IRS went after the poorest Americans.

um the bill was written by a dem and didn’t raise her taxes…with that said the 1986 Tax Reform bill signed by Reagan did lower her taxes

And the debt has taken off from there.
lol as expected rightwingers love raising taxes on workers and cutting them for crooks and scammers. No new news here.

The last Republican tax change by Trump, most everybody's taxes were lowered, and he limited deductions for people that had mortgages of a million dollars or more. If I had a mortgage for a million dollars, I would consider myself rich.
The last Republican tax change by Trump, most everybody's taxes were lowered, and he limited deductions for people that had mortgages of a million dollars or more. If I had a mortgage for a million dollars, I would consider myself rich.

And then added 7.8 trillion to the debt.
she was paying back taxes she owed

why do you think people aren’t suppose to pay taxes on tips? it’s income

My mother was a waitress back then. The problem was not reporting tips, it was paying taxes on tips they never got. If she served a table for 50 dollars, the government automatically assumed she got X amount in tips for that table. Waitresses often gave some of their tips to the busboys to get their tables cleaned faster, but they never had to report getting anything.

At one point our tax preparer advised she quit her job because in the long run, it was costing more money than she made. Believe it or not, a lot of people don't tip. Tips are usually cash, and there is no way to track it, so that's why government had a mandatory tip tax.
And the debt has taken off from there.

Reagan raised taxes a lot on workers and poor people, like taxing unemployment bennies, gas taxes, etc. He signed them all, and kpet the cuts for the people who needed them least, real estate flippers and swindlers and Wall Street inside traders, that sort of people who don't actually produce anything. He also ignored anti-trust violations, a factor in today's fake 'shortages' and inflation. You can find many articles on it, for those too young to know exactly what REagan was and only know what a bunch of GOP shills babble about his record.

The article has names and links, and enough info to find the dead links for the industrious. He was also a drug and gun runner along with weakly pandering to terrorists which of course just led to more terrorism and dead Americans, and a dope epidemic that enriched and fed domestic gangsters and even more killings.
The last Republican tax change by Trump, most everybody's taxes were lowered, and he limited deductions for people that had mortgages of a million dollars or more. If I had a mortgage for a million dollars, I would consider myself rich.

And the GOP hates Trump now.
The last return the IRS processed of mine was 2018. All tax returns have been filed through last year. They owe me money.
The IRS is not processing my returns.
Think about how it would be if I owed them money and/or didn't file a return.
They have not processed my 2020 returns. I had to send a check in with the returned, and that got processed right quick-like.
And then added 7.8 trillion to the debt.

Yes, but much of it was bipartisan and to address the covid crisis. Dementia has technically not been in office half that time and has created more than half of Trump's debt already. This does not include the recent 1.7 trillion he spent.

At least Americans got something under Trump. What did we get from Biden's spending?
Yes, but much of it was bipartisan and to address the covid crisis. Dementia has technically not been in office half that time and has created more than half of Trump's debt already. This does not include the recent 1.7 trillion he spent.

At least Americans got something under Trump. What did we get from Biden's spending?
Yes, but much of it was bipartisan and to address the covid crisis. Dementia has technically not been in office half that time and has created more than half of Trump's debt already. This does not include the recent 1.7 trillion he spent.

At least Americans got something under Trump. What did we get from Biden's spending?

Obama added $9 trillion in 8 years. Trump $7.8 in four years. You outrage appears selective.
Obama added $9 trillion in 8 years. Trump $7.8 in four years. You outrage appears selective.

Not at all. Before this recent 1.7 trillion, Dementia's debt was 3.8 trillion. In other words per year, he exceeded both Trump's and DumBama's debt. Keep in mind Trump served half of his term with a Democrat led Congress, and Dementia did the same, but it's his Congress that led.
Not at all. Before this recent 1.7 trillion, Dementia's debt was 3.8 trillion. In other words per year, he exceeded both Trump's and DumBama's debt. Keep in mind Trump served half of his term with a Democrat led Congress, and Dementia did the same, but it's his Congress that led.

Anything you will not condemn your guy for will only get worse with the next.
The IRS has become a chore to deal with. We checked off the wrong box on one of their on line forms some 3-4 years ago, resulting in a tree's worth mailings at least once a week since.

We were even visited by an agent, who pulled around to the barn , caught me doin' chores

She got out of her car and said 'I'm from the IRS!'

I said nothing, just 'assumed the position' against the barn

Right, because Trump bypassed Congress and spent all that money himself and the Communists just let him without suing him in court.

One can say that about every president. If a president isn't responsible for what they sign it really doesn't matter who wins.
One can say that about every president. If a president isn't responsible for what they sign it really doesn't matter who wins.

In many cases a President doesn't really have a choice. Can you tell me the last time the MSM blamed the Democrats for a government shutdown? If it's a Republican House and a Democrat President, the blame goes to the Republican House. If it's a Democrat House and a Republican President, they blame the Republican President.

Unlike the Republicans the Democrats are totally unified. The proof of that is happening right now in choosing the next speaker. All it takes is a few Republican defectors to stop a bill even if we are in the majority. So if the President wants to get his agenda going, he needs to also sign off on the Democrat spending he doesn't want.

In Biden's case he had a House with his party in leadership. He faced no major disasters like covid, and yet on this track, he's spending more money than Trump did.

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