IRS tech experts: Lerner’s hard drive only 'scratched,' not destroyed

Well, if Fox News says it - it must be true...

As oppose to CBS (Bush National Guard "1972" MS Word-generated docs) or NBC (splicing George Zimmerman 911 tapes to make him sound racist)? When and how did Fox lie or fabricate news like your networks have done? In the case of Lerner, you don't like the story so you smear the source.
"Hard Drive Scratched"
has anyone here ever taken a HD apart ? THAT is the only one could get scratched !

i have torn open several HD's to remove the "super magnets", and used the disk itself to reflect the Sun's rays to "earitate" [SIC] people and light up "Cowbirds".., which BTW are very similar to liberscum, they lay their eggs in another birds nest and let the other birds feed and raise their worthless "children". :up: ....... :lmao:
Further complicating the situation, the Committee’s investigation has revealed evidence that this declaration may not be accurate.* A review of internal IRS IT tracking system documents revealed that Lerner’s computer was actually once described as “recovered.”* In a transcribed interview on July 18, IRS IT employees were unable to confirm the accuracy of the documents or the meaning of the entry “recovered.”
and seems it was recovered before it wasn't.

This socialist bitch needs jail time.

Lol man I can't wait until Republicans use those emails TO CHANGE THE WORLD!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: :laugh:

Any day now!!! :rofl:


Yeah, hopefully those emails can be linked to Obama's corrupt white house and Obama will be impeached. The world would be a better place, indeed!
Well, we didnt see that coming.
So the IRS lied about the lies they've told. ANd how does a hard drive get scratched? Unless someone takes it out and tries to destroy it. Like maybe after getting notice of Congressional interest in what's on the hard drive.
The whole thing stinks to high heaven. We've got an IRS that lied about everything, a Justice Department that is giving a flat tire to any investigation, an administration that is covering up for all this, an IRS commissioner (several actually) lying to Congress, and IRS failing to comply with judge's orders, etc etc.
And I believe this is just the tip. Lois Lerner and the drive to suppress conservative groups is just one facet. I suspect we will learn the entire IRS has become politicized and is just an operative wing for the DNC. We already have Hilda Solis campaignign for the Dems on company time. We already know the IRS handed over confidential information to outside groups. Who believes it's impossible they didnt hand over donor lists and tax returns as well?

Still waiting to find out why anyone should really care....

Anyone. Buehler? Buehler?
OK, asshole. Here's why. Because once the precedent is set, it's set. So when President Cruz takes office and orders the IRS to spy on liberal groups, orders the Justice Dept to investigate George Soros, orders the Labor Dept to launch investigations into liberal owned companies, and generally tries to suppress liberals and Democrats you'll be squealing like the fat stuck pig you are and whining about how unfair it is.
That's why.

They can't seem to think past the nose on their face. Can you imagine the outrage if this had been done to Dems/libs? Every other news outlet would be running with it 24/7. As well as the papers.

And there have been a number of people accused of breaking the Hatch Act in several Departments, some of the same ones tangled up in this investigation.
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I am not an IT tech but have changed hard drives and I see no way a hard drive gets a scratch. If someone could explain how it would be appreciate. What I think is happening is that they discovered that the HD was shredded like they thought so them made an excuse. OR for a bigger conspiracy theory it is not her hard drive at all it is one they made to appear to be hers, it just took this long to do so. What is on the HD will tell the story.

It shows you are no tech expert.

Hard drives are like record players. They have "heads" or something that functions like a "needle" that "seeks" or finds data. If you listen to the computer you can actually hear the parts moving when you perform a "seek" functions.

Eventually they do fail and the disks can become scratched.
"Hard Drive Scratched"
has anyone here ever taken a HD apart ? THAT is the only one could get scratched !

i have torn open several HD's to remove the "super magnets", and used the disk itself to reflect the Sun's rays to "earitate" [SIC] people and light up "Cowbirds".., which BTW are very similar to liberscum, they lay their eggs in another birds nest and let the other birds feed and raise their worthless "children". :up: ....... :lmao:

For those familiar with IT in any way, should have figured out by now, so many aspects of the many excuses have been simply implausible, if they are honest with themselves.
I am not an IT tech but have changed hard drives and I see no way a hard drive gets a scratch. If someone could explain how it would be appreciate. What I think is happening is that they discovered that the HD was shredded like they thought so them made an excuse. OR for a bigger conspiracy theory it is not her hard drive at all it is one they made to appear to be hers, it just took this long to do so. What is on the HD will tell the story.

It shows you are no tech expert.

Hard drives are like record players. They have "heads" or something that functions like a "needle" that "seeks" or finds data. If you listen to the computer you can actually hear the parts moving when you perform a "seek" functions.

Eventually they do fail and the disks can become scratched.

You're an idiot. Go back to washing floors on the NYSE.
I am not an IT tech but have changed hard drives and I see no way a hard drive gets a scratch. If someone could explain how it would be appreciate. What I think is happening is that they discovered that the HD was shredded like they thought so them made an excuse. OR for a bigger conspiracy theory it is not her hard drive at all it is one they made to appear to be hers, it just took this long to do so. What is on the HD will tell the story.

It shows you are no tech expert.

Hard drives are like record players. They have "heads" or something that functions like a "needle" that "seeks" or finds data. If you listen to the computer you can actually hear the parts moving when you perform a "seek" functions.

Eventually they do fail and the disks can become scratched.

You're an idiot. Go back to washing floors on the NYSE.

Sorry I only left a nickle in your coffee cup this morning. But the dance you did for rum was lacking.

No need to be upset.

If you step up your game? You get a quarter tomorrow.


You guys have something called "google".

You can actually look this stuff up all by yourselves.

A hard disk drive (HDD) is a data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information using rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material.[2] An HDD retains its data even when powered off. Data is read in a random-access manner, meaning individual blocks of data can be stored or retrieved in any order rather than sequentially. An HDD consists of one or more rigid ("hard") rapidly rotating disks (platters) with magnetic heads arranged on a moving actuator arm to read and write data to the surfaces.
Hard disk drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Leave the dark caves..little ones.

The world is a very big and interesting place.

You guys have something called "google".

You can actually look this stuff up all by yourselves.

A hard disk drive (HDD) is a data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information using rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material.[2] An HDD retains its data even when powered off. Data is read in a random-access manner, meaning individual blocks of data can be stored or retrieved in any order rather than sequentially. An HDD consists of one or more rigid ("hard") rapidly rotating disks (platters) with magnetic heads arranged on a moving actuator arm to read and write data to the surfaces.
Hard disk drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Leave the dark caves..little ones.

The world is a very big and interesting place.

I dont see anything about a needle that scratches the surface of the hard drive. Is that in the next paragraph?
I am not an IT tech but have changed hard drives and I see no way a hard drive gets a scratch. If someone could explain how it would be appreciate. What I think is happening is that they discovered that the HD was shredded like they thought so them made an excuse. OR for a bigger conspiracy theory it is not her hard drive at all it is one they made to appear to be hers, it just took this long to do so. What is on the HD will tell the story.

It shows you are no tech expert.

Hard drives are like record players. They have "heads" or something that functions like a "needle" that "seeks" or finds data. If you listen to the computer you can actually hear the parts moving when you perform a "seek" functions.

Eventually they do fail and the disks can become scratched.

A sector can become scratched, but it is, most times, only a small amount of data affected. And even it can sometimes be recoverable. Think of a record player. You know how the needle can scratch a record if bumped severely or by happenstance by mis handling of the record off the player? Well, you can still play the record, it might hang at the scratch, but you can move that needle to get it to continue to play. Obviously, within an enclosed hard drive, you can't mishandle the disc physically, unless maybe throwing the drive or laptop across a room into a wall, etc. while it is working. Do things happen sometimes with age? Yes. But most all data can still be recovered when you fix the head or remove the disc to another apparatus. Could a minute amount of data have been lost? Yes, but most all is recoverable, just as you can continue to hear most of that record even it has become scratched. For those not familiar with records and record players, even a scratched record can most times be restored.
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Look...2 very simple questions can be asked, and the answer will reveal all.

The IRS claims that they DO back-up.....but the back up tapes are overwritten after 6 months (archaic, yes, but that is their claim).

1) Why do you back up data?

Likely answer....if a hard drive crashes, we can take the back up and implant all lost data on the replacement hard drive

2) When Lois Lerners hard drive crashed, why didn't you take the backed up data and implant it on her NEW hard drive? Why did you wait until AFTER the 6 months and until AFTER the back up was overwritten?

The answer to number 2 will tell all. And the truth is, question 2 should not have to be asked
I am not an IT tech but have changed hard drives and I see no way a hard drive gets a scratch. If someone could explain how it would be appreciate. What I think is happening is that they discovered that the HD was shredded like they thought so them made an excuse. OR for a bigger conspiracy theory it is not her hard drive at all it is one they made to appear to be hers, it just took this long to do so. What is on the HD will tell the story.

It shows you are no tech expert.

Hard drives are like record players. They have "heads" or something that functions like a "needle" that "seeks" or finds data. If you listen to the computer you can actually hear the parts moving when you perform a "seek" functions.

Eventually they do fail and the disks can become scratched.
Yes they do. A cracked bearing can cause a platter to wobble just enough that the read head will make actual contact with the storage medium and cause a scratch. Grease can get into a disk from the bearings as well and cause a head bounce.

More importantly. Data from hard drives have been recovered from drives that have been set on fire, platters that have been broken. Only a magnetic wipe and a shredder can really render data lost on a hard drive.

Which is all moot anyway. Every email sent by Lerner is on a server somewhere. The Congress just needs the stones do send the US Marshall into their IT dept. and do a complete search.
I am not an IT tech but have changed hard drives and I see no way a hard drive gets a scratch. If someone could explain how it would be appreciate. What I think is happening is that they discovered that the HD was shredded like they thought so them made an excuse. OR for a bigger conspiracy theory it is not her hard drive at all it is one they made to appear to be hers, it just took this long to do so. What is on the HD will tell the story.

It shows you are no tech expert.

Hard drives are like record players. They have "heads" or something that functions like a "needle" that "seeks" or finds data. If you listen to the computer you can actually hear the parts moving when you perform a "seek" functions.

Eventually they do fail and the disks can become scratched.

A sector can become scratched, but it is, most times, only a small amount of data affected. And even it can sometimes be recoverable. Think of a record player. You know how the needle can scratch a record if bumped severely or by happenstance by mis handling of the record off the player? Well, you can still play the record, it might hang at the scratch, but you can move that needle to get it to continue to play. Obviously, within an enclosed hard drive, you can't mishandle the disc physically, unless maybe throwing the drive or laptop across a room into a wall, etc. while it is working. Do things happen sometimes with age? Yes. But most all data can still be recovered when you fix the head or remove the disc to another apparatus. Could a minute amount of data have been lost? Yes, but most all is recoverable, just as you can continue to hear most of that record even it has become scratched. For those not familiar with records and record players, even a scratched record can most times be restored.

Did you even bother to read my post before you posted this?

You essentially posted the same thing I did.

And,'s possible to recover the data.

Issa should get the drives and send them a facility that does that.

Although, from what I understand? Emails are generally not stored locally.
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One important note, a disc does not have a needle, but works similar to a laser. It is the head that gives that can 'scratch' the hard drive.
Look...2 very simple questions can be asked, and the answer will reveal all.

The IRS claims that they DO back-up.....but the back up tapes are overwritten after 6 months (archaic, yes, but that is their claim).

1) Why do you back up data?

Likely answer....if a hard drive crashes, we can take the back up and implant all lost data on the replacement hard drive

2) When Lois Lerners hard drive crashed, why didn't you take the backed up data and implant it on her NEW hard drive? Why did you wait until AFTER the 6 months and until AFTER the back up was overwritten?

The answer to number 2 will tell all. And the truth is, question 2 should not have to be asked

And just to add to this.....

How did Lois lerner continue to operate if she did not have the data of the projects she was working on when her hard drive crashed?

You guys have something called "google".

You can actually look this stuff up all by yourselves.

A hard disk drive (HDD) is a data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information using rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material.[2] An HDD retains its data even when powered off. Data is read in a random-access manner, meaning individual blocks of data can be stored or retrieved in any order rather than sequentially. An HDD consists of one or more rigid ("hard") rapidly rotating disks (platters) with magnetic heads arranged on a moving actuator arm to read and write data to the surfaces.
Hard disk drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Leave the dark caves..little ones.

The world is a very big and interesting place.

I dont see anything about a needle that scratches the surface of the hard drive. Is that in the next paragraph?
A hard drive read/write head uses magnetism, not a needle. It floats above the platter on a cushion of air generated by the rotation of the platter.
I am not an IT tech but have changed hard drives and I see no way a hard drive gets a scratch. If someone could explain how it would be appreciate. What I think is happening is that they discovered that the HD was shredded like they thought so them made an excuse. OR for a bigger conspiracy theory it is not her hard drive at all it is one they made to appear to be hers, it just took this long to do so. What is on the HD will tell the story.

It shows you are no tech expert.

Hard drives are like record players. They have "heads" or something that functions like a "needle" that "seeks" or finds data. If you listen to the computer you can actually hear the parts moving when you perform a "seek" functions.

Eventually they do fail and the disks can become scratched.
Yes they do. A cracked bearing can cause a platter to wobble just enough that the read head will make actual contact with the storage medium and cause a scratch. Grease can get into a disk from the bearings as well and cause a head bounce.

More importantly. Data from hard drives have been recovered from drives that have been set on fire, platters that have been broken. Only a magnetic wipe and a shredder can really render data lost on a hard drive.

Which is all moot anyway. Every email sent by Lerner is on a server somewhere. The Congress just needs the stones do send the US Marshall into their IT dept. and do a complete search.

And it has to be one hell of a magnet to wipe it clean.

You guys have something called "google".

You can actually look this stuff up all by yourselves.

A hard disk drive (HDD) is a data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information using rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material.[2] An HDD retains its data even when powered off. Data is read in a random-access manner, meaning individual blocks of data can be stored or retrieved in any order rather than sequentially. An HDD consists of one or more rigid ("hard") rapidly rotating disks (platters) with magnetic heads arranged on a moving actuator arm to read and write data to the surfaces.
Hard disk drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Leave the dark caves..little ones.

The world is a very big and interesting place.

I dont see anything about a needle that scratches the surface of the hard drive. Is that in the next paragraph?

It can happen. Under the circumstances I dont believe it for a second though.

I would like to see the disk. Was Lois stupid enough to just scratch the hell out of it?
Or did it have the perfect circle where the arm made contact?
Last edited by a moderator: were in IT...

When someones hard drive crashes and data is not recoverable, what is the first thing one does when they install a new hard drive?

I know the answer.....

They go to the back up and implant all backed up data on their new hard drive.

Why did they not do that with Lois Lerner?

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