IRS says there is no rule against releases tax returns during an audit

Do try to keep up, Trump forgave those loans

Actually, he said he would, but so far he has yet to actually do so.

Of course you have a recent link to prove that, right?............ Oh, wrong, you didn't post one did you?

:lol: You want me to link to nonexistent paperwork? If you have a link showing the FEC filings where the loan has been forgiven then I'll acknowledge error. Until then, you're nothing but a parrot.
Do try to keep up, Trump forgave those loans

Actually, he said he would, but so far he has yet to actually do so.

Of course you have a recent link to prove that, right?............ Oh, wrong, you didn't post one did you?

:lol: You want me to link to nonexistent paperwork? If you have a link showing the FEC filings where the loan has been forgiven then I'll acknowledge error. Until then, you're nothing but a parrot.

So why is Open Secrets listing his campaign debt at ZERO?

Summary data for Donald Trump, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets
New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.
He hasn't released his tax report nor a full medical report. Why don't people understand that he is deceptive and scummy?

If you had a true NON-PARTISAN debate commission -- this and many other issues could be handled very simply.

Just demand that a Pre-Req for taking a podium is a complete release of birth certificates, tax returns, and maybe medical disclosures.

Nothing that sane and reasonable would EVER happen given the 2 parties fighting for power and not just issue-based public service. YOU don't matter.

Could we also have the candidates stand in front of us and open their mouths so we can check their teeth?
New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.
He hasn't released his tax report nor a full medical report. Why don't people understand that he is deceptive and scummy?

If you had a true NON-PARTISAN debate commission -- this and many other issues could be handled very simply.

Just demand that a Pre-Req for taking a podium is a complete release of birth certificates, tax returns, and maybe medical disclosures.

Nothing that sane and reasonable would EVER happen given the 2 parties fighting for power and not just issue-based public service. YOU don't matter.

Could we also have the candidates stand in front of us and open their mouths so we can check their teeth?

Don't want them to open their mouths. Maybe just a panorama X-Ray. The parties collude to keep this information from the public. That's the point. THey've pretty much wrapped up the process with their monopoly power.
Do try to keep up, Trump forgave those loans

Actually, he said he would, but so far he has yet to actually do so.

Of course you have a recent link to prove that, right?............ Oh, wrong, you didn't post one did you?

:lol: You want me to link to nonexistent paperwork? If you have a link showing the FEC filings where the loan has been forgiven then I'll acknowledge error. Until then, you're nothing but a parrot.

So why is Open Secrets listing his campaign debt at ZERO?

Summary data for Donald Trump, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Perhaps he has finally done it. I'll have to look for the FEC filings.
Ask Lois Lerner....oh wait, she took the 5th over a dozen times and disappeared into retirement. I did like those big tits of hers though.

New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.

There is no rule or law for an individual that is being investigated of murder from talking to the media but it would be difficult to find an attorney that would allow it. There is no rule or law that prevents an individual from destroying evidence after a congressional subpoena has been issued. Well maybe I got that last one incorrect.
New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.
He hasn't released his tax report nor a full medical report. Why don't people understand that he is deceptive and scummy?

If you had a true NON-PARTISAN debate commission -- this and many other issues could be handled very simply.

Just demand that a Pre-Req for taking a podium is a complete release of birth certificates, tax returns, and maybe medical disclosures.

Nothing that sane and reasonable would EVER happen given the 2 parties fighting for power and not just issue-based public service. YOU don't matter.

Could we also have the candidates stand in front of us and open their mouths so we can check their teeth?

Don't want them to open their mouths. Maybe just a panorama X-Ray. The parties collude to keep this information from the public. That's the point. THey've pretty much wrapped up the process with their monopoly power.

How the hell are we going to tell how long these mules will be able to pull a plow!

Kids these days!
The freaking IRS "took the 5th" in a congressional investigation. Congress is in the process of trying to impeach the IRS director when president Hussein obstructs a legitimate investigation into using the IRS to punish political enemies and the left thinks the IRS opinion regarding a political enemy is legitimate? You gotta be kidding.
There's no rule against releasing college records or Wall Street speeches, either.
The difference regarding college transcripts is that presidential candidates never do that. GW Bush's were leaked by the press. He did not release them. You are comparing apples and oranges. Obama didn't need to release his--no other presidential candidate has ever done that. Why should a standard be required of him that isn't required of anyone else?

On the other hand, ALL presidential candidates in MODERN history have released both full health records and tax returns. So we should hold Trump to that standard. BTW Has Trump released his college transcripts? Do you expect him to as no other presidential candidate has ever done that?

You guys are hypocrites, leveling one standard for your candidate and another for the opposition. Double standard. HYPOCRITE.
You're the hypocrite. If Trump decided not to release his college records or speeches, or The Blamer or the Queen decided not to release their taxes, you'd have no problem with that.
You libstains will say or do anything to get your free stuff. Thats because you libstains are government-dependent fools.
Trump cheats on his taxes just like those who votes for him. Liars from the day they were born.
Did Rachel tell you that?
No. It's obvious. He has no morals and neither do those who support him.
Well, he doesn't kill babies or suck men's hairy balls. That gives him more morals than 99.9% of you libstains.
Sucking hairy balls gets you dinner out or a new dress. Trump isn't even worthy of those two, and neither are the shitstains planning on voting for him like you.
Trump cheats on his taxes just like those who votes for him. Liars from the day they were born.
Did Rachel tell you that?
No. It's obvious. He has no morals and neither do those who support him.
Well, he doesn't kill babies or suck men's hairy balls. That gives him more morals than 99.9% of you libstains.
Sucking hairy balls gets you dinner out or a new dress. Trump isn't even worthy of those two, and either are the shitstains planning on voting for him like you.
Lol you Hillary panty-sniffers crack me up! Desperate fools you are!!!
Trump cheats on his taxes just like those who votes for him. Liars from the day they were born.
Did Rachel tell you that?
No. It's obvious. He has no morals and neither do those who support him.
Well, he doesn't kill babies or suck men's hairy balls. That gives him more morals than 99.9% of you libstains.
Sucking hairy balls gets you dinner out or a new dress. Trump isn't even worthy of those two, and either are the shitstains planning on voting for him like you.
Lol you Hillary panty-sniffers crack me up! Desperate fools you are!!!
Hillary is a bitch but unlike Trump and his minions, meaning you, she has morals.

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