Is anyone but me upset that transgenders are ruining womens' and girls' sports?

Where is the push-back from the so-called Women's Movement?

The white wimmenz be busy n sheeeit

I think you are a confused as usual. It's a matter of the importance of an issue. VERY FEW GIRLS will encounter a transgender kid, and few still will find them on their sports teams. It's just not an issue that comes up that often.
Nearly all girls will encounter transgender kids or adults in their lifetime. I see them at least a couple of time per week. I do live in the most diverse city in the world, so that is an outlyer. But to say that VERY FEW GIRLS will ever encounter a transgender is bizarre.

I think you mean that VERY FEW GIRLS will ever be put through what Riley Gaines and her team mates were: having a male walk in on them why they were changing into swimsuits and show them his schlong, and then have the administration back up his "right" to do so. So far, reletavely few girls have had that, but we don't know how much this fad is going to catch on. I would have said that pants hanging below butts would have lasted about a season, but that was more than twenty ears ago.

If you are right, why ruin girls sports by having that possibility always hanging over their head? Especially since the schools have decided that parents of female athletes need not be informed when a male has been sent into their locker room. Nor do parents have any business knowing if their daughter is assigned a male bedmate, or if a school counselor has decided, through their extensive training (reading an article in "The Atlantic"**), that their child may be transgender.

**True story, bro. That happened in the middle school in which I teach. The counselor is a good person, very professional, but she read that article and started looking for under-identified trans kids. She brought up that possibility for a student with Autism, who showed zero signs of being anything but a heterosexual male.
Happy New Year! I wish you much prosperity, sincerely.

Those two sentences are completely largely counter-factual.

The feminists never "teamed up" with the Religious Right. They would have been too busy insulting each other to get anything done. They happened to both want what each considered "pornography" to be censored, each for their own reasons. Stop making up facts, it slows down grownup debate.

Nope, they aren't at all. Feminists joined right wing Anti-Porn crusades, which helped bolster Ronald Reagan. Reagan appointed wingnuts to the courts who rolled back women's rights in rulings on issues like comparable worth. Ed Meese


No women's rights were "rolled back," whatsoever due to the religious right. Anita Bryant almost single-handedly stopped the ERA from being passed. But the courts since have effectively ratified it with their rulings.

Well, besides the ERA being defeated on a fear campaign. Reagan slashed a lot of welfare programs that benefited women, he fought against equal pay measures.

You may not remember this, but one of the reasons folks gave for opposing the ERA was that it might allow men to use the Women's bathrooms, and gays to marry. Liberals said anyone who thought that was a nut job. Ha freakin ha, huh?

Yes, I remember it well. I also remember that the other panic button the misogynists hit was that women would be sent into combat. Guess what, we've sent women into combat, and they've done just fine.

So essentially, the misogynists beat back the ERA, but ended up with gender-free bathrooms and women in combat anyway.

But, the porn industry is doing just fine. You got that right. A good lesson for the authoritarians of any political stripe: Guns, drugs, pornography, fatty food, girls sports, men's clubs, compact muscle cars, MAGA hats, or whatever. The government cannot stop people from having what they really want, they can just make it more annoying and expensive to have them.

You say that like it's a bad thing? Darn straight we want tomake guns harder to get, and ridiculously expensive. Letting poor crazy people have guns is just a stupid idea.

Now, on to porn. Yes, people really want porn. We've moved from big publishing houses like Playboy and Hustler to "Only Fans" where couples desperate for money film themselves having flabby sex. This is an improvement, how, exactly?
They realize that women have much bigger problems, like the religious right turning them into unwilling breeding machines or not being able to get equal pay for equal work. This is a much more serious issue to them than the very unlikely chance they will encounter a transgender athlete.

But I suspect that a lot of feminists KNOW Title IX is a scam, and the last thing they want to do is bring attention to it. Women are getting free rides to college for playing sports no one really cares about.

Wait, women are being held down and impregnated and then force to have the children resulting from this action? Oh they arent? So this is bullshit then? Cool. thanks.
Nearly all girls will encounter transgender kids or adults in their lifetime. I see them at least a couple of time per week. I do live in the most diverse city in the world, so that is an outlyer. But to say that VERY FEW GIRLS will ever encounter a transgender is bizarre.

I'm 62 years old, and I've encountered one Transgender person in my life, and that person wasn't out at the time. (I'm sure I've encountered others and never knew I did, but that's another issue.)

I think you mean that VERY FEW GIRLS will ever be put through what Riley Gaines and her team mates were: having a male walk in on them why they were changing into swimsuits and show them his schlong, and then have the administration back up his "right" to do so. So far, reletavely few girls have had that, but we don't know how much this fad is going to catch on. I would have said that pants hanging below butts would have lasted about a season, but that was more than twenty ears ago.


Riley Gaines is there to get some of that sweet, sweet Title IX money, she can learn to deal.

Again, simple enough solution. Get rid of Title IX, get rid of all these bullshit scholarships, and let the girls organize their own clubs with their own money and they can make whatever rules they want. But as long as you are going to stick your hands in my pocket as a taxpayer, then you are going to have to learn to deal with some tranny with a schlong.

If you are right, why ruin girls sports by having that possibility always hanging over their head? Especially since the schools have decided that parents of female athletes need not be informed when a male has been sent into their locker room. Nor do parents have any business knowing if their daughter is assigned a male bedmate,

I guess you are working on the assumption that all these athletes are virgins and have no idea what a penis looks like. It's nice to be naive, but the reality is, teenagers are having sexual encounters. Deal with it.

Like that case in VA you all went ape-shit over in 2021, and then it was later found out that the girl in question was having a relationship with the "gender-fluid" boy and had hooked up with him in that bathroom multiple times.

or if a school counselor has decided, through their extensive training (reading an article in "The Atlantic"**), that their child may be transgender.
**True story, bro. That happened in the middle school in which I teach. The counselor is a good person, very professional, but she read that article and started looking for under-identified trans kids. She brought up that possibility for a student with Autism, who showed zero signs of being anything but a heterosexual male.

I'm sure a lot of teachers overreact. It's kind of like whenever there's a school shooting, they are pretty much strip-searching the kids for toy guns and pocket knives for a month afterward until everything calms down.

It's estimated that 0.3% to 1% of the population is transgender.
Wait, women are being held down and impregnated and then force to have the children resulting from this action? Oh they arent? So this is bullshit then? Cool. thanks.

Actually, you guys want to make rape victims have their rapists babies. So, um, yeah. you are forcing them to have children, you religious fuckwad.
They realize that women have much bigger problems, like the religious right turning them into unwilling breeding machines or not being able to get equal pay for equal work. This is a much more serious issue to them than the very unlikely chance they will encounter a transgender athlete.

But I suspect that a lot of feminists KNOW Title IX is a scam, and the last thing they want to do is bring attention to it. Women are getting free rides to college for playing sports no one really cares about.
Pure hyperbole .. what evidence do you have that women don't have equal pay for equal work given the type of occupations and time demand for male v. female? How is the consent to have sex, with the known possible outcomes, turning women into breeding machines?
Actually, you guys want to make rape victims have their rapists babies. So, um, yeah. you are forcing them to have children, you religious fuckwad.
What percentage of aborting babies is due to rape? What prevents a female to travel to a state that supports aborting a baby?
Pure hyperbole .. what evidence do you have that women don't have equal pay for equal work given the type of occupations and time demand for male v. female?

The gender pay gap – the difference between the earnings of men and women – has barely closed in the United States in the past two decades. In 2022, American women typically earned 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. That was about the same as in 2002, when they earned 80 cents to the dollar.

How is the consent to have sex, with the known possible outcomes, turning women into breeding machines?

What percentage of aborting babies is due to rape?
Why does it matter? The fact is we don't know because most rapes are never reported. Only 2% of rapists go to prison. It's probably the easiest crime to get away with.


What prevents a female to travel to a state that supports aborting a baby?

Well, money, resources, perhaps family members who will not allow them to because they are the ones who knocked her up. (Especially in the inbred red states.)
Actually, you guys want to make rape victims have their rapists babies. So, um, yeah. you are forcing them to have children, you religious fuckwad.
Ok are if you're willing to stipulate that all abortions that arent needed due to rape incest and physical health of the mother should be outlawed? Or is this the Im going to use the less than 1% of abortions to justify the other 99?
Actually, you guys want to make rape victims have their rapists babies. So, um, yeah. you are forcing them to have children, you religious fuckwad.

And you want babies to be murdered, because of crimes that their fathers committed, in which these innocent children had no willing part.

The gender pay gap – the difference between the earnings of men and women – has barely closed in the United States in the past two decades. In 2022, American women typically earned 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. That was about the same as in 2002, when they earned 80 cents to the dollar.
The wage gap? Seriously? That might be the most worthless most debunked talking point ever. The only way it could mean anything were if all jobs were represented basically equally by men and women and that men and women made the same life choices when it comes to work. Since they aren’t nor do they this stat is less useful than tits on a bull.

Why does it matter? The fact is we don't know because most rapes are never reported. Only 2% of rapists go to prison. It's probably the easiest crime to get away with.

View attachment 881872

2% of all men accused of rape.

140k rapes per year. A couple studies I looked at about 5% result in pregnancy. That’s 7k pregnancies due to rape. Almost a million abortions per year in the US. So what about the other 993k?
Well, money, resources, perhaps family members who will not allow them to because they are the ones who knocked her up. (Especially in the inbred red states.)

The gender pay gap – the difference between the earnings of men and women – has barely closed in the United States in the past two decades. In 2022, American women typically earned 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. That was about the same as in 2002, when they earned 80 cents to the dollar.
What type of jobs do men do that most women do not and how many hours do each work? The pay gap is a myth is a sum of the whole and ignores the reality that men perform more dangerous jobs that women do not. Common jobs held by men that women do not:
  • Construction
  • Electricians
  • Plumbers
  • Welders
  • Carpenters
  • Mining workers
Meanwhile, common jobs held by women include:
  • School teacher
  • Waitress / Hostess
  • Nursing
  • Nursing Assistance
  • Retail Sales
  • Human Resources
Again .. the pay gap is a myth that skews the statistic to create a fictitious problem

Why does it matter? The fact is we don't know because most rapes are never reported. Only 2% of rapists go to prison. It's probably the easiest crime to get away with.

Well, money, resources, perhaps family members who will not allow them to because they are the ones who knocked her up. (Especially in the inbred red states.)
If it isn't a big deal, then why did you call it out?
I'm really not much interested in sports, in general, but I do have to admit that women's tennis has a certain appeal to me.




And yes, it would totally ruin it for me, in a very bad way, for those to be mentally-ill men, instead of actual women.
Ok are if you're willing to stipulate that all abortions that arent needed due to rape incest and physical health of the mother should be outlawed? Or is this the Im going to use the less than 1% of abortions to justify the other 99?

My position is as follows.

Women are going to have abortions no matter what the law is. They always have, since the beginning of time. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I point out that ridiculousness of making a woman have the child of her rapist to show the misgoyny of twats like this guy:

And you want babies to be murdered, because of crimes that their fathers committed, in which these innocent children had no willing part.

Fetuses aren't babies, Bob.

You see, this is a fetus.


This is a baby



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