Is Any Group Dumber Than Independents ?

Independents are nothing but Democrats too ashamed to admit they are Democrats.

You have no idea who a liberal is other than someone who disagrees with you. You have no clue how ridiculous you look like.

PS - I was a liberal for 40 years. Voted for lefty president candidates from McGovern in 72, to Obama in '08. I've BEEN where you are. I know your scripts, your talking points, your MOs, the whole ball of wax.

I've read Marx, Lenin, Alinsky, Nader, and other leftist heavyweights. I know more about you guys than you think. Maybe more than you know about yourselves. ;)

And, although a conservative registered Republican, I still support individual tax increases on the top rich (and I think Trump does too)
You have no idea who a liberal is other than someone who disagrees with you. You have no clue how ridiculous you look like.

You have proven how hoodwinked you are by Trump. The economy was growing before Trump. The unemployment rate was 5% when Trump took over. Obama was no more responsible for it than Trump is. The fact is that there have been good paying jobs out there and have nothing to do with illegals. They have broken up families. That is evil. The fact is that we have seen no outbreak of Muslim violence since Obama took office. Businesses have been coming back to the US for some time. Raising prices for American consumers. The fact is that the Pentagon needs to be reformed. We can't keep raising budgets indefinitely.
FALSE! The economy was tanking in January 2017, when Trump took over. He improved it from Obama's dismal 1.2% GDP growth to 3.2%, you liar.


As for the unemployment rate, it's 4.1% now - big improvement from Obama.

Illegals - 9 million of them are employed in America, stealing jobs from Americans, with Democrats helping them with catch & release and sanctuary cities. Trump abolishing all that. :biggrin:

The only ones who have broken up families are the illegal aliens themselves by coming here, and Democrats by encouraging them.

And "no outbreak of Muslim violence since Obama took office" huh, BusyBee ? Well, maybe you've been too busy watching the news. Did you really expect to get away with this ? You are confirming your status as one hell of a BS USMB poster. Even such OMISSION media networks as CNN didn't omit this stuff. >>>

Muslim violence since Obama took office >> during his reign.

2017.01.06 USA Fort Lauderdale, FL
A mentally-disturbed convert to Islam guns down five innocents in the baggage claim area of an airport.

2016.11.28 USA Columbus, OH A Muslim immigrant goes on a stabbing rampage after expressing his desire to kill infidels.

2016.09.17 USA St. Cloud, MN A former refugee goes on a stabbing spree at a shopping mall while speaking of Allah and asking potential victims if they are Muslim.

2016.09.17 USA NYC, NY A former asylum seeker plants several explosives, one of which injures twenty-nine innocents. He also shot two policemen two days later.

2016.08.20 USA Roanoke, VA A man and woman are stabbed maliciously by a 'radicalized' man yelling praises to Allah.

2016.06.13 USA Orlando, FL An Islamic extremist massacres forty-nine people at a gay nightclub. (Pulse Club)

2016.02.11 USA Columbus, OH Four people at a Christian-owned restaurant with an Israeli flag are slashed by a Muslim wielding a machete yelling 'Allah Akbar'…

2016.01.07 USA Philadelphia, PA A man shoots a police officer three times 'in the name of Islam'.

2015.12.02 USA San Bernardino, CA A 'very religious' Muslim shoots up a Christmas party with his wife, leaving fourteen dead.

2015.11.04 USA Merced, CA A student vowing to behead and 'praise Allah' stabs four others on campus.

2015.07.16 USA Chattanooga, TN
A 'devout Muslim' stages a suicide attack on a recruiting center at a strip mall and a naval center which leaves five dead.

2015.05.03 USA Garland, TX
Two Muslims stage a suicide assault on a conference critical of Islam.

2015.02.14 USA Detroit, MI
Two men are stabbed by a Muslim who first verified that they were unbelievers.

2014.12.18 USA Morganton, NC
A convert to Islam shoots an elderly man three times in the head after watching ISIS videos.

2014.10.23 USA NYC, NY
Four rookie cops and a female bystander are assaulted with an axe by a Muslim who says he is acting in the cause of Allah.

2014.09.25 USA Moore, OK
A Sharia advocate beheads a woman after calling for Islamic terror and posting an Islamist beheading photo.

2014.06.25 USA West Orange, NJ
A 19-year-old college student is shot to death 'in revenge' for Muslim deaths overseas.

2014.06.01 USA Seattle, WA
Two homosexuals are murdered by an Islamic extremist.

2014.04.27 USA Skyway, WA
A 30-year-old man is murdered by a Muslim fanatic.

2014.03.06 USA Port Bolivar, TX
A Muslim man shoots his lesbian daughter and her lover to death and leaves a copy of the Quran open to a page condemning homosexuality.

2013.08.04 USA Richmond, CA
A convert "on a mission from Allah" stabs a store clerk to death.

2013.04.19 USA Boston, MA Jihadists gun down a university police officer sitting in his car.

2013.04.15 USA Boston, MA Foreign-born Muslims (the Tsarnaev brothers)describing themselves as 'very religious' detonate two bombs packed with ball bearings at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and causing several more to lose limbs.

2013.03.24 USA Ashtabula, OH
A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah.

2013.03.14 USA Vancouver, WA Two people suffer knife injuries when a Muslim convert attempts to stab a non-Muslim to death over religious views outside a coffee shop.

2013.02.07 USA Buena Vista, NJ
A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants.

2012.11.12 USA Houston, TX
A 28-year-old American man is shot to death by a conservative Muslim over an alleged role in converting a woman to Christianity.

2012.06.15 USA Mission, TX
A man shoots his daughter, her boyfriend and her mother for letting the girl date a non-Muslim.

2012.01.15 USA Houston, TX A 30-year-old Christian convert is shot to death by a devout Muslim for helping to convert his daughter.

2011.09.11 USA Waltham, MA
Three Jewish men have their throats slashed by Muslim terrorists.

2011.04.30 USA Warren, MI A 20-year-old woman is shot in the head by her stepfather for not adhering to Islamic practices.

2010.04.14 USA Marquette Park, IL
After quarrelling with his wife over Islamic dress, a Muslim convert shoots his family members to 'take them back to Allah' and out.1% of the 'world of sinners'.

2009.12.04 USA Binghamton, NY
A non-Muslim Islamic studies professor is stabbed to death by a Muslim grad student in revenge for 'persecuted' Muslims.

2009.11.05 USA Ft. Hood, TX A Muslim psychiatrist (Major Nidal Hasan) guns down thirteen unarmed soldiers while yelling praises to Allah.

2009.11.02 USA Glendale, AZ A woman dies from injuries suffered when her father runs her down with a car for being too 'Westernized.' (10-20-09)

2009.06.01 USA Little Rock, AR A Muslim shoots a local soldier to death inside a recruiting center explicitly in the name of Allah.

2009.04.12 USA Phoenix, AZ
A man shoots his brother-in-law and another man to death after finding out that they visited a strip club, in contradiction to Islamic values.

2009.02.12 USA Buffalo, NY
The founder of a Muslim TV station beheads his wife in the hallway for seeking a divorce.

You are the lying weasel. The unemployment rate was 5% when Trump took office. 4.1 is not a huge drop.

Jobs are going begging in this country because there are not enough people to fill them. Illegals have nothing to do with this.

It is evil hate mongers like you and Trump. The fact is that I would rather have them stay here and kick your ass out. If the Democrats were smart, they could exploit this and bury Republicans.

Why don't you read the blotter sheet for every crime that was committed. It is a red herring and nothing more. The problem is the radicalization of Americans.
So my comments about blindly following a party is off topic, but posting a page list of muslim acts of violence is on topic? lol Typical.
How could one not respond to something of this level of dishonesty ? >> BusyBee said >> "The fact is that we have seen no outbreak of Muslim violence since Obama took office."

Has a bigger, more deceitful, and more idiotic lie ever been told in USMB ? I'll venture to say I don't think so.

You are the biggest LIAR on this board. The fact is that we have had terrorist attacks before Obama and after Obama. You are the LIAR.
If it's such a huge outbreak, what % of violent crime in the country does it account for?
I didn't say it was a "huge" outbreak (your word, not mine). I merely countered BB who said we saw "no" outbreak of Muslim violence.
You are the lying weasel. The unemployment rate was 5% when Trump took office. 4.1 is not a huge drop.

Jobs are going begging in this country because there are not enough people to fill them. Illegals have nothing to do with this.

It is evil hate mongers like you and Trump. The fact is that I would rather have them stay here and kick your ass out. If the Democrats were smart, they could exploit this and bury Republicans.

Why don't you read the blotter sheet for every crime that was committed. It is a red herring and nothing more. The problem is the radicalization of Americans.
Yes, the radicalization of Americans into liberal, globalist, Christian-hating, police-hating, military-hating, white/male-hating, protectionist-hating, unborn child hating, radical haters.

As for staying or leaving, what happened to all the lobbies who said hey were going to leave if trump won the election ? They're still here, aren't they. look like they know things are getting better (and safer)
You are the biggest LIAR on this board. The fact is that we have had terrorist attacks before Obama and after Obama. You are the LIAR.
That has nothing to do with your stinking LIE, Mr Deflection. You got caught red-handed. There's no wiggling out.

You said >> "The fact is that we have seen no outbreak of Muslim violence since Obama took office." Biggest lie ever told in USMB. Possibly the dumbest one too. Who in America doesn't know about the Pulse Club, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Boston Marathon, etc, etc.,? (all during Obama's years) :rolleyes:
You called out independents for being stupid for something that most Americans agree on. I'm just saying, you're thought process here is a little fucked up.
"Most" Americans supported the Vietnam War.

"Most" Americans voted 4 idiot presidents (Clinton, Obama, both Bushes) into office, who gave China unrestricted access to our massive/valuable market, with zero reciprocation.

"Most Americans" voted for Obama, even after HIS Fort Hood massacre in 2009.

So much for what "most Americans agree on."

I guess you're just not going to get the point are you?

Why single out independents? You seem to want to call them especially stupid but they, like most everyone else agree that the Mueller investigation should carry on. Don't get me wrong, I think those on the right should continue with their purity tests and attack everyone who doesn't think just like they do.
I guess you're just not going to get the point are you?

Why single out independents? You seem to want to call them especially stupid but they, like most everyone else agree that the Mueller investigation should carry on. Don't get me wrong, I think those on the right should continue with their purity tests and attack everyone who doesn't think just like they do.
Independents get singled out because, like you, they're dumb enough to call the witch hunt derail attempt, an "investigation".
I guess you're just not going to get the point are you?

Why single out independents? You seem to want to call them especially stupid but they, like most everyone else agree that the Mueller investigation should carry on. Don't get me wrong, I think those on the right should continue with their purity tests and attack everyone who doesn't think just like they do.
Independents get singled out because, like you, they're dumb enough to call the witch hunt derail attempt, an "investigation".

Then why not just say most Americans? I just fail to see how the far right whining about every political make up other than the far right is helpful. Exclusivity is not way to govern. Elitism never wins out.
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

Jebuz Krist. Your entire post is complete BS. Where do I start?

"If polls are right (they may not be)." Hedging.
"Even elementary school kids know." Miss President of the PTA here speaks for all elementary school kids, please.
"Who Robert Mueller is." Mueller is a Republican, just ask Wiki.

Trump apologists are the absolute worst.
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If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

Jebuz Krist. Your entire post is complete BS. Where do I start?

"If polls are right (they may not be)." Hedging.
"Even elementary school kids know." Miss President of the PTA here speaks for all elementary school kids, please.
"Who Robert Mueller is." Mueller is a Republican, just ask Wiki.

Trump apologists are the absolute worst.

What kind of Republican?

The kind you respect, trust and believe absolutely.. ?

How about when he opens the surprise box... :FIREdevil: .. and Democrats are screwed over, what then?
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

I'm an independent and I don't believe any of the bullshit the press is pursuing.
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

I'm an independent and I don't believe any of the bullshit the press is pursuing.

I'll vouch for her, she's a smarty-pants as well... :wink_2:
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

Jebuz Krist. Your entire post is complete BS. Where do I start?

"If polls are right (they may not be)." Hedging.
"Even elementary school kids know." Miss President of the PTA here speaks for all elementary school kids, please.
"Who Robert Mueller is." Mueller is a Republican, just ask Wiki.

Trump apologists are the absolute worst.

What kind of Republican?

The kind you respect, trust and believe absolutely.. ?

How about when he opens the surprise box... :FIREdevil: .. and Democrats are screwed over, what then?

.. and pleased to meet you .. Erinwltr .... :) .... (can I call you Wally?)
Having no clue or character would describe obedient hardcore partisan ideologues, mindlessly following their masters. And no ideology? Correct, thanks.
Nobody is talking about " obedient hardcore partisan ideologues" - except you, and a few others here (defensive independents very possibly)
You said Independents are dumb.

Hey, I'm just bowing to the superior intellect of the trained seals.
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Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!

Stop trying to play like you're a fence sitter. Fence sitters, aka independents, dont typically vote for a person they despise as you did when you voted for Hillary.
Correct, I'm not a fence sitter, please see line two of my sig.

I'm also not an obedient partisan ideologue, bullshitting and spinning and deflecting and lying and attacking for some silly "side" like a trained seal.

The term "Independent" really shouldn't be that complicated: Not slavishly beholden to a party or ideology.
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If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

When combined with dems, you are in the minority.

It's far more likely that you've just chosen to believe Trump's dopey narrative.
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

When combined with dems, you are in the minority.

It's far more likely that you've just chosen to believe Trump's dopey narrative.

The funniest part is when they claim it is a witch-hunt by Dems. The guy who signed off on the warrant is a Trump appointee.

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