Is anyone watching this breaking news on allegation of Trump committing tax evasion and fraud?

President Trump has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire. But after spending a year studying tens of thousands of pages of confidential records, our New York Times colleagues uncovered new details about the president’s financial history that contradict that narrative. Here’s what they found.

On today’s episode:

  • David Barstow, an investigative reporter for The New York Times.

  • Susanne Craig, who covers politics, money and government for The Times.

  • Russ Buettner, an investigative reporter for The Times focused on the New York City region.
a Times investigation found that Mr. Trump received today’s equivalent of at least $413 million from his father’s enterprises — much of it through dubious tax schemes in the 1990s.

Tune in, and tell us what you think. Email us at[email protected]
Perhaps this might stay in politics? ,,where people can see the no show taxes president and how he's scammed America

much of it through dubious tax schemes in the 1990s.

If only those tax forms had been submitted to the IRS.....wait, they were?

Unorthodox tax maneuvers.

Tax maneuvers which the IRS examined. And apparently accepted.
Unorthodox tax maneuvers? Sounds to me like the left’s way of saying someone who took advantage of the tax laws of the time might have somehow been cheating by obeying those laws?

And who’s responsible for the tax laws of the times. Trump? Certainly not, no more than any other private citizen. If the laws are today being somehow deemed unlawful, or whatever their bitch, blame the Washington professional politicians who dreamed them up in the first place, and likely took advantage of also.
My wife inherited from her parents.
In fact, 99% of the people I know inherited from their parents.
This is just another example of how the Left will operate going forward.

--> They can't win elections honestly, so they fabricate stories of bigotry and family separations to get and keep illegals in the country for their votes.
--> They can't dictate US policy without courts stacked with agenda crazed liberal judges, so they fabricate criminal allegations to keep Conservatives off the courts
-->And if they can't smear a Republican president through false allegations of Russian collusion, they'll fabricate other allegations....

See the pattern? IT WILL NEVER END

This is their latest game to disrupt, create chaos, smear good names and try to block the opposition.
There is no way a nation of laws and due process can exist when you have Leftist willing to lie every step of the way.
The system is based on "some" foundation of truth and fairness. The Left proves it's couldn't care less about either.

The question do we stop their insanity?
leave the country traitors
Got a million from Daddy and repaid it with interest? Self made billionaire?? I've been calling BS on that nonsense for years. Donnie Rich scraped 413 million evading 55% gift and death tax rates. PAY IT BACK BITCH - ALL OF IT INCLUDING THE MILLIONS IN EMOLUMENTS AND DONATIONS FROM RUSSIAN OLIGARCHS.

Check out All County Building Supply and Maintenance

The Times says the Trump family hid millions of dollars of transfers from the father to his children through a sham company owned by the children called All County Building Supply & Maintenance. Set up in 1992 ostensibly as a purchasing agent to supply Fred Trump's buildings with boilers, cleaning supplies and other goods, the father would pad invoices with markups of 20 percent or even 50 percent, thereby avoiding gift taxes, the newspaper reports.​

NY Times: Trump got $413M from his dad, much from tax dodges

This is just another example of how the Left will operate going forward.

--> They can't win elections honestly, so they fabricate stories of bigotry and family separations to get and keep illegals in the country for their votes.
--> They can't dictate US policy without courts stacked with agenda crazed liberal judges, so they fabricate criminal allegations to keep Conservatives off the courts
-->And if they can't smear a Republican president through false allegations of Russian collusion, they'll fabricate other allegations....

See the pattern? IT WILL NEVER END

This is their latest game to disrupt, create chaos, smear good names and try to block the opposition.
There is no way a nation of laws and due process can exist when you have Leftist willing to lie every step of the way.
The system is based on "some" foundation of truth and fairness. The Left proves it's couldn't care less about either.

The question do we stop their insanity?
^Just another excuse making tRunt.^
This is just another example of how the Left will operate going forward.

--> They can't win elections honestly, so they fabricate stories of bigotry and family separations to get and keep illegals in the country for their votes.
--> They can't dictate US policy without courts stacked with agenda crazed liberal judges, so they fabricate criminal allegations to keep Conservatives off the courts
-->And if they can't smear a Republican president through false allegations of Russian collusion, they'll fabricate other allegations....

See the pattern? IT WILL NEVER END

This is their latest game to disrupt, create chaos, smear good names and try to block the opposition.
There is no way a nation of laws and due process can exist when you have Leftist willing to lie every step of the way.
The system is based on "some" foundation of truth and fairness. The Left proves it's couldn't care less about either.

The question do we stop their insanity?

They kill their own credibility
This is just another example of how the Left will operate going forward.

--> They can't win elections honestly, so they fabricate stories of bigotry and family separations to get and keep illegals in the country for their votes.
--> They can't dictate US policy without courts stacked with agenda crazed liberal judges, so they fabricate criminal allegations to keep Conservatives off the courts
-->And if they can't smear a Republican president through false allegations of Russian collusion, they'll fabricate other allegations....

See the pattern? IT WILL NEVER END

This is their latest game to disrupt, create chaos, smear good names and try to block the opposition.
There is no way a nation of laws and due process can exist when you have Leftist willing to lie every step of the way.
The system is based on "some" foundation of truth and fairness. The Left proves it's couldn't care less about either.

The question do we stop their insanity?
leave the country traitors

I say we buy them all one way tickets to their choice of Russia, Turkey, NoKo or the Philippines ..
There, they can live happily ever after under the rule of one of Donald's heroes.
Trump's presidency is by accident. if your presidency comes by accident, you will do the things President Trump is doing.
This is just another example of how the Left will operate going forward.

--> They can't win elections honestly, so they fabricate stories of bigotry and family separations to get and keep illegals in the country for their votes.
--> They can't dictate US policy without courts stacked with agenda crazed liberal judges, so they fabricate criminal allegations to keep Conservatives off the courts
-->And if they can't smear a Republican president through false allegations of Russian collusion, they'll fabricate other allegations....

See the pattern? IT WILL NEVER END

This is their latest game to disrupt, create chaos, smear good names and try to block the opposition.
There is no way a nation of laws and due process can exist when you have Leftist willing to lie every step of the way.
The system is based on "some" foundation of truth and fairness. The Left proves it's couldn't care less about either.

The question do we stop their insanity?
leave the country traitors

I say we buy them all one way tickets to their choice of Russia, Turkey, NoKo or the Philippines ..
There, they can live happily ever after under the rule of one of Donald's heroes.
Let's start a GoFundMe for them. I bet we get lotsa takers, especially for the Philippines. They wouldn't miss the opportunity to join the police force and shoot brown people!
Trump's presidency is by accident. if your presidency comes by accident, you will do the things President Trump is doing.
While what you say might be true ,,who will be next ? The nastiest lying pos you can find to follow the idiot in our WH now?
Trump's not a financial genius, Trump's not a great dealmaker, Trump's not a self-made billionaire, he's a damn tax cheat
edward, do you mean Breitbart? Here are headlines there!

Ex-Boyfriend Says Dr. Ford Coached Friend for Polygraph, Had No Fear of Flying

A man who dated Brett Kavanaugh’s primary accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, for six years claims she had no fear of flying, no fear of small spaces or rooms with single exits, and once used her psychology training to prepare a friend for a polygraph examination, according to a Tuesday Fox News report.

…Trump Mocks Kavanaugh Accuser Christine ‘Don’t Remember’ Ford…

…Watch: ‘We Want Kavanaugh!’ Chant Erupts at Trump’s Mississippi Rally

....WH Smashes NY Times for Story on Fred Trump’s Taxes

Breitbart News Network
Wait till Mueller gets through with Trump He'll be crying like a baby
Mueller is done.
edward, do you mean Breitbart? Here are headlines there!

Ex-Boyfriend Says Dr. Ford Coached Friend for Polygraph, Had No Fear of Flying

A man who dated Brett Kavanaugh’s primary accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, for six years claims she had no fear of flying, no fear of small spaces or rooms with single exits, and once used her psychology training to prepare a friend for a polygraph examination, according to a Tuesday Fox News report.

…Trump Mocks Kavanaugh Accuser Christine ‘Don’t Remember’ Ford…

…Watch: ‘We Want Kavanaugh!’ Chant Erupts at Trump’s Mississippi Rally

....WH Smashes NY Times for Story on Fred Trump’s Taxes

Breitbart News Network
Wait till Mueller gets through with Trump He'll be crying like a baby
Mueller is done.
Now that is REALLY funny Can you really be that thick supporting trump the liar the cheat the thief? Have you no decency?
Trump lied to the American people. Remember when he said his father gave him one million dollars & that was it.

'The lying fuck had that million by the time he was 8 years old. He had a pile of money by the time he graduated high school. All given to him by his father.

It also reveals how Trump tried to cheat his siblings out of money.

Trump is and has always been a fraud & business cheat.

Working people work hard to pay their taxes. Trump is one of those who use gimmicks & lies to lessen paying his share. He fucked this country out of millions of dollars. Who had to make up for that? We did.

Yet his supporters will refuse to believe it. Not their Donald. Noooooooi.

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