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Is America Headed For Communism/Socialism?

Here is a very good video which shows FACTUAL EVIDENCE that the BUSH family has plans to make America into a Communist type state and it also goes into detail about the Bush family's ties to Nazi Communists during World War 2.

It also get's into Arnold's ties to Nazis as well.

Just click on the link below to watch the video:


and what did your maternal great grandfather do?

Oh shut up will you... Next you'll tell us that the Bush family were Hitler's best friends!

And about Communism/Facism in AMerica..Bullshit.The oldest democracy in the world succumbing to Communism??

The only way in which a Human being can make some approach to knowing the whole of a subject is by hearing what can be said about it by persons of every variety of opinion and studying all modes in which it can be looked at by every character of mind. No wise man ever aquired his wisdom in any mode but this.

John Stuart Mill

Those who do not know their opponents arguments do not completely understand their own.
I don't think a constitutional amendment allowing foreign born presidents would be a bad thing. For one, most people wouldn't vote for a foreigner. It would be a tremendous liability. Second, if the unlikely happened and the people actually wanted a foreign-born president, let them have it. Third, a lot of foreign-born american citizens have a greater appreciation for our freedoms. And finally, our home-grown politicians are perfectly willing to sell out their constituents in favor of the UN and other foreign entanglements; I don't really see why a foreigner would be any worse.

If fascism/communism ever comes to the US, it will be in degrees, from our own politicians, and we won't recognize it as such. Or, it will be "emergency powers" granted during a great crisis. Probably a crisis created by government bungling, which people don't recognize as being the government's fault. For example, a gigantic financial crisis on par with the great depression would do it. Maybe the failure of a megabank brought on by the collapse of the housing bubble for instance. Or gas shooting up to $10/gallon because of war and inflation. Politicians cause the problems, then they scapegoat capitalist boogeymen in order to grab even more power.

Having said that, I don't think Arnold would win. Americans see him as basically an american, being a movie star and a proud american and all, so I don't think his foreign birth would be a liability...but he has other liabilities. Namely, his Nazi sympathies. He used to give recordings of Adolph Hitler to friends, he has said that Kurt Whatshisface (a former SS officer) was a great friend, black bodybuilders claim he used to make racist comments, etc. Frankly I'm amazed he won California. Maybe that was all in his youth, maybe he's a changed man, but I just don't see the GOP letting him run.
Interesting. Were you cavorting in the Bohemian grove and observed this selection? Or do you have proof or is this just the usual internet conspiracy hearsay you're passing on?

Nevertheless I do have to agree that alot of the Republicans we've been electing sure have been turning out to be a bunch of disappointing watermelons.

the fact of bush and kerry being skull and bones is not a issue that is in dipute
prescott bush and his ties to the nazi party are also a mater of record as is the bohemian grove and that many world leaders attened including bush sr and jr and have attended the mock human sacrafices . it is easy enough to verify all of this trough multiple source...the official spin now is not that its not true but it doesnt really matter its all in fun


Presidential counselor David Gergen resigned yesterday from the all-male Bohemian Club, three days after saying he would not run around naked at its annual Bohemian Grove encampment and insisting he would not quit.

White House spokeswoman Dee Dee Myers announced the resignation along with Mr. Gergen's departure from 17 other interest groups, charities and public boards ranging from the Trilateral Commission to the Very Special Arts Foundation.

Although Reagan appeared to be anti-Commission, it was only a front. Reagan’s Campaign Manager, William J. Casey (former Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, who Reagan later appointed as Director of the CIA) was a Trilateralist. His campaign was controlled by such Trilateralists as David Packard, George H. Weyerhaeuser, Bill Brock, Anne Armstrong, Philip M. Hawley, William A. Hewitt, Caspar Weinberger, and others who were CFR members. Reagan had the personal support of David Rockefeller, and belonged to the elitist Bohemian Grove Club in Northern California.

[Grove - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaRonald Reagan, Glenn T. Seaborg and Richard Nixon at the Bohemian Grove ... This cremation symbolizes that within the Bohemian Grove members leave the care ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove - 62k - 17 Jan 2007

illuminati new world order Bush and Kerry Admit Skull and Bones Membership
53 sec - 4-Nov-2006 - (17 ratings)
... they were both presidential candidates admiting they are both skull and bones menbers

http://video.google.ca/videosearch?q=+skull+and+bones Alex Jones

TV - Bush, Kerry are Members of The Order Of Death (Skull & Bones)
Outlaw News - 41 min - 18-Oct-2006 - (58 ratings)
... of a Satan worshiping occult brotherhood of death? where they masturbated in coffins? Is that just socially acceptable now? *** Daily News andand it is so secret they can't talk about it
The only way in which a Human being can make some approach to knowing the whole of a subject is by hearing what can be said about it by persons of every variety of opinion and studying all modes in which it can be looked at by every character of mind. No wise man ever aquired his wisdom in any mode but this.

John Stuart Mill

Those who do not know their opponents arguments do not completely understand their own.

Dude..Please come to the point. What the hell are you saying?
illuminati new world order Bush and Kerry Admit Skull and Bones Membership
53 sec - 4-Nov-2006 - (17 ratings)
... they were both presidential candidates admiting they are both skull and bones menbers

http://video.google.ca/videosearch?q=+skull+and+bones Alex Jones

TV - Bush, Kerry are Members of The Order Of Death (Skull & Bones)
Outlaw News - 41 min - 18-Oct-2006 - (58 ratings)
... of a Satan worshiping occult brotherhood of death? where they masturbated in coffins? Is that just socially acceptable now? *** Daily News andand it is so secret they can't talk about it

You actually believe this bullshit? I mean in today's world anything is possible..especially when we are living in the world of technology and gossiping media. I mean if Bush was a skull n bones member why did AMerica choose him as President ? That too when he admitted it.

You actually believe this bullshit? I mean in today's world anything is possible..especially when we are living in the world of technology and gossiping media. I mean if Bush was a skull n bones member why did AMerica choose him as President ? That too when he admitted it.

Thats easy. The American people couldnt care less what frats he was in during college.

You actually believe this bullshit? I mean in today's world anything is possible..especially when we are living in the world of technology and gossiping media. I mean if Bush was a skull n bones member why did America choose him as President ? That too when he admitted it.

What i don't believe is that so many people are unaware that bush and Kerry are both skull and bones or if they do write it off as a frat club
ya a frat club founded by the Nazis that takes only 12 members a year ,has only about 600 living members and two are running for president and the rest are politicians CEO supreme court judges world bankers etc

do i believe this bullshit ...yes it is undisputed fact...the media is controlled propaganda .although their are mant mainstream sources of bohemian grove and skull and bones and the bush family's Nazi ties...why did America choose bush for president... they didn't presidents are chosen by the bilderburgs and the cf.r at the bohemian grove..thats why you had the two choices you did skull and bones or skull and bones...that is reality
That's only because you dont understand what fascism is or what so called "abuses of power" are in your own head.

I understand quite well what fascism is, and the abuses of power exist. Especially given that they threaten the very fabric of the Constitution and the Republic which was built upon that foundation.
why did America choose bush for president... they didn't presidents are chosen by the bilderburgs and the cf.r at the bohemian grove..thats why you had the two choices you did skull and bones or skull and bones...that is reality

So you mean to say the Bohemian Grove chose the U.S president in 2001 and 2005 ??

You actually believe this bullshit? I mean in today's world anything is possible..especially when we are living in the world of technology and gossiping media. I mean if Bush was a skull n bones member why did AMerica choose him as President ? That too when he admitted it.

Akiboy, if you are going to take the arguement of "Why should we believe this shit?" because of "technology", then let me ask you this:

Why do you believe anything you ever see on tv, anymore?

It's because some of it IS real brother. Let's not freak out now and go with the whole, everything is an illusion theory because of our modern day technology.

lol. That conspiracy would still be a long ways off, it it ever comes about at all. Of course, the stuff I am posting along with what Eots just posted, are NOT conspiracy theories. They are facts.

Video Clips and television is not the only source of these facts Akiboy. Nope...luckily for you, as related to the Bush Nazi ties, you can still get good old paper documents to prove that right from the Congressional records. Gotta love the "Older" technology hey Akiboy?

One way or the other. You are taking a "conspiratorial theory" type of position on what you just stated. It's either you think that people like me and Akiboy are creating an "illusion" for the World, on purpose or by accident, or...you are taking the position that what we are saying is true because of the FACT that the Bush family along with other families like the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, ect. along with the groups that they all started like the CFR, TLC, and the Bilderbergs really DO get together and talk about controlling our country for their own benefits. And I did say Control. Not destroy. If they destroyed our country entirely, they would have nothing left to control. And what kind of "fun" would that be?

Either way, you're taking a position based on your perceptions of what you think is reality. As am I. As is Eots. And as is everyone else who posts.

Originally Posted by NuclearWinter

The only way in which a Human being can make some approach to knowing the whole of a subject is by hearing what can be said about it by persons of every variety of opinion and studying all modes in which it can be looked at by every character of mind. No wise man ever aquired his wisdom in any mode but this.

John Stuart Mill

Those who do not know their opponents arguments do not completely understand their own.

Originally Posted by akiboy

Dude..Please come to the point. What the hell are you saying?

I must admit. I was a bit thrown off when you asked me that question. Because even as I look at them now, those quotes to me speak clearly for themselves.

Perhaps..just perhaps...it was a little too much to throw at you all at once.

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