Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

Scientific method has exactly nothing at all to do with consensus.

We've Been there/done that Empty Last-wording A$$HOLE.

Consensus plays no role in the scientific method.

Aboob Dumfuk.

But scientific method plays a Giant role IN Consensus.
As I explained in my last..
Consensus takes DECADES of Consistent Experiments and observations by THOUSANDS OF Scientists.
It IS only Consensus BECAUSE of a gigantic amount of consistent Scientific Method over decades!

you lose BlackAgain. the illiterate POS conspiracYst.
Last word away/one-line Scvmbag.

Again: you lose BlackAgain. the illiterate POS conspiracYst.
Last word away/one-line Scvmbag.

Last edited:
We've Been there/done that Empty Last-wording A$$HOLE.
No, ya hapless ass-sucker. You’ve offered your empty platitudes and false analyses. That’s not the same thing as having been “there” and having “done” that. :cuckoo.”
But scientific method plays a Giant role IN Consensus.
Not the point ya retard. Consensus has no role the scientific method.
As I explained
No. That’s not an “explanation,” you moron. It is but a claim.
in my last..
Consensus takes DECADES of Consistent Experiments and observations by THOUSANDS OF Scientists.
It IS only Consensus BECAUSE of a gigantic amount of consistent Scientific Method over decades.
Sure. :itsok:
you lose BlackAgain. the illiterate POS conspiracYst.
Last word away/one-line Scvmbag.
You are never in a position to assess who has won and who has lost since you bleat out nonsense. And now you’ve done it again.
Again: you lose BlackAgain. the illiterate POS conspiracYst.
Last word away/one-line Scvmbag.

You’re a stuttering moron. 🤣😂
Now would be where you would explain why Idaho has not experienced higher energy costs from going to renewables.

They're not as stupid as Green idiots in Germany?

I guess you'd have to compare wind and solar in Germany to wind and solar in Idaho.

Let me know when you have your AHA moment.
You Dishonest POS trying to associate Higher prices in ie Germany/EU with Renewables.

Not far behind Denmark, Germany has the second-highest electricity cost in the world according to most sources. On average, Germans pay approximately 53 cents (USD) per kilowatt-hour for electricity. As in Denmark, about Half of Germany's per-kilowatt-hour rate can be attributed to high Taxes on electricity production.

Germany saw a spike in the cost for electricity prices following 2012. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, Germany closed many nuclear reactors, creating a much greater demand for electricity from traditional sources.

Before 2012, electricity prices in Germany were more closely aligned with the costs of electricity in the United States (which are markedly lower)."

Without 50% of their cost being Taxes they wouldn't even be on your chart.
ToddsterPoofette is a DISHONEST ONE-LINE HARASSMENT TROLL with NO life and No reason for Posting except Baiting from his Wheelchair.

On average, Germans pay approximately 53 cents (USD) per kilowatt-hour for electricity. As in Denmark, about Half of Germany's per-kilowatt-hour rate can be attributed to high Taxes on electricity production.

Taxes to pay for building their stupid wind and solar installations.
Taxes to pay subsidies to green energy producers.
Taxes to keep the old power system on standby, for cloudy and calm days.

Green stupidity is never cheap.
Privileges That Inevitably Extended to Who Would Die in Vietnam

Do heirs earn their wealth? Taking away all inheritances after $100,000 would eliminate any rational need for all the other taxes. Americans aren't serfs; why do we put up with these unmerited privileges? That exclusion of opportunities is what drove Whites to come to America.

Taking away all inheritances after $100,000 would eliminate any rational need for all the other taxes.

Show your math.
Now would be where you would explain why Idaho has not experienced higher energy costs from going to renewables.

Idaho gets about 17% from wind, 4% from solar and 3% from wood.

Germany gets about 26% from wind, 11.4% from solar and 8% from wood.

No telling where the market purchases come from, but the rest shows 32.5% emitting technology versus 47.2% non-emitting.
Privileges That Inevitably Extended to Who Would Die in Vietnam

Do heirs earn their wealth? Taking away all inheritances after $100,000 would eliminate any rational need for all the other taxes. Americans aren't serfs; why do we put up with these unmerited privileges? That exclusion of opportunities is what drove Whites to come to America.
Pretty stupid comment. Why should anyone work hard their whole lives just to give their wealth to some government bureaucracy? YOUR idea just took away ALL incentive to do so.
By Definition, Geese on Their Home Ground Do the Goosestep

Stopping AGW requires a totalitarian one-world government. Power-hungry sadists who are into that sort of thing flock to that theory, or to any other, such as Communism, that guarantees them the satisfaction of their most basic desires.
well communism means total control over the peasants. It's all they are about.
Pretty stupid comment. Why should anyone work hard their whole lives just to give their wealth to some government bureaucracy? YOUR idea just took away ALL incentive to do so.
And what the government is going to do with ownership of thousands of homes and businesses, personal property, stocks and bonds, loans, etc, etc, etc.
Then you apparently weren't watching between 20 Jan 2017 and 19 Jan 2021
Actually, I was watching very closely. I saw the economy BOOM, unemployment drop to its lowest level in over 50 years for ALL demographic groups, China, Russia, Venezuela, Iran and North Korea all stymied, illegal border crossings slowed to a trickle, a RATIONAL response to a phony pandemic thwarted by the idiots in the CDC that FINANCED the creation of the virus in the first place, and government lefties doing everything in their power to do to destroy an America First President out of sheer pique over their messiah-ess losing in 2016.
Of course AGW theory is falsifiable, in a trivial manner.

If temperatures fail to go up in the long term ... say 20 years ... it's falsified.

In contrast, denialism is not falsifiable, so it's not science.

I've asked the deniers several times before what could falsify their beliefs. None have ever answered, because nothing can falsify their beliefs. That's because you can't falsify a purely religious belief, which is what denialism is.

I'll do it again, because it's fun to watch all the denier acolytes run for the hills. Deniers, what hard data would, in your eyes, disprove denialism?
BS, of course. What's religious in nature is the whole AGW/climate change cult. You are ALL basing your support on belief in what people who claim to be "scientists" are telling you rather than doing your own research and study.
BS, of course.
Ah, fresh meat.

What's religious in nature is the whole AGW/climate change cult. You are ALL basing your support on belief in what people who claim to be "scientists" are telling you rather than doing your own research and study.
Nah. You're assuming that since you just parrot propaganda, that everyone else has to be same. That is not the case. We are not like you. We follow the facts, not what someone tells us.

Now, back to the topic. What hard facts could conceivably falsify your belief that there's no human caused global warming?

If you're not a fanatical follower of an extremist religious cult, it shouldn't be a problem for you to name some. It wasn't a problem for us to name some, because AGW theory is science, not religion.

Oddly, no global warming deniers have been able to meet that challenge, which would indicate that their beliefs are entirely religious in nature.

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