IRS went after the poorest Americans.

In my experience many of the poor fail to report income, falsify the number of dependents they have in the household, etc… I’ve seen it in my wife’s family on a yearly basis.

Yeah well, that your family cheats on their taxes only condemns your family, not an entire group of people.
We know they didn't bother auditing Trump like they were supposed to. Trump is just a symbol of the rich being treated differently than the poor though IMO.

Despite $80 billion in new funding, the agency is living up to its reputation of hassling low-income taxpayers over rich people.​

Is this an example of what Biden meant by making the rich pay their fair share?

In 2022, the IRS Went After the Very Poorest Taxpayers
fyi, i googled it.... and the bill for the extra 80 billion did not get signed in to law until late August, 8 months in to the year and new money and new focus takes time to get pushed out and to implement!

i found this on the new auditor hires and focus...

Perhaps the question that is most top of mind for clients has to do with the funds aimed at tax enforcement activities which make up more than half of the total IRS appropriations. According to the CRS, these funds will cover hiring more enforcement agents, litigation and criminal investigation expenses, and investing in investigative technology.

Clearly, the question from clients is, “Will I be audited?” When we look at projections on audit rates, it appears, at least from the taxpayer perspective, that the focus will be on the $400,000 taxable income threshold and up. While enforcement activities are squarely aimed at super-high wealth taxpayers, large corporations, and sophisticated partnerships, it will take the IRS some time to hire and train additional agents, so don’t expect audits to rise overnight.
fyi, i googled it.... and the bill for the extra 80 billion did not get signed in to law until late August, 8 months in to the year and new money and new focus takes time to get pushed out and to implement!

i found this on the new auditor hires and focus...

Perhaps the question that is most top of mind for clients has to do with the funds aimed at tax enforcement activities which make up more than half of the total IRS appropriations. According to the CRS, these funds will cover hiring more enforcement agents, litigation and criminal investigation expenses, and investing in investigative technology.

Clearly, the question from clients is, “Will I be audited?” When we look at projections on audit rates, it appears, at least from the taxpayer perspective, that the focus will be on the $400,000 taxable income threshold and up. While enforcement activities are squarely aimed at super-high wealth taxpayers, large corporations, and sophisticated partnerships, it will take the IRS some time to hire and train additional agents, so don’t expect audits to rise overnight.

They are never going to hire the auditors they claimed to be hiring. Concentrate on the rich like Biden said he was going to and there are plenty already.
Yeah well, that your family cheats on their taxes only condemns your family, not an entire group of people
Not MY family; HER family. We try to keep as far away from those individuals as possible.

I made the mistake of using their family tax preparer ONCE. It’s the only year I’ve ever had problems with my taxes. We ended up paying a penalty due to misfiling and filed complaints against her with the BBB and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts afterwards.
I’ve got a thought on why…

The Rich use highly skilled lasers and accountants to reduce their tax burden LEGALLY. Therefore there is rarely anything for the IRD to catch them on. The Poor often do their taxes themselves and often try less than legal tricks to reduce their tax burden. Therefore there are far more “mistakes” (aka fraud) among the poor than the rich.

My tax preparer signs and stamps her name and IRS number on my taxes. I was told that the IRS seldom audits people that have their taxes done professionally because it's a waste of time. Tax preparers (many times certified accountants) will help their clients in audit situations, and they know way more about taxes than IRS agents do.
We know they didn't bother auditing Trump like they were supposed to. Trump is just a symbol of the rich being treated differently than the poor though IMO.

Despite $80 billion in new funding, the agency is living up to its reputation of hassling low-income taxpayers over rich people.​

Is this an example of what Biden meant by making the rich pay their fair share?

In 2022, the IRS Went After the Very Poorest Taxpayers
You know why? Because the middle class and below, can't hire lawyers to fight the irs. You were warned.
We know they didn't bother auditing Trump like they were supposed to. Trump is just a symbol of the rich being treated differently than the poor though IMO.

Despite $80 billion in new funding, the agency is living up to its reputation of hassling low-income taxpayers over rich people.​

Is this an example of what Biden meant by making the rich pay their fair share?

In 2022, the IRS Went After the Very Poorest Taxpayers
They audited Trump. Like all rich he pays very smart accountants and tax experts to make sure he pays every dollar he legally owes and not a cent more. But yes the IRS always goes after the taxpayers with the least power.
They audited Trump. Like all rich he pays very smart accountants and tax experts to make sure he pays every dollar he legally owes and not a cent more. But yes the IRS always goes after the taxpayers with the least power.

That's what was claimed about his businesses also........until we found out it wasn't true.
My tax preparer signs and stamps her name and IRS number on my taxes. I was told that the IRS seldom audits people that have their taxes done professionally because it's a waste of time. Tax preparers (many times certified accountants) will help their clients in audit situations, and they know way more about taxes than IRS agents do.
This one signed and stamped it as well, then claimed she was no longer in the tax business and hadn’t provided any “guarantee” when the IRS sent me a letter that fall.

The IRS was totally correct. She’d failed to include a $750 bonus from my employer in her income calculations. I’d given her the form with the bonus listed to her. Privately she claimed she was trying to ignore it to get me a bigger refund. Turn out I ended up paying the taxes on that money AND a $100 fine for misreporting my income.

It was definitely a lesson learned. I now use one of the big tax preparation forms every year.
welcome to xiden’s america…the demafasict being demafasict….oppressing the poor
This is why conservatives hate the IRS getting funded properly. They want the IRS to be like they designed it to be, attacking the poor and letting the rich skate.
joey xiden isn’t. Conservative. Massive amounts of funding for the agency and he’s using to it to further oppress the working class.
The last return the IRS processed of mine was 2018. All tax returns have been filed through last year. They owe me money.
The IRS is not processing my returns.
Think about how it would be if I owed them money and/or didn't file a return.
Wow, that seems weird even for the IRS. I wonder if they will pay you interest on the money they owed you? Yeah right.
The Democrat motto: make the federal government as big as possible. The more government workers, the more likely Democrat voters.
Another problem that is NEVER addressed. Our ridiculously bloated Federal government. It's not just the payroll think of the ever increasing number of fat Federal pensions that we and our children will be paying for. Absolutely disgraceful.

The highlight of your link:

President Trump was holding the headcount of the executive agencies roughly flat through at least 2018. Then, the pandemic driven spending caused a massive federal hiring spree in FY2020.

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