Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

Nah. You're assuming that since you just parrot propaganda, that everyone else has to be same. That is not the case. We are not like you. We follow the facts, not what someone tells us.
Why don't you ever post any facts then?
naw, you've never once posted one thing that proves AGW. ever!!!!!!!
Normally I don't answer the NO Content, One-line, Harassment TROLL jc456. (Now last-wording 7 threads/posters he doesn't agree with in 10 minutes with one or Two posts/trolls.)
The STUPIDEST (ONE-LINE) TROLL on USMB, and only allowed by the Horrible NON-MODERATION of this place.
But I want to get this on the record.
And the topic I address the MOST is evidencing AGW. Check my thread starts.
(science doesn't really deal 'proof,' but theories affirmed over time)

How Do Scientists Know That Humans Are Responsible for Global Warming?​

Scientists use old fashioned detective work to figure out humans are responsible for Climate Change.
Oct 24, 2022 - NBC Miami

"....Scientists can Calculate how much heat different suspects Trap, using a complex understanding of chemistry and physics and feeding that into computer simulations that have been generally accurate in portraying climate, past and future. They Measure what they call Radiative forcing in Watts per Meter Squared.

The first and most frequent natural suspect is the sun. The sun is what warms Earth in general providing about 1,361 watts per meter squared of heat, year in year out. That’s the baseline, the delicate balance that makes Earth livable. Changes in energy coming from the sun have been minimal, about One-Tenth of a Watt per Meter Squared, scientists calculate.

But Carbon Dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels is now Trapping heat to the level of 2.07 Watts per Meter Squared, more than 20 Times that of the changes in the sun, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Methane, another powerful heat-trapping gas, is at 0.5 Watts per Meter Square.

The sun’s 11-year cycle goes through regular but small ups and downs, but that doesn’t seem to change Earth’s temperature.
And if anything the ever so slight changes in 11-year-average solar irradiance have been shifting downward, according to NASA calculations, with the space agency concluding “it is therefore extremely unlikely that the Sun has caused the observed global temperature warming trend over the past century.”

[...more at link...]

How Scientists Know That We Are Responsible for Global Warming

Who needs to study you jackass?
Me, the huge Sci consensus, Exxon?... or you.. a mere opiniated RWer who posted No science whatsoever.
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Cool, how hot is 120 PPM of CO2 then?
Your question makes no sense. How hot is a glass of wter? How hot is that rock on the moon? How hot is that dead mouse? How hot is the air? How hot is hot? You've been asking that same stupid question for years because you think its a clever gotcha when the ONLY thing it does illustrate - and that very clearly - is just how profound is your ignorance.
You're a troll. That's a fact.

Because you're a troll, you should fuck off. That's an opinion.
A troll that proves daily you have no topic related facts. And who is the troll?

No evidence of human caused warming.
You Dishonest POS trying to associate Higher prices in ie Germany/EU with Renewables.

Not far behind Denmark, Germany has the second-highest electricity cost in the world according to most sources. On average, Germans pay approximately 53 cents (USD) per kilowatt-hour for electricity. As in Denmark, about Half of Germany's per-kilowatt-hour rate can be attributed to high Taxes on electricity production.

Germany saw a spike in the cost for electricity prices following 2012. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, Germany closed many nuclear reactors, creating a much greater demand for electricity from traditional sources.

Before 2012, electricity prices in Germany were more closely aligned with the costs of electricity in the United States (which are markedly lower)."

Without 50% of their cost being Taxes they wouldn't even be on your chart.
ToddsterPoofette is a DISHONEST ONE-LINE HARASSMENT TROLL with NO life and No reason for Posting except Baiting from his Wheelchair.

You Dishonest POS trying to associate Higher prices in ie Germany/EU with Renewables.

Feel free to explain why their much higher prices have nothing to do with renewables.
Explain why all their new, cheap wind and solar was installed at the same time
that their energy costs were spiking.

Without 50% of their cost being Taxes they wouldn't even be on your chart.
Before 2012, electricity prices in Germany were more closely aligned with the costs of electricity in the United States (which are markedly lower)."

I get it, they didn't charge taxes before 2012. LOL!
That's awesome!

Maybe Germany should buy power from Idaho?
You Dishonest POS trying to associate Higher prices in ie Germany/EU with Renewables.

Not far behind Denmark, Germany has the second-highest electricity cost in the world according to most sources. On average, Germans pay approximately 53 cents (USD) per kilowatt-hour for electricity. As in Denmark, about Half of Germany's per-kilowatt-hour rate can be attributed to high Taxes on electricity production.

Germany saw a spike in the cost for electricity prices following 2012. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, Germany closed many nuclear reactors, creating a much greater demand for electricity from traditional sources.

Before 2012, electricity prices in Germany were more closely aligned with the costs of electricity in the United States (which are markedly lower)."

Without 50% of their cost being Taxes they wouldn't even be on your chart.
ToddsterPoofette is a DISHONEST ONE-LINE HARASSMENT TROLL with NO life and No reason for Posting except Baiting from his Wheelchair.
You Dishonest POS trying to associate Higher prices in ie Germany/EU with Renewables.

Not far behind Denmark, Germany has the second-highest electricity cost in the world according to most sources. On average, Germans pay approximately 53 cents (USD) per kilowatt-hour for electricity. As in Denmark, about Half of Germany's per-kilowatt-hour rate can be attributed to high Taxes on electricity production.

Germany saw a spike in the cost for electricity prices following 2012. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, Germany closed many nuclear reactors, creating a much greater demand for electricity from traditional sources.

Before 2012, electricity prices in Germany were more closely aligned with the costs of electricity in the United States (which are markedly lower)."

Without 50% of their cost being Taxes they wouldn't even be on your chart.
ToddsterPoofette is a DISHONEST ONE-LINE HARASSMENT TROLL with NO life and No reason for Posting except Baiting from his Wheelchair.

Before 2012, electricity prices in Germany were more closely aligned with the costs of electricity in the United States (which are markedly lower)."

And then they installed a lot of wind and solar.
And shut down their nukes.

Fucking green morons.
Here AGAIN/Every time, ToddsterPoofette is a DISHONEST ONE-LINE (or jpg) HARASSMENT TROLL.
(oft 5 or so words with a question mark, as he can't be bothered - and no real knowledge- to Refute anything)
He has NO life and No reason for Posting except Baiting from his Wheelchair for some tiny detail.


And then they installed a lot of wind and solar. And shut down their nukes. Fucking green morons.

Every word is true.

Maybe you should cut back on your estrogen?
Here AGAIN/Every time, ToddsterPoofette (like jc456) is a DISHONEST ONE-LINE (or jpg) HARASSMENT TROLL.
(oft 5 or so words with a question mark, as he can't be bothered - and no real knowledge- to Refute anything)
He has NO life and No reason for Posting except Baiting from his Wheelchair for some tiny detail.

And below we see More empty TrollsterParrot as USMB is UNmoderated.
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Ah, fresh meat.

Nah. You're assuming that since you just parrot propaganda, that everyone else has to be same. That is not the case. We are not like you. We follow the facts, not what someone tells us.

Now, back to the topic. What hard facts could conceivably falsify your belief that there's no human caused global warming?

If you're not a fanatical follower of an extremist religious cult, it shouldn't be a problem for you to name some. It wasn't a problem for us to name some, because AGW theory is science, not religion.

Oddly, no global warming deniers have been able to meet that challenge, which would indicate that their beliefs are entirely religious in nature.
Except there ARE NO "FACTS" that support AGW. Merely speculation. You are asking everyone else to accept the word of speculators that facts exist without giving out any of 'em. That's a cult if there ever was such a thing.
Except there ARE NO "FACTS" that support AGW. Merely speculation. You are asking everyone else to accept the word of speculators that facts exist without giving out any of 'em. That's a cult if there ever was such a thing.
See Post #143 above.
(among scores of others)
Except there ARE NO "FACTS" that support AGW. Merely speculation. You are asking everyone else to accept the word of speculators that facts exist without giving out any of 'em. That's a cult if there ever was such a thing.
These are not speculation. These are facts.


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