Is Any Group Dumber Than Independents ?

There is no end to your partisan dishonesty....
There is no end to your partisan dishonesty.... >>

Obama left (Jan. 2017) with 1.2% GDP growth, Trump raised it to 3.2%, just as I said. :biggrin:

So my comments about blindly following a party is off topic, but posting a page list of muslim acts of violence is on topic? lol Typical.
How could one not respond to something of this level of dishonesty ? >> BusyBee said >> "The fact is that we have seen no outbreak of Muslim violence since Obama took office."

Has a bigger, more deceitful, and more idiotic lie ever been told in USMB ? I'll venture to say I don't think so.
Yeah news of Trump winning wasn't good for the economy. Economic growth has continued to trend as it did with Obama as my table clearly shows.
Your more generalized table (annuals) did not show the DROP in GDP at end of Obama's time. My more specific one does show that. (as well as the Trump recovery) Nice try.

Wanna go back another quarter ? >> before Obama's awful 1.2, his previous quarter was 1.8 (also lousy). 6 months of lousy falling Obama economics, rescued by Trump and recovered up to 3.2.

Wow, how low would Obama's numbers have continued to drop, if Trump had not taken over and cleaned up the mess ?
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So my comments about blindly following a party is off topic, but posting a page list of muslim acts of violence is on topic? lol Typical.
How could one not respond to something of this level of dishonesty ? >> BusyBee said >> "The fact is that we have seen no outbreak of Muslim violence since Obama took office."

Has a bigger, more deceitful, and more idiotic lie ever been told in USMB ? I'll venture to say I don't think so.
If it's such a huge outbreak, what % of violent crime in the country does it account for?
Yeah news of Trump winning wasn't good for the economy. Economic growth has continued to trend as it did with Obama as my table clearly shows.
Your more generalized table (annuals) did not show the DROP in GDP at end of Obama's time. My more specific one does show that. (as well as the Trump recovery) Nice try.
Yes mine shows that growth has continued to trend as it did under Obama. Nice try.
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

Why are you calling independents stupid for agreeing with most Americans?
So my comments about blindly following a party is off topic, but posting a page list of muslim acts of violence is on topic? lol Typical.
How could one not respond to something of this level of dishonesty ? >> BusyBee said >> "The fact is that we have seen no outbreak of Muslim violence since Obama took office."

Has a bigger, more deceitful, and more idiotic lie ever been told in USMB ? I'll venture to say I don't think so.

Off topic is off topic. Just because you are pissed off by the comment does not change that. If you are going to harp on staying on the exact topic YOU claim, then do the same yourself.

Now, the entire premise of demonizing independents is simply ridiculous. Independents are the ones doing the actual work to select who gets their vote based on the things that matter. They are the ones who are not sheep.
I'm pretty sure she is still being investigated. Your partisan stupidity has left you blind.
"Still" ? How do you see investigations as ? in terms of YEARS ? There's nothing needing investigation. She should have been in prison, before the nutjob Democrats nominated her for president.

Off topic is off topic. Just because you are pissed off by the comment does not change that. If you are going to harp on staying on the exact topic YOU claim, then do the same yourself.

Now, the entire premise of demonizing independents is simply ridiculous. Independents are the ones doing the actual work to select who gets their vote based on the things that matter. They are the ones who are not sheep.
God, you're still here talking to me ? Well, I'm not "demonizing" anybody that doesn't deserve what they are being CLASSIFIED.
I'm pretty sure she is still being investigated. Your partisan stupidity has left you blind.
"Still" ? How do you see investigations as ? in terms of YEARS ? There's nothing needing investigation. She should have been in prison, before the nutjob Democrats nominated her for president.

She has not been found guilty of anything. Your partisan stupid is speaking again.
Why are you calling independents stupid for agreeing with most Americans?
As if "most Americans" means they're right, huh ? :rolleyes:

Hard to believe anybody is gullible enough to be suckered by this dopey scam.
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair
Conservative republicans are the dumbest of the dumb

You tried to suck a condom through your nose didn't you?
Why are you calling independents stupid for agreeing with most Americans?
As if "most Americans" means they're right, huh ? :rolleyes:

Hard to believe anybody is gullible enough to be suckered by this dopey scam.

You called out independents for being stupid for something that most Americans agree on. I'm just saying, you're thought process here is a little fucked up.
Off topic is off topic. Just because you are pissed off by the comment does not change that. If you are going to harp on staying on the exact topic YOU claim, then do the same yourself.

Now, the entire premise of demonizing independents is simply ridiculous. Independents are the ones doing the actual work to select who gets their vote based on the things that matter. They are the ones who are not sheep.
God, you're still here talking to me ? Well, I'm not "demonizing" anybody that doesn't deserve what they are being CLASSIFIED.

I don't mind talking to those less intelligent. I simply type slowly.

So you claim. But the independents don't want someone burned simply because they are a certain party. Most independents only want people investigated if they think they have done something wrong. Whereas many democrats and republicans want investigations just to sling mud. It seems as though the independents are the ones with the right focus.
You called out independents for being stupid for something that most Americans agree on. I'm just saying, you're thought process here is a little fucked up.
"Most" Americans supported the Vietnam War.

"Most" Americans voted 4 idiot presidents (Clinton, Obama, both Bushes) into office, who gave China unrestricted access to our massive/valuable market, with zero reciprocation.

"Most Americans" voted for Obama, even after HIS Fort Hood massacre in 2009.

So much for what "most Americans agree on."
I don't mind talking to those less intelligent. I simply type slowly.

So you claim. But the independents don't want someone burned simply because they are a certain party. Most independents only want people investigated if they think they have done something wrong. Whereas many democrats and republicans want investigations just to sling mud. It seems as though the independents are the ones with the right focus.
I really don't see the substantiation for what you've said. If you have some, post it. I'll read it.

And if as you say, "Most independents only want people investigated if they think they have done something wrong", then why are 61% of them supporting this kookie witch hunt devised by Democrats to derail Trump, without a shred of evidence to even start it in the first place ?

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