IRS says Trump can release his tax returns even if under audit

Here's more of Don the Con's "fabrications"...

Trump Says He'll Release His Taxes 'at some point'
And you know he won't

His Aide told the media that he would not be. Do you live under a rock?

Aide: Trump 'will not be releasing his taxes'

Are you saying what we all know, that the Trump campaign consists of nothing but liars and we shouldn't believe them?
Nothing but a link, that doesn't make the case. He won't release them before the election because he know what assholes lefties are. That doesn't mean he never will.

If there were anything in them and given Obungle's use of the IRS it would be out there by now. Trump is just antagonizing the loons
Trump's failure to release his tax returns are going to be an issue in this campaign. So get used to it.
A fabricated issue. And we are used to that. It would tell you nothing about his net worth though.

"Fabricated" by Don the Con himself...

Remember when Trump Said Romney Should Release His Taxes
Liar. The left wing operatives made Romney's taxes and issue, not Trump. Trump is being audited so it would not be good, you just want something to grab a hold of. The desperation is reeking since the left knows how corrupt Hillary is.

That was a link, rube. You click on it and it takes you to the source...Donald J. Trump the con man saying that Romney should release his taxes:

VAN SUSTEREN: Has Governor Romney been boxed on this tax return thing, and if he called you up tonight and said, Donald what should I do about tax return thing, should I release them or not?

TRUMP: I think first answer would have been good. It should have been delivered a certain way. But April 1st historically is the time that everybody gives them.

VAN SUSTEREN: I hear April 1, I think of April Fool’s Day.

TRUMP: OK, make it April 2nd.

VAN SUSTEREN: If he called you in light of the situation he in now from clamoring from opponents, would it political be shrewd he would release them now?

TRUMP: I think he may have to. I think he a step went too far. I think that April 1st or April 2nd was OK. But now I think in light of the fact that he started discussing some of the things, namely the rate or approximately the rate, I think it probably be better off just to release them now.
I explained numerous times that you were a lazy asshole. Why would you assume my poinion of you changed? If you don't post it that's fine with me but I'm not doing your work for you. And you missed the fact that he's being audited.

What the fuck are you babbling about? You called me a liar when I pointed out that Don the Con himself joined the "left wing operatives" in calling for the Romneybot 2012 to release his taxes. I provided you the transcript of the interview in which he called for Romneybot 2012 to release his taxes and then you go on a tirade about how "lazy" I am? :lol: I'm soooo lazy I've destroyed every single one of your excuses for Don the Con. Guess I'll get my lazy ass in the shower and get my lazy ass to work now. :lol: Rube.
And you missed the fact that he's being audited.

Moron.....according to current law and the IRS' own admission, being audited does NOT stop one from releasing his tax returns...........

You know, I'm sure you never considered this, but, there's a distinct possibility his attorney's have advised against releasing them. Why release something that may indeed be subject to change?
A fabricated issue. And we are used to that. It would tell you nothing about his net worth though.

"Fabricated" by Don the Con himself...

Remember when Trump Said Romney Should Release His Taxes
Liar. The left wing operatives made Romney's taxes and issue, not Trump. Trump is being audited so it would not be good, you just want something to grab a hold of. The desperation is reeking since the left knows how corrupt Hillary is.

That was a link, rube. You click on it and it takes you to the source...Donald J. Trump the con man saying that Romney should release his taxes:

VAN SUSTEREN: Has Governor Romney been boxed on this tax return thing, and if he called you up tonight and said, Donald what should I do about tax return thing, should I release them or not?

TRUMP: I think first answer would have been good. It should have been delivered a certain way. But April 1st historically is the time that everybody gives them.

VAN SUSTEREN: I hear April 1, I think of April Fool’s Day.

TRUMP: OK, make it April 2nd.

VAN SUSTEREN: If he called you in light of the situation he in now from clamoring from opponents, would it political be shrewd he would release them now?

TRUMP: I think he may have to. I think he a step went too far. I think that April 1st or April 2nd was OK. But now I think in light of the fact that he started discussing some of the things, namely the rate or approximately the rate, I think it probably be better off just to release them now.
I explained numerous times that you were a lazy asshole. Why would you assume my poinion of you changed? If you don't post it that's fine with me but I'm not doing your work for you. And you missed the fact that he's being audited.

What the fuck are you babbling about? You called me a liar when I pointed out that Don the Con himself joined the "left wing operatives" in calling for the Romneybot 2012 to release his taxes. I provided you the transcript of the interview in which he called for Romneybot 2012 to release his taxes and then you go on a tirade about how "lazy" I am? :lol: I'm soooo lazy I've destroyed every single one of your excuses for Don the Con. Guess I'll get my lazy ass in the shower and get my lazy ass to work now. :lol: Rube.
I called you a liar because you are. When you type, you lie. You said Trump fabricated the tax issue, that was the left wing hit mob. In fact he supported Romney. You've again dismissed his audit, might not be important to you but it may be to him, it's not your call.
You know, I'm sure you never considered this, but, there's a distinct possibility his attorney's have advised against releasing them. Why release something that may indeed be subject to change?

You mean the SAME Trump tax attorneys who originally submitted his tax statement, are NOW saying, "Oooops, Donald"???
When Crooked Helly releases the transcripts of her speeches - Until then.. Stow the hypocrisy.

Moron....Has Hillary released HER tax returns? Yes or No??

Simple question for simple-minded right wingers.....This thread is about TAX RETURNS....
Then he released a fake one and you fell for it....but of course you did. That's what happens when you're a partisan shill.

Oh, still a "birther", Sassy????? (what an :ahole-1:)

Seven layers....created on Adobe....which didn't exist in the 1960' you were saying? Computer forensic experts knew in less than a day it was a fake. Now go bother someone else you uniformed troll
Seven layers....created on Adobe....which didn't exist in the 1960' you were saying? Computer forensic experts knew in less than a day it was a fake. Now go bother someone else you uniformed troll

Fear not, moron.......Those Trump investigators in Hawaii should be back any day now...Tanned, well rested and thankful for the long vacation....but with "startling" news about Obama's BC........LOL

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