Is Anyone Serious about Unemployment and Underemployment?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I went to a business seminar yesterday where the presenter went into the details of the current unemployment rate. It is fairly well known that the rate does not include people who have given up looking. This has always been the case, but the current situation - said the presenter - is different. In past recessions, people lost their jobs, but when the economy picked up they went back to their previous jobs (or comparable), but today it is likely that the replacement job, if one arises, will be substantially less lucrative, or it will be one or more part-time jobs with essentially no benefits. We now have millions of baby boomers who had planned to work to full retirement, but have decided to start collecting SS early. Technically, they have decided to retire and not just give up looking, but that's not entirely true. Although the "real" unemployment number is subject to speculation, it is HIGH - undoubtedly more than 10%.

We have the perverse situation where productivity is increasing nicely (mainly due to technology and workplace innovations), while wages are at best stagnant. The people at the top - no matter how you define it - are doing nicely indeed, but that prosperity is not "trickling down" to the middle class. Indeed, the number of "good" jobs available to Everyday People - a smart, hard working person with a HS diploma - is small and shrinking.

The near-death of private-sector organized labor in this country is understandable given the need of producers to be competitive in the global economy, but it has had dire results. Millions and millions of good-paying jobs are gone, gone, gone.

The pockets of relative prosperity are equally depressing. The most prosperous area of the country is the Washington, D.C., area, which is populated by various populations of government teat-suckers. The banking sector is doing fine, but produces nothing. More and more people are working in health care and in health insurance, which is lovely but produces nothing. Regulators, inspectors, code enforcers, and their counterparts in the companies they regulate are a depressing growth "industry." The public sector overall has not contracted a bit with the recession, and is on the whole well compensated with incredible benefit packages and early-50's retirements. And of course, it produces nothing of value.

The so-called middle class is under tremendous pressure. Costs are rising, debt is increasing, and home ownership is becoming near impossible to a large swath of the middle class, even those with college degrees.

And with all of the bloviating, I haven't heard any of these Presidential candidates even hint at a solution. The Democrats keep thinking of more costly government programs they want to implement - with no clue about how they intend to pay for it, and the Republicans either talk about prosperity generally (which only benefits the top 10%), or getting rid of the illegals so that Americans can do those crappy, low-paying jobs!

And not to get overtly political, but essentially everything the President is doing now will harm the American economy. Obama-care's increased insurance premiums will more than absorb any wage increases that working Americans are likely to get for at least the next five years. Declaring CO2 a "harmful pollutant" will cost thousands of jobs in the power (and related) industry, increase our electric bills significantly, and NOT DO A DAMN THING TO THE CLIMATE, EITHER NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. I could go on but I won't. What do you expect from a President who has never actually had a real job?

It's a sad situation and not likely to get better in the near future.
There are many, many things at play here. This is an economy undergoing many transitions. At some point, we need to come to terms with the fact that steadily-advancing technologies will continue to displace human labor. So far, we have been able to soak up some of these displaced workers through increases in the service sector (that sector also provides economic inputs that tend to increase the qualities of people's lives, so that is a good thing).

We may have reached the point where we have a natural (and permanent) imbalance between labor supply and labor demand. In any event, it will become more acute as supply will assuredly outstrip demand. What, then, will we do in response? Decrease the population somehow? Consign a certain (and growing) percentage of our citizens to an economic underclass that is unemployed?

Ultimately we will create a "living wage" policy for all citizens. Technology will do the grunt work, and humans will have more freedom than most dream possible today.

Toil is not a necessary component of human life.
Toil is not a necessary component of human life.

I'd like to see you live without it.
If somehow, we were to get factories to come back to the united States from overseas, the facilities built back here would be mostly automated, and that trend won't slow, it will increase. We can blame job loss on politics all we want, but the trend is technological in nature. No matter who is elected president or put in congress, we should expect to see this trend increase.
Rather than try to fudge the numbers so that people think we have more jobs than we do, we should be trying to figure out the solution to the problem, what do we do when there simply aren't enough jobs for everyone? One child law like China? Giving a basic living wage to citizens? Let people who can't get technical jobs starve? Put American to work on infrastructure projects?
The problem is going to get worse and we need solutions for the future going forward. The 70s era of worker prosperity is over, trying to go back will not solve anything.
It's a sad situation and not likely to get better in the near future.

ship 20 million illegals home and eliminate the corporate tax and you'd have 30 million new jobs tomorrow and huge upward pressure on wages.

Only liberals stand in the way!! and only liberals have stood in the way throughout human history.

Do you understand?
I rather be unemployed than underemployed. When I lost my job 2 years ago I decided to live off of my credit card for 2 months instead of applying for a low paying crappy job
I rather be unemployed than underemployed. When I lost my job 2 years ago I decided to live off of my credit card for 2 months instead of applying for a low paying crappy job

some take low paying crappy jobs while they look for better jobs as the economy improves.
I rather be unemployed than underemployed. When I lost my job 2 years ago I decided to live off of my credit card for 2 months instead of applying for a low paying crappy job

some take low paying crappy jobs while they look for better jobs as the economy improves.

You can't look for another job when you at a low paying crappy job
You can't look for another job when you at a low paying crappy job

idiot liberal!!!!!, of course you can!!!!!

Yeah after you get home and tired from working all day

yes, it is so tough when you are tired from working all day!! Does the idiot liberal ever wonder why Navy Seals workout in the surf for four days straight without any sleep to qualify?

But while you are working at the crappy job, others will be applying to the better jobs online.

Do you understand now Mongo?
You can't look for another job when you at a low paying crappy job

idiot liberal!!!!!, of course you can!!!!!

Yeah after you get home and tired from working all day

yes, it is so tough when you are tired from working all day!! Does the idiot liberal ever wonder why Navy Seals workout in the surf for four days straight without any sleep to qualify?

But while you are working at the crappy job, others will be applying to the better jobs online.

Do you understand now Mongo?

100% stupid and liberal of course. You can apply before after and during work and you can have others apply for you too online.

See why we say the liberal willl be slow?
Th economy is becoming more informal. Some of this is the millenials' "sharing economy." Some of it is Generation X (indoctrinated in self-reliance, such as we were) wanting to work for ourselves. Some of it is those Baby Boomers embracing semi-retirement. Regardless, to compare today's economy to that of 10 or 20 years ago, is comparing apples and oranges.
You can't look for another job when you at a low paying crappy job

idiot liberal!!!!!, of course you can!!!!!

Yeah after you get home and tired from working all day

yes, it is so tough when you are tired from working all day!! Does the idiot liberal ever wonder why Navy Seals workout in the surf for four days straight without any sleep to qualify?

But while you are working at the crappy job, others will be applying to the better jobs online.

Do you understand now Mongo?

100% stupid and liberal of course. You can apply before after and during work and you can have others apply for you too online.

See why we say the liberal willl be slow?

Then you have to take off for interview and the job is new
idiot liberal!!!!!, of course you can!!!!!

Yeah after you get home and tired from working all day

yes, it is so tough when you are tired from working all day!! Does the idiot liberal ever wonder why Navy Seals workout in the surf for four days straight without any sleep to qualify?

But while you are working at the crappy job, others will be applying to the better jobs online.

Do you understand now Mongo?

100% stupid and liberal of course. You can apply before after and during work and you can have others apply for you too online.

See why we say the liberal willl be slow?

Then you have to take off for interview and the job is new


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