Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

Blah blah blah. Who did defund the police kill again? Be specific

Which is exactly why BL ran from the conversation and couldn’t answer the question
I can’t circle talk with fucking idiots for very long, I can’t pull your head from your ass for you, I can’t make you a legitimate critical thinker…..If you want to stay self manipulated and ignorant as fuck there’s not much I can say or do.
Democrat policies lead to the death of Americans and everybody sane knows it….your riots you championed killed people, your defund the police bullshit killed people, you wetback loving sanctuary for illegals bullshit kills people. This is an undeniable fact…but keep your head in your ass…I’m actually fascinated by your filthy ignorance.
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
I have MANY times, and so have ma y others but you can't see anything with those blue blinders you never remove. Now GFY
I can’t circle talk with fucking idiots for very long, I can’t pull your head from your ass for you, I can’t make you a legitimate critical thinker…..If you want to stay self manipulated and ignorant as fuck there’s not much I can say or do.
Democrat policies lead to the death of Americans and everybody sane knows it….your riots you championed killed people, your defund the police bullshit killed people, you wetback loving sanctuary for illegals bullshit kills people. This is an undeniable fact…but keep your head in your ass…I’m actually fascinated by your filthy ignorance.
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I see now the democrat policies are leading to deaths and not actually killing people… ok at least we are starting to get closer to honest. It can be argued that policies from both sides have lead to deaths. It’s a weak and meaningless argument and nowhere close to justification of your original false claim…

BrokeLoser said:
Democrat policies kill Americans all day everyday…”
Russia is a kleptocracy run by a dictator who has effectively made himself ruler for life. Ukraine has a elected president and representative government. I find Uktaine far more acceptable and its people have a real voice in its governance.
China is a depotism run by a communist elite that violates treaties and doesn’t recognize any rights of its population.
So your basic premis is false at best and a deliberate lie at worst.
Of course Russia and China are Authoritarian.

People living in Authoritarian Regimes still have much more Freedom then people in the West living under Progressive Totalitarianism.
Another screed from the Trump/Putin asseating brigade.

How long before Putin's knob polisher Trump releases another statement praising his pal?
More gay projection from the resident 3 year old throwing a tantrum because his Dear Leader is a pants shitting pedophile who screwed the pooch royally here. Now go fuck yourself.
Oh look another Putin knob polisher parrots Kremlin propoganda.

Move to Moscow, dipshit.
Go fuck yourself you uneducated asshole. More gay projection from a 2 year old faggot. Truth hurts your little pea brain? Too bad.
Promoting immigration and calling for reforms in policy is quite different than what you paint. The way you talk about your fellow countrymen and government is completely unpatriotic.
Spare us moron. The shit you and assholes like you say about Trump and anybody who supports him makes YOU unpatriotic. See how that works?
Spare us moron. The shit you and assholes like you say about Trump and anybody who supports him makes YOU unpatriotic. See how that works?
Interesting… so you see the shit that people talk about trump and his supporters as something that makes those people unpatriotic. I guess the same would apply to those who shit talk Biden and Dems then… right?

don’t be a hypocrite now
I see now the democrat policies are leading to deaths and not actually killing people… ok at least we are starting to get closer to honest. It can be argued that policies from both sides have lead to deaths. It’s a weak and meaningless argument and nowhere close to justification of your original false claim…

BrokeLoser said:
Democrat policies kill Americans all day everyday…”
How about everything you did in black communities? How about welfare? All that soft on crime shit. Your policies lead directly to deaths.
Interesting… so you see the shit that people talk about trump and his supporters as something that makes those people unpatriotic. I guess the same would apply to those who shit talk Biden and Dems then… right?

don’t be a hypocrite now
Sorry dumbfuck, you don’t get to run away from your hypocrisy by trying to deflect to me. You got caught lying as usual and now want to deflect. Trump didn’t have this shit happen under him, your Dear Leader Xiden did. Fact.
Interesting… so you see the shit that people talk about trump and his supporters as something that makes those people unpatriotic. I guess the same would apply to those who shit talk Biden and Dems then… right?

don’t be a hypocrite now
He caught you in an act of hypocrisy, then posted an example of what it would be like if we did it back. Are you really this dumb or are you just too spineless to admit to your mistake? YOU are the hypocrite, not him. :cuckoo:
oney, you really do need help---
The time for Biden, if he was ever going to send weapons, was months ago before Putin invaded. But atlas Biden didn't--which should be telling you something that Biden doesn't give a damn about PUtin invading.

You are a liar.

What do you think I lied about?
you lied Biden did nit send weapons.

was ever going to send weapons, was months ago before Putin invaded. But atlas Biden didn't--

No, seems you’re lying again...
don’t know what lantern2814 is posting / clueless idiot I guess.
How about everything you did in black communities? How about welfare? All that soft on crime shit. Your policies lead directly to deaths.
You have no clue what “my policies” are. As for linking policies to deaths… sure. Policies on both sides can be linked to death. That’s very different than saying the policies are killing people. That “link” in most cases are the actual people or events that do the killing.
Sorry dumbfuck, you don’t get to run away from your hypocrisy by trying to deflect to me. You got caught lying as usual and now want to deflect. Trump didn’t have this shit happen under him, your Dear Leader Xiden did. Fact.
So? What in the world do you think that proves? Cause COVID happened under trump. fact. Is he responsible for COVID?
He caught you in an act of hypocrisy, then posted an example of what it would be like if we did it back. Are you really this dumb or are you just too spineless to admit to your mistake? YOU are the hypocrite, not him. :cuckoo:
Which mistake was that? Lay it out for me
Go fuck yourself you uneducated asshole. More gay projection from a 2 year old faggot. Truth hurts your little pea brain? Too bad.
Did I strike a nerve, asswipe? Shouldn't you be watching CPAC & jizzing yourself watching Putin's assets like Trump stabbing our nation in the back you fucking clown.

Remember Helsinki, bozo?

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