Is anyone but me upset that transgenders are ruining womens' and girls' sports?

Under enough political pressure, I’m sure it will be. That won’t change the fact that people with Gender Dysphoria have a mental illness, and thus are not the best sources of wisdom on how to protect females from losing their privacy, safety, and opportunities.

Yes, we can see you have a hangup. I'm sure you had the same hangup about gays.

I was answering you question about ‘girl face.’ I don’t let sick people upset me, but I do see the misogyny that drives someone like Mulvaney to mock women and young girls.

Oh, I think the transgender are living rent free in your head.

I personally don't think about them other than enjoying how they piss off religious assholes.

I see the misogyny in you also, with your whining about title IX and your references to “plastic trophies.” Does plastic upset you?

Naw, what upsets me is that I had to work two minimum wage jobs and join the National Guard to get through college, and some party girl on a bullshit Title IX scholarship that was paid for with my student fees was living large.

Which has nothing to do with a criteria to judge whether a person is a “legitimate transgender,” which was your phrase, not mine. If some people who claim to be transgender are legitimate transgender, and others not legitimate, and we are going to judge which is which, there needs to be a criteria to tell.
Again, a matter of applying common sense, but you religious crazies don't know what that means.

You sure use a lot of guesswork in your arguments, and treat your guesses as if they are facts.
My guesses are worth more than most people's "facts"
Yes, we can see you have a hangup. I'm sure you had the same hangup about gays.

Oh, I think the transgender are living rent free in your head.
You're losing because your position makes no sense. So you resort to personal attacks. I'm used to that.
I personally don't think about them other than enjoying how they piss off religious assholes.
You have a lot of hostilities.
Naw, what upsets me is that I had to work two minimum wage jobs and join the National Guard to get through college, and some party girl on a bullshit Title IX scholarship that was paid for with my student fees was living large.
You don't feel the same about male athletes who live on scholorships? If you do, you may establish some credibility through consistency. It would be a breath of fresh air.
Again, a matter of applying common sense, but you religious crazies don't know what that means.
Common sense is out the window as soon as you say, "We'll let some male staffers - the ones who are legitimate transgenders - stand around in the girls' bathrooms. But not those illegitimate ones!"

In truth, your criteria is not "i say so," or "the company says so," or "the boss says so." It is "the transgender says they are transgender, so therefore they are transgender.
My guesses are worth more than most people's "facts"

They are not.
You don't feel the same about male athletes who live on scholorships? If you do, you may establish some credibility through consistency. It would be a breath of fresh air.

Well, here's the thing. Male sports at least have the justification in that SOME of them are profitable. Which is why it's almost okay to have some illiterate moron getting a degree in basket weaving because the university will make a shitload of money off of him before he goes to the NBA or NFL.

But I'd be just as fine if we got rid of all college athletics, and simply have universities be in the business of preparing people for the working world. It's not the 19th century anymore.

Common sense is out the window as soon as you say, "We'll let some male staffers - the ones who are legitimate transgenders - stand around in the girls' bathrooms. But not those illegitimate ones!"
Which isn't what I said.
Go back, read what I actually said, and then have someone help you with the big words.
Well, here's the thing. Male sports at least have the justification in that SOME of them are profitable. Which is why it's almost okay to have some illiterate moron getting a degree in basket weaving because the university will make a shitload of money off of him before he goes to the NBA or NFL.

But I'd be just as fine if we got rid of all college athletics, and simply have universities be in the business of preparing people for the working world. It's not the 19th century anymore.

Which isn't what I said.
Go back, read what I actually said, and then have someone help you with the big words.
I'd be fine with that, also.

But, until that great day comes, as long as my tax dollars are funding female athletics, I'll stand up for my daughters, granddaughters, nieces and females not related to me at all to have their sports without being harassed, pushed out, injuried, and leered at.
I'd be fine with that, also.

But, until that great day comes, as long as my tax dollars are funding female athletics, I'll stand up for my daughters, granddaughters, nieces and females not related to me at all to have their sports without being harassed, pushed out, injuried, and leered at.
Awesome, dude, however you want to rationalize your transphobia.

I'm sure the racists who lynched Emmet Till had the same attitudes about protecting "womanhood".
Awesome, dude, however you want to rationalize your transphobia.

I'm sure the racists who lynched Emmet Till had the same attitudes about protecting "womanhood".
There is however the issue of genetic males having substantial competitive advantage in many sports, which was the original reason for said women's sections.
Awesome, dude, however you want to rationalize your transphobia.

I'm sure the racists who lynched Emmet Till had the same attitudes about protecting "womanhood".
No one is lynching anyone, nor making a false accusation. You become hysterical, sir.

Mr. Thomas did go into a woman's locker room where women were stripping down completely to change into bathing suits, and he did strip down himself to put on some (presumably) tuck friendly version of a female sports swimming suit. He did beat all but one of the women swimmers - having gone through male puberty. He tied with one, but he was given the trophy anyway, because somebody said so.
Except your side hasn't shown why it's a mental illness other than you think it's icky.

That you cannot see how this sort of behavior and belief is very obviously proof of a mental disorder only casts serious doubt on your own soundness of mind.

To any sane person, this sort of shit is very obviously a sign of poor mental health, at the very best.
I do notice you use terms like "men" and "Girl's" bathrooms... seems to me that falls under a bit of misogyny that women need to be "protected".

It's a matter of fact, that compared to women, men tend to be bigger, stronger, more sexually-motivated, more prone to use force or violence to get what we want. By proper upbringing, and healthy influence of a relationship with women as mothers, sisters, daughters, girlfriends, wives; we can be tamed, but at our basest level, we've got an instinct that, if unchecked, would lead us to be sexually abusive toward women.

You certainly exhibit some degree of this tendency, not sufficiently checked, when you argue for denying the right of women to be protected in vulnerable situations from predation by men who are not properly tamed; for denying them the basic rights regarding their modesty, privacy, and safety.

It is rather odd Orwellian twist that you try to cast it as “misogyny”, to uphold the virtue and safety of women, and to protect them from sexual predation by untamed men.

But then as long as I have been familiar with you, you have always rather openly displayed the exact same sort of genuine and disturbing misogyny that you are waving around here, while trying to falsely paint those of us who actually respect women, as misogynists.
Again, a matter of applying common sense, but you religious crazies don't know what that means.

Genuine common sense would dictate that you do not allow a man to call himself a “woman”, and on that basis, to intrude against actual women, in vulnerable spaces, violating the safety, modesty, and virtue of actual women. Not just common sense, but common decency.
No one is lynching anyone, nor making a false accusation. You become hysterical, sir.

Not hysterical at all. Whenever you see someone scream, "We need to protect the women", it's usually to abuse a marginalized group. Seriously, someone sends a trans-influencer a six pack of novelty cans, and you guys went nuts.

Again, everyone I see going apeshit on this issue, are all dudes. I don't see women complaining about it. I mean, other than the few who didn't get plastic trophies.

Mr. Thomas did go into a woman's locker room where women were stripping down completely to change into bathing suits, and he did strip down himself to put on some (presumably) tuck friendly version of a female sports swimming suit. He did beat all but one of the women swimmers - having gone through male puberty. He tied with one, but he was given the trophy anyway, because somebody said so.

Okay, so they saw a dick! Gasp. Do you think any of these women haven't seen a dick before?

Um, yeah, a tie, you give out two trophies.

That you cannot see how this sort of behavior and belief is very obviously proof of a mental disorder only casts serious doubt on your own soundness of mind.
Stalker Bob, you are the last one who can give anyone advice on sanity. It's like getting cooking advice from Jeff Dahmner.
I have seen Trans people who function perfectly well in society.
You, on the other hand, seem to be a little nuts.
Awesome, dude, however you want to rationalize your transphobia.
I'm sure the racists who lynched Emmet Till had the same attitudes about protecting "womanhood".

It's a matter of fact, that compared to women, men tend to be bigger, stronger, more sexually-motivated, more prone to use force or violence to get what we want. By proper upbringing, and healthy influence of a relationship with women as mothers, sisters, daughters, girlfriends, wives; we can be tamed, but at our basest level, we've got an instinct that, if unchecked, would lead us to be sexually abusive toward women.

I think that's more telling of you, Bob, that you think like that, but you do belong to a misogynistic cult. Utah leads the country in valium prescriptions for women.

You certainly exhibit some degree of this tendency, not sufficiently checked, when you argue for denying the right of women to be protected in vulnerable situations from predation by men who are not properly tamed; for denying them the basic rights regarding their modesty, privacy, and safety.

Not at all. I treat women as equals. Period. Separate bathrooms are probably even a little silly in this liberated age.
Now, I am all for protecting a woman's RIGHT TO CHOOSE, or her right to be paid the same pay as a man for the same work, or to not be harrassed at work by a male coworker... all things that your party fights against tooth and nail.

The thing about this Trans thing is that I never see women making the big stink about this... probably because they just can't get all that worked up about it. It seems to be mostly dudes and their own insecurities.

It is rather odd Orwellian twist that you try to cast it as “misogyny”, to uphold the virtue and safety of women, and to protect them from sexual predation by untamed men.

Um, you are the one who makes excuses for Donald "Grab them by the Pussy" Trump.

But then as long as I have been familiar with you, you have always rather openly displayed the exact same sort of genuine and disturbing misogyny that you are waving around here, while trying to falsely paint those of us who actually respect women, as misogynists.

Uh, guy, you are the one who wants to murder women for having a legal procedure.
Not hysterical at all. Whenever you see someone scream, "We need to protect the women", it's usually to abuse a marginalized group. Seriously, someone sends a trans-influencer a six pack of novelty cans, and you guys went nuts.

Again, everyone I see going apeshit on this issue, are all dudes. I don't see women complaining about it. I mean, other than the few who didn't get plastic trophies.

Okay, so they saw a dick! Gasp. Do you think any of these women haven't seen a dick before?
That being the case, why even have male and female locker rooms in the first place? Just have one locker room and everybody that wants to participate in sports be required to come in and strip down in front of everybody else.

Now I know you are going to say “Hyuck, hyuck, I’m fine with that.”But most of your fellow Wokesters are not at all fine with that. There has been no push for that at all. Just a push to allow biological males into females basis.

They have a vested interest in maintaining separate male and female restrooms and locker rooms, so that they can insist on biological male ”trans women” being allowed into the female restrooms and locker rooms.

Using the power of government to force people to do what no decent person would want to do is a key part of the mental illness of wokeness.
Um, yeah, a tie, you give out two trophies.
That did not happen. It was a tie, and they gave one trophy. They gave it to the tranny, because “they had to.” So he got a trophy for tying for first place, and for being a tranny. Riley Gaines got a second place trophy for tying for first place.
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Is anyone but me upset that transgenders are ruining womens' and girls' sports?
Yes. Plenty. But we don't give a shit about women's football or ice hockey or curling or weightlifting or shot put or javelin or basketball.
That being the case, why even have male and female locker rooms in the first place? Just have one locker room and everybody that wants to participate in sports be required to come in and strip down in front of everybody else.
Why not?

Now I know you are going to say “Hyuck, hyuck, I’m fine with that.”But most of your fellow Wokesters are not at all fine with that. There has been no push for that at all. Just a push to allow biological males into females basis.

I can't be responsible for other wokesters, whoever they are.

That did not happen. It was a tie, and they gave one trophy. They gave it to the tranny, because “they had to.” So he got a trophy for tying for first place, and for being a tranny. Riley Gaines got a second place trophy for tying for first place.
Okay, you know my attitude on little trophies... I just can't get worked up about them.

Scamming a scam, you never get anything more than a mild bemusement...
Okay, you know my attitude on little trophies... I just can't get worked up about them.

Scamming a scam, you never get anything more than a mild bemusement...
For an issue you don’t even care about, you sure are interested in arguing for males to be able to play in female sports. Why don’t you just say “I don’t care if they’re allowed to or not; it’s just for plastic trophies anyway?”

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