Is America Ready For The BIG Win?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
We just might be. We just might see it happen very shortly. I'm not talking the general but lowly little Iowa. The "magic" of liberty MAY just strike there.

A Trump/Sanders win in Iowa means America IS taking out the trash. NO dynasty's NO royal families. That is the BIG win. Trump WILL take Iowa so our house cleaning is just about done. Jeb will be lucky to raise bus fare let alone darken the halls of the GOP.

Sanders CAN win and if he does that means the DNC is on board with the nations "clean your house" movement. And that folks is a BIG win for all of us. DESPITE the disagreements on policy or where WE are going this nation WILL have agreed.

That HONESTY in government be it ballsy or brutal, humor or humanity will reign ABOVE LYING THEFT and BULLSH#T. A Trump/Sanders win means WE the people STILL control STILL own OUR government.

A Bush and or Clinton win means WE are all party sheep to be herded and marked for their use. Bush/Clinton reflects King George style politics. Trump/Sanders IS your modern day revolution.

We WILL be flinging ballots NOT bullets but Iowa is the FIRST fight in the NEW American revolution to free man from the tyranny of the dynasty. Lets us ALL move forward to destroy the dynasty. Let us ALL move forward to destroy the tyranny.

Gods speed Trump and Sanders and welcome to the revolution.

I wouldn't be doing victory laps just yet. Mike Huckabee won the Iowa caucuses in 2008. Rick Santorum tied Romney in 2012, and didn't even get close to winning the Republican nomination.
If Trump and Sanders win in Iowa, America is taking the trash to the curb and bringing in a stray dog with rabies.

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