Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

Actually, your problem is free thinking people questioning your dogma and refusing to modify their behaviors as you'd like.
We don't care if you drive electric cars and power your home with a windmill.
Nutbags are free to be nutbags until they think they're dictators.
By Definition, Geese on Their Home Ground Do the Goosestep

Stopping AGW requires a totalitarian one-world government. Power-hungry sadists who are into that sort of thing flock to that theory, or to any other, such as Communism, that guarantees them the satisfaction of their most basic desires.
Temperature of air and water has increased. That has destabilized sea ice at the coasts. That has caused glacier flows in East and West Antarctica to accelerate and may cause the catastrophic collapse of major segments of ice sheets. All that increases global sea level rise and has led to surprisingly rapid flows of ice from the interior. The increase of meltwater is putting the entire basin's overturning current at risk of weakening and collapse. Wind patterns, responsible for the movement of sea ice along the coast, have shown a correlation with the El Nino 4 parameter which, like the other 4 parameters, has shown increased maxima and decreased minima.

Did you think nothing had changed?

You asked, I answered. What I said is clearly reflected in dozens of published studies. You've seen all this many times before. You asking to see it again is simply more trolling, the only thing you ever do here. so fuck off.
Green Denotes the Color of Their Daddies' Money

Antarctica is chock full of resources. Developing them will eliminate shortages and drastically reduce prices and profits. Just as with the Greens shaming development of natural resources, the real motivation is from the plutocracy wanting to keep profits high because of artificial scarcities. The Zero-Growth Antarctica Treaty of 1959 was the beginning of this scheme.

If some explorer found a lake full of diamonds, you can be sure that the diamond merchants would fund a study claiming that the inexpensive diamonds that would be worn by so many people would reflect sunlight out of the atmosphere and cause Global Freezing.
Conservative business mag Forbes.


Solar And Wind Costs Continue To Fall As Power Becomes Cleaner​

The cost of solar and wind power continue to fall, making them even more competitive in generating electricity compared to fossil fuels.​
Solar PV and onshore Wind are now the Cheapest sources of new-build generation for at least Two-Thirds of the global population, according to the latest analysis by BloombergNEF (BNEF). The research group says that the global benchmark levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for onshore wind and utility-scale PV has fallen 9% and 4% respectively since the second half of 2019 – to $44/MWh and $50/MWh, respectively. The benchmark LCOE for battery storage now sits at $150/MWh, having halved in price from two years ago.​
This means that solar PV and onshore Wind are now the Cheapest sources of new-build generation for at least two-thirds of the global population. Those two-thirds live in locations that comprise 71% of gross domestic product and 85% of energy generation...​



Holy shit!!

All that cheap wind and solar is really lowering prices in Germany!!!
View attachment 777835

Holy shit!!

All that cheap wind and solar is really lowering prices in Germany!!!

Gasoline in Germany is current selling for $7.541 USD per gallon

A Big Mac in Germany costs $4.77 USD

A base model 2022 VW Golf in Germany cost $32,437.075 USD
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Gasoline in Germany is current selling for $7.541 USD per gallon

A Big Mac in Germany costs $4.77 USD

A base model 2022 VW Golf in Germany cost $32,437.075 USD
And of course they are mostly Cold, Gray winter, Northern Europe.
And as Early adopters using 10yr old/5x more Inefficient renewables..
(I have many posts on the 85-90% improvement in the 2010-2020 decade)..
as well as paying for importing and Taxing Foreign Fuels they don't have at home.

And I've put up many thread starts showing Solar/renewables are the cheapest generation in 70-85% of the world. (IEA, etc)
Germany, Belgium, etc, may be in that 15-30% Minority but still make it quite useful.

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Gasoline in Germany is current selling for $7.541 USD per gallon

A Big Mac in Germany costs $4.77 USD

A base model 2022 VW Golf in Germany cost $32,437.075 USD


one of the core objectives of the Co2 fraud
Wrong. The price has come down in the last decade due to GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES.

Conservative business mag Forbes.


Solar And Wind Costs Continue To Fall As Power Becomes Cleaner​

The cost of solar and wind power continue to fall, making them even more competitive in generating electricity compared to fossil fuels.
Solar PV and onshore Wind are now the Cheapest sources of new-build generation for at least Two-Thirds of the global population, according to the latest analysis by BloombergNEF (BNEF). The research group says that the global benchmark levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for onshore wind and utility-scale PV has fallen 9% and 4% respectively since the second half of 2019 – to $44/MWh and $50/MWh, respectively. The benchmark LCOE for battery storage now sits at $150/MWh, having halved in price from two years ago.
This means that solar PV and onshore Wind are now the Cheapest sources of new-build generation for at least two-thirds of the global population. Those two-thirds live in locations that comprise 71% of gross domestic product and 85% of energy generation...

Solar And Wind Costs Continue To Fall As Power Becomes Cleaner

Solar and wind power costs are still falling, making more and more fossil fuel generators around the world uncompetitive.

Conservative business mag Forbes.


Solar And Wind Costs Continue To Fall As Power Becomes Cleaner​

The cost of solar and wind power continue to fall, making them even more competitive in generating electricity compared to fossil fuels.
Solar PV and onshore Wind are now the Cheapest sources of new-build generation for at least Two-Thirds of the global population, according to the latest analysis by BloombergNEF (BNEF). The research group says that the global benchmark levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for onshore wind and utility-scale PV has fallen 9% and 4% respectively since the second half of 2019 – to $44/MWh and $50/MWh, respectively. The benchmark LCOE for battery storage now sits at $150/MWh, having halved in price from two years ago.
This means that solar PV and onshore Wind are now the Cheapest sources of new-build generation for at least two-thirds of the global population. Those two-thirds live in locations that comprise 71% of gross domestic product and 85% of energy generation...

Solar And Wind Costs Continue To Fall As Power Becomes Cleaner

Solar and wind power costs are still falling, making more and more fossil fuel generators around the world uncompetitive.



Holy shit!!

All that cheap wind and solar is really lowering prices in Germany!!!
View attachment 777915

Holy shit!!

All that cheap wind and solar is really lowering prices in Germany!!!
Asked and Answered by TWO Posts
Crick's And Mine.

Gasoline in Germany is current selling for $7.541 USD per gallon

Germany gasoline prices, 17-Apr-2023 |

Gasoline prices per litre, octane-95: We show prices for Germany from 09-Jan-2023 to 17-Apr-2023. The average value for Germany during that period was 1.77 Euro with a minimum of 1.71 Euro on 09-Jan-2023 and a maximum of 1.82 Euro on 10-Apr-2023. For comparison, the average price of gasoline in...
A Big Mac in Germany costs $4.77 USD

Big Mac Index by Country 2023 - Wisevoter

The Big Mac index is a widely recognized and well-known index that compares the price of a Big Mac hamburger in different countries. The index was created by The Economist magazine in 1986 as a lighthearted way to measure the purchasing power parity (PPP) between countries. The Big Mac index has...
A base model 2022 VW Golf in Germany cost $32,437.075 USD

Germany - Volkswagen Golf - price, November 2022 |

The price is 32398 USD. The average price for all countries is 36109 USD. The database includes 41 countries.

abu afak Again:
And of course they are Cherry Picked mostly Cold, Gray winter, and highly Taxed, High cost of Living, Northern Euro Countries with NO resources of their own.
And as Early adopters using 10yr old/5x more Inefficient renewables.
I have many posts on the 85-90% improvement in the 2010-2020 decade.
as well as paying for importing and Taxing Foreign Fuels they don't have at home.

And I've put up Many thread starts showing Solar/Renewables (as of 2020) are the Cheapest generation in 70-85% of the world. (IEA, etc)
Cherry Picking Germany, Belgium, etc, may be in that 15-30% Minority but even there they are still quite useful.

Last edited:
Asked and Answered by TWO Posts
Crick's And Mine.

abu afak Again:
And of course they are Cherry Picked mostly Cold, Gray winter, and highly Taxed, High cost of Living, Northern Euro Countries with NO resources of their own.
And as Early adopters using 10yr old/5x more Inefficient renewables.
I have many posts on the 85-90% improvement in the 2010-2020 decade.
as well as paying for importing and Taxing Foreign Fuels they don't have at home.

And I've put up Many thread starts showing Solar/Renewables (as of 2020) are the Cheapest generation in 70-85% of the world. (IEA, etc)
Cherry Picking Germany, Belgium, etc, may be in that 15-30% Minority but even there they are still quite useful.


And of course they are Cherry Picked mostly Cold, Gray winter, and highly Taxed, High cost of Living, Northern Euro Countries with NO resources of their own.

Greens in Cold, Gray winter, and highly Taxed, High cost of Living, Northern Euro Countries are even dumber than Greens in the US.

And as Early adopters using 10yr old/5x more Inefficient renewables.

You're right, we need another 50 years of tech improvements before we start depending on solar.
View attachment 777915

Cost of Electricity by Country 2023
Holy shit!!

All that cheap wind and solar is really lowering prices in Germany!!!

"In 2021, renewable energy generated 74% of Idaho's total in-state electricity, including from small-scale solar panel generating systems (less than 1 megawatt capacity), which is the fourth-highest share for any state, after Vermont, South Dakota, and Washington. 2021, renewable energy generated,, South Dakota, and Washington."

Idaho Idaho Profile - EIA

Idaho has the Cheapest Power in the USA.​

Where you can also see my previously mentioned IOWA (63%), and Oklahoma 45%.
All Three Cheaper than OIL-NG-TEXAS!

RankStateAverage Electricity Rate
for All Sectors
(Cents per Kilowatthour)
6North Dakota8.65
10West Virginia8.87

ToddsterPooftriot can't debate me!!

He's a one-line/cheap-shlt Harassment TROLL like jc-456.


Last edited:
"In 2021, renewable energy generated 74% of Idaho's total in-state electricity, including from small-scale solar panel generating systems (less than 1 megawatt capacity), which is the fourth-highest share for any state, after Vermont, South Dakota, and Washington. 2021, renewable energy generated,, South Dakota, and Washington."

Idaho Idaho Profile - EIA

Idaho has the Cheapest Power in the USA.​

Where you can also see my previously mentioned IOWA (63%), and Oklahoma 45%.
All Three Cheaper than OIL-NG-TEXAS!

RankStateAverage Electricity Rate
for All Sectors
(Cents per Kilowatthour)
6North Dakota8.65
10West Virginia8.87

ToddsterPooftriot can't debate me!!

He's a one-line/cheap-shlt Harassment TROLL like jc-456.


That's awesome!

Maybe Germany should buy power from Idaho?
Who do you believe is attempting to "extract more money from government" and what makes you say that they are after yours in particular?

To what government bureaucracy have you been asked to give money?
Are you so ignorant that you think the government HAS any money that it hasn't extracted from those who've actually earned it?
Are you so ignorant that you think the government HAS any money that it hasn't extracted from those who've actually earned it?
You seem to be trying to avoid answering my specific questions.

Who do you believe is attempting to "extract more money from government" and what makes you say that they are after yours in particular?

To what government bureaucracy have you been asked to give money?
You seem to be trying to avoid answering my specific questions.

Who do you believe is attempting to "extract more money from government" and what makes you say that they are after yours in particular?

To what government bureaucracy have you been asked to give money?
Now you're just being willfully ignorant...or are just another leftie troll who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Who do you think asks the government for money to "research" real or imagined environmental issues? Where do you think that government GETS the money it doles out to those folks?
Now you're just being willfully ignorant...or are just another leftie troll who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Who do you think asks the government for money to "research" real or imagined environmental issues? Where do you think that government GETS the money it doles out to those folks?
I try not to respond to rhetoric. Why don't you simply provide us the answer you wanted me to give?

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