IRS Still Targetting Conservative Individuals And Groups


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Obama promised to get to the bottom of the IRS targeting of conservative groups but it looks like they're still up to their old tricks

You didn't think a silly investigation was gonna stop these radicals from attacking their political opponents, did you?

The Internal Revenue Service continues to target pro-life conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status despite pending investigations into the IRS targeting scandal, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller.

The IRS’ infamous Cincinnati office, which handles applications from groups applying for tax-exempt nonprofit status, badgered pro-life groups for information on their protesting activities as recently as late June 2013, well after IRS investigations began on the floor of the House of Representatives and elsewhere.

“We’ve had three more groups come to us that have had problems with the IRS — some very recent, some current or still pending. One of them just got their determination letter,” Peter Breen, senior counsel at the Thomas More Society, which represents pro-life groups targeted by the IRS, told The Daily Caller. “It’s continuing, and it needs to be addressed.”

Read more: Documents: IRS targeting of pro-life groups continues | The Daily Caller

Seems like every conservative talk-show host is getting the same harassment. In Nashville Phil Valentine, a radio talk-show host, has been under investigation for the last 5 years, and every time he sends them another document they request and they don't find anything, they ask for another one. It's just a constant thing for him. He's kind of gotten used to this BS from the IRS.

Obama promised to get to the bottom of the IRS targeting of conservative groups but it looks like they're still up to their old tricks

You didn't think a silly investigation was gonna stop these radicals from attacking their political opponents, did you?

The Internal Revenue Service continues to target pro-life conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status despite pending investigations into the IRS targeting scandal, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller.

The IRS’ infamous Cincinnati office, which handles applications from groups applying for tax-exempt nonprofit status, badgered pro-life groups for information on their protesting activities as recently as late June 2013, well after IRS investigations began on the floor of the House of Representatives and elsewhere.

“We’ve had three more groups come to us that have had problems with the IRS — some very recent, some current or still pending. One of them just got their determination letter,” Peter Breen, senior counsel at the Thomas More Society, which represents pro-life groups targeted by the IRS, told The Daily Caller. “It’s continuing, and it needs to be addressed.”

Read more: Documents: IRS targeting of pro-life groups continues | The Daily Caller

Seems like every conservative talk-show host is getting the same harassment. In Nashville Phil Valentine, a radio talk-show host, has been under investigation for the last 5 years, and every time he sends them another document they request and they don't find anything, they ask for another one. It's just a constant thing for him. He's kind of gotten used to this BS from the IRS.

sad thing is he shouldn't have to 'gotten used to this BS from the IRS'.

What gives them so much clout they think they can continue to do as they wish?
Obama probably ordered it. There is little that scrawny black bastard says that isn't a lie. Investigation my ass.
Well, Obama has been saying he just wants to get back to work.

And so he is.
He's never toiled in his miserable, rotten life. Work? LOL, he doesn't know the meaning of the word.
The Daily Caller....:rofl::lmao:
How stupid do you have to be to use them as a source???
Oh well........I'm getting to used to a lack of respect.......

Consider the source, friendo.

It's actually a confirmation that one has Hit A Noive when the foaming moonbats desperately pile on to discredit one's G2.
The Daily Caller....:rofl::lmao:
How stupid do you have to be to use them as a source???

No more stupid than someone who continually quotes Media Matters,, or Think Progress.

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