IRS to Tea Party: 'State the Reasons You Did Not Have a Candidate Rally Democrat?


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
The IRS should be abolished. Under Obama it's the most corrupt it's ever been, What kind of country do we live under this man?

IRS to Tea Party: 'State the Reasons You Did Not Have a Candidate Rally for Lone Democratic Candidate'

The Internal Revenue Service, in a letter dated November 16, 2011, asked the Albuquerque Tea Party why it didn’t host a "candidate rally" in 2010 for the lone Democratic gubernatorial candidate in New Mexico after it had hosted a "question and answer forum" for the Republican candidates.

On the Democrat side, then-Lt. Gov. Diane Denish was running for New Mexico governor unopposed, but five Republicans were running in the primary for the opportunity to face Denish in November.

On page four of the IRS letter, question 8 asked the Albuquerque Tea Party:

"In describing your Event Rallies you stated that you hosted a question and answer forum with the GOP Primary Candidates for Governor of the state, and that not all GOP candidates attended. You stated that since there was only one candidate in the Democratic primary, there was no comparison to be made in the primary."

In Question 8a of the letter, the IRS directed the Albuquerque group to “Describe in detail the GOP Event Rally, including questions asked, and state the reasons you did not have a candidate rally for the lone Democratic candidate."

IRS to Tea Party: 'State the Reasons You Did Not Have a Candidate Rally for Lone Democratic Candidate' | CNS News
really, did a lot of you expect anything else under Obama..?

wake up
Possibly because the lone democrat stands for everything that the group is against? Maybe, just maybe, that is the reason.

I know I am stretching here but I guess that the IRS only allows for issue groups now if they are democrat issues rather than republican issues.
Where the IRS goes for fine dining...

Obama KNEW who he was appointing to the IRS..

He knew Lois Learner from Chicago..

he can play dumb but don't think he didn't know about any of this...

He should resign for this mess, but we know he won't he has no integrity..
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The more I read about this supposed scandal the less scandalized it seems.

501(c4) applicants ought to scrutinized closely by the IRS.

Those that are obviously partisant fronts ought to be denied 501c-4 status
The more I read about this supposed scandal the less scandalized it seems.

501(c4) applicants ought to scrutinized closely by the IRS.

Those that are obviously partisant fronts ought to be denied 501c-4 status

so you deny the facts they stated they targeted only conservative groups? Are you going to say there were no liberal groups that applied?
If an organization is to have an agenda that promotes the social welfare, it would be barred from aiding a Democratic Candidate completely. Democrats are harmful not only to the social welfare, but to the entire notion of liberty and freedom.
The more I read about this supposed scandal the less scandalized it seems.

501(c4) applicants ought to scrutinized closely by the IRS.

Those that are obviously partisant fronts ought to be denied 501c-4 status

How do you apply that to this particular instance?

There is nothing that stops a 501 c from doing what they did nor would I expect anything different.

This is even more highlighted by the fact that the democrat here had no way of entering this forum – he was un challenged.

What do YOU think the group should have done?
Did they ever ask ACORN or NAACP why they don't support Republican candidates?

Obama spoke with members of ACORN prior to his first election and promised that they would be involved with his administration. ACORN workers also created fake voter registrations. I know the left said it was no big deal because no one would actually used those registrations to vote. Yea, right.

NOW and other organizations are clearly supporting liberals and the IRS has to know that.

The IRS has already apologized and I think they hoped that saying they were sorry and throwing a few people under the bus would be all it takes to make this go away. I think that strategy worked well in the past.

There isn't much question that conservative groups were targeted. I guess maybe some groups who support the constitution could be Dems, but I wouldn't bet on it.
The more I read about this supposed scandal the less scandalized it seems.

501(c4) applicants ought to scrutinized closely by the IRS.

Those that are obviously partisant fronts ought to be denied 501c-4 status

I think you're in denial
IDK, but if you ask me, this is a form of domestic terrorism. they aren't bombing anything, but it is still terrorism

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