IRS says there is no rule against releases tax returns during an audit

Keeps 'harping' on the fact he has not released his tax returns as ALL other presidential candidates have in current times? What's it show about him? He's hiding something. You people are fools to fall for this conman's routine.
Do you think Hillary is hiding something?
We know that your post fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump and the fact he's a liar.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable, as Trump is indeed unfit to be president.
I learned the Art of Deflection from leftists. They are very good at demanding Trump's tax returns while Hillary can't walk, lies repeatedly, commits criminal acts, can't campaign.........etc.
You are claiming Hillary can't walk and at the same time suggest you aren't lying? Seriously? If she has committed a 'criminal act' why isn't she being prosecuted? Answer: she has been thoroughly investigated and found NOT to have committed any crime. So, now 2 lies on your part.

She has released a FULL medical report -- released it to the Nation, not just to a TV personality. She has released tax returns.

Trump is the one hiding things. And he will probably be prosecuted for tax evasion...otherwise, why is he hiding his tax returns????

She didin't release her full medical report, it was a two page letter from her doctor.

New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.

this has been a proven lie since donald said it.

he's pathetic
Speak slowly, and in English......thanks....

i did. i even used small words so even someone with a double digit IQ like you can understand.

the fact that you can't read is your problem, troll boy
Do you think Hillary is hiding something?
We know that your post fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump and the fact he's a liar.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable, as Trump is indeed unfit to be president.
I learned the Art of Deflection from leftists. They are very good at demanding Trump's tax returns while Hillary can't walk, lies repeatedly, commits criminal acts, can't campaign.........etc.
You are claiming Hillary can't walk and at the same time suggest you aren't lying? Seriously? If she has committed a 'criminal act' why isn't she being prosecuted? Answer: she has been thoroughly investigated and found NOT to have committed any crime. So, now 2 lies on your part.

She has released a FULL medical report -- released it to the Nation, not just to a TV personality. She has released tax returns.

Trump is the one hiding things. And he will probably be prosecuted for tax evasion...otherwise, why is he hiding his tax returns????

She didin't release her full medical report, it was a two page letter from her doctor.


You can't screech about Trump not releasing his full medical records and remain silent about mrs bill not releasing hers. Well, you can .... it just shows your hypocrisy. Typical.
New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.

this has been a proven lie since donald said it.

he's pathetic
Speak slowly, and in English......thanks....

i did. i even used small words so even someone with a double digit IQ like you can understand.

the fact that you can't read is your problem, troll boy
Well....turn your thermostat up a notch to your normal room temp IQ setting and restate your jibbirish,,,,,
New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.

The IRS that pled the fifth to avoid self incrimination? That IRS?
New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.
He hasn't released his tax report nor a full medical report. Why don't people understand that he is deceptive and scummy?
He's being audited, and he released his health records.....

Didn't you see hitlery fall down when he did This? :lol:

He's a conman. He has not released FULL medical records. He has not released his taxes. He's a conman. Deceptive and scummy.
Trump is being audited, and he released his medical records....I'm not sure why your IQ is malfunctioning....:lol:
Why do you guys keep repeating that Trump is being audited when the IRS just said that it doesn't matter that he's being audited?
Donald Trump is suspected to have gone broke during this campaign, and it is pretty clear he has spent well beyond his means. He probably only collects on a couple ten million each year, and we know he did not make a whole lot of money fundraising.

I guarantee you that if he is not evading taxes, he is already promising political favors. Common sense points to both being the case.
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He hasn't released his tax report nor a full medical report. Why don't people understand that he is deceptive and scummy?
He's being audited, and he released his health records.....

Didn't you see hitlery fall down when he did This? :lol:

He's a conman. He has not released FULL medical records. He has not released his taxes. He's a conman. Deceptive and scummy.
Trump is being audited, and he released his medical records....I'm not sure why your IQ is malfunctioning....:lol:
Why do you guys keep repeating that Trump is being audited when the IRS just said that it doesn't matter that he's being audited?
So, you think he's being audited by someone else other than the IRS? Fascinating....
New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.
funny how upset leftist get about the most ignorant things when it's not the (D)

hillary was out spreading her illness to others, but yall didn't care b/c her health is no ones business.
He hasn't released his tax report nor a full medical report. Why don't people understand that he is deceptive and scummy?
He's being audited, and he released his health records.....

Didn't you see hitlery fall down when he did This? :lol:

He's a conman. He has not released FULL medical records. He has not released his taxes. He's a conman. Deceptive and scummy.
Trump is being audited, and he released his medical records....I'm not sure why your IQ is malfunctioning....:lol:
Why do you guys keep repeating that Trump is being audited when the IRS just said that it doesn't matter that he's being audited?

Whether he has to or not, he should release his taxes. By not doing so it makes it look like he has something to hide ... the exact same way that obama dodging the whole birth certificate thing made him look like he had something to hide.

Whether they have to or not, they should both be given full medical evaluations by independent doctors and the full records released to the public. They work for us and we have a right to know if our employee is physically up to the demands of the job.
He hasn't released his tax report nor a full medical report. Why don't people understand that he is deceptive and scummy?
He's being audited, and he released his health records.....

Didn't you see hitlery fall down when he did This? :lol:

He's a conman. He has not released FULL medical records. He has not released his taxes. He's a conman. Deceptive and scummy.
Trump is being audited, and he released his medical records....I'm not sure why your IQ is malfunctioning....:lol:
Why do you guys keep repeating that Trump is being audited when the IRS just said that it doesn't matter that he's being audited?

Whether he has to or not, he should release his taxes. By not doing so it makes it look like he has something to hide ... the exact same way that obama dodging the whole birth certificate thing made him look like he had something to hide.

Whether they have to or not, they should both be given full medical evaluations by independent doctors and the full records released to the public. They work for us and we have a right to know if our employee is physically up to the demands of the job.
I agree....I hope the audit ends soon.....or Obama just stops it.....
He's being audited, and he released his health records.....

Didn't you see hitlery fall down when he did This? :lol:

He's a conman. He has not released FULL medical records. He has not released his taxes. He's a conman. Deceptive and scummy.
Trump is being audited, and he released his medical records....I'm not sure why your IQ is malfunctioning....:lol:
Why do you guys keep repeating that Trump is being audited when the IRS just said that it doesn't matter that he's being audited?

Whether he has to or not, he should release his taxes. By not doing so it makes it look like he has something to hide ... the exact same way that obama dodging the whole birth certificate thing made him look like he had something to hide.

Whether they have to or not, they should both be given full medical evaluations by independent doctors and the full records released to the public. They work for us and we have a right to know if our employee is physically up to the demands of the job.
I agree....I hope the audit ends soon.....or Obama just stops it.....

Trump has said that he's been audited every year for 12 years. The IRS has said that would be out of the ordinary, that if a person is audited it would be 2-3 years before they were audited again.
trump did not say that there is a rule against releasing tax data during an audit-----he said is lawyer advised against it.


He said he could not, because he was being audited. That comment had no mention of lawyers or advice.
The times I've heard him talk about it, he did say it was his lawyers advice.
That being said, I believe it's probably politically wise for him to no release his tax returns before the election. His taxes are probably much more complicated than the average joe, and if thousands of Hillary supporters search them for something to politicize I'm sure they will find it.

That's the thing right wingers have been hoping for with all those endless investigations. The difference is that all of Hillary's investigations found nothing, and Trump's taxes really do have proof of wrong doing.
New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.
There is no rule that a presidential candidate must release his tax returns either
New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.
There is no rule that a presidential candidate must release his tax returns either
And it's common sense that anyone who makes public their tax returns during an audit is an idiot.....I'm glad Trump is not an idiot....
Screw tax returns...tell Obama to hand over his emails with Hillary and/or his Fast And Furious documents he still refuses to release.
New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.
There is no rule stopping you from being a fucking idiot as well.
According to the statutes, people under federal audit have clear legal protection from release of their tax returns which may be used to embarrass them or incriminate them. It doesn't matter if there's nothing in their returns that would embarrass them or incriminate them. It's just a law that was passed to protect citizens from harassment. No lawyer worth his salt would recommend releasing tax returns under audit because it removes that protection.

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