IRS Targeting Pushed By Democrats Aided Obama Campaign


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Only the gullible believe that this scandal doesn't reach deep into the Democrap leadership

Scandal: Senate Democrats, including supporters of the Disclose Act, provided the names of groups they wanted targeted in a taxpayer-funded witch hunt overseen by an IRS employee and Obama campaign donor.

Using the Citizens United case as a pretext, retiring Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., on July 27, 2012, wrote IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman to investigate 12 conservative groups he accused of violating their tax-exempt status and engaging in coordinated political activity.

The groups Levin asked to be targeted for special scrutiny were Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies, Priorities U.S.A., Americans Elect, American Action Network, Americans for Prosperity, American Future Fund, Americans for Tax Reform, 60 Plus Association, Patriot Majority USA, Club for Growth, Citizens for a Working America Inc. and the Susan B. Anthony List.

In the Citizens United decision, the Supreme Court held that corporations and unions can spend unlimited amounts on political advocacy as long as they do not coordinate with candidates or campaigns.

This infuriated Democrats and particularly President Obama, who subsequently lectured a captive audience of Supreme Court Justices during his State if the Union on national TV for "having reversed a century of law."

Levin is a prominent supporter of the Disclose Act, which would require the disclosure of corporate donors to tax-exempt organizations. He was an original cosponsor of the legislation. Levin also chairs the Senate permanent subcommittee on investigations and says the subcommittee will be investigating the IRS targeting of conservative groups, something he asked it to do.

Democratic Sens. Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire; Tom Udall, New Mexico; and Al Franken, Minnesota; sent a similar letter to Shulman in February 2012, asking the IRS to investigate tax-exempt groups they believed were engaged in political activities. So did retiring Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., in 2010 and House Democrats in 2012, the Atlantic reported Monday.

IRS Leaks Of Conservative Groups' Data Aided Obama Presidential Campaign -
I cannot believe they gave out private, confidential information from the petitioning orgs ..... reminds me of the ohio state administrator who plumbed the state files ( pun intended) on joe the plumber and made it public.........
Have you seen this from the moonbat formerly known as Speaker of the House?

It's jaw dropping unreal. Aye carumba. In the middle of the IRS scandal.

Pelosi: IRS Scandal "An Opportunity" To Scrutinize 501(c)(4)s And "Overturn Citizens United"

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): Well, I think it's an opportunity. Let me say it this way, if, in fact, the IRS was targeting people because of their title, that would be wrong.

It should be condemned. The whole idea, of 501(c)(4)s being engaged in politics is something we've got to put in a spotlight and maybe this is that opportunity.

Pelosi: IRS Scandal "An Opportunity" To Scrutinize 501(c)(4)s And "Overturn Citizens United" | RealClearPolitics

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