Is anyone but me upset that transgenders are ruining womens' and girls' sports?

In Europe, Women Sports are far interested in pay and conditions and the vast disparity between them and men's sport.

Women are asking for far more investment in grassroots women's sports...
Example in my home town, none of the girls schools have football pitches (Soccer, Gaelic Football, Hurling or even Athletics...). One of those girls schools is All Ireland Champions in Women's Gaelic football.

Fastest growing Sport in Ireland is Women's Gaelic football...

Transgender??? Are you serious?
Where is the push-back from the so-called Women's Movement?
/----/ They are quiet because they are liberals first and women activists second. They have to go along with the whole liberal agenda, even if it's against their own best interests.
Ever wonder why PETA never complains about wind mills that kill thousands of bald eagles every year? Because wind power trumps animal rights.
Nothing is more ecologically friendly and green than hydroelectric power, but animal rights wackos want to tear down dams so fish can migrate. Proven workarounds are totally ignored. In this case, animal rights trump cheap, clean power.
The liberal mind is a dark and strange place.
Your logic is faulty. Humans aren't an endangered species.

We smash the eggs of chickens all the time. Nobody cares if the egg is a chicken.
so, you don’t think people deserve the same protection as sea turtles? Either a fetus is a life or it isn‘t. Which is it?
Yes, you've said that before. That may be part of the problem, that you don't get out enough. Where do you live, that you are so insulated?

I live in Chicago... and frankly, hardly insulted.

How about

Except they have to because they are trans-women.
Yeah, you've said that before and it ain't happening. I may agree with you as a libertarian, but as long as a program is set aside for women, let it be for women. For sports, there is a clear justification, as Mr. Thomas' sudden rise from mediocricy to champtionship shows.

Ms. Thomas had been on hormones for well over a year and lost muscle mass. So, no, it's fine.

Funny with you Democrats, how flexible you are. Ten years ago, walking into a sports locker room and flashing female athletes would have been black letter sexual harassment. But now that there is a new victim class, it over-rides the needs of women for privacy and safety.

Yes, you have to make new accommodations based on increased social understanding.

Both of the girls he raped?
He didn't rape a second girl, he grabbed her during an argument. Um, hate to say this, kids are gonna be kids. The first one he had a relationship with, everyone knew she was the school slut, and when her crazy father showed up and started punching cops, he got arrested.

Again that is part of the "guns = evil" culture. You do know who perpetuates that, right? Hint: it's the ones who know practically nothing about guns.

Um, no, the reason they do that is because there was a school shooting, and they start overreacting when that happens.

Estimated by whom? Using what measures?

I don't know if you mean that to say that there are not many or a lot of transgenders, and I don't see how it matters. One creep stripping down in front of, injuring, and displacing females who just wanted their shot at participating in sports is one two many.
Too many for you, but that's your hangup. If your side had their way, gays would still be in the closet, women in the kitchen and blacks at the back of the bus.

How many people did Anita Hill accuse of sexually harassing her? Only one, and your boys in the (KKK) hood were ready to lynch that one. He only talked about big dicks, he didn't show her one. So, should we have said, "OH, I HEARD A MAN SAY THE NAME OF A PORN STAR!"

Um, no, the Klan didn't want to Lynch Uncle Tom... he was one of the "good ones", according to them.

I frankly thought Anita Hill was full of shit and still do. If he was a horrible boss, why did she transfer with him?

That said, he never should have been appointed to SCOTUS because he was kind of stupid. Also, he lied about keeping an open mind about Roe during his confirmation hearing.

I get it. Democrat men finally got tired of playing second fiddle to "oppressed" women of the feminist movement. But the answer should have been to act like a man and stop letting yourselves be pushed around. Not to act like a girl so you can harass females who may not even be feminists.

Wow, you have a vivid imagination.

The real problem is that Republican men can't go after minorities, women or gays anymore, but they thing that transgender are just one more group they can go after, to distract from the real enemy of working class whites.
so, you don’t think people deserve the same protection as sea turtles? Either a fetus is a life or it isn‘t. Which is it?
If humans were endangered, I'd be the first one for protecting them.

The problem is that we have too many people, and we need to make less of them.
Spoken like an elite, which you are not. However, you are ignorant enough to believe that you won't be on the chopping block to support elite globalist's idea of depopulating the planet. They love mindless, compliant sheep like you.

You see, I'm trying to get us to a point where we DON'T have to cull the excess population by getting it under control now.

RESOURCES ARE FINITE. If we exceed the amount of resources we have, people are going to die... unless we prevent them from existing to start with.
If humans were endangered, I'd be the first one for protecting them.

The problem is that we have too many people, and we need to make less of them.
First a fetus isn’t a life and then you would be willing to protect fetuses if human life was endangered. Hmmm.

Regardless, you don’t seem to value human life very much if you aren’t willing to give it the same protections you would a sea turtle. Just because there is healthy population doesn’t devalue the innate worth of human life.

That’s all I’m going to say about abortion since it is off topic.
My position is as follows.

Women are going to have abortions no matter what the law is. They always have, since the beginning of time. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I point out that ridiculousness of making a woman have the child of her rapist to show the misgoyny of twats like this guy:

Fetuses aren't babies, Bob.

You see, this is a fetus.

View attachment 882028
This is a baby

View attachment 882029

View attachment 882030
Agreed. There are reasons to watch women’s sports besides the human drama of athletic competition.

I would hate to see William Thomas decide to retire from women’s swimming and go into women’s diving. But Democrats would love to see him doing this:

You see, I'm trying to get us to a point where we DON'T have to cull the excess population by getting it under control now.

RESOURCES ARE FINITE. If we exceed the amount of resources we have, people are going to die... unless we prevent them from existing to start with.

You have bought into a huge load of crap that the elites are feeding you.
If humans were endangered, I'd be the first one for protecting them.
The problem is that we have too many people, and we need to make less of them.

If you truly believe that, then feel free to reduce the excess population by yourself.
I live in Chicago... and frankly, hardly insulted.
Then consult a good eye doctor.

Except they have to because they are trans-women.
No. They do not “have to” ruin female sports. They are males, so they have gone through male puberty and thus able as any male to compete in male sports.
Ms. Thomas had been on hormones for well over a year and lost muscle mass. So, no, it's fine.
Obviously not enough to even approach equity with women swimmers. He was a mediocre college male swimmer, then he claimed to be transgender and became a champion in women’s.
Yes, you have to make new accommodations based on increased social understanding.
IOW we have to honor the latest social contagion.
He didn't rape a second girl, he grabbed her during an argument. Um, hate to say this, kids are gonna be kids. The first one he had a relationship with, everyone knew she was the school slut, and when her crazy father showed up and started punching cops, he got arrested.
He assaulted both girls after wearing a skirt and going into the girls bathrooms. He was convicted for both. Last update, he was confined to a juvenile mental health facility. That’s your hero?

Louden County School covered up the first assault, leading to the second.

You can spin it by victim blaming and slut shaming two underage victims, but that just shows you to be a really bad human being.


Um, no, the reason they do that is because there was a school shooting, and they start overreacting when that happens.

Too many for you, but that's your hangup. If your side had their way, gays would still be in the closet, women in the kitchen and blacks at the back of the bus.

Um, no, the Klan didn't want to Lynch Uncle Tom... he was one of the "good ones", according to them.

I frankly thought Anita Hill was full of shit and still do. If he was a horrible boss, why did she transfer with him?

That said, he never should have been appointed to SCOTUS because he was kind of stupid. Also, he lied about keeping an open mind about Roe during his confirmation hearing.

Wow, you have a vivid imagination.

The real problem is that Republican men can't go after minorities, women or gays anymore, but they thing that transgender are just one more group they can go after, to distract from the real enemy of working class whites.
Really horrible.
so that means it's okay for men to play in women sports? weird dichotomy
Women take great joy in beating men in a sporting event but men get chided when they beat a woman at a sporting event.
Women take great joy in beating men in a sporting event but men get chided when they beat a woman at a sporting event.
Billy Jean King, and?

So you think women are the stronger and more competitive gender? hahahahahahahahahahhahah I knew you were a stupid fk, but thanks for acknowledging it for all to see.
The problem is that we have too many people, and we need to make less of them.
we do? based on what?
Who gets to choose who lives and dies?

It is noticeable that those who think that there are too many people in the world, and that the population needs to be reduced, never seem to be willing to volunteer to be among those by whom the population is to be reduced. They are happy to call for other people to die, but never themselves.

They somehow imagine themselves to be among the elite who will not be called upon to make the sacrifices that they demand of others; who will benefit from the sacrifices made by others.
First a fetus isn’t a life and then you would be willing to protect fetuses if human life was endangered. Hmmm.

Regardless, you don’t seem to value human life very much if you aren’t willing to give it the same protections you would a sea turtle. Just because there is healthy population doesn’t devalue the innate worth of human life.

That’s all I’m going to say about abortion since it is off topic.

Ah contraire, a fetus certainly is life

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