IRS Whistleblower Breaks Silence Over Hunter's Little Escapades

I wrote who they were.
Do you need addresses?

Listing names is meaningless without some actual evidence they belong to the big scary Deep State.

How about the USDA, are they part of the Deep State?

Or the VA?
Anything I can do to help your poor battered and bruised ego I am happy to do, would not want you offing yourself or anything
Okay, you can calm down and relax. I know I pushed a couple of your buttons and got you all riled up. Go grab your bong and kick back awhile.
They are for you to wipe away your tears of anguish.
You know, every now and then you desperately try to start these childish snowflake games, e.barrass yourself, and keep coming. You suck at gaslighting but you try anyway. You're an amateur troll, but mostly you are a waste of a post.


Whistle blowers ate coming forward exposing the Bidens

Evidrnce shows the DOJ, FBI, IRS, & Democrats have broken laws by retaliating and are insulting, attacking, intimidating ...the sane thing Hillary used to fo to Bill's rape victims.
Evidrnce shows the DOJ & FBI have had evidence for years of multiple crimes and acve done nothing but protect the Bidens

Evidence has shown both DOJ & FBI have broken laws

The truth is corrupt, criminal Demo rats control the WH DOJ, & FBI. With Garland and his DOJ weaponized there is little to nothing anyone can do - Garland is 'the corrupt sheriff' inthis story.

Democrats hace successfully turned the US into a corrupt, criminal socialist authoritarian 3rd world banana republic by hetting control of tbe 2 / 3 most powerful positions in the US (WH, DOJ, & FBI) & abusing that power.

It is what it is.

There is mothing to cry about - that"?'s what you pussies have done for 7byears,through every failed 'Get Trump' scheme and tge Hillary Hoax. Now you're cryibg again because the Durham report officially proved what everyone has already known for 7 years...

...and has proven you have wasted 7 years of your life duped, pushing the hoax,& becausecof that you can't bare to accept it as reality ... because you would have to accept the reality that you are a fragile, sensitive, easily duped loser.

I personally don't care if you reject the Durham report and decide to continue to live your live as a willing dupe, clinging to the Hillaty hoax. Stay the f* ignorant amd pathetic.

Just do me a favor - don't try to push ot on me anymore. I'm jusy going to laugh atcyou.

We BOTH know you are so pathetic you HAVE to respond to me, try to prove to the orher dupes, snowflakes, gaslighters, and trolls how cyber-tough you are.

Prove me right, lil' snowflake....
Listing names is meaningless without some actual evidence they belong to the big scary Deep State.

How about the USDA, are they part of the Deep State?

Or the VA?

Could be.

It is people.

Career unelected employees of these agencies, for the most part, constitute the DS.
Group think, they believe that their experience of being a career employee outweighs any election by mere citizens.
Of course, if the elected people share their group think, then they are less noticeable.

Were you this obtuse when President Eisenhower spoke of them?
Could be.

It is people.

Career unelected employees of these agencies, for the most part, constitute the DS.
Group think, they believe that their experience of being a career employee outweighs any election by mere citizens.
Of course, if the elected people share their group think, then they are less noticeable.

Were you this obtuse when President Eisenhower spoke of them?

Is my wife a Deep Stater? She works for the VA? Hmmmm....

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