Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

He isn’t shipping manufacturing jobs there.



Not in the least bit scary, but quite laughable. The Trump Cult has no credibility. The Republican Party has no credibility. Not just in the USA, but in the entire world. The Europeans have quite correctly dubbed the Republican Party a danger to democracy.

YOU telling others that they have no credibility is like Donald Trump calling other people "fat", and BriPat calling other people "morons".

Both parties have no credibility. They're completely worthless.
Several times. I can't wait for the State of the Union.
Surely it was Joe who suggested IV disinfectants? Bright lights up the yazoo? Biden may be worthless but he is not a clown show baboon that is an embarrassment to the country.
Who on the right says he did the correct thing? Who on the LEFT condemned him for taking territory when the DEMS were in power?
Several on this board are making excuses for Putins actions. And the Dems are in power and they are condemning putins actions. Don’t see why that’s difficult for anybody to do
Why do we have to “condemn” it?

Separatists have been fighting Ukrainian forces for years there.

All this because someone drew some lines on a map putting a bunch of Russians in Ukraine.

We don’t need to be on any side. Not our war.
Liberals want us engaged in another civil war to take Americans minds off the mess of Biden in the White House.

One thing is certain. Trump would have personally met with Putin instead of stuttering from a bully pulpit with empty words given to him.

Not long ago liberals claimed America shouldn't be the world's police. How quickly they changed because Orange Man Bad, and Male, Pale and Stale Biden is worse.
I condemn you supporting Joe words while you protested the War in Iraq.

Funny all of a sudden you love war and believe we as a society should sacrifice our men and women to defend a country that has no treaty with NATO nor has the U.N. offered to send Peace Keepers in!

So when you condemn Biden words and actions is when I will admit Putin is a moronic piece of shit like Trump and Biden but of course you agree with Biden, so you will never condemn Biden!
Why do you need somebody to condemn Joe in order to give an honest accessment of this situation? That’s just plain silly
And Joey Xi's weakness was Putin's impetus for doing so. Xi Jinping may do the same to Tiawan in the coming weeks and Joey Xi again will do squat? Maybe he'll have a tantrum. That's about it and more people will die.
What would you like to see Joey do?
Yawn, yea before he was President playing by the rules Washington has set over the last several decades. At least he did something about it and started tariffs.

Which made things more expensive here and did not hurt China at all. Though I guess some manufacturing moving to Vietnam is a win in your world
Several on this board are making excuses for Putins actions. And the Dems are in power and they are condemning putins actions. Don’t see why that’s difficult for anybody to do
YOU STOLE AN ELECTION and put in a weak president like obama

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