Is America too cynical or anti intellectual for space adventure?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
They are right!

What has happened to us?

Space Opera, Please Come Back | Nerdist

If they made another show like Babylon 5 would Americans think such a future silly and too idealistic? Would they be offended because Jesus will come back before 2050? Would Americans think this show is a tool of Satan? Would Americans consider such a future unAmerican? Would people on the Left think this is space war glorifying propaganda? Would people think the aliens are demons because they think all life is made in the image of God and the image of God is a Human?

I live right next to this right wing nutty politician who likes post apocalyptic and military techno thriller crap!
They are right!

What has happened to us?

Space Opera, Please Come Back | Nerdist

If they made another show like Babylon 5 would Americans think such a future silly and too idealistic? Would they be offended because Jesus will come back before 2050? Would Americans think this show is a tool of Satan? Would Americans consider such a future unAmerican? Would people on the Left think this is space war glorifying propaganda? Would people think the aliens are demons because they think all life is made in the image of God and the image of God is a Human?

I live right next to this right wing nutty politician who likes post apocalyptic and military techno thriller crap!

We are not even close to travel any distance in space at this time. We damm near did not make it to the moon.
The problem isnā€™t that Space Operas are too wild or futuristic for whatever reason. I liked Babylon 5. But I tend not to watch TV, and I work nights. So whatever shows I catch are online. I end up discovering the show after itā€™s aired. As an example, I first saw Madam Secretary about in the middle of the Third season, yes, Iā€™ve seen them all, through the current season at least.

The same was true of Babylon 5. I was injured at work, and off for a while. I was stuck with daytime TV, and Babylon 5 was on in the afternoons as a Rerun. Iā€™d never seen the show before and I didnā€™t catch it all until I managed to get it from Netflix disk by disk. By this time, I had a new employer, and was working nights.

Babylon 5, and shows like that, have to be viewed in sequence. They have to be viewed from the first, to the last, and that is really the big danger. If you skip the first season, you are left with a lot of things that donā€™t seem to make sense. If you join in about the third season, then youā€™re completely lost. Then the show seems like a poorly done or cheaply done, college project run amok.

The problem with the space opera is that it must be done well, and it must be viewed in sequence. Babylon 5 had itā€™s own issues. Like tacking on the fifth season after the studio told them there would not be one after four.

Watch the first season again, and see the shallow performance of the actors in the pilot, and the first couple episodes. It isnā€™t until a few episodes in that the actors finally got into their groove, because the producers got into their groove.

With so many choices, the problem with a Space Opera is if they donā€™t catch the viewers at first, they wonā€™t catch them later.
You can thank Typhoid Barry Obama for sucking all the funding out of NASA to give gigantic amounts of taxpayer dollars to the various muslim-cousin-inbreeding nations of oppressive, barbaric, most hate-filled death-cult of all time Islam. Aerospace is something America does best, and Obamasshole immediately tried to subvert it.

And before you liberalfilth reading this post start defending your Pisslam bloodbath, I have been studying that death cult for many years, I've read all of their doctrine. The liberals' favorite religion is an ideology of PURE HATE which has a 1400 year, 100% track record of rape, death and human rights atrocities everywhere that theological feces has ever gone.
You can thank Typhoid Barry Obama for sucking all the funding out of NASA to give gigantic amounts of taxpayer dollars to the various muslim-cousin-inbreeding nations of oppressive, barbaric, most hate-filled death-cult of all time Islam. Aerospace is something America does best, and Obamasshole immediately tried to subvert it.

And before you liberalfilth reading this post start defending your Pisslam bloodbath, I have been studying that death cult for many years, I've read all of their doctrine. The liberals' favorite religion is an ideology of PURE HATE which has a 1400 year, 100% track record of rape, death and human rights atrocities everywhere that theological feces has ever gone.

Yeah, and thatā€™s the reason why there arenā€™t any Space Operas on TV. Thanks for missing the point.
Currently on TV ...

"Star Trek: Discovery"
"Lost in Space" - Netflix
"The Entity"
"The First"

"Star Trek" (TOS and all spin-offs) is currently available in all their glory on Netflix.

There has never been a better time to be a space-faring SciFi fan.
That being said ... I will tell you why space travel is dead and the only way we, our children, and grandchildren will go into space is watching the latest 'Star Wars' episode...


Take any object that weights 1Kg ...lets say a bottle of water. It costs $4,700 to put that into low-earth orbit, 160 miles into space (LA to San Diego). That is using the most modern rocket available, Falcon 9. Falcon Heavy is projected to halve that cost but no hard data yet.

To put that same bottle of Evian into a Lunar Injection Orbit, the cost doubles to almost $10,000 per kg. To put the same pink-labeled bottle of flavorless H2O into a Mars Transit Orbit, more than triples that cost to over $18,000 per KG. You could buy a very nice used car for every bottle of water you send to Mars.

We can't do that with taxpayer money. The reason Apollo dies such an inglorious death (and the reason that humans haven't left LEO in almost 50-years is taxpayers won't pay that kind of scratch to watch men in suits play golf on the moon.

There isn't a company, or consortium of companies that can carry on a meaningful manned space program. The cost of a single mission to Mars with a human crew is roughly a Trillion Dollars. There is no economic reason for humans to go into space. There is literally nothing there that we don't have here (everything we have down here came from up their) and it's freaking dangerous to us.

I grew up during the Space Race. My earliest memories were watching blurry images of astronauts doing heroic feats on our ancient TV. I am a huge fan of space-faring SciFi and would love nothing more to live in an age of green-skinned babes in mini-skirts (where sexual harassment laws apparently don't exist).

But, I hate to break it to you, kiddies. 'Star Trek', 'Firefly', even 'Babylon Five' isn't happening. Not for a very, very long time.
images (98).jpeg
Time to build that equatorial elevator.
View attachment 226551
Time to build that equatorial elevator.

While intriguing, and would certainly be the technology that finally gives humans access to space ... the cost of a 36,000 Km elevator would be enormous and there is no pressing economic need to do so.
Just tell them
"Thars gold in dem asteroids"
Space mining could become a real thing ā€” and it could be worth trillions

Long ways off. Maybe would take a scarcity of resources on earth to make a real push.
When Spain first started sending ships to the New World and Asia, they did come home with lots and lots of gold and silver from their new trade routes.

The effect of this sudden influx of precious metals into their economy caused the value of gold and silver to plummet and initiating a century-long recession in Europe.

While the cost of such a robotic mining expedition might seem profitable. There is no way to predict what such an influx of precious metals would have on our economy. Making gold worthless might be the single worst thing to ever happen to Earth given how much our economies revolve around it being valuable.
Never cared for Hollyweird versions of space travel but a big fan of our entire space program from its inception right up until that feckless asshole Barry turned NASA into an arm of the phony man-made global warming bullshit. So, Trumpā€™s new space initiative is very good news IMO.
You can thank Typhoid Barry Obama for sucking all the funding out of NASA to give gigantic amounts of taxpayer dollars to the various muslim-cousin-inbreeding nations of oppressive, barbaric, most hate-filled death-cult of all time Islam. Aerospace is something America does best, and Obamasshole immediately tried to subvert it.

And before you liberalfilth reading this post start defending your Pisslam bloodbath, I have been studying that death cult for many years, I've read all of their doctrine. The liberals' favorite religion is an ideology of PURE HATE which has a 1400 year, 100% track record of rape, death and human rights atrocities everywhere that theological feces has ever gone.

Yeah, and thatā€™s the reason why there arenā€™t any Space Operas on TV. Thanks for missing the point.

I wasn't talking about TV! I was talking about the real-life space program regardless of what's on TV.
You can thank Typhoid Barry Obama for sucking all the funding out of NASA to give gigantic amounts of taxpayer dollars to the various muslim-cousin-inbreeding nations of oppressive, barbaric, most hate-filled death-cult of all time Islam. Aerospace is something America does best, and Obamasshole immediately tried to subvert it.

And before you liberalfilth reading this post start defending your Pisslam bloodbath, I have been studying that death cult for many years, I've read all of their doctrine. The liberals' favorite religion is an ideology of PURE HATE which has a 1400 year, 100% track record of rape, death and human rights atrocities everywhere that theological feces has ever gone.

Yeah, and thatā€™s the reason why there arenā€™t any Space Operas on TV. Thanks for missing the point.

I wasn't talking about TV! I was talking about the real-life space program regardless of what's on TV.

Yeah. But the thread is about TV.
You can thank Typhoid Barry Obama for sucking all the funding out of NASA to give gigantic amounts of taxpayer dollars to the various muslim-cousin-inbreeding nations of oppressive, barbaric, most hate-filled death-cult of all time Islam. Aerospace is something America does best, and Obamasshole immediately tried to subvert it.

And before you liberalfilth reading this post start defending your Pisslam bloodbath, I have been studying that death cult for many years, I've read all of their doctrine. The liberals' favorite religion is an ideology of PURE HATE which has a 1400 year, 100% track record of rape, death and human rights atrocities everywhere that theological feces has ever gone.

Yeah, and thatā€™s the reason why there arenā€™t any Space Operas on TV. Thanks for missing the point.

I wasn't talking about TV! I was talking about the real-life space program regardless of what's on TV.

Yeah. But the thread is about TV.

Not really, the posts here prove it's a huge subject, including real life. Also, the thread title doesn't specify fictional work. I'm simply more concerned about real-life human space exploration than whatever happens to be popular on TV at this moment. Now is that such a wrong thing? Who said this thread is only supposed to be about sci-fi television and nothing else?

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