is abortion REALLY that bad fellow Conservatives?


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
I mean its not the best outcome but just think of all the future liberals that are wiped out before they can ruin our country.... just saying... most abortions are done by stupid, selfish, irresponsible liberal "women".. whose child would undoubtedly also become liberal if they were born and raised...

do I agree with abortion? Hell no- but the reality is its happening everyday. Every year about a million innocent babies are killed. So this might be a silver lining?

I wonder why the libs want illegals to vote dem? Probably to offset the thousands of lost votes every year from abortion..... What say you?
The way people respond to this thread will forever show who the idiots are.
Ooh, a person named obiwan agreed with the OP, let's see who the other crazies are.
I mean its not the best outcome but just think of all the future liberals that are wiped out before they can ruin our country.... just saying... most abortions are done by stupid, selfish, irresponsible liberal "women".. whose child would undoubtedly also become liberal if they were born and raised...

do I agree with abortion? Hell no- but the reality is its happening everyday. Every year about a million innocent babies are killed. So this might be a silver lining?

I wonder why the libs want illegals to vote dem? Probably to offset the thousands of lost votes every year from abortion..... What say you?

I never thought of that.
I mean its not the best outcome but just think of all the future liberals that are wiped out before they can ruin our country.... just saying... most abortions are done by stupid, selfish, irresponsible liberal "women".. whose child would undoubtedly also become liberal if they were born and raised...

do I agree with abortion? Hell no- but the reality is its happening everyday. Every year about a million innocent babies are killed. So this might be a silver lining?

I wonder why the libs want illegals to vote dem? Probably to offset the thousands of lost votes every year from abortion..... What say you?

I never thought of that.
Now we have 3 psychopaths. Obiwan, superdemocrat, and the OP. Who else will come?
I mean its not the best outcome but just think of all the future liberals that are wiped out before they can ruin our country.... just saying... most abortions are done by stupid, selfish, irresponsible liberal "women".. whose child would undoubtedly also become liberal if they were born and raised...

do I agree with abortion? Hell no- but the reality is its happening everyday. Every year about a million innocent babies are killed. So this might be a silver lining?

I wonder why the libs want illegals to vote dem? Probably to offset the thousands of lost votes every year from abortion..... What say you?
I say you are totally ignoring the thousands of girls from red states that go to "visit family out of state".
Is abortion really that bad?
If you are the aborted it is and down the road it is devastatingly bad for the mother if she has a soul at all. So Yes it is that bad and it should be looked at with the new science we have today as to when a life begins. I definitely think in some cases the wishes of the father is trampled as well. Things are different today than they were in the 70's. It's time for a different path that focuses on reducing abortion and places limits on late term abortion.
I often make snarky comments to libtards that the world would be better off had they been sucked down a drain.

In some cases I'm dead serious. rdean, lakoturd, nycrachead, guano and the rest of the CFAGs to name just a few are complete blithering idiots. They are genetic garbage and should have died accidentally but excessive safety measures keep them alive. Some of them however are willing accomplices of parasites they know to be criminally insane sociopathic totalitarians hell bent on bringing this country down.

The world would be a better place if Frank Marshal Davis' genetic garbage deposited in Stanley Dunham's wrecked snatch was yanked out with a coat hanger and thrown into a dumpster. If Roe V. Wade happened in 1960 we would all be better off.

Abortion is an incredibly barbaric and savage thing, but it fits well the savagery of centralized collective government.

Stay out of their way. They're helping us.

“Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
As to be hated needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.”

Alexander Pope

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