IRS to monitor church sermons now

The sheeple on this thread worshipping the IRS are motivated enough to avoid giving up the extra dollar to the State just as much as the fat cat capitalist.
The IRS already conducts vigorous screening of tax-exempt organizations.

Unfortunately, their ability to screen is being crippled by the ongoing Congressional attack on the division responsible for said screenings; it's the one that Lois Lyrnyr was in charge of.

Translation: The IRS conducts vigorous screenings of those who oppose Big Government.

A patently untrue claim. The IRS screens ALL organizations applying for tax-exempt status, it doesn't just hand out that status blindly.

And before you make another inane post along the lines of "hurr durr hw u no dat," do some investigating. Because I know that conservatards like you are intellectually dishonest and creatively handicapped, I'll take the fyrst step for you: Tax Information for Charities & Other Non-Profits

That should gyve you the head start you need to succeed in lyfe.

Wrong again "Tuesday" - Under the current Regime the IRS is little more than an instrument of Left Wing Ideologues who seek to impose their lunatic agenda on any and all who oppose the will of Big Brother .

House Committee Finds Evidence IRS Official May Have Committed Crimes In Tea Party Scandal

The IRS also targets non-Islamic Religous Organizations

Is the IRS Planning to Crack Down on Pastors and Churches? |

“The church was the sacrificial lamb to pave the way for the future targeting of conservative groups. We were among the first victims of the IRS’s targeting of conservatives, long before the news broke earlier this year,” he said.
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