Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

You have no clue what “my policies” are. As for linking policies to deaths… sure. Policies on both sides can be linked to death. That’s very different than saying the policies are killing people. That “link” in most cases are the actual people or events that do the killing.
You lefties never take responsibility for your terrible policies.
Did I strike a nerve, asswipe? Shouldn't you be watching CPAC & jizzing yourself watching Putin's assets like Trump stabbing our nation in the back you fucking clown.

Remember Helsinki, bozo?
No you illiterate pissant. You’re projecting your homosexuality because you’re impotent and embarrassed because your Dear Leader is a screwup. Obsession with seeing men jizz. Seek professional help. But a low education low class clown like you probably can’t afford it. Desperate deflection to Trump, who has nothing to do with Xiden okaying a minor incursion. Xiden gave Putin a green light and he took it. Helsinki? Pathetic attempt to run from the current issue.
So? What in the world do you think that proves? Cause COVID happened under trump. fact. Is he responsible for COVID?
Another swing and miss. COVID came from China. Wuhan specifically. Most of us have known this for a couple years. Why are you so far behind the curve? You’re not very good at this.
The time for Biden, if he was ever going to send weapons, was months ago before Putin invaded. But atlas Biden didn't--which should be telling you something that Biden doesn't give a damn about PUtin invading.
You are a filthy un-American Kremlin propagandist liar

Oh there it is...the FACTS you don't accept the facts...

US just sent 180 tons of weapons to Ukraine – more on the way​

Airmen of the 436th Aerial Port Squadron load pallets of Javelin missiles to send to Ukraine at Dover Air Force Base. (U.S. Air Force photo by Mauricio Campino)

The U.S. has flown about 180 tons of weapons into Ukraine in the past three days, in an effort to bolster the countries defenses against a possible Russian invasion.

So far, the U.S. has delivered the first two weapons shipments on military cargo flights, with more shipments to follow. The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine announced the arrival of the first 100 tons of weapons for Ukraine on Friday night.
Last week, the Biden administration warned Russia could invade “at any point.”
In addition to these U.S. weapons shipments, the Biden administration is reportedly working through the process to transfer ownership of five Mi-17 transport helicopters to Ukraine. The Russian-made transport helicopters were reportedly purchased to give to the U.S.-backed Afghan government before its collapse, and are already in the Ukraine where they were being prepared to hand over ownership
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Another swing and miss. COVID came from China. Wuhan specifically. Most of us have known this for a couple years. Why are you so far behind the curve? You’re not very good at this.
Good COVID came from Wuhan China. Trump was prez. Russia invaded Ukraine. Biden was prez. Either hold them both responsible or none.
Covid is not Trumps fault---it's the chinese and Fauci. Did you not get the memo?

About a year ago, I published a piece here about how the Institute of Virology in China also employed two of America's leading military virologists. I gave their names and photos.

I also published an article investigating the poultry coronavirus that was created at the private virology institute of the misanthropist Bill Gates. Moreover, a patent has been registered for this virus.

The birds developed ALL the same SYMPTOMS as humans infected with the coronavirus, but with one distinction: it is 100% fatal to the bird.


Three questions:

WHY did Bill Gates need to create a deadly coronovirus for birds?

WHY does no one mention Gates's name in connection with this pandemic, even though the facts RIGHTLY point to his involvement?

Why is the misanthropist Gates threatening us WITH MORE DEADLY DECEASES in the very near future with impunity?!?

This IS the implementation of the "Good Club" scum's idea of a "Golden Billion"???
Good COVID came from Wuhan China. Trump was prez. Russia invaded Ukraine. Biden was prez. Either hold them both responsible or none.
Trump had no say on Covid. Biden has say that caused Putin to invade Ukraine. This guy is like an anti christ to his own people. Promising unity and unicorns and delivering hell on earth to his citizens and now to the world.
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
We been bragging about the Yooks killing Russians all weekend. Where you been?
For the question on the forum..Do you understand who creates the left and right fight between people? It is a tactic to control the people so they fight over useless things while they conquer you.
I also understand it is fun to argue people over this and give all our sides of the story. My argument no matter what the president in power will be to blame and that president in power will blame the last one. Same story we see over and over again. If you remember...
My question would be..Why are we still relying on these retarded politicians to control us? Clearly they have no idea what is going on in the natural world. Why are we giving all our power away to these governments that want to control us the people? I think you know...It is time for us as the people to take our power back!
it's not hard to see the problems in the world are the governments. They take our money and use it to create chaos/

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