IRS tech experts: Lerner’s hard drive only 'scratched,' not destroyed

No of course not - because her hard drive got destroyed .

The odds of winning the Florida lottery are 1 in 22,957,480.
The odds of winning the Powerball are 1 in 175,223,510.

The odds of a computer disk drive failing in any given month are roughly 1 in 36. The odds of two different drives failing in the same month are roughly 1 in 36 squared, or 1 in about 1,300.

The odds of three hard drives all failing in the same month are 36 cubed or 1 in 46,656. You get the picture, I'm sure.

The odds of seven different hard drives all failing in the same month (like what happened at the IRS when they received a letter from Congress asking for all the emails concerning the targeting of conservative groups) are 37 to the 7th power or 1 in 78,664,164,096 (that's more than 78 billion).

In other words, the odds are greater that you will win the Florida lottery 342 different times than having those seven IRS hard drives all crashing in the same month.

Now if we were to put this body of evidence before a jury of 12 sane people, logic would have them conclude this does not smell right at all and should be looked into.

Now if we were to put this body of evidence before 11 sane people and one liberal, we would hear from that liberal, "But, dude, it could have happened, there is a 1 in 78 billion chance it could have!"

Jack L. Reed

Stafford - Odds against missing IRS emails

Dude -That's more than one in 78,000,000,000 and asshats like you believe it - holy crap !!!!

1:36? I have had many computers and have never had a hard drive fail. Where does the IRS buy their computers, Toys are US?

You had lots and lots of them, eh?

I have worked in IT for close to 20 years.

Hard drives fail all the time.

That is why backups are done and regularly.

A better question is when was the last time these machines were replaced?

How old is the technology?

Is IRS IT properly financed?

If you want gold star service?

You have to pay for it.

I worked for a Government agency that wasn't half as well financed as the IRS for many years- our systems were replaced every 2 -3 years . I have a friend who works for a regional iRS Office - their desk tops are replaced annually , the hard drives wiped cleam and auctioned off - I have two of them at my shop - that are about 5 years old and they work just fine with minimal maintainence.

As for the IRS in DC - I find it hard to believe that a regional office would have such grandiose maintainence and the head office has squat - just not believable ---- the odds are 1 in 78 Billion - that's 78 followed by Nine Zeroes - did you play the Lotto today - your odds of hitting are much better.
I have come to the conclusion that Issa really does not want to get to the bottom of anything. He is content to keep throwing mud against the wall, hoping something will stick to Obama or Hillary or some other Democrat. As long as he can keep this investigation on the front page....or at least the GOP front page, he has a vehicle to get the masses up in arms and also a means to denigrate Democrats.

Think about it....It is a very good plan. How long will it last? Not sure, but it is one of the things that the GOP is still hanging on to in order to survive. The IRS scandal and Benghazi....bridges to nowhere....

You're a liar. You never came to that conclusion, which would involve thought after learning all the relevant facts. It was predetermined. If Issa today found a video tape of Obama telling Lerner to suppress Tea Party groups you would claim it was a fake, or that Obama was justified in doing it, or that Bush did the same thing, or that Lerner didnt act on it, or some other rationalization.
Because frankly, rational thought is not part of your day.
House investigators: IRS tech experts say Lerner?s hard drive only 'scratched,' not destroyed | Fox News

House investigators said Tuesday that the computer hard drive of ex-agency official Lois Lerner -- a key figure in the IRS targeting scandal -- was only “scratched,” not irreparably damaged, as Americans have been led to believe.GOP-led Ways and Means Committee investigators, in their quest to recover missing Lerner emails, learned her hard drive was damaged but recoverable by talking to IRS information-technology experts, after the government originally refused to make them available, according to the committee."
oh my! Someone is feeling the heat!
Actually, you Republican congress Critters are twisting things and lying to you and the public, once AGAIN depotoo.

the IRS techie DID NOT SAY what you congress song and dance critters said he said....

What he said was that they tried and tried to recover it and they could not.

Then he said, that he could send it out to an outside source for one final try, to see if an outside source could do it...and that he did not know if it could or it could not be recovered by this outside source....


DARN, I had some hope at first hearing the R criitters....but once again, they are bloviating.... shakes head why do they have to do this? WHY?

A Democratic spokesman for Ways and Means charged that the GOP was twisting the analyst’s words. Democrats say that the analyst made multiple unsuccessful efforts to recover the lost data, and merely said the IRS could choose to send it to outside specialists for one final try.

GOP: Lerner's hard drive 'scratched' | TheHill
In addition, learning that the hard drive was only scratched also raises questions about why the IRS refused to use outside experts to recover the data.“In fact, in-house professionals at the IRS recommended the agency seek outside assistance in recovering the data,” the committee said Tuesday in a release.House investigators said they also are trying to determine whether the scratch was accidental or deliberate.“If the IRS would just come clean and tell Congress and the American people what really happened, we could put an end to this,” Camp said. “Our investigators will not stop until we find the full truth.”

once again, this is NOT what the man being interviewed said...

he said they did everything to try to recover it and thet they were unavailable and then said he supposed that they could give it one final try by sending it to an outside source to see if they could....

A Democratic spokesman for Ways and Means charged that the GOP was twisting the analyst’s words. Democrats say that the analyst made multiple unsuccessful efforts to recover the lost data, and merely said the IRS could choose to send it to outside specialists for one final try.
GOP: Lerner's hard drive 'scratched' | TheHill
Desperation of what? Seems if anyone is desperate at this point it would be you, wanting this to just go awayyyy.

Seems a judge was just lied to, as well. It is all getting pretty heated. What will the next week bring?

Lol if it's anything like the last umpteen weeks a whole lot of nothing :laugh:

:lmoa: :rofl:

so you cknsider the fact the irs has been lying about her hard drive being totally unrecoverable nothing? Sounds more like that is the falsehood you hope others will fall for. Guess what? Those of us that realize the severity of what happened at the Irs want answers. The irs is not to be used for political folly. Already there have been firings and resignations over the hatch act, which is another form of political folly. It seems strange to me you don't see the seriousness in such. This is watergate in execution.

Guy, you did not lose the 2012 election because some Tea Bagger group couldn't get a fraudulent tax exemption.

You lost because you nominated a Weird Mormon Robot that kept reminding people that it enjoyed firing people and it had more money than you did.

Dude - That's Irrelevant - the Obama Regime used a Government AGency to unjustly harass opponents -their activities demonstrated preferential treatment for lefty leaners and harassment of right leaners .

There has been absolutely nothing in evidence that backs that up.
Actually it has and evidence has been posted numerous times. You just prefer pushing your lies, as the facts don't fit your agenda. Shame on you. Though it is your own reputation and that of the left that it is harming.
I have come to the conclusion that Issa really does not want to get to the bottom of anything. He is content to keep throwing mud against the wall, hoping something will stick to Obama or Hillary or some other Democrat. As long as he can keep this investigation on the front page....or at least the GOP front page, he has a vehicle to get the masses up in arms and also a means to denigrate Democrats.

Think about it....It is a very good plan. How long will it last? Not sure, but it is one of the things that the GOP is still hanging on to in order to survive. The IRS scandal and Benghazi....bridges to nowhere....

Oh come on!
Nobody believed that 18 1/2 min. of Nixon's tape was accidentally erased.
Same thing with 6 hard drives crashing at the same time.
Actually it's up to 17-19, or 'less than 20' now of those they asked for. All in the same relative time period.
There has been absolutely nothing in evidence that backs that up.

No of course not - because her hard drive got destroyed .

The odds of winning the Florida lottery are 1 in 22,957,480.
The odds of winning the Powerball are 1 in 175,223,510.

The odds of a computer disk drive failing in any given month are roughly 1 in 36. The odds of two different drives failing in the same month are roughly 1 in 36 squared, or 1 in about 1,300.

The odds of three hard drives all failing in the same month are 36 cubed or 1 in 46,656. You get the picture, I'm sure.

The odds of seven different hard drives all failing in the same month (like what happened at the IRS when they received a letter from Congress asking for all the emails concerning the targeting of conservative groups) are 37 to the 7th power or 1 in 78,664,164,096 (that's more than 78 billion).

In other words, the odds are greater that you will win the Florida lottery 342 different times than having those seven IRS hard drives all crashing in the same month.

Now if we were to put this body of evidence before a jury of 12 sane people, logic would have them conclude this does not smell right at all and should be looked into.

Now if we were to put this body of evidence before 11 sane people and one liberal, we would hear from that liberal, "But, dude, it could have happened, there is a 1 in 78 billion chance it could have!"

Jack L. Reed

Stafford - Odds against missing IRS emails

Dude -That's more than one in 78,000,000,000 and asshats like you believe it - holy crap !!!!

Now everyone's an IT expert I see.


You don't have to be an IT expert to figure statistics on industry standards or even the rate, which is less, according to the IRS testimony, than industry standard.
Lerner Hard Drive Was "Scratched" | House Committee on Ways & Means
Now, either you don't know much about computers or.., but a scratch does not make a drive unrecoverable. Possibly some, lost data? Yes. Most of it? No.
some info for you
House investigators: IRS tech experts say Lerner?s hard drive only 'scratched,' not destroyed | Fox News

House investigators said Tuesday that the computer hard drive of ex-agency official Lois Lerner -- a key figure in the IRS targeting scandal -- was only “scratched,” not irreparably damaged, as Americans have been led to believe.GOP-led Ways and Means Committee investigators, in their quest to recover missing Lerner emails, learned her hard drive was damaged but recoverable by talking to IRS information-technology experts, after the government originally refused to make them available, according to the committee."
oh my! Someone is feeling the heat!
Actually, you Republican congress Critters are twisting things and lying to you and the public, once AGAIN depotoo.

the IRS techie DID NOT SAY what you congress song and dance critters said he said....

What he said was that they tried and tried to recover it and they could not.

Then he said, that he could send it out to an outside source for one final try, to see if an outside source could do it...and that he did not know if it could or it could not be recovered by this outside source....


DARN, I had some hope at first hearing the R criitters....but once again, they are bloviating.... shakes head why do they have to do this? WHY?

A Democratic spokesman for Ways and Means charged that the GOP was twisting the analyst’s words. Democrats say that the analyst made multiple unsuccessful efforts to recover the lost data, and merely said the IRS could choose to send it to outside specialists for one final try.

GOP: Lerner's hard drive 'scratched' | TheHill
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Lerner Hard Drive Was "Scratched"

IRS ignored advice to use outside experts to recover data

Does this help?
Lerner Hard Drive Was "Scratched" | House Committee on Ways & Means

Well, if Fox News says it - it must be true...

NO, IRS did not ignore his advice...he just thought of it in the interview and told them he guessed that they could give it one more try by sending it to an outside source to give it one final try.

You seem to be speaking with what sounds like an awful lot of intimacy of supposed details here, Care.
No of course not - because her hard drive got destroyed .

The odds of winning the Florida lottery are 1 in 22,957,480.
The odds of winning the Powerball are 1 in 175,223,510.

The odds of a computer disk drive failing in any given month are roughly 1 in 36. The odds of two different drives failing in the same month are roughly 1 in 36 squared, or 1 in about 1,300.

The odds of three hard drives all failing in the same month are 36 cubed or 1 in 46,656. You get the picture, I'm sure.

The odds of seven different hard drives all failing in the same month (like what happened at the IRS when they received a letter from Congress asking for all the emails concerning the targeting of conservative groups) are 37 to the 7th power or 1 in 78,664,164,096 (that's more than 78 billion).

In other words, the odds are greater that you will win the Florida lottery 342 different times than having those seven IRS hard drives all crashing in the same month.

Now if we were to put this body of evidence before a jury of 12 sane people, logic would have them conclude this does not smell right at all and should be looked into.

Now if we were to put this body of evidence before 11 sane people and one liberal, we would hear from that liberal, "But, dude, it could have happened, there is a 1 in 78 billion chance it could have!"

Jack L. Reed

Stafford - Odds against missing IRS emails

Dude -That's more than one in 78,000,000,000 and asshats like you believe it - holy crap !!!!

Now everyone's an IT expert I see.


You don't have to be an IT expert to figure statistics on industry standards or even the rate, which is less, according to the IRS testimony, than industry standard.

We have a situation where no less than 7 and as many as 20 hard drives crashed in the same month in a community of 83 people....

The fact that the acting director said, in an effort to minimize the number of 7 to 20 hard drives....

"The IRS has had 300,000 hard drives crash over the years" (or something like that)

....speaks volumes as it makes it clear he is not interested in finding the truth

So 300,000 over...say...30 years of computers is 10,000 a year....

The IRS has about 100,000 employees so 1 in 10 have hard drives crash each year

About 850 a month 0.85 people out of 100 have one crash any given month

So taking the least amount known to have crashed....7.....out of 83 people....

About 8.5% of the hard drives crashed in the same month

And he does not see that as unusual compared to the normal average of less than 1%?
Lerner Hard Drive Was "Scratched"

IRS ignored advice to use outside experts to recover data

Does this help?
Lerner Hard Drive Was "Scratched" | House Committee on Ways & Means

NO, IRS did not ignore his advice...he just thought of it in the interview and told them he guessed that they could give it one more try by sending it to an outside source to give it one final try.

You seem to be speaking with what sounds like an awful lot of intimacy of supposed details here, Care.

I watched the hearing.

He said they did not hire an outside tech team to try to recover the data despite being advised otherwise by the IRS techies.

Care is confused with her facts.

NO, IRS did not ignore his advice...he just thought of it in the interview and told them he guessed that they could give it one more try by sending it to an outside source to give it one final try.

You seem to be speaking with what sounds like an awful lot of intimacy of supposed details here, Care.

I watched the hearing.

He said they did not hire an outside tech team to try to recover the data despite being advised otherwise by the IRS techies.

Care is confused with her facts.
no, I don't think so...this was a hearing that was held in PRIVATE and the ways and means committee selectively released some of the testimony...

This thread started BEFORE yesterday's hearing....
Here's what I read, from a few spots:

GOP: Lerner's hard drive 'scratched' | TheHill

“The Committee was told no data was recoverable and the physical drive was recycled and potentially shredded. To now learn that the hard drive was only scratched, yet the IRS refused to utilize outside experts to recover the data, raises more questions about potential criminal wrong doing at the IRS.” (bloviated comments from the grandstander, once again... but heh, it works on all of you so why not continue, eh?)

A Democratic spokesman for Ways and Means charged that the GOP was twisting the analyst’s words. Democrats say that the analyst made multiple unsuccessful efforts to recover the lost data,

“What’s more, he told investigators that he did not think Lerner’s hard drive crash was deliberate,” Josh Drobnyk, the spokesman for Rep. Sandy Levin (D-Mich.), said in a statement. “Once again, Republicans are misrepresenting the facts in their never-ending quest to create a scandal.”
A panel Democratic staffer dismissed the transcripts as “cherry-picked” parts of a broader conversation in which Kane said he’d seen no evidence that Lerner or any other IRS employee intentionally destroyed documents.

“Did you uncover any evidence that Ms. Lerner intentionally destroyed her hard drive? …

[or] intentionally destroyed documents or emails …

[or] uncover any evidence that any IRS employee intentionally destroyed documents or emails to avoid their disclosure?” one investigator asked.

To each, essentially he responded: “I have seen nothing to that effect.
In the session with Kane, when a Democratic investigator at the end of the session asked whether the June 13 letter was accurate to “the best of your knowledge,” he answered: “At that time, that was certainly accurate.”
“That was the state of knowledge and facts as we knew it when the document was set up,” he said.
“Is it still accurate?” a Republican questioner jumped in.
Kane said that there is now “an issue” about the June 13 account and that it’s “being looking at” as part of the ongoing TIGTA probe of the lost emails.
IRS official: Lois Lerner email trail may not be cold - Rachael Bade -

The IRS had said no copies of Lerner’s correspondence were available because the agency at the time backed up emails for only six months on tapes — then recycled the tapes for reuse, essentially erasing the data. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen also testified to the matter before lawmakers.
Kane suggested that might not be the case.
“There is an issue as to whether or not there is a — that all of the backup recovery tapes were destroyed on the six-month retention schedule,” he said.

When asked whether some of those email backup tapes may still exist, he answered: “I don’t know whether they are or they aren’t, but it’s an issue that’s being looked at.”
Here's what I read, from a few spots:

GOP: Lerner's hard drive 'scratched' | TheHill

“The Committee was told no data was recoverable and the physical drive was recycled and potentially shredded. To now learn that the hard drive was only scratched, yet the IRS refused to utilize outside experts to recover the data, raises more questions about potential criminal wrong doing at the IRS.” (bloviated comments from the grandstander, once again... but heh, it works on all of you so why not continue, eh?)

A Democratic spokesman for Ways and Means charged that the GOP was twisting the analyst’s words. Democrats say that the analyst made multiple unsuccessful efforts to recover the lost data,

“What’s more, he told investigators that he did not think Lerner’s hard drive crash was deliberate,” Josh Drobnyk, the spokesman for Rep. Sandy Levin (D-Mich.), said in a statement. “Once again, Republicans are misrepresenting the facts in their never-ending quest to create a scandal.”
A panel Democratic staffer dismissed the transcripts as “cherry-picked” parts of a broader conversation in which Kane said he’d seen no evidence that Lerner or any other IRS employee intentionally destroyed documents.

“Did you uncover any evidence that Ms. Lerner intentionally destroyed her hard drive? …

[or] intentionally destroyed documents or emails …

[or] uncover any evidence that any IRS employee intentionally destroyed documents or emails to avoid their disclosure?” one investigator asked.

To each, essentially he responded: “I have seen nothing to that effect.
In the session with Kane, when a Democratic investigator at the end of the session asked whether the June 13 letter was accurate to “the best of your knowledge,” he answered: “At that time, that was certainly accurate.”
“That was the state of knowledge and facts as we knew it when the document was set up,” he said.
“Is it still accurate?” a Republican questioner jumped in.
Kane said that there is now “an issue” about the June 13 account and that it’s “being looking at” as part of the ongoing TIGTA probe of the lost emails.
IRS official: Lois Lerner email trail may not be cold - Rachael Bade -

The IRS had said no copies of Lerner’s correspondence were available because the agency at the time backed up emails for only six months on tapes — then recycled the tapes for reuse, essentially erasing the data. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen also testified to the matter before lawmakers.
Kane suggested that might not be the case.
“There is an issue as to whether or not there is a — that all of the backup recovery tapes were destroyed on the six-month retention schedule,” he said.

When asked whether some of those email backup tapes may still exist, he answered: “I don’t know whether they are or they aren’t, but it’s an issue that’s being looked at.”

Which part of what you quoted says they hired an outside tech team to recover the data?
You seem to be speaking with what sounds like an awful lot of intimacy of supposed details here, Care.

I watched the hearing.

He said they did not hire an outside tech team to try to recover the data despite being advised otherwise by the IRS techies.

Care is confused with her facts.
no, I don't think so...this was a hearing that was held in PRIVATE and the ways and means committee selectively released some of the testimony...

This thread started BEFORE yesterday's hearing....

How would you know what was said in that private hearing to know if it was selective or not?
Last edited:
I watched the hearing.

He said they did not hire an outside tech team to try to recover the data despite being advised otherwise by the IRS techies.

Care is confused with her facts.
no, I don't think so...this was a hearing that was held in PRIVATE and the ways and means committee selectively released some of the testimony...

This thread started BEFORE yesterday's hearing....

How would you know what was said in that private hearing to know if it was selective or not?
google is your friend!


New Testimony: IRS May Still Have Missing Lois Lerner E-mails Backed Up | Committee on Oversight & Government Reform

plus the day before yesterday, I stumbled upon a press release from the staff of the Democratic committee members....discussing it...
BUT FOR THE LIFE OF ME....i have spent the last few hours trying to find it again, so far, no luck
I watched the hearing.

He said they did not hire an outside tech team to try to recover the data despite being advised otherwise by the IRS techies.

Care is confused with her facts.
no, I don't think so...this was a hearing that was held in PRIVATE and the ways and means committee selectively released some of the testimony...

This thread started BEFORE yesterday's hearing....

How would you know what was said in that private hearing to know if it was selective or not?

regardless, I heard what he said yesterday as he said it.

He admitted that whereas the IRS tech team advised having an outside team try to recover the data, the IRS opted not to.

I trust that over third party "released" information from a closed hearing
no, I don't think so...this was a hearing that was held in PRIVATE and the ways and means committee selectively released some of the testimony...

This thread started BEFORE yesterday's hearing....

How would you know what was said in that private hearing to know if it was selective or not?

regardless, I heard what he said yesterday as he said it.

He admitted that whereas the IRS tech team advised having an outside team try to recover the data, the IRS opted not to.

I trust that over third party "released" information from a closed hearing
I haven't listened to yesterday's hearing yet, though I will make a visit to c-span to hear it....and when depotoo started this thread, that hearing had not taken place....the info was selectively being released by the Republicans on the committee of Kane's private testimony, that's how the scratched hard drive sound blip came out and all the propaganda surrounding it in the right wing media, to prompt this thread.

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