Is anyone even remotely surprised by this?

After the GOP humiliated the irrational hatre-driven, Impeachment-obsessed, 4-year tantrum-throwing LOSERS by showing that 13 minute video that showed the world the Democrats are the ones who have issued threats, ordered followers to commit harassment and crimes against Republicans, incited an attempted assassination of GOP politicians, and encouraged foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists to committ acts of terrorism against Americans and this country after the election ...

...and after the GOP threatened to call Nancy Pelosi to testify and expose the fact that the violence that occurred on 6 January was a pre-coordinated event the Democrats and Capitol Police knew about & facilitated...

...OF COURSE the Democrats were forced to drop this charade / vendetta.


ONCE AGAIN Nancy Pelosi knew before it began it would end like this...and chose to lead the Democrats to embarrassing failure and defeat ... AGAIN.
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And he's responsible for refusing to have enough LE on hand, that was SOP for many other similar massive gatherings....And he was directly responsible for the capitol police pulling back the barricades and waving people into the Capitol...And he was directly responsible tor the capitol police deliberately standing down.

Wow, look at you go knocking out all those big bad strawmen.

Fucking retard.
Those are all established facts, fucking asshole.
And he's responsible for refusing to have enough LE on hand, that was SOP for many other similar massive gatherings....And he was directly responsible for the capitol police pulling back the barricades and waving people into the Capitol...And he was directly responsible tor the capitol police deliberately standing down.

Wow, look at you go knocking out all those big bad strawmen.

Fucking retard.
Those are all established facts, fucking asshole.

Dumbass, who the fuck is arguing that Trump is responsible for those specific issues????

Do you even know what a strawman argument is? Are you so retarded that I need to spell it out for you?

Go play with your crayons, retard.
No. Did gall me to hear Mitch state unequivocally his knowledge of trump's guilt, laying it out as good as an impeachment manager, yet having chosen party over country. I thought some of them really believed the bullshit. Did not realize they really knew the truth but would support out of loyalty to party above all else including their country. What disgusting scum.
Reinforced groupthink by the GOP has been a staple of the party for over fifty years. It is a requirement for Republican politicians, and has created the rank-and-file right-wing voter base the Washington D.C. power structure has relied on for that same fifty-plus years period of time.

To remain a viable political party, the RINOs and trump's Nazis are going to be forced to do what both sides have sworn never to allow. They will need to... compromise. Failing that, one side must leave. Start a third political party, or do something treasonous, which, for trump's Nazis, is always an option.

However it shakes out, the Republican leaders are facing a rough patch of road for the next couple of years.

I understand the point of view, but do not agree about the time-span. I see it mostly in the 21st century. In the 70s they would not tolerate Dick Nixon's administration corruption, jailing Spiro and telling Dick to hit the road. There was compomise during the Reagan years and even the 90s, though they did drop support of their boy, George H.W. Bush who at least knew if you want to have a war, you should be willing to pay for it. Since Slick Willie left office after 8 productive years, economically, socially and internationally, even with the balance budget deal, they've gone anything goes rabid, a danger to the world, the country, the economy, and now the constitution, democracy and themselves. Suspect they are toast. At 66, Though voted republican many times, I cannot see voting for a national office republic again in my lifetime, as they cannot be trusted and I have no intention of passing their facist ideal of this country down to my grandkids.
"There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their President. And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated President kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth."

-Mitch McConnell
Who cares? In two years he will be irrelevant.
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"There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their President. And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated President kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth."

-Mitch McConnell
Who cares? In two years he will be irrelevant.

I hope you're right and that he's irrelevant in two years.
Pelosi owes the American tax payers $3Million dollars for this political theater bullshit....

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I hope you're right and that he's irrelevant in two years.

For the next 4 years Democrats, Fake News MSM, and snowflakes will have endless, waking nightmares, seeing Trump in their dreams beating them over and over and in 4 years to once again kick their collective asses and retake the WHITE HOUSE....

:p Bwuhahahahahahaha
I hope you're right and that he's irrelevant in two years.

For the next 4 years Democrats, Fake News MSM, and snowflakes will have endless, waking nightmares, seeing Trump in their dreams beating them over and over and in 4 years to once again kick their collective asses and retake the WHITE HOUSE....

:p Bwuhahahahahahaha

Oh yea? So he can get his ass kicked AGAIN and have you all whining conspiracy theories as to how he lost.

Go for it. :lol:
No. Did gall me to hear Mitch state unequivocally his knowledge of trump's guilt, laying it out as good as an impeachment manager, yet having chosen party over country. I thought some of them really believed the bullshit. Did not realize they really knew the truth but would support out of loyalty to party above all else including their country. What disgusting scum.
White, you need to sit down and be honest with yourself. You’re a leftist through and through. So when you call others disgusting scum I hope you include Andrew Cuomo, Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar. If not you are a hypocrite.
No leftist. Got to agree with you about Cuomo "the killer elite", Maxine "the mouth that roared", Eric "the tool" swalwell and don't get me started on Omar, marrying your brother for any purpose just ain't right. You didn't mention her, but not too thrilled with "Knee-Jerk" Nancy, or Diane Finesteal the full employment legislator for Communist Chinese looking for a deal.
Just because I have no tolerance for the radical fascist right, does not mean I approve of the nut ball sleazes of the wild eyed left.
I am independent to the core, only owing allegiance to the flag, the constitution and my family. You should know better than pull that shit on me, Zog. We've talked before. Send me a pizza. I'll tip your driver if it is hot when it get here. I'm only 1100 miles away.
No. Did gall me to hear Mitch state unequivocally his knowledge of trump's guilt, laying it out as good as an impeachment manager, yet having chosen party over country. I thought some of them really believed the bullshit. Did not realize they really knew the truth but would support out of loyalty to party above all else including their country. What disgusting scum.
White, you need to sit down and be honest with yourself. You’re a leftist through and through. So when you call others disgusting scum I hope you include Andrew Cuomo, Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar. If not you are a hypocrite.
No leftist. Got to agree with you about Cuomo "the killer elite", Maxine "the mouth that roared", Eric "the tool" swalwell and don't get me started on Omar, marrying your brother for any purpose just ain't right. You didn't mention her, but not too thrilled with "Knee-Jerk" Nancy, or Diane Finesteal the full employment legislator for Communist Chinese looking for a deal.
Just because I have no tolerance for the radical fascist right, does not mean I approve of the nut ball sleazes of the wild eyed left.
I am independent to the core, only owing allegiance to the flag, the constitution and my family. You should know better than pull that shit on me, Zog. We've talked before. Send me a pizza. I'll tip your driver if it is hot when it get here. I'm only 1100 miles away.
First time I ve seen you bash the radical left. So long as you’re being fair and honest it’s fine. So you agree that Cuomo should be investigated by the DOJ. Correct?
No. Did gall me to hear Mitch state unequivocally his knowledge of trump's guilt, laying it out as good as an impeachment manager, yet having chosen party over country. I thought some of them really believed the bullshit. Did not realize they really knew the truth but would support out of loyalty to party above all else including their country. What disgusting scum.
White, you need to sit down and be honest with yourself. You’re a leftist through and through. So when you call others disgusting scum I hope you include Andrew Cuomo, Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar. If not you are a hypocrite.
No leftist. Got to agree with you about Cuomo "the killer elite", Maxine "the mouth that roared", Eric "the tool" swalwell and don't get me started on Omar, marrying your brother for any purpose just ain't right. You didn't mention her, but not too thrilled with "Knee-Jerk" Nancy, or Diane Finesteal the full employment legislator for Communist Chinese looking for a deal.
Just because I have no tolerance for the radical fascist right, does not mean I approve of the nut ball sleazes of the wild eyed left.
I am independent to the core, only owing allegiance to the flag, the constitution and my family. You should know better than pull that shit on me, Zog. We've talked before. Send me a pizza. I'll tip your driver if it is hot when it get here. I'm only 1100 miles away.
First time I ve seen you bash the radical left. So long as you’re being fair and honest it’s fine. So you agree that Cuomo should be investigated by the DOJ. Correct?
He should be impeached for shear stupidity of sending recovering Covid patients to all New York state retirment homes and assisted living facilities. Talks a good game, but there was a reason he did that. Nobody that took health in the 8th grade is that naturally stupid. The people of New York need to deal with his ass, but they are not generally good at doing it. I was surprise they sent AOC back to US Congress, kind of reminding me of California and the people they send. Crap like these that make me proud of the electoral college, so we are not ruled by the coasts.
No. Did gall me to hear Mitch state unequivocally his knowledge of trump's guilt, laying it out as good as an impeachment manager, yet having chosen party over country. I thought some of them really believed the bullshit. Did not realize they really knew the truth but would support out of loyalty to party above all else including their country. What disgusting scum.
White, you need to sit down and be honest with yourself. You’re a leftist through and through. So when you call others disgusting scum I hope you include Andrew Cuomo, Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar. If not you are a hypocrite.
No leftist. Got to agree with you about Cuomo "the killer elite", Maxine "the mouth that roared", Eric "the tool" swalwell and don't get me started on Omar, marrying your brother for any purpose just ain't right. You didn't mention her, but not too thrilled with "Knee-Jerk" Nancy, or Diane Finesteal the full employment legislator for Communist Chinese looking for a deal.
Just because I have no tolerance for the radical fascist right, does not mean I approve of the nut ball sleazes of the wild eyed left.
I am independent to the core, only owing allegiance to the flag, the constitution and my family. You should know better than pull that shit on me, Zog. We've talked before. Send me a pizza. I'll tip your driver if it is hot when it get here. I'm only 1100 miles away.
First time I ve seen you bash the radical left. So long as you’re being fair and honest it’s fine. So you agree that Cuomo should be investigated by the DOJ. Correct?
He should be impeached for shear stupidity of sending recovering Covid patients to all New York state retirment homes and assisted living facilities. Talks a good game, but there was a reason he did that. Nobody that took health in the 8th grade is that naturally stupid. The people of New York need to deal with his ass, but they are not generally good at doing it. I was surprise they sent AOC back to US Congress, kind of reminding me of California and the people they send. Crap like these that make me proud of the electoral college, so we are not ruled by the coasts.
What about Cuomo and the cover up?

No. Did gall me to hear Mitch state unequivocally his knowledge of trump's guilt, laying it out as good as an impeachment manager, yet having chosen party over country. I thought some of them really believed the bullshit. Did not realize they really knew the truth but would support out of loyalty to party above all else including their country. What disgusting scum.
White, you need to sit down and be honest with yourself. You’re a leftist through and through. So when you call others disgusting scum I hope you include Andrew Cuomo, Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar. If not you are a hypocrite.
No leftist. Got to agree with you about Cuomo "the killer elite", Maxine "the mouth that roared", Eric "the tool" swalwell and don't get me started on Omar, marrying your brother for any purpose just ain't right. You didn't mention her, but not too thrilled with "Knee-Jerk" Nancy, or Diane Finesteal the full employment legislator for Communist Chinese looking for a deal.
Just because I have no tolerance for the radical fascist right, does not mean I approve of the nut ball sleazes of the wild eyed left.
I am independent to the core, only owing allegiance to the flag, the constitution and my family. You should know better than pull that shit on me, Zog. We've talked before. Send me a pizza. I'll tip your driver if it is hot when it get here. I'm only 1100 miles away.
First time I ve seen you bash the radical left. So long as you’re being fair and honest it’s fine. So you agree that Cuomo should be investigated by the DOJ. Correct?
He should be impeached for shear stupidity of sending recovering Covid patients to all New York state retirment homes and assisted living facilities. Talks a good game, but there was a reason he did that. Nobody that took health in the 8th grade is that naturally stupid. The people of New York need to deal with his ass, but they are not generally good at doing it. I was surprise they sent AOC back to US Congress, kind of reminding me of California and the people they send. Crap like these that make me proud of the electoral college, so we are not ruled by the coasts.
What about Cuomo and the cover up?

Covering up the covid death is popular these days and that is why somebody up there is bringing it up in their legislature. I do not know what the actual charge would be though. Desantos down in Florida is another that has tried to hide or under report state numbers. Coumo appears to be the king, though. especially since it was his order that killed so many.
No. Did gall me to hear Mitch state unequivocally his knowledge of trump's guilt, laying it out as good as an impeachment manager, yet having chosen party over country. I thought some of them really believed the bullshit. Did not realize they really knew the truth but would support out of loyalty to party above all else including their country. What disgusting scum.
White, you need to sit down and be honest with yourself. You’re a leftist through and through. So when you call others disgusting scum I hope you include Andrew Cuomo, Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar. If not you are a hypocrite.
No leftist. Got to agree with you about Cuomo "the killer elite", Maxine "the mouth that roared", Eric "the tool" swalwell and don't get me started on Omar, marrying your brother for any purpose just ain't right. You didn't mention her, but not too thrilled with "Knee-Jerk" Nancy, or Diane Finesteal the full employment legislator for Communist Chinese looking for a deal.
Just because I have no tolerance for the radical fascist right, does not mean I approve of the nut ball sleazes of the wild eyed left.
I am independent to the core, only owing allegiance to the flag, the constitution and my family. You should know better than pull that shit on me, Zog. We've talked before. Send me a pizza. I'll tip your driver if it is hot when it get here. I'm only 1100 miles away.
First time I ve seen you bash the radical left. So long as you’re being fair and honest it’s fine. So you agree that Cuomo should be investigated by the DOJ. Correct?
He should be impeached for shear stupidity of sending recovering Covid patients to all New York state retirment homes and assisted living facilities. Talks a good game, but there was a reason he did that. Nobody that took health in the 8th grade is that naturally stupid. The people of New York need to deal with his ass, but they are not generally good at doing it. I was surprise they sent AOC back to US Congress, kind of reminding me of California and the people they send. Crap like these that make me proud of the electoral college, so we are not ruled by the coasts.
What about Cuomo and the cover up?

Covering up the covid death is popular these days and that is why somebody up there is bringing it up in their legislature. I do not know what the actual charge would be though. Desantos down in Florida is another that has tried to hide or under report state numbers. Coumo appears to be the king, though. especially since it was his order that killed so many.
Desantis did the opposite
No. Did gall me to hear Mitch state unequivocally his knowledge of trump's guilt, laying it out as good as an impeachment manager, yet having chosen party over country. I thought some of them really believed the bullshit. Did not realize they really knew the truth but would support out of loyalty to party above all else including their country. What disgusting scum.
TDS! You have it bad
No. Did gall me to hear Mitch state unequivocally his knowledge of trump's guilt, laying it out as good as an impeachment manager, yet having chosen party over country. I thought some of them really believed the bullshit. Did not realize they really knew the truth but would support out of loyalty to party above all else including their country. What disgusting scum.
White, you need to sit down and be honest with yourself. You’re a leftist through and through. So when you call others disgusting scum I hope you include Andrew Cuomo, Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar. If not you are a hypocrite.
No leftist. Got to agree with you about Cuomo "the killer elite", Maxine "the mouth that roared", Eric "the tool" swalwell and don't get me started on Omar, marrying your brother for any purpose just ain't right. You didn't mention her, but not too thrilled with "Knee-Jerk" Nancy, or Diane Finesteal the full employment legislator for Communist Chinese looking for a deal.
Just because I have no tolerance for the radical fascist right, does not mean I approve of the nut ball sleazes of the wild eyed left.
I am independent to the core, only owing allegiance to the flag, the constitution and my family. You should know better than pull that shit on me, Zog. We've talked before. Send me a pizza. I'll tip your driver if it is hot when it get here. I'm only 1100 miles away.
First time I ve seen you bash the radical left. So long as you’re being fair and honest it’s fine. So you agree that Cuomo should be investigated by the DOJ. Correct?
He should be impeached for shear stupidity of sending recovering Covid patients to all New York state retirment homes and assisted living facilities. Talks a good game, but there was a reason he did that. Nobody that took health in the 8th grade is that naturally stupid. The people of New York need to deal with his ass, but they are not generally good at doing it. I was surprise they sent AOC back to US Congress, kind of reminding me of California and the people they send. Crap like these that make me proud of the electoral college, so we are not ruled by the coasts.
What about Cuomo and the cover up?

Covering up the covid death is popular these days and that is why somebody up there is bringing it up in their legislature. I do not know what the actual charge would be though. Desantos down in Florida is another that has tried to hide or under report state numbers. Coumo appears to be the king, though. especially since it was his order that killed so many.
Desantis did the opposite
Drowning victims always try to pull others down with them
No. Did gall me to hear Mitch state unequivocally his knowledge of trump's guilt, laying it out as good as an impeachment manager, yet having chosen party over country. I thought some of them really believed the bullshit. Did not realize they really knew the truth but would support out of loyalty to party above all else including their country. What disgusting scum.
TDS! You have it bad
Pulling that tired old gag outa the bag? You gotta be shittin me. What grade are you in?
No. Did gall me to hear Mitch state unequivocally his knowledge of trump's guilt, laying it out as good as an impeachment manager, yet having chosen party over country. I thought some of them really believed the bullshit. Did not realize they really knew the truth but would support out of loyalty to party above all else including their country. What disgusting scum.
Party over country? Are you serious? This was a fucking FARCE from the get go, White! Democratic leadership knew it and they went ahead with it anyways. This was as ridiculous as the first impeachment and just as big a waste of time and tax payer money!

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