IRS tech experts: Lerner’s hard drive only 'scratched,' not destroyed

It is so obvious this was preplanning between the dems and Koskinen on questions and answers, most of which have nothing to do in specifically to the questions of the investigation. Another case of collusion, in my opinion.
It is so obvious this was preplanning between the dems and Koskinen on questions and answers, most of which have nothing to do in specifically to the questions of the investigation. Another case of collusion, in my opinion.

It's because the Democrats supposedly investigating this are guilty themselves. That's why Koskinen looked so fucking smug during the hearing. He knew the thing was fixed in his favor and he was untouchable.
It is so obvious this was preplanning between the dems and Koskinen on questions and answers, most of which have nothing to do in specifically to the questions of the investigation. Another case of collusion, in my opinion.

It's because the Democrats supposedly investigating this are guilty themselves. That's why Koskinen looked so fucking smug during the hearing. He knew the thing was fixed in his favor and he was untouchable.

Yep. I did notice, everytime it became the turn of a dem to speak. Though, when asked questions about his past testimony that now appears to be questionable, from reps on the committee he started with the throat clearing. He doesn't hide his past transgressions well, after having watched his behavior in a number of prior hearings.
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OK, asshole. Here's why. Because once the precedent is set, it's set. So when President Cruz takes office and orders the IRS to spy on liberal groups, orders the Justice Dept to investigate George Soros, orders the Labor Dept to launch investigations into liberal owned companies, and generally tries to suppress liberals and Democrats you'll be squealing like the fat stuck pig you are and whining about how unfair it is.
That's why.

Hey, I'm all for investigating George Soros and seriously, fuck companies no matter who owns them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Instead of whining about how you couldn't commit tax fraud, why not just honestly file as a 527 and let everyone know who your donors are?
OK, asshole. Here's why. Because once the precedent is set, it's set. So when President Cruz takes office and orders the IRS to spy on liberal groups, orders the Justice Dept to investigate George Soros, orders the Labor Dept to launch investigations into liberal owned companies, and generally tries to suppress liberals and Democrats you'll be squealing like the fat stuck pig you are and whining about how unfair it is.
That's why.

Hey, I'm all for investigating George Soros and seriously, fuck companies no matter who owns them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Instead of whining about how you couldn't commit tax fraud, why not just honestly file as a 527 and let everyone know who your donors are?

So the IRS and every liberal group can hound them? No thanks. That's why those things are anonymous.
[ame=]Nina Easton: What I saw at the SEIU thug protest at that banker's home - YouTube[/ame]
And have to deal with the wrath of liberals? No.
OK, asshole. Here's why. Because once the precedent is set, it's set. So when President Cruz takes office and orders the IRS to spy on liberal groups, orders the Justice Dept to investigate George Soros, orders the Labor Dept to launch investigations into liberal owned companies, and generally tries to suppress liberals and Democrats you'll be squealing like the fat stuck pig you are and whining about how unfair it is.
That's why.

Hey, I'm all for investigating George Soros and seriously, fuck companies no matter who owns them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Instead of whining about how you couldn't commit tax fraud, why not just honestly file as a 527 and let everyone know who your donors are?
OK, asshole. Here's why. Because once the precedent is set, it's set. So when President Cruz takes office and orders the IRS to spy on liberal groups, orders the Justice Dept to investigate George Soros, orders the Labor Dept to launch investigations into liberal owned companies, and generally tries to suppress liberals and Democrats you'll be squealing like the fat stuck pig you are and whining about how unfair it is.
That's why.

Hey, I'm all for investigating George Soros and seriously, fuck companies no matter who owns them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Instead of whining about how you couldn't commit tax fraud, why not just honestly file as a 527 and let everyone know who your donors are?

So the IRS and every liberal group can hound them? No thanks. That's why those things are anonymous.

They shouldn't be. That's the point.

And if htey honestly filed as a 527, there wouldn't be an issue.

Instead they claimed to be "Social Welfare Agencies", when their intent was to do politics.

You see, the real problem is that the IRS doesn't investigate enough of these people who abuse the code. I guess groups that say "Taxed Enough Already" applying for a tax deduction should be about as comical as this guy walking into a bank.

If you don't want to pay the consequences, don't play the game.

It's pretty fucking simple.

Frankly, I want to know who is buying my government. Maybe if we outed a few more of them, they'd stop trying to do it.

Nina Easton: What I saw at the SEIU thug protest at that banker's home - YouTube
And have to deal with the wrath of liberals? No.
OK, asshole. Here's why. Because once the precedent is set, it's set. So when President Cruz takes office and orders the IRS to spy on liberal groups, orders the Justice Dept to investigate George Soros, orders the Labor Dept to launch investigations into liberal owned companies, and generally tries to suppress liberals and Democrats you'll be squealing like the fat stuck pig you are and whining about how unfair it is.
That's why.

Hey, I'm all for investigating George Soros and seriously, fuck companies no matter who owns them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Instead of whining about how you couldn't commit tax fraud, why not just honestly file as a 527 and let everyone know who your donors are?
Hey, I'm all for investigating George Soros and seriously, fuck companies no matter who owns them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Instead of whining about how you couldn't commit tax fraud, why not just honestly file as a 527 and let everyone know who your donors are?

So the IRS and every liberal group can hound them? No thanks. That's why those things are anonymous.

They shouldn't be. That's the point.

And if htey honestly filed as a 527, there wouldn't be an issue.

Instead they claimed to be "Social Welfare Agencies", when their intent was to do politics.

You see, the real problem is that the IRS doesn't investigate enough of these people who abuse the code. I guess groups that say "Taxed Enough Already" applying for a tax deduction should be about as comical as this guy walking into a bank.
See. Joe. The problem is that you're incredibly stupid. You've posted this "theory" about a doxen times and every single time it's pointed out the IRS did not deny a single application of the aggrieved groups. They were perfectly legitimate.
I realize that doesnt fit your story line but with you facts seldom matter.
OK, asshole. Here's why. Because once the precedent is set, it's set. So when President Cruz takes office and orders the IRS to spy on liberal groups, orders the Justice Dept to investigate George Soros, orders the Labor Dept to launch investigations into liberal owned companies, and generally tries to suppress liberals and Democrats you'll be squealing like the fat stuck pig you are and whining about how unfair it is.
That's why.

Hey, I'm all for investigating George Soros and seriously, fuck companies no matter who owns them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Instead of whining about how you couldn't commit tax fraud, why not just honestly file as a 527 and let everyone know who your donors are?

So the IRS and every liberal group can hound them? No thanks. That's why those things are anonymous.

And it's illegal.

501(c) 4, according to federal law, must operate EXCLUSIVELY for the benefit of social welfare.

That excludes politics.
Hey, I'm all for investigating George Soros and seriously, fuck companies no matter who owns them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Instead of whining about how you couldn't commit tax fraud, why not just honestly file as a 527 and let everyone know who your donors are?

So the IRS and every liberal group can hound them? No thanks. That's why those things are anonymous.

And it's illegal.

501(c) 4, according to federal law, must operate EXCLUSIVELY for the benefit of social welfare.

That excludes politics.

I am not an IT tech but have changed hard drives and I see no way a hard drive gets a scratch. If someone could explain how it would be appreciate. What I think is happening is that they discovered that the HD was shredded like they thought so them made an excuse. OR for a bigger conspiracy theory it is not her hard drive at all it is one they made to appear to be hers, it just took this long to do so. What is on the HD will tell the story.

Happens all the time.

There is an arm inside the hard drive that can easily scratch the disk. The scratches are usually small, but they are still there. Take one apart if you don't believe me.
House investigators: IRS tech experts say Lerner?s hard drive only 'scratched,' not destroyed | Fox News

House investigators said Tuesday that the computer hard drive of ex-agency official Lois Lerner -- a key figure in the IRS targeting scandal -- was only “scratched,” not irreparably damaged, as Americans have been led to believe.GOP-led Ways and Means Committee investigators, in their quest to recover missing Lerner emails, learned her hard drive was damaged but recoverable by talking to IRS information-technology experts, after the government originally refused to make them available, according to the committee."
oh my! Someone is feeling the heat!

How about her private parts...any sign of life?
It shows you are no tech expert.

Hard drives are like record players. They have "heads" or something that functions like a "needle" that "seeks" or finds data. If you listen to the computer you can actually hear the parts moving when you perform a "seek" functions.

Eventually they do fail and the disks can become scratched.

A sector can become scratched, but it is, most times, only a small amount of data affected. And even it can sometimes be recoverable. Think of a record player. You know how the needle can scratch a record if bumped severely or by happenstance by mis handling of the record off the player? Well, you can still play the record, it might hang at the scratch, but you can move that needle to get it to continue to play. Obviously, within an enclosed hard drive, you can't mishandle the disc physically, unless maybe throwing the drive or laptop across a room into a wall, etc. while it is working. Do things happen sometimes with age? Yes. But most all data can still be recovered when you fix the head or remove the disc to another apparatus. Could a minute amount of data have been lost? Yes, but most all is recoverable, just as you can continue to hear most of that record even it has become scratched. For those not familiar with records and record players, even a scratched record can most times be restored.

Did you even bother to read my post before you posted this?

You essentially posted the same thing I did.

And,'s possible to recover the data.

Issa should get the drives and send them a facility that does that.

Although, from what I understand? Emails are generally not stored locally.

The IRS still thinks it is 1990, they apparently store all emails locally, with backups at some interval to magnetic tapes, which they, again apparently, only keep for 6 months. Must make conducting criminal investigations into tax fraud really complicated using a system like that.
Lerner will either kill herself or Obama's goons with kill her off in the near future.
See. Joe. The problem is that you're incredibly stupid. You've posted this "theory" about a doxen times and every single time it's pointed out the IRS did not deny a single application of the aggrieved groups. They were perfectly legitimate.
I realize that doesnt fit your story line but with you facts seldom matter.

No, most of them gave up when they realized they didn't qualify. Some of them provided the correct documentation.

Point was, the IRS did it's job.
Lerner will either kill herself or Obama's goons with kill her off in the near future.

More likely. The GOP will huff and puff for the next couple of years, and this will go away.

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