Is Any Group Dumber Than Independents ?

If you think blindly following someone because they have a (R) or a (D) after their name is a sign of intelligence, there is not much point in arguing with you.
There's a lot of things that we could talk about "blindly following", but this thread is concerned with the Mueller derail attempt. the topic.
You blindly think Trump is not guilty. You realize Mueller is a republican? You should put being an American ahead of being a Republican...
Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!
Well you certainly could be as smart as those who seek to PROTECT the country (ie the American people) from those whose moronic policies (open borders, sanctuary cities, gun-free zones, Islamization, etc.) destroy it.

Or you could be a dum dum who has no clue, no ideology, no character.

There ARE other choices. When you realize that the 2 party system has PERVERTED the rules of Operation for the Congress by having just FOUR PARTY BOSSES control every action that comes before them --- It's time to stop rewarding the tyranny that they've created..

Only 4 people MATTER there. If you disagree or oppose them -- you're in danger of being primaried out or defunded from the Central Party committees.

The 2 parties have ALSO COLLUDED to set barriers to ballot access and Prez Debates that are RIDICULOUSLY high. And take part in nuisance suits to keep Indies and 3rd parties off of "THEIR" ballots.

In terms of governing -- the American people are BY FAR --- fiscally conservative and socially liberal. THE MAJORITY OF US don't HAVE a party that follows that road.

And your tribe of morons does NOT have all the answers and smarts. You just cheer them on as though they were the "home team".. EVEN WHEN -- they fail miserably to perform.

You FORGIVE THEM ---- way too much but your stupid ass loyalty to them is ABSOLUTE..

How stupid are YOU?
? That's the question..
It's a serious flaw in our sociology, with power-mad lunatics doing anything (whatever the cost) to defeat who they see as their rival, and grab as much power as they can.

Then why the fuck do you keep rewarding them for polarizing you, owning your brain and VOTING the SAME ticket?

Most partisan clueless just answer -- "because we HAVE TO WIN". Are you one of those jerks?
If you think blindly following someone because they have a (R) or a (D) after their name is a sign of intelligence, there is not much point in arguing with you.
There's a lot of things that we could talk about "blindly following", but this thread is concerned with the Mueller derail attempt. the topic.

You kinda put the emphasis on dumb independents. Nobody cares about polls. People lie to pollsters. 2/3 of them ill-informed. It's mostly tribal warriors that give a ratz about polling "how you feel"..
You blindly think Trump is not guilty. You realize Mueller is a republican? You should put being an American ahead of being a Republican...
FALSE! I don't 'blindly" think anything. The simple fact is the Mueller "investigation" in search of a crime, is ludicrous. Even in cases where there actually was a known crime committed, they don't go on this long. There never was any evidence of any collusion or obstruction of justice, and there never was any reason for any investigation to happen.

Whole thing is just an obvious attempt by Trump enemies to derail his presidency, legitimately established by the American people. As for Mueller, he has long been a Clinton suck-up as well as a Muslim ass-kisser, and traitor for his consorts with Muslim Brotherhood front groups and weakening of the FBI's counterterrorism efforts. The guy should have been behind federal prison bars, years ago.
You blindly think Trump is not guilty. You realize Mueller is a republican? You should put being an American ahead of being a Republican...
FALSE! I don't 'blindly" think anything. The simple fact is the Mueller "investigation" in search of a crime, is ludicrous. Even in cases where there actually was a known crime committed, they don't go on this long. There never was any evidence of any collusion or obstruction of justice, and there never was any reason for any investigation to happen.

Whole thing is just an obvious attempt by Trump enemies to derail his presidency, legitimately established by the American people. As for Mueller, he has long been a Clinton suck-up as well as a Muslim ass-kisser, and traitor for his consorts with Muslim Brotherhood front groups and weakening of the FBI's counterterrorism efforts. The guy should have been behind federal prison bars, years ago.

Yeah.. Witch hunters like Mueller are a PRODUCT of the toxic political environment that the 2 Brand Name parties FORCE you to live in.. It's a calculated part of the "bread and circuses" they feed you to keep you loyal to the Brand.

We're at a tipping point for political demographics. There's about as many Indies and 3rd party people as their are Repubs or Demos.. "Bout time to elect a 1/2 dozen of those to Congress and watch the DIFFERENCE in their ability to speak their minds and influence voting outcomes.

If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair
Evidently you’ve overdosed on sleeping pills.
You have no idea what’s going on. Your right wing media has lied to you so when you see how most sane people think, you’re shocked. Most Americans respect law and order and want to know how big a crook Trump is. They also know Bob Mueller is one of the most upstanding and respected men in the country WHICH IS WHY HE WAS CHOSEN FOR THIS JOB.
You blindly think Trump is not guilty. You realize Mueller is a republican? You should put being an American ahead of being a Republican...
FALSE! I don't 'blindly" think anything. The simple fact is the Mueller "investigation" in search of a crime, is ludicrous. Even in cases where there actually was a known crime committed, they don't go on this long. There never was any evidence of any collusion or obstruction of justice, and there never was any reason for any investigation to happen.

Whole thing is just an obvious attempt by Trump enemies to derail his presidency, legitimately established by the American people. As for Mueller, he has long been a Clinton suck-up as well as a Muslim ass-kisser, and traitor for his consorts with Muslim Brotherhood front groups and weakening of the FBI's counterterrorism efforts. The guy should have been behind federal prison bars, years ago.

Yeah.. Witch hunters like Mueller are a PRODUCT of the toxic political environment that the 2 Brand Name parties FORCE you to live in.. It's a calculated part of the "bread and circuses" they feed you to keep you loyal to the Brand.

We're at a tipping point for political demographics. There's about as many Indies and 3rd party people as their are Repubs or Demos.. "Bout time to elect a 1/2 dozen of those to Congress and watch the DIFFERENCE in their ability to speak their minds and influence voting outcomes.

I see there is no common sense or IQ test for mods. That post was deplorable.
“ Witch hunter.”
Obviously you have no respect for law and order and a lawless renegade prez.
There ARE other choices. When you realize that the 2 party system has PERVERTED the rules of Operation for the Congress by having just FOUR PARTY BOSSES control every action that comes before them --- It's time to stop rewarding the tyranny that they've created..

Only 4 people MATTER there. If you disagree or oppose them -- you're in danger of being primaried out or defunded from the Central Party committees.

The 2 parties have ALSO COLLUDED to set barriers to ballot access and Prez Debates that are RIDICULOUSLY high. And take part in nuisance suits to keep Indies and 3rd parties off of "THEIR" ballots.

In terms of governing -- the American people are BY FAR --- fiscally conservative and socially liberal. THE MAJORITY OF US don't HAVE a party that follows that road.

And your tribe of morons does NOT have all the answers and smarts. You just cheer them on as though they were the "home team".. EVEN WHEN -- they fail miserably to perform.

You FORGIVE THEM ---- way too much but your stupid ass loyalty to them is ABSOLUTE..

How stupid are YOU?
? That's the question..
You have slightly strayed off topic. The thread is not about the 2 parties. It is about the one NON-party.

And if you're going to make foolish, wrong statements, you really ought to at least not make them in bold, capital very large print. It so happens I do not give ABSOLUTE loyalty to the Republican Party, as I disagree with a few of their general positions. One example is tax cuts on the rich. I support tax INCREASES on the richest Americans, like the spoiled brat football, basketball, and baseball players who make millions per year just to play a kids game. Same thing goes for the movie stars whose movies we don't need, or care about.

You might have realized that before posting, by looking at my avatar of our 34th POTUS, who had taxes on the top rich of 91 and 92%.
Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!

Stop trying to play like you're a fence sitter. Fence sitters, aka independents, dont typically vote for a person they despise as you did when you voted for Hillary.
Is Any Group Dumber Than Independents ?
As a matter of fact and in comparison to politically affiliated groups/classes, yes, pretty much every politically affiliated group/class, and most certainly Democrats and Republicans.

Then why the fuck do you keep rewarding them for polarizing you, owning your brain and VOTING the SAME ticket?

Most partisan clueless just answer -- "because we HAVE TO WIN". Are you one of those jerks?
I DON'T vote for them (power-mad lunatics doing anything (whatever the cost) to defeat who they see as their rival, and grab as much power as they can), ie. the Mueller witch hunters.
The only research you have done is promote crazy conspiracy theories. You don't need stupid pills as you are naturally stupid. You are the ones being hoodwinked by Trump and you fall for it hook, line and sinker.
This is about the 10th time I've had to scold a liberal (seriously, look up my posts), about the use of the liberal favorite crutch-term "conspiracy theories". Anything these loon tunes don't like, they dump the convenient label of "conspiracy theory" on it, regardless of the factual content present. They don't know how ridiculous they look.

And why would anybody in America be "hoodwinked" by Trump, when it is he who has brought the economy back to 3.2% GDP growth (from Obama's 1.2), got unemployment down to 4.1% and staying there, opening up millions of jobs for Americans by getting rid of illegal aliens, protecting us from Muslim lunatics, bringing US businesses back here, overturning the unrestricted access to our MARKET that 4 previous idiot presidents presided over, restored our military budget to strength ($700 Billion), after being starved by Clinton and Obama, and put ISIS out of business. etc etc.
OMG. So many lies. So little time.
I’ll just take the last boner.
Trump put ISIS out of business?

The Taliban and ISIS are still powerful forces in Afghanistan

In Syria, ISIS is still alive and strong
You kinda put the emphasis on dumb independents. Nobody cares about polls. People lie to pollsters. 2/3 of them ill-informed. It's mostly tribal warriors that give a ratz about polling "how you feel"..
I tend to agree with you on that. Polls are part of the fake news media, slanted to the left. What a joke they were just before the 2016 election.
Then why the fuck do you keep rewarding them for polarizing you, owning your brain and VOTING the SAME ticket?

Most partisan clueless just answer -- "because we HAVE TO WIN". Are you one of those jerks?
I DON'T vote for them (power-mad lunatics doing anything (whatever the cost) to defeat who they see as their rival, and grab as much power as they can), ie. the Mueller witch hunters.
“ Mueller the witch hunter.”
You DEPLORABLES make me laugh. You refuse to educate yourself ( or read on this forum) all the evidence against Trump so when the right man at the right time investigates him for very valid reasons you call him a “ witch hunter.”
Trump is involved in a criminal investigation.
Look up the word “ criminal” ..
Yeah.. Witch hunters like Mueller are a PRODUCT of the toxic political environment that the 2 Brand Name parties FORCE you to live in.. It's a calculated part of the "bread and circuses" they feed you to keep you loyal to the Brand.

We're at a tipping point for political demographics. There's about as many Indies and 3rd party people as their are Repubs or Demos.. "Bout time to elect a 1/2 dozen of those to Congress and watch the DIFFERENCE in their ability to speak their minds and influence voting outcomes.

Actually, Trump IS exactly that >> An "indie" (outsider), who hooked up with the Republicans only because of the political electoral necessity, at the time.

As for Mueller being a product of an environment forced on us by the 2 parties, NOPE, I'm not buying that. I'm in my 70s, and I've seen us have 2 main parties, since I started watching politics in the 1950s, and I haven't ever seen a pathology of overzealous attack on a US president, like this, until just this last 2 years.
Evidently you’ve overdosed on sleeping pills.
You have no idea what’s going on. Your right wing media has lied to you so when you see how most sane people think, you’re shocked. Most Americans respect law and order and want to know how big a crook Trump is. They also know Bob Mueller is one of the most upstanding and respected men in the country WHICH IS WHY HE WAS CHOSEN FOR THIS JOB.
Mueller - Seditious (if not traitorous) Muslim Brotherhood consort. Should have been imprisoned year ago, for his long, despicable track record. Read these and then YOU will have an idea of "what's going on." >>>

Mueller worked with Hamas-linked groups to purge counterterror training of material offensive to Muslims

Robert Mueller Has A Problem Now That This Dark Secret From His Past Is Public

Is Mueller Fighting the Muslim Brotherhood's War?

BREAKING: Massive New Mueller Scandal Rocks D.C. After What He Was Just Caught Doing With Terrorists ⋆

Mueller Worked with Radical Islamist Groups to Purge Anti-Terrorism Training Material Offensive to Muslims -

The FBI and the Muslim Brotherhood

JUDICIAL WATCH: Mueller Partnered with Radical Islamist Groups to Purge Anti-Terrorism Training Manuals

Mueller’s Taqiyya Sunrise: Past History with Muslim Front Groups Points to Bias Against Trump -
Everyone is independent and nobody is independent. My guess is that the pollsters targeted a selected (facebook?) demographic to get an interesting but bland response to interesting but bland questions.
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair
Generally speaking, do you consider yourself a
Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or what?
Republican 23%
Democrat 34%
Independent 38%
Other/DK/NA 5%

There is your answer.. AS USUAL they HEAVILY outpoll democraps and "independents"

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