Is anyone watching this breaking news on allegation of Trump committing tax evasion and fraud?

Democrats love people that loot this country.

The Dems think that is so cool.
^^^^^^^See how asinine that is? Anyone can say it about anyone.
The NYT has a record of making up stories. A well documented record.

Fake new from TDS afflicted Moon Bats.
Please post the NYT record of making up stories.

Here are just a few. There are many more but I am not going to bother posting more. If you are one of these stupid Moon Bats that thinks the NYT is accurate then you can't be educated with facts and I would be wasting my time.

Media Double Down After New York Times Gets Busted On Fake News

Media Double Down After New York Times Gets Busted Peddling Fake News
There may have been a real White House briefing with real White House officials, but The New York Times couldn't be trusted to accurately summarize what the White House official said. And it wasn't on a minor point.

More Fake News From the New York Times (UPDATED)

More Fake News From the New York Times (UPDATED)

Scandal of Record
Scandal of Record
Yeah... Nope. Gonna hafta come up with something real, not manufactured crap targeted at low IQ conservitards.
This article certainly explains why Trump seems so damn stupid.
And also explains his neurotic need to be admired and respected
And his incredibly thin skin when criticized.
He's NOT a self-made man, it was all his father's doing.

Stupid enough to crush the Clinton & Bush dynasties in a matter of months.
Here is the question that will likely not be asked. How many times over the course of the decades has the IRS audited the Trump organization? Rush Limbaugh was audited (if I remember) 15 straight years at one point. I wonder if those audit results remain in the IRS, or if they were destroyed after a certain amount of time.

If the IRS audited you and didn't find any issues, would you offer to pay more anyway? I am sure the libs will say they do so all the time.
From the article:

Under I.R.S. rules, selling shares worth $15.5 million to your son for $10,000 is tantamount to giving him a $15.49 million taxable gift. Fred Trump reported no such gift.

According to tax experts, the only circumstance that would not have required Fred Trump to report a gift was if Trump Palace had been effectively bankrupt when he unloaded his shares.

Yet Trump Palace was far from bankrupt.

Property records show that condo sales there were brisk in 1991. Trump Palace sold 57 condos for $52.5 million — 94 percent of the total asking price for those units.

Donald Trump himself proclaimed Trump Palace “the most financially secure condominium on the market today” in advertisements he placed in 1991 to rebut criticism from buyers who complained that his business travails could drag down Trump Palace, too. In December, 17 days before his father sold his shares, he placed an ad vouching for the wisdom of investing in Trump Palace: “Smart money says there has never been a better time.”

By failing to tell the I.R.S. about his $15.49 million gift to his son, Fred Trump evaded the 55 percent tax on gifts, saving about $8 million. At the same time, he declared to the I.R.S. that Trump Palace was almost a complete loss — that he had walked away from a $15.5 million investment with just $10,000 to show for it.

Federal tax law prohibits deducting any loss from the sale of property between members of the same family, because of the potential for abuse. Yet Fred Trump appears to have done exactly that, dodging roughly $5 million more in income taxes.

Tax EVASION. Not tax avoidance.

It was reported on MSNBC this evening that the state of New York is going to investigate his state income tax returns because of this NY Times report.

So, trump isn't just facing possible federal tax problems, he's also facing possible state tax problems too.

It couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.
From the article:

Under I.R.S. rules, selling shares worth $15.5 million to your son for $10,000 is tantamount to giving him a $15.49 million taxable gift. Fred Trump reported no such gift.

According to tax experts, the only circumstance that would not have required Fred Trump to report a gift was if Trump Palace had been effectively bankrupt when he unloaded his shares.

Yet Trump Palace was far from bankrupt.

Property records show that condo sales there were brisk in 1991. Trump Palace sold 57 condos for $52.5 million — 94 percent of the total asking price for those units.

Donald Trump himself proclaimed Trump Palace “the most financially secure condominium on the market today” in advertisements he placed in 1991 to rebut criticism from buyers who complained that his business travails could drag down Trump Palace, too. In December, 17 days before his father sold his shares, he placed an ad vouching for the wisdom of investing in Trump Palace: “Smart money says there has never been a better time.”

By failing to tell the I.R.S. about his $15.49 million gift to his son, Fred Trump evaded the 55 percent tax on gifts, saving about $8 million. At the same time, he declared to the I.R.S. that Trump Palace was almost a complete loss — that he had walked away from a $15.5 million investment with just $10,000 to show for it.

Federal tax law prohibits deducting any loss from the sale of property between members of the same family, because of the potential for abuse. Yet Fred Trump appears to have done exactly that, dodging roughly $5 million more in income taxes.

Tax EVASION. Not tax avoidance.

It was reported on MSNBC this evening that the state of New York is going to investigate his state income tax returns because of this NY Times report.

So, trump isn't just facing possible federal tax problems, he's also facing possible state tax problems too.

It couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.
The State of New York has done that every year since he moved away.
Here is the question that will likely not be asked. How many times over the course of the decades has the IRS audited the Trump organization? Rush Limbaugh was audited (if I remember) 15 straight years at one point. I wonder if those audit results remain in the IRS, or if they were destroyed after a certain amount of time.

If the IRS audited you and didn't find any issues, would you offer to pay more anyway? I am sure the libs will say they do so all the time.

I have been asking that question to the big government liberals for months now..

What the fuck does the IRS do????.?

Libtards never rest!


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what the hell ever happened to the Russian collusion thing

wasnt this already an issue once before


time to get a new stick



not going to get a blue wave with this sort of crapola just sayin
Tax returns filed by one of the biggest accounting firms in NYC...funny, Trump didn't do a thing but sign his name. .perhaps the IRS should be investigated if after 20 years something was wrong!
what the hell ever happened to the Russian collusion thing

wasnt this already an issue once before


time to get a new stick



not going to get a blue wave with this sort of crapola just sayin

That's what I like to know, for some reason liberals are talking about how beer is causing climate change and now crying that Trump recieved amillion dollars when he was 8 years old .
Tax returns filed by one of the biggest accounting firms in NYC...funny, Trump didn't do a thing but sign his name. .perhaps the IRS should be investigated if after 20 years something was wrong!
Tax returns filed by one of the biggest accounting firms in NYC...funny, Trump didn't do a thing but sign his name. .perhaps the IRS should be investigated if after 20 years something was wrong!
That still doesn't explain how the NYT got access to Trump's tax returns. If it has no such access, then its story is complete bullshit.
what the hell ever happened to the Russian collusion thing

wasnt this already an issue once before


time to get a new stick



not going to get a blue wave with this sort of crapola just sayin

That's what I like to know, for some reason liberals are talking about how beer is causing climate change and now crying that Trump recieved amillion dollars when he was 8 years old .

this is what the democrat party has been reduced too

the sad part is that they will continue to roll down hill

look at these local Trump rallies

60 -90 thousand people showing up

normal folks are so fed up with these corrupt leftists
I guess we know how the FBI Kavanaugh report is gonna go. This was rolled out right on time for tomorrow
Tax returns filed by one of the biggest accounting firms in NYC...funny, Trump didn't do a thing but sign his name. .perhaps the IRS should be investigated if after 20 years something was wrong!
That still doesn't explain how the NYT got access to Trump's tax returns. If it has no such access, then its story is complete bullshit.
Sounds like a FEDERAL INVESTIGATION of the NYT is in order, perhaps even an IRS audit, a la Obama!
In was an investigative piece, "14,000 words" [equivalent of 40 newspaper pages], the summation that I heard was that it was discovered that trumps parents were very wealthy and he benefited from it, can't imagine how something like that was legal.

They even found out that trump outwitted the IRS when he was 3 years

yeah, so investigate some more, its good therapy for some, keeps folks busy while the apple art gets flipped.

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