Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

My original reply said "The climate of the entire planet Earth has been changed by AGW."

Are you unable to understand that sentence?

That answer implies there’s only one climate! Is it supposed to be cold over the entire planet at the same time or not? Why isn’t there ice everywhere including the equator?
What areas of land do you hold to be the lower limit and the upper limit of regions amenable to the concept of having a climate?
What areas of land do you hold to be the lower limit and the upper limit of regions amenable to the concept of having a climate?
There’s a northern boundary and a southern boundary climate is different everywhere, some deserts some rainy, and you wrote there’s just one climate!

That’s stupid.

BTW, the oceans control climate
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There’s a northern boundary and a southern boundary climate is different everywhere, some deserts some rainy, and you wrote there’s just one climate!

That’s stupid.

BTW, the oceans control climate
I'll tell you what's stupid. Poster jc456.

Here is the definition from Wikipedia:
Climate is the long-term weather pattern in a region, typically averaged over 30 years.[1][2] More rigorously, it is the mean and variability of meteorological variables over a time spanning from months to millions of years. Some of the meteorological variables that are commonly measured are temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, and precipitation. In a broader sense, climate is the state of the components of the climate system, including the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere and biosphere and the interactions between them.[1] The climate of a location is affected by its latitude, longitude, terrain, altitude, land use and nearby water bodies and their currents.[3]

Here is the definition from Webster's dictionary
Climate is the average course or condition of the weather at a place usually over a period of years as exhibited by temperature, wind velocity, and precipitation.

Here is the definition from NOAA:
Climate is the average of the weather patterns in a location over a longer period of time, usually 30 years or more.Mar 9, 2016

Tell me which of these could not be applied to the world as a whole and why.
I'll tell you what's stupid. Poster jc456.

Here is the definition from Wikipedia:
Climate is the long-term weather pattern in a region, typically averaged over 30 years.[1][2] More rigorously, it is the mean and variability of meteorological variables over a time spanning from months to millions of years. Some of the meteorological variables that are commonly measured are temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, and precipitation. In a broader sense, climate is the state of the components of the climate system, including the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere and biosphere and the interactions between them.[1] The climate of a location is affected by its latitude, longitude, terrain, altitude, land use and nearby water bodies and their currents.[3]

Here is the definition from Webster's dictionary
Climate is the average course or condition of the weather at a place usually over a period of years as exhibited by temperature, wind velocity, and precipitation.

Here is the definition from NOAA:
Climate is the average of the weather patterns in a location over a longer period of time, usually 30 years or more.Mar 9, 2016

Tell me which of these could not be applied to the world as a whole and why.
It said regional, you said earth had one climate! Which is it?
It said regional, you said earth had one climate! Which is it?
Jesus are you stupid. This is where I was going with upper and lower bounds. A postage stamp has a climate. The surface of Jupiter has a climate. And I did NOT say that the Earth had a single climate. Earth has A climate. Any region you care to define has its own climate and that climate very likely changes over time.

Is any of this getting through to you?
Jesus are you stupid. This is where I was going with upper and lower bounds. A postage stamp has a climate. The surface of Jupiter has a climate. And I did NOT say that the Earth had a single climate. Earth has A climate. Any region you care to define has its own climate and that climate very likely changes over time.

Is any of this getting through to you?
We’ll fk dude, I’ve asked you a dozen times and you haven’t given one region! You don’t have any
We’ll fk dude, I’ve asked you a dozen times and you haven’t given one region! You don’t have any
Take any region you want anywhere on the planet. The entire planet has been affected.
Cool, what changed in the Antarctic?
Temperature of air and water has increased. That has destabilized sea ice at the coasts. That has caused glacier flows in East and West Antarctica to accelerate and may cause the catastrophic collapse of major segments of ice sheets. All that increases global sea level rise and has led to surprisingly rapid flows of ice from the interior. The increase of meltwater is putting the entire basin's overturning current at risk of weakening and collapse. Wind patterns, responsible for the movement of sea ice along the coast, have shown a correlation with the El Nino 4 parameter which, like the other 4 parameters, has shown increased maxima and decreased minima.

Did you think nothing had changed?
Temperature of air and water has increased. That has destabilized sea ice at the coasts. That has caused glacier flows in East and West Antarctica to accelerate and may cause the catastrophic collapse of major segments of ice sheets. All that increases global sea level rise and has led to surprisingly rapid flows of ice from the interior. The increase of meltwater is putting the entire basin's overturning current at risk of weakening and collapse. Wind patterns, responsible for the movement of sea ice along the coast, have shown a correlation with the El Nino 4 parameter which, like the other 4 parameters, has shown increased maxima and decreased minima.

Did you think nothing had changed?
What we’re the temperature readings?

Sea ice? Hahaha

Are there underwater volcanoes? Many?

How come only funded scientists comment on this nonsense?
Cool, what changed in the Antarctic?
Temperature of air and water has increased. That has destabilized sea ice at the coasts. That has caused glacier flows in East and West Antarctica to accelerate and may cause the catastrophic collapse of major segments of ice sheets. All that increases global sea level rise and has led to surprisingly rapid flows of ice from the interior. The increase of meltwater is putting the entire basin's overturning current at risk of weakening and collapse. Wind patterns, responsible for the movement of sea ice along the coast, have shown a correlation with the El Nino 4 parameter which, like the other 4 parameters, has shown increased maxima and decreased minima.

Did you think nothing had changed?
What we’re the temperature readings?

Sea ice? Hahaha

Are there underwater volcanoes? Many?

How come only funded scientists comment on this nonsense?
You asked, I answered. What I said is clearly reflected in dozens of published studies. You've seen all this many times before. You asking to see it again is simply more trolling, the only thing you ever do here. so fuck off.
Are you suggesting that we reject all science? Because, there seems to be quite a bit of it that you accept without question despite any evidence to which you might be privy.
No. I'm suggesting that what you tout as "science" really isn't. It's gobbledegook designed to confuse and obfuscate in order to extract more money from particular, OURS. So far, nobody has been able to explain to MY satisfaction how giving more of our money to some government bureaucracy is going to "save the planet."
Right now the Planet has been just as Primitively "Bleeding" Oil/NG/Coal and "Bleeding" Dirty GHGs and Particulate matter into the atmosphere.

Science has discovered a New Cleaner more sustainable solution that is now not only cleaner but cheaper in many circumstances, as the price has come down 85% in the last decade due to Technology.

Wrong. The price has come down in the last decade due to GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES.
Temperature of air and water has increased. That has destabilized sea ice at the coasts. That has caused glacier flows in East and West Antarctica to accelerate and may cause the catastrophic collapse of major segments of ice sheets. All that increases global sea level rise and has led to surprisingly rapid flows of ice from the interior. The increase of meltwater is putting the entire basin's overturning current at risk of weakening and collapse. Wind patterns, responsible for the movement of sea ice along the coast, have shown a correlation with the El Nino 4 parameter which, like the other 4 parameters, has shown increased maxima and decreased minima.

Did you think nothing had changed?

You asked, I answered. What I said is clearly reflected in dozens of published studies. You've seen all this many times before. You asking to see it again is simply more trolling, the only thing you ever do here. so fuck off.
Post a story that backs your nonsense
No. I'm suggesting that what you tout as "science" really isn't. It's gobbledegook designed to confuse and obfuscate in order to extract more money from particular, OURS.
Who do you believe is attempting to "extract more money from government" and what makes you say that they are after yours in particular?
So far, nobody has been able to explain to MY satisfaction how giving more of our money to some government bureaucracy is going to "save the planet."
To what government bureaucracy have you been asked to give money?
No. I'm suggesting that what you tout as "science" really isn't. It's gobbledegook designed to confuse and obfuscate in order to extract more money from particular, OURS. So far, nobody has been able to explain to MY satisfaction how giving more of our money to some government bureaucracy is going to "save the planet."
It’s called word salad. Means absolutely nothing

Solar And Wind Costs Continue To Fall As Power Becomes Cleaner​

The cost of solar and wind power continue to fall, making them even more competitive in generating electricity compared to fossil fuels.
I thought it was free?
Right....A PhD in physics admits that there's a shitload that science doesn't know about the sun, which they've been studying for centuries, but you warmer cultists know everything about the climate, to the point that you can account for every unknowable aspect of that which comprises 99% of the mass of the solar system.

Fucking loons.
B-Students Jealous of A-Students

Climatology is a minor-league science for nerds who don't have a high enough IQ to succeed in the hard sciences. They suppress their realization of their inferiority by imagining themselves as comic-book superheroes out to save the planet from those evil creative people, who invented everything that prevents mankind from living like helpless insects.
B-Students Jealous of A-Students

Climatology is a minor-league science for nerds who don't have a high enough IQ to succeed in the hard sciences. They suppress their realization of their inferiority by imagining themselves as comic-book superheroes out to save the planet from those evil creative people, who invented everything that prevents mankind from living like helpless insects.

by imagining themselves as comic-book superheroes out to save the planet

It's a great way to talk to chicks.

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