Is a One World Government going to be worse tha Bidens America ?

According to the Star Trek plot timeline, we have some shit to settle first...
  • 2053
    • World War III ends and Earth is left devastated, mostly because of nuclear warfare. Most of the major cities are left in ruins with few remaining governments and the death total reaching 600 million. Scientific advancement continues, however.[20] (In TOS, WWIII took place in the 1990s and is established as an alternate name for the Eugenics Wars[13] while DS9's "Doctor Bashir, I Presume?" had the Eugenics Wars in the 22nd century. SNW's "Strange New World" retcons the Eugenics Wars to the 21st century, but prior to the outbreak of WWIII.)
  • 2062
    • Oldtown San Francisco is struck by an enormous earthquake, the Greater Quake, and it takes 20 years for the city to be restored.
Well we may be ahead of the game then.

When we all unite as earthlings we can explore the universe, Strange new worlds, we can contact other civilisations and learn from them.

Before killing them and stealing all of their resources.
What prophecy?
From John the revelator in Revelations.
John describes the ruler of this vast empire as having power and great authority, given to him by Satan himself (Revelation 13:2). This ruler receives worship from “all the world” (Revelation 13:3–4) and will have authority over “every tribe, people, language and nation” (Revelation 13:7). This person will truly be the leader of a one-world government that is recognized as sovereign over all other governments. We see nations today willing to give up some of their sovereignty to combat climate change; it’s easy to imagine that the disasters and plagues described in Revelation 6—11 would create such a monumental crisis that the nations of the world will embrace anything and anyone who promises a solution.
It must be better than having Hunter Biden create leftist policies to ethnically cleanse white folks from the US ?

Its a prophesy that is yet to come true.
No, prophesy is the government coming along and tagging your fat arse like cattle, making it impossible to buy or sell without taking their little one world government mark on your head or right hand, with the bonus of tracking your every move and financial transaction. That would be in Revelation.

Despots have had wet dreams about it since the dawn of time.
From John the revelator in Revelations.
John describes the ruler of this vast empire as having power and great authority, given to him by Satan himself (Revelation 13:2). This ruler receives worship from “all the world” (Revelation 13:3–4) and will have authority over “every tribe, people, language and nation” (Revelation 13:7). This person will truly be the leader of a one-world government that is recognized as sovereign over all other governments. We see nations today willing to give up some of their sovereignty to combat climate change; it’s easy to imagine that the disasters and plagues described in Revelation 6—11 would create such a monumental crisis that the nations of the world will embrace anything and anyone who promises a solution.
Their world was quite small.
No, prophesy is the government coming along and tagging your fat arse like cattle, making it impossible to buy or sell without taking their little one world government mark on your head or right hand, with the bonus of tracking your every move and financial transaction. That would be in Revelation.

Despots have had wet dreams about it since the dawn of time.
Oh yea, back in the mid 60's many people refused to get a SSN cause, of course, it was the mark of the beast.
No, prophesy is the government coming along and tagging your fat arse like cattle, making it impossible to buy or sell without taking their little one world government mark on your head or right hand, with the bonus of tracking your every move and financial transaction. That would be in Revelation.

Despots have had wet dreams about it since the dawn of time.
Roman currency ....coins..were the currency of the whole Roman empire. No one could buy or sell without it.
Its a prophesy that is yet to come true.
Once again blabbing about something you have no understanding of . You probably think the WEF is the Welsh Eisteddfod Fair , or, Wrexham Elderly Fuckers . Of which you are doubtless the big mouthed spokesman .
Their world was quite small.
In the vast universe, our world is still quite small, and with modern communication, transportation and a tendency toward rapid unfettered migration across borders foolishly allowed as open for one reason or another, it is getting smaller every day.
In the vast universe, our world is still quite small, and with modern communication, transportation and a tendency toward rapid unfettered migration across borders foolishly allowed as open for one reason or another, it is getting smaller every day.

I mean the Levant, the Euphrates river basin, Egypt...
Think about it or a moment.

We all agree that the dem riddled election stealing trans crazed biden regime has brought America to its knees. Drag shows in every CRT indoctrinated schools where kids are taught about global warming and other unscientific shit

Wouldnt a one world govt be a refreshing change to that ? Everyone would speak American and would be happy. we coulld coalesce around American values like shooting kids in schools and beating up trannys in dark alleys.

Rich people could rule us because they have proven their genius by making stacks of cash. Step forward President Musk the first.

Would it be worse than Bidens America which is already a one part kleptocracy ?
Scripture has prophesized it in both OT and NT, but especially in Revelation. It will be the time of "Jacob's Trouble" and persecution of both Christians and especially Jews will be so great, it will make the Holocaust look like a Boyscout Jamboree. During that time, even as people are saved, it will come at great cost-their lives. And man will still refuse to repent even as the Sevenfold judgements pick up full steam.
Its the future. A world at peace and working in harmony. Like in Star Trek.
The only peace will come when the LORD Yeshua returns and establishes His millenial reign. After Satan, whom you worship, is unleashed for a final temptation, he, along with all the wicked, will be cast into the Lake of Fire.
Setting aside your ridiculous OP, nothing good could possibly come out of a one world government. Not one damn thing.

The only peace will come when the LORD Yeshua returns and establishes His millenial reign. After Satan, whom you worship, is unleashed for a final temptation, he, along with all the wicked, will be cast into the Lake of Fire.
I think that might be unpleasant. You seem very "driven".
I pray there really is an Illuminati running this country. It would have to be better than the clowns we keep electing.

That should clue even you in about how bad the vote fraud is.
Think about it or a moment.

We all agree that the dem riddled election stealing trans crazed biden regime has brought America to its knees. Drag shows in every CRT indoctrinated schools where kids are taught about global warming and other unscientific shit

Wouldnt a one world govt be a refreshing change to that ? Everyone would speak American and would be happy. we coulld coalesce around American values like shooting kids in schools and beating up trannys in dark alleys.

Rich people could rule us because they have proven their genius by making stacks of cash. Step forward President Musk the first.

Would it be worse than Bidens America which is already a one part kleptocracy ?

Of course it would, dumbass. It will be just as corrupt, if not moreso, and there won't be anyplace to hide.

Imagine Rome under Augustus during the PAX Romana, then under Caligula.

One tyrant was great, the other not so much.

But, that requires thought, and you aren't good at that.
Of course it would, dumbass. It will be just as corrupt, if not moreso, and there won't be anyplace to hide.

Imagine Rome under Augustus during the PAX Romana, then under Caligula.

One tyrant was great, the other not so much.

But, that requires thought, and you aren't good at that.
Its got to be better than biden. He was imposed on you by a fake election and makes millions every day selling your nuke secrets to China while fucking his kids.

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