IRS tech experts: Lerner’s hard drive only 'scratched,' not destroyed

The IRS did its job in hiding evidence and obstructing justice, until it got to a person who maybe wasn't totally being honest but didn't want to be caught.

IRS has ‘no excuses’ for latest twist in email saga, says IT expert

Hard drives can become scratched when a read-write head that is meant to operate just above the platter touches down on the magnetic disk. Webster, who has served as a consulting and IT expert in more than 80 civil lawsuits, told that this can be caused by a physical jolt, or, in some case, a mechanical failure.
See. Joe. The problem is that you're incredibly stupid. You've posted this "theory" about a doxen times and every single time it's pointed out the IRS did not deny a single application of the aggrieved groups. They were perfectly legitimate.
I realize that doesnt fit your story line but with you facts seldom matter.

No, most of them gave up when they realized they didn't qualify. Some of them provided the correct documentation.

Point was, the IRS did it's job.

Which is why they apologized, right?
Face it Joe. You're a low information, low intelligence moron.
See. Joe. The problem is that you're incredibly stupid. You've posted this "theory" about a doxen times and every single time it's pointed out the IRS did not deny a single application of the aggrieved groups. They were perfectly legitimate.
I realize that doesnt fit your story line but with you facts seldom matter.

No, most of them gave up when they realized they didn't qualify. Some of them provided the correct documentation.

Point was, the IRS did it's job.

Which is why they apologized, right?
Face it Joe. You're a low information, low intelligence moron.

"I'm terribly sorry we caught you red-handed trying to pull a fast one and stopping you form doing it."

Some apology.

Come on, admit it, you're butt-hurt because you didn't pull your fast one.

That and you really think the fast one would have saved that Weird Mormon Robot most of you really didn't want as a nominee to start with.
No, most of them gave up when they realized they didn't qualify. Some of them provided the correct documentation.

Point was, the IRS did it's job.

Which is why they apologized, right?
Face it Joe. You're a low information, low intelligence moron.

"I'm terribly sorry we caught you red-handed trying to pull a fast one and stopping you form doing it."

Some apology.

Come on, admit it, you're butt-hurt because you didn't pull your fast one.

That and you really think the fast one would have saved that Weird Mormon Robot most of you really didn't want as a nominee to start with.

Nice fabrication. Sometimes I wonder if you live on Planet Earth. And thanks for dragging your religious bigotry back in. Reminds everyone what a real scumbag you are.
Which is why they apologized, right?
Face it Joe. You're a low information, low intelligence moron.

"I'm terribly sorry we caught you red-handed trying to pull a fast one and stopping you form doing it."

Some apology.

Come on, admit it, you're butt-hurt because you didn't pull your fast one.

That and you really think the fast one would have saved that Weird Mormon Robot most of you really didn't want as a nominee to start with.

Nice fabrication. Sometimes I wonder if you live on Planet Earth. And thanks for dragging your religious bigotry back in. Reminds everyone what a real scumbag you are.

Well, yeah, I guess i don't think God was talking to a kiddie-diddling con artist.

Mitt Romney obviously does.

Which disqualifies him from ever having his hands on the nuclear football.
It shows you are no tech expert.

Hard drives are like record players. They have "heads" or something that functions like a "needle" that "seeks" or finds data. If you listen to the computer you can actually hear the parts moving when you perform a "seek" functions.

Eventually they do fail and the disks can become scratched.

A sector can become scratched, but it is, most times, only a small amount of data affected. And even it can sometimes be recoverable. Think of a record player. You know how the needle can scratch a record if bumped severely or by happenstance by mis handling of the record off the player? Well, you can still play the record, it might hang at the scratch, but you can move that needle to get it to continue to play. Obviously, within an enclosed hard drive, you can't mishandle the disc physically, unless maybe throwing the drive or laptop across a room into a wall, etc. while it is working. Do things happen sometimes with age? Yes. But most all data can still be recovered when you fix the head or remove the disc to another apparatus. Could a minute amount of data have been lost? Yes, but most all is recoverable, just as you can continue to hear most of that record even it has become scratched. For those not familiar with records and record players, even a scratched record can most times be restored.

Did you even bother to read my post before you posted this?

You essentially posted the same thing I did.

And,'s possible to recover the data.

Issa should get the drives and send them a facility that does that.

Although, from what I understand? Emails are generally not stored locally.

That is what is confusing to me. E-mails, other than archives, are not usually stored locally. But they were sent to someone. There should be an e-mail trail out there. You don't just write an e-mail and it sits on your computer. She sent it to someone and that someone should have a copy of it. If they don't, then the IRS IT administrator should have a backup. It is just does not add up...

But all this energy and resources spent for nothing. What a waste of time to satisfy the political appetite of a group of loons. Just Incredible!
A sector can become scratched, but it is, most times, only a small amount of data affected. And even it can sometimes be recoverable. Think of a record player. You know how the needle can scratch a record if bumped severely or by happenstance by mis handling of the record off the player? Well, you can still play the record, it might hang at the scratch, but you can move that needle to get it to continue to play. Obviously, within an enclosed hard drive, you can't mishandle the disc physically, unless maybe throwing the drive or laptop across a room into a wall, etc. while it is working. Do things happen sometimes with age? Yes. But most all data can still be recovered when you fix the head or remove the disc to another apparatus. Could a minute amount of data have been lost? Yes, but most all is recoverable, just as you can continue to hear most of that record even it has become scratched. For those not familiar with records and record players, even a scratched record can most times be restored.

Did you even bother to read my post before you posted this?

You essentially posted the same thing I did.

And,'s possible to recover the data.

Issa should get the drives and send them a facility that does that.

Although, from what I understand? Emails are generally not stored locally.

The IRS still thinks it is 1990, they apparently store all emails locally, with backups at some interval to magnetic tapes, which they, again apparently, only keep for 6 months. Must make conducting criminal investigations into tax fraud really complicated using a system like that.

I guess they think it's 1990 because that's the sort of tech they still have.

Ever been to a government office?

Wonder why they do things so slowly?
The desperation, at this point, is pretty pathetic. Come on cons you can do better :cool:

Desperation of what? Seems if anyone is desperate at this point it would be you, wanting this to just go awayyyy.

Seems a judge was just lied to, as well. It is all getting pretty heated. What will the next week bring?

Maybe not Next Week - but evetually a Presidential Pardon if she sticks to her guns.
A sector can become scratched, but it is, most times, only a small amount of data affected. And even it can sometimes be recoverable. Think of a record player. You know how the needle can scratch a record if bumped severely or by happenstance by mis handling of the record off the player? Well, you can still play the record, it might hang at the scratch, but you can move that needle to get it to continue to play. Obviously, within an enclosed hard drive, you can't mishandle the disc physically, unless maybe throwing the drive or laptop across a room into a wall, etc. while it is working. Do things happen sometimes with age? Yes. But most all data can still be recovered when you fix the head or remove the disc to another apparatus. Could a minute amount of data have been lost? Yes, but most all is recoverable, just as you can continue to hear most of that record even it has become scratched. For those not familiar with records and record players, even a scratched record can most times be restored.

Did you even bother to read my post before you posted this?

You essentially posted the same thing I did.

And,'s possible to recover the data.

Issa should get the drives and send them a facility that does that.

Although, from what I understand? Emails are generally not stored locally.

That is what is confusing to me. E-mails, other than archives, are not usually stored locally. But they were sent to someone. There should be an e-mail trail out there. You don't just write an e-mail and it sits on your computer. She sent it to someone and that someone should have a copy of it. If they don't, then the IRS IT administrator should have a backup. It is just does not add up...

But all this energy and resources spent for nothing. What a waste of time to satisfy the political appetite of a group of loons. Just Incredible!


A group of partisan loons motivated only by anger over having lost two presidential elections, absent any objective, documented evidence of the Administration being 'involved' or orchestrating a 'cover up.'
See. Joe. The problem is that you're incredibly stupid. You've posted this "theory" about a doxen times and every single time it's pointed out the IRS did not deny a single application of the aggrieved groups. They were perfectly legitimate.
I realize that doesnt fit your story line but with you facts seldom matter.

No, most of them gave up when they realized they didn't qualify. Some of them provided the correct documentation.

Point was, the IRS did it's job.

Point was, the IRS did it's job - you got a good point ,... they certainly did do their job in stifling oppossition to El-Presidente. :lol: Some of the malarkey you pop out with Joe ... I mean really ...I almost feel embarassed for you .
A sector can become scratched, but it is, most times, only a small amount of data affected. And even it can sometimes be recoverable. Think of a record player. You know how the needle can scratch a record if bumped severely or by happenstance by mis handling of the record off the player? Well, you can still play the record, it might hang at the scratch, but you can move that needle to get it to continue to play. Obviously, within an enclosed hard drive, you can't mishandle the disc physically, unless maybe throwing the drive or laptop across a room into a wall, etc. while it is working. Do things happen sometimes with age? Yes. But most all data can still be recovered when you fix the head or remove the disc to another apparatus. Could a minute amount of data have been lost? Yes, but most all is recoverable, just as you can continue to hear most of that record even it has become scratched. For those not familiar with records and record players, even a scratched record can most times be restored.

Did you even bother to read my post before you posted this?

You essentially posted the same thing I did.

And,'s possible to recover the data.

Issa should get the drives and send them a facility that does that.

Although, from what I understand? Emails are generally not stored locally.

That is what is confusing to me. E-mails, other than archives, are not usually stored locally. But they were sent to someone. There should be an e-mail trail out there. You don't just write an e-mail and it sits on your computer. She sent it to someone and that someone should have a copy of it. If they don't, then the IRS IT administrator should have a backup. It is just does not add up...

But all this energy and resources spent for nothing. What a waste of time to satisfy the political appetite of a group of loons. Just Incredible!

Well it's pretty transparent.

They aren't looking to get to the "bottom" of anything because they've already gotten there.

The IRS is cash strapped and the "Citizen's United" decision left them with a quandary.

All of a sudden brand newly minted Tea Party PACs were storming the gates to get the coveted 501(c) 4 exemption and the IRS didn't have the tools or resources to see if they qualified. So they used a "brute force" method and began using tags.

It was simple enough.

And if Issa thinks there is something more he can give the people testifying, immunity and wave the privacy law for tax returns.

He hasn't done that.

What he wants is a fishing expedition here.

The other thing is that Issa uncovered that Federal Law prohibited these PACs from getting the exemption.

They got them..and still have them..anyways.
See. Joe. The problem is that you're incredibly stupid. You've posted this "theory" about a doxen times and every single time it's pointed out the IRS did not deny a single application of the aggrieved groups. They were perfectly legitimate.
I realize that doesnt fit your story line but with you facts seldom matter.

No, most of them gave up when they realized they didn't qualify. Some of them provided the correct documentation.

Point was, the IRS did it's job.

Point was, the IRS did it's job - you got a good point ,... they certainly did do their job in stifling oppossition to El-Presidente. :lol: Some of the malarkey you pop out with Joe ... I mean really ...I almost feel embarassed for you .

Guy, you did not lose the 2012 election because some Tea Bagger group couldn't get a fraudulent tax exemption.

You lost because you nominated a Weird Mormon Robot that kept reminding people that it enjoyed firing people and it had more money than you did.
No, most of them gave up when they realized they didn't qualify. Some of them provided the correct documentation.

Point was, the IRS did it's job.

Point was, the IRS did it's job - you got a good point ,... they certainly did do their job in stifling oppossition to El-Presidente. :lol: Some of the malarkey you pop out with Joe ... I mean really ...I almost feel embarassed for you .

Guy, you did not lose the 2012 election because some Tea Bagger group couldn't get a fraudulent tax exemption.

You lost because you nominated a Weird Mormon Robot that kept reminding people that it enjoyed firing people and it had more money than you did.

Dude - That's Irrelevant - the Obama Regime used a Government AGency to unjustly harass opponents -their activities demonstrated preferential treatment for lefty leaners and harassment of right leaners .
Point was, the IRS did it's job - you got a good point ,... they certainly did do their job in stifling oppossition to El-Presidente. :lol: Some of the malarkey you pop out with Joe ... I mean really ...I almost feel embarassed for you .

Guy, you did not lose the 2012 election because some Tea Bagger group couldn't get a fraudulent tax exemption.

You lost because you nominated a Weird Mormon Robot that kept reminding people that it enjoyed firing people and it had more money than you did.

Dude - That's Irrelevant - the Obama Regime used a Government AGency to unjustly harass opponents -their activities demonstrated preferential treatment for lefty leaners and harassment of right leaners .

It's that like saying, 'Well, Billy pulled Sally's pigtails, too. Why isn't he sitting in the corner?"

You aren't really denying you were pulling Sally's pigtails, because you totally got caught doing that. You are just complaining Billy didn't get the same punishment you got, right?

You see, the groups in questions SHOULD have filed as 527 groups instead of 501(c)4 groups. They'd have had to completely disclose their donors and they would have been able to openly politic as much as they wanted.
Well, we didnt see that coming.
So the IRS lied about the lies they've told. ANd how does a hard drive get scratched? Unless someone takes it out and tries to destroy it. Like maybe after getting notice of Congressional interest in what's on the hard drive.
The whole thing stinks to high heaven. We've got an IRS that lied about everything, a Justice Department that is giving a flat tire to any investigation, an administration that is covering up for all this, an IRS commissioner (several actually) lying to Congress, and IRS failing to comply with judge's orders, etc etc.
And I believe this is just the tip. Lois Lerner and the drive to suppress conservative groups is just one facet. I suspect we will learn the entire IRS has become politicized and is just an operative wing for the DNC. We already have Hilda Solis campaignign for the Dems on company time. We already know the IRS handed over confidential information to outside groups. Who believes it's impossible they didnt hand over donor lists and tax returns as well?

Still waiting to find out why anyone should really care....

Anyone. Buehler? Buehler?
OK, asshole. Here's why. Because once the precedent is set, it's set. So when President Cruz takes office and orders the IRS to spy on liberal groups, orders the Justice Dept to investigate George Soros, orders the Labor Dept to launch investigations into liberal owned companies, and generally tries to suppress liberals and Democrats you'll be squealing like the fat stuck pig you are and whining about how unfair it is.
That's why.

Ding, ding ding! I hope it happens. The fuckin' liberals just don't get it.
I'm sure Faux Noise etc etc will fully report when it's proved there was never any "scandal"
Guy, you did not lose the 2012 election because some Tea Bagger group couldn't get a fraudulent tax exemption.

You lost because you nominated a Weird Mormon Robot that kept reminding people that it enjoyed firing people and it had more money than you did.

Dude - That's Irrelevant - the Obama Regime used a Government AGency to unjustly harass opponents -their activities demonstrated preferential treatment for lefty leaners and harassment of right leaners .

It's that like saying, 'Well, Billy pulled Sally's pigtails, too. Why isn't he sitting in the corner?"

You aren't really denying you were pulling Sally's pigtails, because you totally got caught doing that. You are just complaining Billy didn't get the same punishment you got, right?

You see, the groups in questions SHOULD have filed as 527 groups instead of 501(c)4 groups. They'd have had to completely disclose their donors and they would have been able to openly politic as much as they wanted.

Your grasping at straws ,and your argument doesn't hold water - not really even worth responding to - Grow up Joe - it's inexcusable and undefendable.
Guy, you did not lose the 2012 election because some Tea Bagger group couldn't get a fraudulent tax exemption.

You lost because you nominated a Weird Mormon Robot that kept reminding people that it enjoyed firing people and it had more money than you did.

Dude - That's Irrelevant - the Obama Regime used a Government AGency to unjustly harass opponents -their activities demonstrated preferential treatment for lefty leaners and harassment of right leaners .

It's that like saying, 'Well, Billy pulled Sally's pigtails, too. Why isn't he sitting in the corner?"

You aren't really denying you were pulling Sally's pigtails, because you totally got caught doing that. You are just complaining Billy didn't get the same punishment you got, right?

You see, the groups in questions SHOULD have filed as 527 groups instead of 501(c)4 groups. They'd have had to completely disclose their donors and they would have been able to openly politic as much as they wanted.

Joe you keep pushing that lie, despite being shown a dozen times it's a lie. No group was denied status. No one was caught doing anything wrong, except the IRS itself. Quit telling lies. It makes you look like an idiot. Probably because you are an idiot.
All the TP groups were approved...the numbers and delay are easily explained by the fact that the new TP wanted so many. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZHater dupes! Also Pub defunding behind all these scandals lol...
All the TP groups were approved...the numbers and delay are easily explained by the fact that the new TP wanted so many. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZHater dupes! Also Pub defunding behind all these scandals lol...

Wait a minuite. Joe says they were denied because they were trying to engage in fraud. So which is it?

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