Is Any Group Dumber Than Independents ?

If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

Jebuz Krist. Your entire post is complete BS. Where do I start?

"If polls are right (they may not be)." Hedging.
"Even elementary school kids know." Miss President of the PTA here speaks for all elementary school kids, please.
"Who Robert Mueller is." Mueller is a Republican, just ask Wiki.

Trump apologists are the absolute worst.

What kind of Republican?

The kind you respect, trust and believe absolutely.. ?

How about when he opens the surprise box... :FIREdevil: .. and Democrats are screwed over, what then?

.. and pleased to meet you .. Erinwltr .... :) .... (can I call you Wally?)

Call me what you want, my friend.
Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!


Independants are as those on a side. Look at any independent and you will see they may not be rabidly left or right, but rabidly in the middle. That’s as bad as the other two if you think about it.
Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!


Independants are as those on a side. Look at any independent and you will see they may not be rabidly left or right, but rabidly in the middle. That’s as bad as the other two if you think about it.
That depends on how you define "Independent". I define it as not being tied to a partisan ideology. So, I may agree with the Left on an issue, the Right on another, and with neither on another.

I would define what you describe as a "centrist". I'm definitely not that, and I've gone into detail on that in the second line of my sig. I also address being on a "side" in the first line of my sig.
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Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!


Independants are as those on a side. Look at any independent and you will see they may not be rabidly left or right, but rabidly in the middle. That’s as bad as the other two if you think about it.

Um, no.
Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!


Independants are as those on a side. Look at any independent and you will see they may not be rabidly left or right, but rabidly in the middle. That’s as bad as the other two if you think about it.
That depends on how you define "Independent". I define it as not being tied to a partisan ideology. So, I may agree with the Left on an issue, the Right on another, and with neither on another.

I would define what you describe as a "centrist". I'm definitely not that, and I've gone into detail on that in the second line of my sig.

This is good. I’m sure you know what I mean by rabidly independent though. Honestly, a good groups of REAL political independants may be just the ticket to save the country.
Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!


Independants are as those on a side. Look at any independent and you will see they may not be rabidly left or right, but rabidly in the middle. That’s as bad as the other two if you think about it.
That depends on how you define "Independent". I define it as not being tied to a partisan ideology. So, I may agree with the Left on an issue, the Right on another, and with neither on another.

I would define what you describe as a "centrist". I'm definitely not that, and I've gone into detail on that in the second line of my sig.

This is good. I’m sure you know what I mean by rabidly independent though. Honestly, a good groups of REAL political independants may be just the ticket to save the country.
Well, I couldn't agree more, but I sure don't see any signs of that kind of progress. Here's hoping.
Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!


Independants are as those on a side. Look at any independent and you will see they may not be rabidly left or right, but rabidly in the middle. That’s as bad as the other two if you think about it.

Um, no.

Um, yes. Need an example? John McTumor or Lindsey Grahamnesty. Two rabidly independants who need to be unelected. Well, one does anyway. Nature is taking care of the other one.
Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!


Independants are as those on a side. Look at any independent and you will see they may not be rabidly left or right, but rabidly in the middle. That’s as bad as the other two if you think about it.

Um, no.

Um, yes. Need an example? John McTumor or Lindsey Grahamnesty. Two rabidly independants who need to be unelected. Well, one does anyway. Nature is taking care of the other one.

Pretty hateful, but I agree with you. In a morbid kind of way.
Jebuz Krist. Your entire post is complete BS. Where do I start?

"If polls are right (they may not be)." Hedging.
"Even elementary school kids know." Miss President of the PTA here speaks for all elementary school kids, please.
"Who Robert Mueller is." Mueller is a Republican, just ask Wiki.

Trump apologists are the absolute worst.
No, the absolute worst are the dum dums who come in here and show how much they don't know. So Mueller is a Republican, is he ? Actually he's a Muslim. Somebody give this poor soul a lollipop. Sheesh! :rolleyes:
I'm an independent and I don't believe any of the bullshit the press is pursuing.
Well, the OP's link did say that 61% of independents thought that the Mueller farce actually had validity. So, that leaves a possible 39% in the sanity group. There's hope yet.
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The term "Independent" really shouldn't be that complicated: Not slavishly beholden to a party or ideology.
Not beholden to an ideology, and floating in the vast emptiness of irrelevance. While giving up the important right to vote in primaries, in some states.
The term "Independent" really shouldn't be that complicated: Not slavishly beholden to a party or ideology.
Not beholden to an ideology, and floating in the vast emptiness of irrelevance. While giving up the important right to vote in primaries, in some states.
Do you think that your vote and opinion are more important than mine?

Wingers on both ends don't like Independents because we expose them for what they are.
The only thing you are exposing is a thin skin, and an overinflated notion of yourself.
Your thread is about how stupid other people are.

You think you're smarter, and you say someone else has an overinflated notion of themselves.

Holy crap. Partisan ideologues have zero (0) self-awareness. None.
Your thread is about how stupid other people are.

You think you're smarter, and you say someone else has an overinflated notion of themselves.

Holy crap. Partisan ideologues have zero (0) self-awareness. None.
So you say it's overinflated for those who see the Mueller witch hunt as it obviously is, and thus smarter than those who can't figure that simple thing out. Well, perhaps you are exposing YOURSELF for what YOU are. Just a little lost.
Your thread is about how stupid other people are.

You think you're smarter, and you say someone else has an overinflated notion of themselves.

Holy crap. Partisan ideologues have zero (0) self-awareness. None.
So you say it's overinflated for those who see the Mueller witch hunt as it obviously is, and thus smarter than those who can't figure that simple thing out. Well, perhaps you are exposing YOURSELF for what YOU are. Just a little lost.
Ah, now we go to the straw man. Standard partisan ideologue tactic.

You're not smarter than those who dare to disagree with you, regardless of what talk radio has convinced you.

Changing the subject doesn't work with me, sorry.

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