IRS says there is no rule against releases tax returns during an audit

IRS says there is no rule against releases tax returns during an audit

There's also no rule requiring presidential candidates release their tax returns to the public.
No candidate in the last 40 years has used the "No-law-requires-it" excuse. Why does Trump use it?
Because he has a lot to hide. But please everyone, harp on Clinton for not being "forthcoming" when Trump laughs off transparency traditions that candidates have followed for decades.
IRS says there is no rule against releases tax returns during an audit

There's also no rule requiring presidential candidates release their tax returns to the public.
No candidate in the last 40 years has used the "No-law-requires-it" excuse. Why does Trump use it?
Because he has a lot to hide. But please everyone, harp on Clinton for not being "forthcoming" when Trump laughs off transparency traditions that candidates have followed for decades.
IRS says there is no rule against releases tax returns during an audit

There's also no rule requiring presidential candidates release their tax returns to the public.
No candidate in the last 40 years has used the "No-law-requires-it" excuse. Why does Trump use it?
Trump is being audited...
Nixon was under audit and he released them.
Plus there is no rule against releasing them while under audit.
IRS says there is no rule against releases tax returns during an audit

There's also no rule requiring presidential candidates release their tax returns to the public.
No candidate in the last 40 years has used the "No-law-requires-it" excuse. Why does Trump use it?
Trump is being audited...
Nixon was under audit and he released them.
Plus there is no rule against releasing them while under audit.
Link to Nixon runnimg in this election?
IRS says there is no rule against releases tax returns during an audit

There's also no rule requiring presidential candidates release their tax returns to the public.
No candidate in the last 40 years has used the "No-law-requires-it" excuse. Why does Trump use it?
Trump is being audited...
Nixon was under audit and he released them.
Plus there is no rule against releasing them while under audit.
Who said there was a rule against it? The fact that you lefties have to constantly misrepresent it means you haven't got a leg to stand on.
IRS says there is no rule against releases tax returns during an audit

There's also no rule requiring presidential candidates release their tax returns to the public.
No candidate in the last 40 years has used the "No-law-requires-it" excuse. Why does Trump use it?

Why shouldn't he? To prove something?

Where's yours? Where's the reporters that report slanted news?

Good damn grief, will the nannies ever get a life?
No law against releasing your speech transcripts or doner list to your foundation either.
No, that isn't what the investigations found. You are demonstrably a liar.

So now I ask why she hasn't been indicted, and you claim some massive conspiracy theory where all those republicans in all those republican led investigations lied to protect Hillary. They found nothing. You got nothing, because there was nothing to be found.
We've discussed it here for months. If you don't care to read the posts and only want to transmit uninformed opinions go ahead but I'll call you out for what you are.

Bullshit. Show me an indictment or shut the fuck up. If she was guilty of 1/10 of the things the right accuses her of, everything from murder to grand larceny, she would have been in jail long ago. You got nothing but false accusations and lies.
Go ahgead and shut me up big guy. What are you, 5'2" with a 3" dick? You sure act like it.

We're been discussing Comey's findings for a while and the problem with the Clinton foundation, some of which Billy has owned up to. No one is going to special deliver it up your ass so you can see it, it's up to you to withdraw from your shell.

So still no indictments?
No indictment= Qualified to be president if you are a lefty.
And this is knowing (but probably denying) that a regular person would had been indicted for doing the same with the email situation.
IRS says there is no rule against releases tax returns during an audit

There's also no rule requiring presidential candidates release their tax returns to the public.
No candidate in the last 40 years has used the "No-law-requires-it" excuse. Why does Trump use it?
Because he has a lot to hide. But please everyone, harp on Clinton for not being "forthcoming" when Trump laughs off transparency traditions that candidates have followed for decades.
Hillary had her own server because she had a lot to hide.

Is it two late to start all over and find some competent candidates for president?
Because he has a lot to hide. But please everyone, harp on Clinton for not being "forthcoming" when Trump laughs off transparency traditions that candidates have followed for decades.

1. 'He has a lot to hide'.

2. 'But please everyone, harp on Clinton for not being "forthcoming"...'
-- She broke the law by refusing to release work-related documents ("Thousands" according to FBI Director Comey) that she was required BY LAW (specifically the FOIA & the Federal Records Act) to turn over!

'Harp On'? She should be in JAIL!
So now I ask why she hasn't been indicted, and you claim some massive conspiracy theory where all those republicans in all those republican led investigations lied to protect Hillary. They found nothing. You got nothing, because there was nothing to be found.
We've discussed it here for months. If you don't care to read the posts and only want to transmit uninformed opinions go ahead but I'll call you out for what you are.

Bullshit. Show me an indictment or shut the fuck up. If she was guilty of 1/10 of the things the right accuses her of, everything from murder to grand larceny, she would have been in jail long ago. You got nothing but false accusations and lies.
Go ahgead and shut me up big guy. What are you, 5'2" with a 3" dick? You sure act like it.

We're been discussing Comey's findings for a while and the problem with the Clinton foundation, some of which Billy has owned up to. No one is going to special deliver it up your ass so you can see it, it's up to you to withdraw from your shell.

So still no indictments?
You said they found nothing, when I pointed out they did find problem you shifted it to indictments. LOL. But good to see you hold Trump to the same standards!

All you have is more accusations.
So now I ask why she hasn't been indicted, and you claim some massive conspiracy theory where all those republicans in all those republican led investigations lied to protect Hillary. They found nothing. You got nothing, because there was nothing to be found.
We've discussed it here for months. If you don't care to read the posts and only want to transmit uninformed opinions go ahead but I'll call you out for what you are.

Bullshit. Show me an indictment or shut the fuck up. If she was guilty of 1/10 of the things the right accuses her of, everything from murder to grand larceny, she would have been in jail long ago. You got nothing but false accusations and lies.
Go ahgead and shut me up big guy. What are you, 5'2" with a 3" dick? You sure act like it.

We're been discussing Comey's findings for a while and the problem with the Clinton foundation, some of which Billy has owned up to. No one is going to special deliver it up your ass so you can see it, it's up to you to withdraw from your shell.

So still no indictments?
No indictment= Qualified to be president if you are a lefty.
And this is knowing (but probably denying) that a regular person would had been indicted for doing the same with the email situation.

The right wing. Home of No Conspiracy Left Behind.
We've discussed it here for months. If you don't care to read the posts and only want to transmit uninformed opinions go ahead but I'll call you out for what you are.

Bullshit. Show me an indictment or shut the fuck up. If she was guilty of 1/10 of the things the right accuses her of, everything from murder to grand larceny, she would have been in jail long ago. You got nothing but false accusations and lies.
Go ahgead and shut me up big guy. What are you, 5'2" with a 3" dick? You sure act like it.

We're been discussing Comey's findings for a while and the problem with the Clinton foundation, some of which Billy has owned up to. No one is going to special deliver it up your ass so you can see it, it's up to you to withdraw from your shell.

So still no indictments?
You said they found nothing, when I pointed out they did find problem you shifted it to indictments. LOL. But good to see you hold Trump to the same standards!

All you have is more accusations.
The FBI made accusations?
Bullshit. Show me an indictment or shut the fuck up. If she was guilty of 1/10 of the things the right accuses her of, everything from murder to grand larceny, she would have been in jail long ago. You got nothing but false accusations and lies.
Go ahgead and shut me up big guy. What are you, 5'2" with a 3" dick? You sure act like it.

We're been discussing Comey's findings for a while and the problem with the Clinton foundation, some of which Billy has owned up to. No one is going to special deliver it up your ass so you can see it, it's up to you to withdraw from your shell.

So still no indictments?
You said they found nothing, when I pointed out they did find problem you shifted it to indictments. LOL. But good to see you hold Trump to the same standards!

All you have is more accusations.
The FBI made accusations?

If the FBI had a winnable case they would have advised indictment. You have nothing but accusations.
Go ahgead and shut me up big guy. What are you, 5'2" with a 3" dick? You sure act like it.

We're been discussing Comey's findings for a while and the problem with the Clinton foundation, some of which Billy has owned up to. No one is going to special deliver it up your ass so you can see it, it's up to you to withdraw from your shell.

So still no indictments?
You said they found nothing, when I pointed out they did find problem you shifted it to indictments. LOL. But good to see you hold Trump to the same standards!

All you have is more accusations.
The FBI made accusations?

If the FBI had a winnable case they would have advised indictment. You have nothing but accusations.
I'm not the FBI and they found problems. The fact they didn't indict her indicates that they are in fact the FBI, not the justice department, who would be the ones tasked with indicting or not. The chances of Democrats indicting their candidate for president is right up there with John Lennon making a come back.
So still no indictments?
You said they found nothing, when I pointed out they did find problem you shifted it to indictments. LOL. But good to see you hold Trump to the same standards!

All you have is more accusations.
The FBI made accusations?

If the FBI had a winnable case they would have advised indictment. You have nothing but accusations.
I'm not the FBI and they found problems. The fact they didn't indict her indicates that they are in fact the FBI, not the justice department, who would be the ones tasked with indicting or not. The chances of Democrats indicting their candidate for president is right up there with John Lennon making a come back.

You know the Justice Department had already publicly agreed to take what ever recommendation the FBI made. We all knew it was the FBI's call. Of course you will continue to ignore that fact.

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