Is Any Group Dumber Than Independents ?

If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

So you're in elementary school?
OMG. So many lies. So little time.
I’ll just take the last boner.
Trump put ISIS out of business?

The Taliban and ISIS are still powerful forces in Afghanistan

In Syria, ISIS is still alive and strong
ISIS has lost 98 percent of the territory it once held -- with half of that terror group's so-called "caliphate" having been recaptured since President Trump took office less than a year ago, according to U.S. military officials.

The massive gains come after years of "onerous" rules, when critics say the Obama administration “micromanaged” the war and shunned a more intensive air strategy that could have ended the conflict much sooner.

“The rules of engagement under the Obama administration were onerous. I mean what are we doing having individual target determination being conducted in the White House, which in some cases adds weeks and weeks,” said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. David Deptula, the former head of U.S. Air Force intelligence. “The limitations that were put on actually resulted in greater civilian casualties.”

But the senior director for counterterrorism in former President Barack Obama’s National Security Council pushed back on any criticism the former president didn’t do enough to defeat ISIS.

“This was a top priority from the early days of ISIS gaining the type of territorial safe haven in particular, there was recognition that safe havens for terrorist groups can mean terrorist plots that extend — not just into the region — but to Europe and conceivably into the United States,” said Joshua Geltzer, author of “US Counter-Terrorism Strategy and al-Qaeda: Signalling and the Terrorist World-View,” now a visiting professor at Georgetown Law School.

The latest American intelligence assessment says fewer than 1,000 ISIS fighters now remain in Iraq and Syria, down from a peak of nearly 45,000 just two years ago. U.S. officials credit nearly 30,000 U.S.-led coalition airstrikes and regional partners on the ground for killing more than 70,000 jihadists. Meanwhile, only a few thousand have returned home.

The remaining ISIS strongholds are concentrated in a small area along the border of Syria and Iraq. ISIS, at one point, controlled an area the size of Ohio.

While ISIS has been largely defeated, it continues to call on followers around the world to conduct terror attacks.

ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory -- mostly since Trump took office, officials say
And independents probably think they wouldn't be called dumb, if the rest of us were not... simply put,

yellow belly cowards.
And independents probably think they wouldn't be called dumb, if the rest of us were not... simply put,

yellow belly cowards.
I see the independents as the cowards (if anybody is) for sitting on the fence and not getting into the fight.
“ Mueller the witch hunter.”
You DEPLORABLES make me laugh. You refuse to educate yourself ( or read on this forum) all the evidence against Trump so when the right man at the right time investigates him for very valid reasons you call him a “ witch hunter.”
Trump is involved in a criminal investigation.
Look up the word “ criminal” ..
It comes from the word crime. But nobody has identified any crime having been committed. - Not Mueller, not his Hillary bootlickers, and not you.
Everyone is independent and nobody is independent. My guess is that the pollsters targeted a selected (facebook?) demographic to get an interesting but bland response to interesting but bland questions.
Not a bad guess. Lots of things can go wrong in polls and studies. Just look at the Stephens-Davidowitz study (more like a fiasco) as an example.
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

Partisans are much dumber.
The only research you have done is promote crazy conspiracy theories. You don't need stupid pills as you are naturally stupid. You are the ones being hoodwinked by Trump and you fall for it hook, line and sinker.
This is about the 10th time I've had to scold a liberal (seriously, look up my posts), about the use of the liberal favorite crutch-term "conspiracy theories". Anything these loon tunes don't like, they dump the convenient label of "conspiracy theory" on it, regardless of the factual content present. They don't know how ridiculous they look.

And why would anybody in America be "hoodwinked" by Trump, when it is he who has brought the economy back to 3.2% GDP growth (from Obama's 1.2), got unemployment down to 4.1% and staying there, opening up millions of jobs for Americans by getting rid of illegal aliens, protecting us from Muslim lunatics, bringing US businesses back here, overturning the unrestricted access to our MARKET that 4 previous idiot presidents presided over, restored our military budget to strength ($700 Billion), after being starved by Clinton and Obama, and put ISIS out of business. etc etc.

You have no idea who a liberal is other than someone who disagrees with you. You have no clue how ridiculous you look like.

You have proven how hoodwinked you are by Trump. The economy was growing before Trump. The unemployment rate was 5% when Trump took over. Obama was no more responsible for it than Trump is. The fact is that there have been good paying jobs out there and have nothing to do with illegals. They have broken up families. That is evil. The fact is that we have seen no outbreak of Muslim violence since Obama took office. Businesses have been coming back to the US for some time. Raising prices for American consumers. The fact is that the Pentagon needs to be reformed. We can't keep raising budgets indefinitely.
Evidently you’ve overdosed on sleeping pills.
You have no idea what’s going on. Your right wing media has lied to you so when you see how most sane people think, you’re shocked. Most Americans respect law and order and want to know how big a crook Trump is. They also know Bob Mueller is one of the most upstanding and respected men in the country WHICH IS WHY HE WAS CHOSEN FOR THIS JOB.
Mueller - Seditious (if not traitorous) Muslim Brotherhood consort. Should have been imprisoned year ago, for his long, despicable track record. Read these and then YOU will have an idea of "what's going on." >>>

Mueller worked with Hamas-linked groups to purge counterterror training of material offensive to Muslims

Robert Mueller Has A Problem Now That This Dark Secret From His Past Is Public

Is Mueller Fighting the Muslim Brotherhood's War?

BREAKING: Massive New Mueller Scandal Rocks D.C. After What He Was Just Caught Doing With Terrorists ⋆

Mueller Worked with Radical Islamist Groups to Purge Anti-Terrorism Training Material Offensive to Muslims -

The FBI and the Muslim Brotherhood

JUDICIAL WATCH: Mueller Partnered with Radical Islamist Groups to Purge Anti-Terrorism Training Manuals

Mueller’s Taqiyya Sunrise: Past History with Muslim Front Groups Points to Bias Against Trump -

More crazy conspiracy theories.
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

More crazy conspiracy theories.
You sure do love those two words (conspiracy theories) What would you do if for some reason, you lost the use of those 2 words ? Lose your CRUTCH would you ? LOL

Liberals' favorite words > Conspiracy Theories >>>>

:TH_WAY~113: :umno:

Yeah.. Witch hunters like Mueller are a PRODUCT of the toxic political environment that the 2 Brand Name parties FORCE you to live in.. It's a calculated part of the "bread and circuses" they feed you to keep you loyal to the Brand.

We're at a tipping point for political demographics. There's about as many Indies and 3rd party people as their are Repubs or Demos.. "Bout time to elect a 1/2 dozen of those to Congress and watch the DIFFERENCE in their ability to speak their minds and influence voting outcomes.

Actually, Trump IS exactly that >> An "indie" (outsider), who hooked up with the Republicans only because of the political electoral necessity, at the time.

As for Mueller being a product of an environment forced on us by the 2 parties, NOPE, I'm not buying that. I'm in my 70s, and I've seen us have 2 main parties, since I started watching politics in the 1950s, and I haven't ever seen a pathology of overzealous attack on a US president, like this, until just this last 2 years.

Trump didn''t "hook up" with Republicans. He PIRATED YOUR PARTY.. Made the other 16 candidates walk the plank and mocked them. So Hillary BOUGHT the DNC and youguyz let a loose cannon make you y'all look like the inept, lazy, donothings that the GOP has become.

You're not being honest.. The whole Ken Starr event was a similar wandering hot mess. The 2 parties COLLUDE to keep each unaccountable. Because of the immense polarization and history of corrupt 2 party rule -- they have enough DIRT HIDDEN -- to literally bury each other if shit went nuclear.

It's a LOT like the "Mutual Assured Destruction" policy during the Cold War...

That bolded part above is why all the finger pointing and phony inter -- party rivalries are usually about trivial stuff. Like porn stars or name-calling. Rather than going after the consistent CRIME and MISDOINGS and PUNISHING people. Neither side can follow thru on punishment. Because that would be a nuclear first strike and the retribution would be complete and devastating.
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You blindly think Trump is not guilty. You realize Mueller is a republican? You should put being an American ahead of being a Republican...
FALSE! I don't 'blindly" think anything. The simple fact is the Mueller "investigation" in search of a crime, is ludicrous. Even in cases where there actually was a known crime committed, they don't go on this long. There never was any evidence of any collusion or obstruction of justice, and there never was any reason for any investigation to happen.

Whole thing is just an obvious attempt by Trump enemies to derail his presidency, legitimately established by the American people. As for Mueller, he has long been a Clinton suck-up as well as a Muslim ass-kisser, and traitor for his consorts with Muslim Brotherhood front groups and weakening of the FBI's counterterrorism efforts. The guy should have been behind federal prison bars, years ago.
But all the time wasted on Hillary was good right? You partisans are funny stupid.
You have no idea who a liberal is other than someone who disagrees with you. You have no clue how ridiculous you look like.

You have proven how hoodwinked you are by Trump. The economy was growing before Trump. The unemployment rate was 5% when Trump took over. Obama was no more responsible for it than Trump is. The fact is that there have been good paying jobs out there and have nothing to do with illegals. They have broken up families. That is evil. The fact is that we have seen no outbreak of Muslim violence since Obama took office. Businesses have been coming back to the US for some time. Raising prices for American consumers. The fact is that the Pentagon needs to be reformed. We can't keep raising budgets indefinitely.
FALSE! The economy was tanking in January 2017, when Trump took over. He improved it from Obama's dismal 1.2% GDP growth to 3.2%, you liar.


As for the unemployment rate, it's 4.1% now - big improvement from Obama.

Illegals - 9 million of them are employed in America, stealing jobs from Americans, with Democrats helping them with catch & release and sanctuary cities. Trump abolishing all that. :biggrin:

The only ones who have broken up families are the illegal aliens themselves by coming here, and Democrats by encouraging them.

And "no outbreak of Muslim violence since Obama took office" huh, BusyBee ? Well, maybe you've been too busy watching the news. Did you really expect to get away with this ? You are confirming your status as one hell of a BS USMB poster. Even such OMISSION media networks as CNN didn't omit this stuff. >>>

Muslim violence since Obama took office >> during his reign.

2017.01.06 USA Fort Lauderdale, FL
A mentally-disturbed convert to Islam guns down five innocents in the baggage claim area of an airport.

2016.11.28 USA Columbus, OH A Muslim immigrant goes on a stabbing rampage after expressing his desire to kill infidels.

2016.09.17 USA St. Cloud, MN A former refugee goes on a stabbing spree at a shopping mall while speaking of Allah and asking potential victims if they are Muslim.

2016.09.17 USA NYC, NY A former asylum seeker plants several explosives, one of which injures twenty-nine innocents. He also shot two policemen two days later.

2016.08.20 USA Roanoke, VA A man and woman are stabbed maliciously by a 'radicalized' man yelling praises to Allah.

2016.06.13 USA Orlando, FL An Islamic extremist massacres forty-nine people at a gay nightclub. (Pulse Club)

2016.02.11 USA Columbus, OH Four people at a Christian-owned restaurant with an Israeli flag are slashed by a Muslim wielding a machete yelling 'Allah Akbar'…

2016.01.07 USA Philadelphia, PA A man shoots a police officer three times 'in the name of Islam'.

2015.12.02 USA San Bernardino, CA A 'very religious' Muslim shoots up a Christmas party with his wife, leaving fourteen dead.

2015.11.04 USA Merced, CA A student vowing to behead and 'praise Allah' stabs four others on campus.

2015.07.16 USA Chattanooga, TN
A 'devout Muslim' stages a suicide attack on a recruiting center at a strip mall and a naval center which leaves five dead.

2015.05.03 USA Garland, TX
Two Muslims stage a suicide assault on a conference critical of Islam.

2015.02.14 USA Detroit, MI
Two men are stabbed by a Muslim who first verified that they were unbelievers.

2014.12.18 USA Morganton, NC
A convert to Islam shoots an elderly man three times in the head after watching ISIS videos.

2014.10.23 USA NYC, NY
Four rookie cops and a female bystander are assaulted with an axe by a Muslim who says he is acting in the cause of Allah.

2014.09.25 USA Moore, OK
A Sharia advocate beheads a woman after calling for Islamic terror and posting an Islamist beheading photo.

2014.06.25 USA West Orange, NJ
A 19-year-old college student is shot to death 'in revenge' for Muslim deaths overseas.

2014.06.01 USA Seattle, WA
Two homosexuals are murdered by an Islamic extremist.

2014.04.27 USA Skyway, WA
A 30-year-old man is murdered by a Muslim fanatic.

2014.03.06 USA Port Bolivar, TX
A Muslim man shoots his lesbian daughter and her lover to death and leaves a copy of the Quran open to a page condemning homosexuality.

2013.08.04 USA Richmond, CA
A convert "on a mission from Allah" stabs a store clerk to death.

2013.04.19 USA Boston, MA Jihadists gun down a university police officer sitting in his car.

2013.04.15 USA Boston, MA Foreign-born Muslims (the Tsarnaev brothers)describing themselves as 'very religious' detonate two bombs packed with ball bearings at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and causing several more to lose limbs.

2013.03.24 USA Ashtabula, OH
A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah.

2013.03.14 USA Vancouver, WA Two people suffer knife injuries when a Muslim convert attempts to stab a non-Muslim to death over religious views outside a coffee shop.

2013.02.07 USA Buena Vista, NJ
A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants.

2012.11.12 USA Houston, TX
A 28-year-old American man is shot to death by a conservative Muslim over an alleged role in converting a woman to Christianity.

2012.06.15 USA Mission, TX
A man shoots his daughter, her boyfriend and her mother for letting the girl date a non-Muslim.

2012.01.15 USA Houston, TX A 30-year-old Christian convert is shot to death by a devout Muslim for helping to convert his daughter.

2011.09.11 USA Waltham, MA
Three Jewish men have their throats slashed by Muslim terrorists.

2011.04.30 USA Warren, MI A 20-year-old woman is shot in the head by her stepfather for not adhering to Islamic practices.

2010.04.14 USA Marquette Park, IL
After quarrelling with his wife over Islamic dress, a Muslim convert shoots his family members to 'take them back to Allah' and out of the 'world of sinners'.

2009.12.04 USA Binghamton, NY
A non-Muslim Islamic studies professor is stabbed to death by a Muslim grad student in revenge for 'persecuted' Muslims.

2009.11.05 USA Ft. Hood, TX A Muslim psychiatrist (Major Nidal Hasan) guns down thirteen unarmed soldiers while yelling praises to Allah.

2009.11.02 USA Glendale, AZ A woman dies from injuries suffered when her father runs her down with a car for being too 'Westernized.' (10-20-09)

2009.06.01 USA Little Rock, AR A Muslim shoots a local soldier to death inside a recruiting center explicitly in the name of Allah.

2009.04.12 USA Phoenix, AZ
A man shoots his brother-in-law and another man to death after finding out that they visited a strip club, in contradiction to Islamic values.

2009.02.12 USA Buffalo, NY
The founder of a Muslim TV station beheads his wife in the hallway for seeking a divorce.
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You have no idea who a liberal is other than someone who disagrees with you. You have no clue how ridiculous you look like.

You have proven how hoodwinked you are by Trump. The economy was growing before Trump. The unemployment rate was 5% when Trump took over. Obama was no more responsible for it than Trump is. The fact is that there have been good paying jobs out there and have nothing to do with illegals. They have broken up families. That is evil. The fact is that we have seen no outbreak of Muslim violence since Obama took office. Businesses have been coming back to the US for some time. Raising prices for American consumers. The fact is that the Pentagon needs to be reformed. We can't keep raising budgets indefinitely.
FALSE! The economy was tanking in January 2017, when Trump took over. He improved it from Obama's dismal 1.2% GDP growth to 3.2%, you liar.


As for the unemployment rate, it's 4.1% now - big improvement from Obama.

Illegals - 9 million of them are employed in America, stealing jobs from Americans, with Democrats helping them with catch & release and sanctuary cities. Trump abolishing all that. :biggrin:

The only ones who have broken up families are the illegal aliens themselves by coming here, and Democrats by encouraging them.

Muslim violence since Obama took office >> during his reign.

2017.01.06 USA Fort Lauderdale, FL
A mentally-disturbed convert to Islam guns down five innocents in the baggage claim area of an airport.

2016.11.28 USA Columbus, OH A Muslim immigrant goes on a stabbing rampage after expressing his desire to kill infidels.

2016.09.17 USA St. Cloud, MN A former refugee goes on a stabbing spree at a shopping mall while speaking of Allah and asking potential victims if they are Muslim.

2016.09.17 USA NYC, NY A former asylum seeker plants several explosives, one of which injures twenty-nine innocents. He also shot two policemen two days later.

2016.08.20 USA Roanoke, VA A man and woman are stabbed maliciously by a 'radicalized' man yelling praises to Allah.

2016.06.13 USA Orlando, FL An Islamic extremist massacres forty-nine people at a gay nightclub. (Pulse Club)

2016.02.11 USA Columbus, OH Four people at a Christian-owned restaurant with an Israeli flag are slashed by a Muslim wielding a machete yelling 'Allah Akbar'…

2016.01.07 USA Philadelphia, PA A man shoots a police officer three times 'in the name of Islam'.

2015.12.02 USA San Bernardino, CA A 'very religious' Muslim shoots up a Christmas party with his wife, leaving fourteen dead.

2015.11.04 USA Merced, CA A student vowing to behead and 'praise Allah' stabs four others on campus.

2015.07.16 USA Chattanooga, TN
A 'devout Muslim' stages a suicide attack on a recruiting center at a strip mall and a naval center which leaves five dead.

2015.05.03 USA Garland, TX
Two Muslims stage a suicide assault on a conference critical of Islam.

2015.02.14 USA Detroit, MI
Two men are stabbed by a Muslim who first verified that they were unbelievers.

2014.12.18 USA Morganton, NC
A convert to Islam shoots an elderly man three times in the head after watching ISIS videos.

2014.10.23 USA NYC, NY
Four rookie cops and a female bystander are assaulted with an axe by a Muslim who says he is acting in the cause of Allah.

2014.09.25 USA Moore, OK
A Sharia advocate beheads a woman after calling for Islamic terror and posting an Islamist beheading photo.

2014.06.25 USA West Orange, NJ
A 19-year-old college student is shot to death 'in revenge' for Muslim deaths overseas.

2014.06.01 USA Seattle, WA
Two homosexuals are murdered by an Islamic extremist.

2014.04.27 USA Skyway, WA
A 30-year-old man is murdered by a Muslim fanatic.

2014.03.06 USA Port Bolivar, TX
A Muslim man shoots his lesbian daughter and her lover to death and leaves a copy of the Quran open to a page condemning homosexuality.

2013.08.04 USA Richmond, CA
A convert "on a mission from Allah" stabs a store clerk to death.

2013.04.19 USA Boston, MA Jihadists gun down a university police officer sitting in his car.

2013.04.15 USA Boston, MA Foreign-born Muslims (the Tsarnaev brothers)describing themselves as 'very religious' detonate two bombs packed with ball bearings at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and causing several more to lose limbs.

2013.03.24 USA Ashtabula, OH
A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah.

2013.03.14 USA Vancouver, WA Two people suffer knife injuries when a Muslim convert attempts to stab a non-Muslim to death over religious views outside a coffee shop.

2013.02.07 USA Buena Vista, NJ
A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants.

2012.11.12 USA Houston, TX
A 28-year-old American man is shot to death by a conservative Muslim over an alleged role in converting a woman to Christianity.

2012.06.15 USA Mission, TX
A man shoots his daughter, her boyfriend and her mother for letting the girl date a non-Muslim.

2012.01.15 USA Houston, TX A 30-year-old Christian convert is shot to death by a devout Muslim for helping to convert his daughter.

2011.09.11 USA Waltham, MA
Three Jewish men have their throats slashed by Muslim terrorists.

2011.04.30 USA Warren, MI A 20-year-old woman is shot in the head by her stepfather for not adhering to Islamic practices.

2010.04.14 USA Marquette Park, IL
After quarrelling with his wife over Islamic dress, a Muslim convert shoots his family members to 'take them back to Allah' and out of the 'world of sinners'.

2009.12.04 USA Binghamton, NY
A non-Muslim Islamic studies professor is stabbed to death by a Muslim grad student in revenge for 'persecuted' Muslims.

2009.11.05 USA Ft. Hood, TX A Muslim psychiatrist (Major Nidal Hasan) guns down thirteen unarmed soldiers while yelling praises to Allah.

2009.11.02 USA Glendale, AZ A woman dies from injuries suffered when her father runs her down with a car for being too 'Westernized.' (10-20-09)

2009.06.01 USA Little Rock, AR A Muslim shoots a local soldier to death inside a recruiting center explicitly in the name of Allah.

2009.04.12 USA Phoenix, AZ
A man shoots his brother-in-law and another man to death after finding out that they visited a strip club, in contradiction to Islamic values.

2009.02.12 USA Buffalo, NY
The founder of a Muslim TV station beheads his wife in the hallway for seeking a divorce.
There is no end to your partisan dishonesty....
If you think blindly following someone because they have a (R) or a (D) after their name is a sign of intelligence, there is not much point in arguing with you.
There's a lot of things that we could talk about "blindly following", but this thread is concerned with the Mueller derail attempt. the topic.

This thread is also about following a specific party blindly. I am on topic.
You have no idea who a liberal is other than someone who disagrees with you. You have no clue how ridiculous you look like.

You have proven how hoodwinked you are by Trump. The economy was growing before Trump. The unemployment rate was 5% when Trump took over. Obama was no more responsible for it than Trump is. The fact is that there have been good paying jobs out there and have nothing to do with illegals. They have broken up families. That is evil. The fact is that we have seen no outbreak of Muslim violence since Obama took office. Businesses have been coming back to the US for some time. Raising prices for American consumers. The fact is that the Pentagon needs to be reformed. We can't keep raising budgets indefinitely.
FALSE! The economy was tanking in January 2017, when Trump took over. He improved it from Obama's dismal 1.2% GDP growth to 3.2%, you liar.


As for the unemployment rate, it's 4.1% now - big improvement from Obama.

Illegals - 9 million of them are employed in America, stealing jobs from Americans, with Democrats helping them with catch & release and sanctuary cities. Trump abolishing all that. :biggrin:

The only ones who have broken up families are the illegal aliens themselves by coming here, and Democrats by encouraging them.

Muslim violence since Obama took office >> during his reign.

2017.01.06 USA Fort Lauderdale, FL
A mentally-disturbed convert to Islam guns down five innocents in the baggage claim area of an airport.

2016.11.28 USA Columbus, OH A Muslim immigrant goes on a stabbing rampage after expressing his desire to kill infidels.

2016.09.17 USA St. Cloud, MN A former refugee goes on a stabbing spree at a shopping mall while speaking of Allah and asking potential victims if they are Muslim.

2016.09.17 USA NYC, NY A former asylum seeker plants several explosives, one of which injures twenty-nine innocents. He also shot two policemen two days later.

2016.08.20 USA Roanoke, VA A man and woman are stabbed maliciously by a 'radicalized' man yelling praises to Allah.

2016.06.13 USA Orlando, FL An Islamic extremist massacres forty-nine people at a gay nightclub. (Pulse Club)

2016.02.11 USA Columbus, OH Four people at a Christian-owned restaurant with an Israeli flag are slashed by a Muslim wielding a machete yelling 'Allah Akbar'…

2016.01.07 USA Philadelphia, PA A man shoots a police officer three times 'in the name of Islam'.

2015.12.02 USA San Bernardino, CA A 'very religious' Muslim shoots up a Christmas party with his wife, leaving fourteen dead.

2015.11.04 USA Merced, CA A student vowing to behead and 'praise Allah' stabs four others on campus.

2015.07.16 USA Chattanooga, TN
A 'devout Muslim' stages a suicide attack on a recruiting center at a strip mall and a naval center which leaves five dead.

2015.05.03 USA Garland, TX
Two Muslims stage a suicide assault on a conference critical of Islam.

2015.02.14 USA Detroit, MI
Two men are stabbed by a Muslim who first verified that they were unbelievers.

2014.12.18 USA Morganton, NC
A convert to Islam shoots an elderly man three times in the head after watching ISIS videos.

2014.10.23 USA NYC, NY
Four rookie cops and a female bystander are assaulted with an axe by a Muslim who says he is acting in the cause of Allah.

2014.09.25 USA Moore, OK
A Sharia advocate beheads a woman after calling for Islamic terror and posting an Islamist beheading photo.

2014.06.25 USA West Orange, NJ
A 19-year-old college student is shot to death 'in revenge' for Muslim deaths overseas.

2014.06.01 USA Seattle, WA
Two homosexuals are murdered by an Islamic extremist.

2014.04.27 USA Skyway, WA
A 30-year-old man is murdered by a Muslim fanatic.

2014.03.06 USA Port Bolivar, TX
A Muslim man shoots his lesbian daughter and her lover to death and leaves a copy of the Quran open to a page condemning homosexuality.

2013.08.04 USA Richmond, CA
A convert "on a mission from Allah" stabs a store clerk to death.

2013.04.19 USA Boston, MA Jihadists gun down a university police officer sitting in his car.

2013.04.15 USA Boston, MA Foreign-born Muslims (the Tsarnaev brothers)describing themselves as 'very religious' detonate two bombs packed with ball bearings at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and causing several more to lose limbs.

2013.03.24 USA Ashtabula, OH
A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah.

2013.03.14 USA Vancouver, WA Two people suffer knife injuries when a Muslim convert attempts to stab a non-Muslim to death over religious views outside a coffee shop.

2013.02.07 USA Buena Vista, NJ
A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants.

2012.11.12 USA Houston, TX
A 28-year-old American man is shot to death by a conservative Muslim over an alleged role in converting a woman to Christianity.

2012.06.15 USA Mission, TX
A man shoots his daughter, her boyfriend and her mother for letting the girl date a non-Muslim.

2012.01.15 USA Houston, TX A 30-year-old Christian convert is shot to death by a devout Muslim for helping to convert his daughter.

2011.09.11 USA Waltham, MA
Three Jewish men have their throats slashed by Muslim terrorists.

2011.04.30 USA Warren, MI A 20-year-old woman is shot in the head by her stepfather for not adhering to Islamic practices.

2010.04.14 USA Marquette Park, IL
After quarrelling with his wife over Islamic dress, a Muslim convert shoots his family members to 'take them back to Allah' and out of the 'world of sinners'.

2009.12.04 USA Binghamton, NY
A non-Muslim Islamic studies professor is stabbed to death by a Muslim grad student in revenge for 'persecuted' Muslims.

2009.11.05 USA Ft. Hood, TX A Muslim psychiatrist (Major Nidal Hasan) guns down thirteen unarmed soldiers while yelling praises to Allah.

2009.11.02 USA Glendale, AZ A woman dies from injuries suffered when her father runs her down with a car for being too 'Westernized.' (10-20-09)

2009.06.01 USA Little Rock, AR A Muslim shoots a local soldier to death inside a recruiting center explicitly in the name of Allah.

2009.04.12 USA Phoenix, AZ
A man shoots his brother-in-law and another man to death after finding out that they visited a strip club, in contradiction to Islamic values.

2009.02.12 USA Buffalo, NY
The founder of a Muslim TV station beheads his wife in the hallway for seeking a divorce.

So my comments about blindly following a party is off topic, but posting a page list of muslim acts of violence is on topic? lol Typical.
So, BusyBee, you want to call that long list of Muslim jihadist attacks in America during Obama's years, some of which HE PERMITTED TO OCCUR, just a bunch of "Conspiracy Theories" ? (your favorite words) Gonna use your crutch here too ?

I guess you'll say these guys never existed, huh ? >>




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