IRS tech experts: Lerner’s hard drive only 'scratched,' not destroyed


You guys have something called "google".

You can actually look this stuff up all by yourselves.

Leave the dark caves..little ones.

The world is a very big and interesting place.

I dont see anything about a needle that scratches the surface of the hard drive. Is that in the next paragraph?
A hard drive read/write head uses magnetism, not a needle. It floats above the platter on a cushion of air generated by the rotation of the platter.

I corrected that so there would be no misunderstanding while you were posting. It just works on a somewhat similar principle that I thought some might understand to see how the data is not all affected and can even then be recovered fully most times. were in IT...

When someones hard drive crashes and data is not recoverable, what is the first thing one does when they install a new hard drive?

I know the answer.....

They go to the back up and implant all backed up data on their new hard drive.

Why did they not do that with Lois Lerner?
Not only that, they were told the hard drive could be recovered.
Look...2 very simple questions can be asked, and the answer will reveal all.

The IRS claims that they DO back-up.....but the back up tapes are overwritten after 6 months (archaic, yes, but that is their claim).

1) Why do you back up data?

Likely answer....if a hard drive crashes, we can take the back up and implant all lost data on the replacement hard drive

2) When Lois Lerners hard drive crashed, why didn't you take the backed up data and implant it on her NEW hard drive? Why did you wait until AFTER the 6 months and until AFTER the back up was overwritten?

The answer to number 2 will tell all. And the truth is, question 2 should not have to be asked

And just to add to this.....

How did Lois lerner continue to operate if she did not have the data of the projects she was working on when her hard drive crashed?

Another question of great import.
I am not an IT tech but have changed hard drives and I see no way a hard drive gets a scratch. If someone could explain how it would be appreciate. What I think is happening is that they discovered that the HD was shredded like they thought so them made an excuse. OR for a bigger conspiracy theory it is not her hard drive at all it is one they made to appear to be hers, it just took this long to do so. What is on the HD will tell the story.

It shows you are no tech expert.

Hard drives are like record players. They have "heads" or something that functions like a "needle" that "seeks" or finds data. If you listen to the computer you can actually hear the parts moving when you perform a "seek" functions.

Eventually they do fail and the disks can become scratched.
Yes they do. A cracked bearing can cause a platter to wobble just enough that the read head will make actual contact with the storage medium and cause a scratch. Grease can get into a disk from the bearings as well and cause a head bounce.

More importantly. Data from hard drives have been recovered from drives that have been set on fire, platters that have been broken. Only a magnetic wipe and a shredder can really render data lost on a hard drive.

Which is all moot anyway. Every email sent by Lerner is on a server somewhere. The Congress just needs the stones do send the US Marshall into their IT dept. and do a complete search.

I'm sure Crimeboss Issa is on the case as we speak.

After all, Congress is an enforcement agency that has dominion over US Marshalls, right?

:lol: were in IT...

When someones hard drive crashes and data is not recoverable, what is the first thing one does when they install a new hard drive?

I know the answer.....

They go to the back up and implant all backed up data on their new hard drive.

Why did they not do that with Lois Lerner?
Not only that, they were told the hard drive could be recovered.

I get it. I know. Hard drive crashed. Not recoverable. Back-ups overwritten and no emails saved on servers.

All seems strange for an agency that has a 7 year rule as it pertains to their "customers"...

But putting that aside...

They admit they do back up.

They back up so they can recover lost data if necessary.

Lois lerner lost her data.

Why didn't they, the very next day, take the most recent back up and implant it on her replacement hard drive?
It shows you are no tech expert.

Hard drives are like record players. They have "heads" or something that functions like a "needle" that "seeks" or finds data. If you listen to the computer you can actually hear the parts moving when you perform a "seek" functions.

Eventually they do fail and the disks can become scratched.
Yes they do. A cracked bearing can cause a platter to wobble just enough that the read head will make actual contact with the storage medium and cause a scratch. Grease can get into a disk from the bearings as well and cause a head bounce.

More importantly. Data from hard drives have been recovered from drives that have been set on fire, platters that have been broken. Only a magnetic wipe and a shredder can really render data lost on a hard drive.

Which is all moot anyway. Every email sent by Lerner is on a server somewhere. The Congress just needs the stones do send the US Marshall into their IT dept. and do a complete search.

I'm sure Crimeboss Issa is on the case as we speak.

After all, Congress is an enforcement agency that has dominion over US Marshalls, right?


wont respond to my very valid question? were in IT...

When someones hard drive crashes and data is not recoverable, what is the first thing one does when they install a new hard drive?

I know the answer.....

They go to the back up and implant all backed up data on their new hard drive.

Why did they not do that with Lois Lerner?

I'm sure Crimeboss Issa is on the case with a crack team of IT expert at the ready to conduct a fishing expedition through IRS records.

What could possibly be the holdup?

:lol: were in IT...

When someones hard drive crashes and data is not recoverable, what is the first thing one does when they install a new hard drive?

I know the answer.....

They go to the back up and implant all backed up data on their new hard drive.

Why did they not do that with Lois Lerner?
Not only that, they were told the hard drive could be recovered.

I get it. I know. Hard drive crashed. Not recoverable. Back-ups overwritten and no emails saved on servers.

All seems strange for an agency that has a 7 year rule as it pertains to their "customers"...

But putting that aside...

They admit they do back up.

They back up so they can recover lost data if necessary.

Lois lerner lost her data.

Why didn't they, the very next day, take the most recent back up and implant it on her replacement hard drive?

Or for the other 'less than 20' hard drives that also crashed, in the investigation.

You guys have something called "google".

You can actually look this stuff up all by yourselves.

A hard disk drive (HDD) is a data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information using rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material.[2] An HDD retains its data even when powered off. Data is read in a random-access manner, meaning individual blocks of data can be stored or retrieved in any order rather than sequentially. An HDD consists of one or more rigid ("hard") rapidly rotating disks (platters) with magnetic heads arranged on a moving actuator arm to read and write data to the surfaces.
Hard disk drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Leave the dark caves..little ones.

The world is a very big and interesting place.

and exactly how would you know ? your kind are just barely out of the swamps of your alleged chain of evolution. :lmao: ........ :fu:
Yes they do. A cracked bearing can cause a platter to wobble just enough that the read head will make actual contact with the storage medium and cause a scratch. Grease can get into a disk from the bearings as well and cause a head bounce.

More importantly. Data from hard drives have been recovered from drives that have been set on fire, platters that have been broken. Only a magnetic wipe and a shredder can really render data lost on a hard drive.

Which is all moot anyway. Every email sent by Lerner is on a server somewhere. The Congress just needs the stones do send the US Marshall into their IT dept. and do a complete search.

I'm sure Crimeboss Issa is on the case as we speak.

After all, Congress is an enforcement agency that has dominion over US Marshalls, right?


wont respond to my very valid question?

Why don't you take a brief moment and think why it's a patently absurd idea?

You might want to ask yourself:

1. What does the IRS do?
2. What are the laws and regulations regarding tax payer privacy?
3. What is the history of Darrell Issa and sensitive information he has gathered?

:lol: were in IT...

When someones hard drive crashes and data is not recoverable, what is the first thing one does when they install a new hard drive?

I know the answer.....

They go to the back up and implant all backed up data on their new hard drive.

Why did they not do that with Lois Lerner?

I'm sure Crimeboss Issa is on the case with a crack team of IT expert at the ready to conduct a fishing expedition through IRS records.

What could possibly be the holdup?

Congress can only issue a subpoena.

They can not enter an agency and sift through records and they do not have the right to ask a judge for a warrant to search....

But as you continue to make fun of still wont address the logic of my questions.

I'm sure Crimeboss Issa is on the case as we speak.

After all, Congress is an enforcement agency that has dominion over US Marshalls, right?


wont respond to my very valid question?

Why don't you take a brief moment and think why it's a patently absurd idea?

You might want to ask yourself:

1. What does the IRS do?
2. What are the laws and regulations regarding tax payer privacy?
3. What is the history of Darrell Issa and sensitive information he has gathered?


your questions do not address my question. They simply divert you from answering my questions.

Why did the IRS not take the back up data and put it on Lois Lerners NEW hard drive the very next day?

How was Lois Lerner able to continue to work on the projects she was working ion when her hard drive crashed if she did not take the backed up data and implant it on her replacement hard drive?
I dont see anything about a needle that scratches the surface of the hard drive. Is that in the next paragraph?
A hard drive read/write head uses magnetism, not a needle. It floats above the platter on a cushion of air generated by the rotation of the platter.

I corrected that so there would be no misunderstanding while you were posting. It just works on a somewhat similar principle that I thought some might understand to see how the data is not all affected and can even then be recovered fully most times.
Yes sir. It surely can. And under some rather amazing circumstance. The FBI and CIA have some wizards who can get data from just the ghost of the hard drive. lol
It shows you are no tech expert.

Hard drives are like record players. They have "heads" or something that functions like a "needle" that "seeks" or finds data. If you listen to the computer you can actually hear the parts moving when you perform a "seek" functions.

Eventually they do fail and the disks can become scratched.
Yes they do. A cracked bearing can cause a platter to wobble just enough that the read head will make actual contact with the storage medium and cause a scratch. Grease can get into a disk from the bearings as well and cause a head bounce.

More importantly. Data from hard drives have been recovered from drives that have been set on fire, platters that have been broken. Only a magnetic wipe and a shredder can really render data lost on a hard drive.

Which is all moot anyway. Every email sent by Lerner is on a server somewhere. The Congress just needs the stones do send the US Marshall into their IT dept. and do a complete search.

And it has to be one hell of a magnet to wipe it clean.
Yep...but all it takes is to pass it through the field a few times at a high enough Gauss and bingo. Usually take an extremely powerful electromagnet....I wonder how many the IRS owns? Hmm....:eusa_shifty:
why wont anyone who claims this is nothing more than an Issa withchunt and there is no "there" there answer these questions....or at least admit that it is strange.....

Why did the IRS not take the back up data and put it on Lois Lerners NEW hard drive the very next day?

How was Lois Lerner able to continue to work on the projects she was working on when her hard drive crashed if she did not take the backed up data and implant it on her replacement hard drive?
Do remember Koskinen has already been caught telling some mistruths up to this point.
Lots of pussyfooting on answering questions and throat clearing this morning.

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