Is anyone but me upset that transgenders are ruining womens' and girls' sports?

First a fetus isn’t a life and then you would be willing to protect fetuses if human life was endangered. Hmmm.
I was speaking more in the hypothetical if you had a fertility crash, then such drastic action MIGHT be called for.

Regardless, you don’t seem to value human life very much if you aren’t willing to give it the same protections you would a sea turtle. Just because there is healthy population doesn’t devalue the innate worth of human life.

Here's the thing. A sea turtle isn't forced to carry it's eggs for nine months. It drops the eggs on the shoreline, and whatever happens next isn't her problem. That is quite a bit different than compelling a woman to carry a fetus she doesn't want for nine months. Also completely impracticle, as unless you are going to place her under arrest for nine months, she will find a way to end said pregnancy.

Finally, note given your bad analogy, the equivalent would be a man punching a pregnant woman to cause a miscarriage. I am 100% for punishing a man who does that.

That’s all I’m going to say about abortion since it is off topic.
Yes, it is.
It is noticeable that those who think that there are too many people in the world, and that the population needs to be reduced, never seem to be willing to volunteer to be among those by whom the population is to be reduced. They are happy to call for other people to die, but never themselves.

Nor would I be for killing people who are already here.

But if someone chooses not to bring more people into the world, I'm kind of all for that. Especially the third world, where THIS is what they are going to be born into.


Thank God we weren't aborted!!!!

They somehow imagine themselves to be among the elite who will not be called upon to make the sacrifices that they demand of others; who will benefit from the sacrifices made by others.

I'm for preventing the overpopulation problem BEFORE sacrifices are made. I recognize that if you let the One Percenters have their way, people our age would be considered "expendable".
No. They do not “have to” ruin female sports. They are males, so they have gone through male puberty and thus able as any male to compete in male sports.
Or they can compete in a sport that conforms to their gender identity. Now, if you want to put stipulations like "Must have undergone gender-affirming treatment for at least one year," I'd be fine with that.
Obviously not enough to even approach equity with women swimmers. He was a mediocre college male swimmer, then he claimed to be transgender and became a champion in women’s.
Then it begs the question, if women swimmers can't even beat a mediocre male, why have a sport at all?

Oh, yeah, Title IX money.

IOW we have to honor the latest social contagion.
You have to respect people for who they are.
Look, man I realize you have the insecurities, but that's not my problem.

He assaulted both girls after wearing a skirt and going into the girls bathrooms. He was convicted for both. Last update, he was confined to a juvenile mental health facility. That’s your hero?
Actually, I'm not wasting time refuting how this case was misrepresented by the RW Media.

Short version- he was in a consensual relationship with the girl in the first case. They had hooked up many times in that bathroom, not because of a trans-policy, but because they knew the staff never checked that bathroom between classes.

Now, relationship abuse IS wrong, and he should have been held accountable for that. I just don't mistake an abusive relationship for "Trannies are EEEEvil".
Agreed. There are reasons to watch women’s sports besides the human drama of athletic competition.

I would hate to see William Thomas decide to retire from women’s swimming and go into women’s diving. But Democrats would love to see him doing this:

Hmmm... if you are only interested in women's sport to ogle women, that's kind of perverted.
Real men appreciate the sight of attractive women.
Only ones in creepy cults.


So you have little or no appreciation for feminine beauty? That's not normal; you know that, right? It would seem to indicate a deficiency in the mass of your slip-on footwear.

Are you one of those guys construction sites who cat-calls at women, because they generally don't like that.

Appreciation the beauty of attractive women does not obligate one, nor do I take it as an excuse for, treating women in a disrespectful manner. Given much of what you had to say about women before your Chinese girlfriend→fiancée→wife came along, your suggestion that I would be disrespectful toward women comes across as a rather blatant example of projection. I don't know much about the dynamics between you and your wife, but I can hope that your relationship with her is serving in a positive way to mitigate the deep hatred and contempt that you have held toward women—especially marriageable women—for so much of your life. Perhaps, if that goes well, you might even achieve the status of being an actual human being before what remains of your mortal life runs out.

So you have little or no appreciation for feminine beauty? That's not normal; you know that, right? It would seem to indicate a deficiency in the mass of your slip-on footwear.

I think it's called appropriate behavior... I don't ogle attractive coworkers at work, because that would be, you know, Creepy, and no doubt would involve discussions with human resources.

If you are watching women's sports to creep on the athletes (and sorry, a lot of female athletes just aren't attractive too many muscles) that just comes off as creepy.

Then again, Mormons are creepy in general.
It is noticeable that those who think that there are too many people in the world, and that the population needs to be reduced, never seem to be willing to volunteer to be among those by whom the population is to be reduced. They are happy to call for other people to die, but never themselves.

They somehow imagine themselves to be among the elite who will not be called upon to make the sacrifices that they demand of others; who will benefit from the sacrifices made by others.
Winner winner chicken dinner
Of course people are upset. There’s countless threads about this very subject here….
Or they can compete in a sport that conforms to their gender identity. Now, if you want to put stipulations like "Must have undergone gender-affirming treatment for at least one year," I'd be fine with that.
How about “must have had gender affirming genital surgery?”
Then it begs the question, if women swimmers can't even beat a mediocre male, why have a sport at all?

Oh, yeah, Title IX money.
I’ll answer that one once more and then ignore it.

We have title 9 so that females can have the benefits of athletics. It was mocked by misogynists like yourself, but it gave millions of young women a chance to participate. I know girls who have benefitted very much. That's what public school is for, to provide benefit to the students, using the taxes that their communities pay.

It is not intended to be a one-sport football machine, chasing advertising dollars on their scoreboards and programs. That should be a side benefit, not the full purpose.

Don’t like it, campaign to change the law. But we shouldn’t have males doing an end run around the law, by growing a pony tail and singing "I enjoy being a girl" as they cross the finish line several yards ahead of the former school female track champion. If this keeps up, each school will have two all male teams for each sport other than football. Oh, except for volleyball, which will have that all male Girls-in-Name-Only Team.
You have to respect people for who they are.
Look, man I realize you have the insecurities, but that's not my problem.
Really? I have respect racists, misogynists, theocrats, thieves, and rapists for who they are?

Actually, I'm not wasting time refuting how this case was misrepresented by the RW Media.
Washington Post is RWmedia? The convictions (or their junvenile court equivalent) are real. If you want to relitigate them, be my guest. But bring facts not spin.

A prosecutor said in Loudoun County juvenile court Monday that the 15-year-old forced the victim into an empty classroom at Ashburn’s Broad Run High School in October, before touching her breast.

Last month, the same teen was found responsible in Loudoun County juvenile court for forcing another girl to perform sex acts in May in a bathroom at Stone Bridge High School, where the defendant attended school before transferring to Broad Run.

You shouldn't get all your news from this forum, fun though it is.
Short version- he was in a consensual relationship with the girl in the first case. They had hooked up many times in that bathroom, not because of a trans-policy, but because they knew the staff never checked that bathroom between classes.

Now, relationship abuse IS wrong, and he should have been held accountable for that. I just don't mistake an abusive relationship for "Trannies are EEEEvil".
It’s not about trannies being evil. It’s about school policies that cover up and enable sexual assault.

Suppose a female staffer checked the girls bathroom and saw an obvious male in a skirt? What should that staffer do?
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We have title 9 so that females can have the benefits of athletics. It was mocked by misogynists like yourself, but it gave millions of young women a chance to participate. I know girls who have benefitted very much. That's what public school is for, to provide benefit to the students, using the taxes that their communities pay.

It is not intended to be a one-sport football machine, chasing advertising dollars on their scoreboards and programs. That should be a side benefit, not the full purpose.

Don’t like it, campaign to change the law. But we shouldn’t have males doing an end run around the law, by growing a pony tail and singing "I enjoy being a girl" as they cross the finish line several yards ahead of the former school female track champion. If this keeps up, each school will have two all male teams for each sport other than football. Oh, except for volleyball, which will have that all male Girls-in-Name-Only Team.

So trans-women qualify under these laws just like Cis-women. Don't like it? Too fucking bad.

Is your argument that cis-gendered boys are going to pretend to be girls to cheat the cisgendered girls out of their plastic trophies? You obviously haven't been a teenager in a long time if you think any boy who did that wouldn't be subjected to massive mockery by his classmates.

If they are genuinely transgender, they should be able to use the team of their gender identity.

How about “must have had gender affirming genital surgery?”

Fine, as long as that surgery is available at any age, no questions asked, as long as a doctor has approved. I don't think your side would go for that.

Washington Post is RWmedia? The convictions (or their junvenile court equivalent) are real. If you want to relitigate them, be my guest. But bring facts not spin.

A prosecutor said in Loudoun County juvenile court Monday that the 15-year-old forced the victim into an empty classroom at Ashburn’s Broad Run High School in October, before touching her breast.

Oh, noes, he got to Second Base? Why, yes, this is the crime of the century!

Last month, the same teen was found responsible in Loudoun County juvenile court for forcing another girl to perform sex acts in May in a bathroom at Stone Bridge High School, where the defendant attended school before transferring to Broad Run.

Again, a girl he had a previous relationship with. Now, I'm not saying this kid didn't have a bunch of problems, but his problem weren't that he was "gender fluid". It was that he was from a dysfunctional home, and the school had no idea how to deal with him.

It’s not about trannies being evil. It’s about school policies that cover up and enable sexual assault.

Suppose a female staffer checked the girls bathroom and saw an obvious male in a skirt? What should that staffer do?

Stay there until she finished her business. If the child is genuinely transgender, this isn't an issue.

Fun fact: did you know that separate gender bathrooms are a relatively recent invention? They didn't start until the late 1800s in the US. The first law mandating them wasn't passed until 1887.
First a fetus isn’t a life and then you would be willing to protect fetuses if human life was endangered. Hmmm.

Regardless, you don’t seem to value human life very much if you aren’t willing to give it the same protections you would a sea turtle. Just because there is healthy population doesn’t devalue the innate worth of human life.

That’s all I’m going to say about abortion since it is off topic.
Just like if a pregnant women loses her life to someone's hand, the fetus is considered a fatality as well and the perp is charged for both as murder.
Ah contraire, a fetus certainly is life
Psst, he knew that, he threw out a stump them statement, and the murderers can't get past that one. The law states that the fetus is life. Stacey Peterson's husband was charged with both her death and the fetus baby's. Oops. Funny how they can't make those two one.
So trans-women qualify under these laws just like Cis-women. Don't like it? Too fucking bad.
No they don’t. Some schools pretend they do but they don’t.
Is your argument that cis-gendered boys are going to pretend to be girls to cheat the cisgendered girls out of their plastic trophies? You obviously haven't been a teenager in a long time if you think any boy who did that wouldn't be subjected to massive mockery by his classmates.
Are you kidding? Some dude is good at Basketball but mediocre at baseball so he “identifies” as male in the winter but female in Spring so he can be the star home run queen and watch the girls change? He’ll be the hero for gaming the system.
If they are genuinely transgender, they should be able to use the team of their gender identity.
Who judges if they are genuinely transgender and by what criteria?
Fine, as long as that surgery is available at any age, no questions asked, as long as a doctor has approved. I don't think your side would go for that.
What? twelve year olds “choosing” to be castrated without parental approval? Nobody sane would go for that.
Oh, noes, he got to Second Base? Why, yes, this is the crime of the century!
He was convicted of two assaults.
Again, a girl he had a previous relationship with. Now, I'm not saying this kid didn't have a bunch of problems, but his problem weren't that he was "gender fluid". It was that he was from a dysfunctional home, and the school had no idea how to deal with him.
Boo freakin hoo.

He was convicted of two assaults.
Stay there until she finished her business. If the child is genuinely transgender, this isn't an issue.

So a trans girl should be monitored in the girls bathroom? I thought trans girls are real girls? What happened? Did you become a bigoted transphobe?
Fun fact: did you know that separate gender bathrooms are a relatively recent invention? They didn't start until the late 1800s in the US. The first law mandating them wasn't passed until 1887.
Yes before that bathrooms were individual, not communal.

A silly point as you grasp at straws.

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