he doesn't, it means he is hiding something.

Trump is running a non traditional campaign, get over it.

I'll agree that "batshit crazy" is not exactly the traditional campaign.

Blowing 2 billion for a job that pays 400,000 is batshit crazy. So what can the donors expect to get out it?
Blowing 2 billion for a job that pays 400,000 is batshit crazy.

Guess that's why he's using other people's money.

Trump has set GOP records for small donations and put in considerable amounts of his own money, any bets the hildabitch is running exclusively on OPM?

Trump has loaned his campaign money. Relatively little has been donated to his campaign.

Do try to keep up, Trump forgave those loans, he didn't recoup a single penny. Also considering the hildabitch is outspending Trump 53 to 1 and they are virtually tied, who is using their resources more effectively? The hildabitch is a typical regressive, throw bunches of money at a situation and rarely get the desired results.

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