Is American Federalism Really Free?


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
I read that before the totalitarian Roosevelt came along, American federalism was freer. Roosevelt destroyed the separation of powers between the center and the states, and significantly limited American rights. And this situation has not been fixed.

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He introduced the concept of a more leftist "cooperative federalism"
I read that before the totalitarian Roosevelt came along, American federalism was freer. Roosevelt destroyed the separation of powers between the center and the states, and significantly limited American rights. And this situation has not been fixed.

The republicans want to destroy SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps as well as any other social programs as well as abortion and everyone and their brother can own a gun.

Remember that when you vote!!
Federalism depended on the wealthy men.

On the question of ratification, citizens quickly separated into two groups: Federalists and Anti-Federalists. The Federalists supported it. They tended to be among the elite members of society—wealthy and well-educated landowners, businessmen, and former military commanders who believed a strong government would be better for both national defense and economic growth. A national currency, which the federal government had the power to create, would ease business transactions. The ability of the federal government to regulate trade and place tariffs on imports would protect merchants from foreign competition. Furthermore, the power to collect taxes would allow the national government to fund internal improvements like roads, which would also help businessmen. Support for the Federalists was especially strong in New England.

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The republicans want to destroy SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps as well as any other social programs as well as abortion and everyone and their brother can own a gun.

Remember that when you vote!!
What a cheap populism
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Support for the Federalists was especially strong in New England.
This is no coincidence. New England is Europe's agent in the United States, promoting a policy of using the people and resources of the United States in the interests of Britain. This applies to the entire northeast.
I read that before the totalitarian Roosevelt came along, American federalism was freer. Roosevelt destroyed the separation of powers between the center and the states, and significantly limited American rights. And this situation has not been fixed.
The power of the States has been eroded since the founding fathers and for a very good reason, a strong federal government makes for a unified and therefore powerful country. Imagine if 48 individual states had to fight WWI or WWII, would each have had to declare war?

Roosevelt was hardly unique, most presidents have worked to increase their power, not lessen it, look at Lincoln.
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The power of the States has been eroded since the founding fathers and for a very good reason, a strong federal government makes for a unified and therefore powerful country.
This is a typical misconception. The politically blind and oppressed peoples of such an empire work and fight not in the interests of the people, but in the interests of the left regime, which parasitizes on their illiteracy.
World War I destroyed Austria Hungary, and with it freedom in Europe
The period from the defeat of Napoleon to the collapse of Austria Hungary is the Spring of Europe: the abolition of slavery and the flourishing of science and art.
World War I destroyed Austria Hungary, and with it freedom in Europe
The period from the defeat of Napoleon to the collapse of Austria Hungary is the Spring of Europe: the abolition of slavery and the flourishing of science and art.
Where was this 'freedom'? Emperors are not known for their liberal thinking.

Franz Joseph was the emperor of Austria (1848–1916) and king of Hungary (1867–1916). He divided his empire into the Dual Monarchy, in which Austria and Hungary coexisted as equal partners. In 1879 he formed an alliance with Prussian-led Germany. In 1914 his ultimatum to Serbia led Austria and Germany into World War I.
Emperors are not known for their liberal thinking
Are known. They freed the agricultural slaves. The scientific revolution and the flourishing of the arts would not have been possible if their policies were not used, and so on.

And the concept of the freest federalism is known precisely from those times, under the name of corporate federalism, freer than a confederation that takes into account the interests of national groups.
n 1914 his ultimatum to Serbia led Austria and Germany into World War I.
There was no "ultimatum", they tried to reason with the Serbian terrorists. The war began after the terrorist attack by the Serbian terrorist Gavrilo Princip
a dastardly murder that also killed an innocent woman.

When the terrorists killed Massoud, they did not touch his family. Bin Laden's terrorists have acted nobler than the Serbian terrorists.
Sounds like not all Serbs thought as highly of the Empire you do.
Of course. Modern Serbs have erected a monument to this terrorist, and unleashed the terror in Yugoslavia,before they were calmed down by US and the instigators of the terror did not fall under the tribunal.
In addition to the Serbs, the Prussians destroyed Freedom, they organized a "lesser unification", which was in fact directed against Austria Hungary. In Russia at this time, apparently, a coup took place, the imperial flag was overthrown, and the king who was brought up in London, about 2 heads nih less than the kings of Russia at the period of Habsburg domination, was on the throne. A strange king who turned politics to the left and attacked the brotherly people of Holy Union
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The republicans want to destroy SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps as well as any other social programs as well as abortion and everyone and their brother can own a gun.

Remember that when you vote!!

Then Republicans are super weak. They’ve had plenty of chances. You are thinking of libertarians.

Don’t be dishonest.

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